2-15-15 Religion et al


When you know you are part of the Divine plan, you stop demanding, you know everything is being done for you and you are being taken care of. Sri Sri


Sivananda Daily Reading

14 February

Posted: 13 Feb 2015 02:13 AM PST

What is Religion?
Religion is the very foundation of civilisation in all its aspects. It is an applied science that takes man to his highest goal. Religion comprises of non-injury, self-control and austerity.
Religion tries to bring you to God and to make you divine. Its purpose is to release the ultimate values of life - the transcendental - truth, beauty, goodness and love.
Religion is a dynamic force. It is both the science and the art of life. Religion is not merely life transcending, it is life transforming. It is a process of purification and transformation.
Know thyself and be free. Religion teaches tolerance and peace. Religion is essentially an eternal going out in search of completeness, fullness, and wholesomeness.
Believe in the existence of God and life hereafter. Believe in right conduct, unconditional surrender to God, meditation and union with God. These are all the essentials of religion. The union of the individual soul with the divine soul, the lover with the beloved - this is true religion.
Religion lays down the laws of life. Religion teaches us how to live a divine life. Man cannot progress spiritually without religion, just as a tree cannot grow without manure and water. Religion is the support that helps us to climb the steep and narrow ladder of emancipation. It is the most important factor that helps the earnest student to understand the principles of oneness - the oneness of life and universal love.
We can attain eternal bliss, immortality and everlasting peace by attaining God-realisation. All religions admit this, unanimously. This is essential to all religions.
To realise God, one should develop universal love; one should have ethical perfection, self-restraint, the spirit of self-sacrifice, good conduct, devotion to saints and to God. One should study the holy scriptures and have perfect faith in the existence of God, in the scriptures and in the words of the guru. All religions admit this unanimously. This is essential to all religions.

Sivananda Daily Reading

15 February

Posted: 14 Feb 2015 02:14 AM PST

Essentials Are the Same
The essentials or fundamentals of all religions are the same. Only non-essentials differ. 'The Noble Eightfold Path' corresponds to 'The Sermon on the Mount' of Lord Jesus, and to the practice of sadachara (right conduct) of the Hindus. Every religion shows the correct path to God-realisation.
Every religion emphatically declares: "One can attain eternal bliss, immortality (God-realisation). To do this one must speak the truth, observe purity or self-restraint, love others, and practise concentration and meditation."
An intolerant man cannot attain God-realisation. As his intellect becomes clouded on account of intolerance, he cannot grasp the truth. All prophets are the messengers of God. They are great yogis who have divine intuitive perception of God. Their words are infallible and sacred.
Had it not been for these prophets and their writings, there would be no hope for the salvation and betterment of man. Each prophet helped mankind by the dissemination of knowledge and the founding of the religion which would be most suited to the people amongst whom they flourished. Glory to these prophets and their writings. May their blessings be upon you all!
Beloved Friends! Behold the unity or oneness of all religions. He who knows the truth, who has grasped the essence of all religions, will never again enter into heated debates.
Realise your identity and intimate relationship with all beings - with ants and dogs, with elephants and tigers, with Muslims and Jews, with Hindus and Christians. There is only a degree of difference in manifestation or expression. All forms belong to God or Saguna Brahman.
May you all live happily, with one heart! May you all understand the essential unity of all religions! May the blessings of all the founders of all the religions be upon you! May you all attain God-realisation in this very life!
Om Peace! Om Peace! Om Peace!


Sivananda Daily Reading

13 February

Posted: 11 Feb 2015 10:00 PM PST

Who is God?
God is the source of all light. God is the source of everything. He upholds the earth and the heavens. 
God is spirit. God is love. God is the source of all. God is the destroyer of ignorance. God is beyond all understanding.
God is the remover of all calamities. God is the granter of all prosperity. To the unenlightened man who depends on his senses for all final judgments, God remains unknown and therefore non-existent.
God is the one source of every action and every movement. God is the sustainer of all, the giver of all good and the bestower of all blessings. God is the eternal amongst fleeting things. He is the one in the midst of many. He is absolute consciousness.
God is the fulfiller of the desires of every man. The Lord is all effulgence, divine, the fulfiller of desires and the granter of insight and intuition.
Who is God? God is God. He who is universal consciousness, who is eternal, who himself witnesses all that passes in every heart, who exists immutably throughout the universe and who is ever free, independent and immortal is God.
Where is God? In his own glory. Seek him there. God has form and he is formless too. The Lord reveals himself even in a single leaf, in a blade of grass, in a drop of water.
God reveals himself only to the pure, the humble and the simple. He is the first and the last, the manifest, and the hidden. God cannot be defined. He has to be felt, seen, realised and lived in.
Religion is the link between God and man. Every religion establishes a relation between man and God. Religion should give shelter even to the worst type of sinner. It must be perfectly tolerant, broad minded and catholic.
The essence of religion is love. There is only one religion and that is the religion of love divine, which transcends all creeds and all scriptures. Behold the one essence in all. Love all.


