

Most of us are but shadows of our real selves and as consciousness levels continue to rise, you will learn more about your real selves. You are far greater than you imagine or are even prepared to believe, but the truth will “feel” right as deep down you know the real you is a Being of Light. Whilst in the lower dimensions you have been acting from a limited consciousness, but it is now expanding due to the higher vibrations.
The reality is that you are on your journey back to your higher state of being.

-A Multidimensional Message-


Reality, Awareness - Freedom
Spiritual/Ethical Perfection / Self Realization

Religion and the Modern Temper
Religion is not a dogma or a comfortable fancy or a hobby of a
certain group of people. Religion is the expression of the uni-
versal impulse which none can resist. Every person thinks dif-
ferently, and yet, thinks towards the one Supreme Being.
Differences are in the roads and the ladders not in the city
reached or the roof climbed over. lt is the human aspiration, but not the subhuman propensity, that ravages the very values of life through contempt for alien temperaments and hatred towards other inhabitants of the earth, ultimately resulting in religious wars, poverty, grief anci restlessness: Modern civilisation despises religion, because it understands by religion an outburst of the irrational spirit. Far from it! Religion is the Light that enlivens the most rational life, the manifestation of the eternal glow of intelligence, that peeps through even the mightiest genius of the world. There can be no civilisation without religion, and there is no worth in religion, if it is destltute of spirituality.There is no Asiatic or American or European, Hindu or Christian or Muslim, but there are sons of God, worshipping Him in the Temple of the Universe.
The Central Theme of Real Religions
There can be no sense in thinking that one can be happy after
denying God, condemning religion, overriding ethics and mo-
rality, and sheerly by directing powers against others. The
faces drenched by tears, and the stomachs, scorched by hun-
ger, shall bear witness to the criminality of the hands, which
have upset the peace of the world. Peace is theirs, who see
themselves in all. Those who disrupt the happiness of others
cannot be happy. Woe is experienced as a reaction against the
woe, that is given to others. Joy is the fruit of joy, given to others. "Do unto others as you wish to be done by."
A Definition of Real Religion
Religion is faith for knowing and worshipping God. lt is not a
matter for discussion on a club-table. lt is the perception of the true Self. lt is the fulfilment of the deepest craving in man. Hold religion as the goal of your life. Live every moment of your life for its realisation. Life without religion is real death.
Real religion is a process of living in God. Religion is not
merely a little prayer a man raises when he suffers from severe intestinal colic or chronic dysentery. lt is preeminently a life of goodness and service, purity and meditation.
The Religion of the Heart
The only basis of the true and lasting unity of all humanity is the religion of the heart. Religion of the heart is the religion of love. Men can be unified only, if they are free from jealousy, hatred and petty-mindedness. Purify your heart first. Meet hatred with love, with goodwill. The essence of religion lies in the immediate experience of the Divine. Man becomes God through discipline, self-restraint, cultivation of fellowship, selfless service, devotion and meditation. Religion is assiduous spiritual practice and Self-realisation.
The Essential Unity of all Religions
The plurality of "Faiths" will transform itself into one Universal Faith in the eyes of one, who has purified his vision through faith in the fundamentals of his own religion, and who has diligently endeavoured to attain the goal, set before him, by the founder of his own religion. Differences are superficial; the Essential is one and the same in all religions. All the Prophets have alluded to the same God in different terms.
One religion is as good as another. One road to the Su-
preme is as good as any other road. Cows have different
colours, but the colour of milk is one. There are different kinds
of roses, but the scent is one. Religion is one, but many are the forms of its practice. Diversity is the order of creation. Religion is no exception to it.
Wisdom Behind Religious Observances
The Seers of yore have foreseen the inability of the common
man to apply himself fully and perfectly to Sadhana for
God-realisation. Besides the daily duties, which he has to dis-
charge as a human being, he has also to answer the eternal
call of the Divine Truth, which is hidden in him. To this end the
Rishis direct man by calling upon him to devote himself fully to such worship on special days like Sivaratri, which are psychologically and astronomically conducive to his spiritual growth.
Religion Consummates Ethics and Sociology
Where the spirit of selfless service is concerned, religion meets moral philosophy and sociology, for the first posits, that the one Divine Self alone pervades all existence. Hence every piece of service, rendered to others, amounts to benefit, conferred on ourselves. The more this sublime basis of human action is recognised and adopted, the more rapid will be man's evolution towards perfection and divinisation. Religion is the real foundation of society, the source of all goodness and happiness, the basis of virtue and prosperity of the individual, and through the individual of all humanity. Civilisation, law, order, morality and all that elevates man and gives peace to the world, are the fruits of the practice of religion.
The Religion of Religions
A universal joy-infusing power of Absolute Religion should take possession of the hearts of all. There is no other purpose in life, if it is not to attain the absolute Perfection, Peace and Joy of the Eternal Being, which all seek, directly or indirectly, and which can be had only, when people understand, that all conceptions of God are aspects of the One Supreme, immortal, Divine Presence, and that all forms of religion are the aspects of the Great Way to That One Truth. The proper knowledge of this fact shall correct all errors of life and show the method of bringing peace to the world, of making humanity perfect.
Unity of Religions
Imagine a pure white canvas, on which is drawn a beautiful
evening scenery of a group of pilgrims sitting around a blazing
fire by the side of a forest stream. How absurd, would you think, if the water in the picture felt hostile to the fire, drawn thereon. For you know that these two factors are just a trick of a little paint and oil. Beneath it you find the one common canvas, pure and permanent. Rays of one Divine Light! Dwell for ever in the loving awareness of this sweet and glorious unity that throbs in the spiritual heart of the entire mankind. You will be helping invaluable in the noble cause of human solidarity if you will pledge yourself to feel this oneness, assert and manifest this oneness, and propagate and spread this message of unity.
Sri Sivananda


What is Religion?
Religion is the very foundation of civilisation in all its aspects. It is an applied science that takes man to his highest goal. Religion comprises of non-injury, self-control and austerity.
Religion tries to bring you to God and to make you divine. Its purpose is to release the ultimate values of life - the transcendental - truth, beauty, goodness and love.
Religion is a dynamic force. It is both the science and the art of life. Religion is not merely life transcending, it is life transforming. It is a process of purification and transformation.
Know thyself and be free. Religion teaches tolerance and peace. Religion is essentially an eternal going out in search of completeness, fullness, and wholesomeness.
Believe in the existence of God and life hereafter. Believe in right conduct, unconditional surrender to God, meditation and union with God. These are all the essentials of religion. The union of the individual soul with the divine soul, the lover with the beloved - this is true religion.
Religion lays down the laws of life. Religion teaches us how to live a divine life. Man cannot progress spiritually without religion, just as a tree cannot grow without manure and water. Religion is the support that helps us to climb the steep and narrow ladder of emancipation. It is the most important factor that helps the earnest student to understand the principles of oneness - the oneness of life and universal love.
We can attain eternal bliss, immortality and everlasting peace by attaining God-realisation. All religions admit this, unanimously. This is essential to all religions.
To realise God, one should develop universal love; one should have ethical perfection, self-restraint, the spirit of self-sacrifice, good conduct, devotion to saints and to God. One should study the holy scriptures and have perfect faith in the existence of God, in the scriptures and in the words of the guru. All religions admit this unanimously. This is essential to all religions.

Sivananda Daily Reading

Essentials Are the Same
The essentials or fundamentals of all religions are the same. Only non-essentials differ. 'The Noble Eightfold Path' corresponds to 'The Sermon on the Mount' of Lord Jesus, and to the practice of sadachara (right conduct) of the Hindus. Every religion shows the correct path to God-realisation.
Every religion emphatically declares: "One can attain eternal bliss, immortality (God-realisation). To do this one must speak the truth, observe purity or self-restraint, love others, and practise concentration and meditation."
An intolerant man cannot attain God-realisation. As his intellect becomes clouded on account of intolerance, he cannot grasp the truth. All prophets are the messengers of God. They are great yogis who have divine intuitive perception of God. Their words are infallible and sacred.
Had it not been for these prophets and their writings, there would be no hope for the salvation and betterment of man. Each prophet helped mankind by the dissemination of knowledge and the founding of the religion which would be most suited to the people amongst whom they flourished. Glory to these prophets and their writings. May their blessings be upon you all!
Beloved Friends! Behold the unity or oneness of all religions. He who knows the truth, who has grasped the essence of all religions, will never again enter into heated debates.
Realise your identity and intimate relationship with all beings - with ants and dogs, with elephants and tigers, with Muslims and Jews, with Hindus and Christians. There is only a degree of difference in manifestation or expression. All forms belong to God or Saguna Brahman.
May you all live happily, with one heart! May you all understand the essential unity of all religions! May the blessings of all the founders of all the religions be upon you! May you all attain God-realisation in this very life!
Om Peace! Om Peace! Om Peace!


Sivananda Daily Reading

Who is God?
God is the source of all light. God is the source of everything. He upholds the earth and the heavens. 
God is spirit. God is love. God is the source of all. God is the destroyer of ignorance. God is beyond all understanding.
God is the remover of all calamities. God is the granter of all prosperity. To the unenlightened man who depends on his senses for all final judgments, God remains unknown and therefore non-existent.
God is the one source of every action and every movement. God is the sustainer of all, the giver of all good and the bestower of all blessings. God is the eternal amongst fleeting things. He is the one in the midst of many. He is absolute consciousness.
God is the fulfiller of the desires of every man. The Lord is all effulgence, divine, the fulfiller of desires and the granter of insight and intuition.
Who is God? God is God. He who is universal consciousness, who is eternal, who himself witnesses all that passes in every heart, who exists immutably throughout the universe and who is ever free, independent and immortal is God.
Where is God? In his own glory. Seek him there. God has form and he is formless too. The Lord reveals himself even in a single leaf, in a blade of grass, in a drop of water.
God reveals himself only to the pure, the humble and the simple. He is the first and the last, the manifest, and the hidden. God cannot be defined. He has to be felt, seen, realised and lived in.
Religion is the link between God and man. Every religion establishes a relation between man and God. Religion should give shelter even to the worst type of sinner. It must be perfectly tolerant, broad minded and catholic.
The essence of religion is love. There is only one religion and that is the religion of love divine, which transcends all creeds and all scriptures. Behold the one essence in all. Love all.


When the lust for life ceases, no further rebirth will take place. One power works through all hands, sees through all eyes and hears through all ears. All humanity is one in substance. The same flesh and the same blood form the body of an American, an Englishman, an African and an Indian. The instincts and longings are common to all creatures. This indicates the oneness of all forms of life.
Experiments have revealed life in stone, in wood and in minerals. They have established the unity of consciousness or the unity of all life. Prana (energy) is the driving power of the world. Force is energy. Spiritual force is the saving power. It is the greatest of all forces. It can control all physical and mental forces.
Physical science is objective and hence cannot lead to absolute truth. There is a soul behind mind and nature and will. Soul is the divine essence. The conception of the unity of God is the pivot around which all other doctrines revolve. No religion, no nation, no scheme or reform, nor plan for the future of the world, will endure if it is not based on genuine faith in God. We all belong to one and the same family, to one and the same house, that of the Supreme Lord - the creator, the nourisher and the sustainer.
- - -
When you look at a tree or a shrub, a Sikh or a Muslim, endeavour to behold, behind the veil of form, the real hidden consciousness. If you do this for some time, you will feel inexpressible joy. All hatred will cease. You will develop cosmic love, or unity of consciousness. This will be a magnanimous experience


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See 'Only the Good in All, Tolerate / Unconditional Love / Selfless Service / Be Cheerful

Perfection & Love is your Natural vibration.


Truth Beauty Goodness 2 All


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