When the lust for life ceases, no further rebirth will take place. One power works through all hands, sees through all eyes and hears through all ears. All humanity is one in substance. The same flesh and the same blood form the body of an American, an Englishman, an African and an Indian. The instincts and longings are common to all creatures. This indicates the oneness of all forms of life.
Experiments have revealed life in stone, in wood and in minerals. They have established the unity of consciousness or the unity of all life. Prana (energy) is the driving power of the world. Force is energy. Spiritual force is the saving power. It is the greatest of all forces. It can control all physical and mental forces.
Physical science is objective and hence cannot lead to absolute truth. There is a soul behind mind and nature and will. Soul is the divine essence. The conception of the unity of God is the pivot around which all other doctrines revolve. No religion, no nation, no scheme or reform, nor plan for the future of the world, will endure if it is not based on genuine faith in God. We all belong to one and the same family, to one and the same house, that of the Supreme Lord - the creator, the nourisher and the sustainer.
- - -
When you look at a tree or a shrub, a Sikh or a Muslim, endeavour to behold, behind the veil of form, the real hidden consciousness. If you do this for some time, you will feel inexpressible joy. All hatred will cease. You will develop cosmic love, or unity of consciousness. This will be a magnanimous experience



FEBRUARY 15, 2015

Greetings once again from the Arcturian Group. We wish to speak of transformation, a seemingly simple topic, but one that is important to the understanding of truth. Transformation flows through and as an individual when he awakens out of the dream. It manifests as the ability to "see with new eyes and hear with new ears" while in the midst of duality and separation. Transformation allows one to recognize whatever false concepts and beliefs he may still hold and replace them with truth. It brings the ability to say; "I was wrong."

Those unable to allow transformation, delay their ascension into a consciousness of higher dimensional energy. Fear of change acts to support the continuation of third dimensional concepts and beliefs. Many who resist change are in positions as world "leaders" who acquaint any sort of transformation with loss--loss of their personal power and wealth. Because of their leadership positions, they often attract followers who blindly accept whatever these so called "leaders" believe, giving away personal power in the process.

You are now at the point in your spiritual journey dear ones, where you must acknowledge and reclaim your innate power. Many of you have done this already, having attained this state of consciousness in other lifetimes, entering into this lifetime with this state of consciousness already in place.

Never fear to say; "Enough is enough, I no longer choose to live, act, be, or think in old outdated concepts of separation". Some of you may have already discovered that there willable those who are offended by this. Friends may drop away, but be not afraid if this happens dear ones, for energy seeks its own and will soon draw to you those of your resonance.

We speak of transformation now because you are very close to seeing transformation take place. Much is to be revealed and you must be prepared both within and without for you will be the ones called upon to assist those in fear, unable to let go of their old and comfortable ways of understanding the world. Mankind is no longer being allowed lazily float from one day to the next believing that the government, church , parent, friend, or society in general will take care of everything for them. You are the consciousness and thus substance of the outer world and things are quickly changing.

It is time to claim your identity as Divine Beings who chose to learn and assist others within third dimensional energy. Allow the process. For some, allowing the process may simply mean becoming be-ers instead of do-ers--allowing themselves to be still and at rest, going within often while old energies surface and clear. Others may find themselves being guided to stand up and be counted in some way.

Transformation is a surrender, the ability to open oneself to change. Surrender is not the giving up of self to some unknown "pie in the sky God" concept. Spiritual surrender is the natural result of having clear understanding of what one is surrendering to--Truth. It begins with a strong inner drive to begin a quest for truth which can take many many paths, but which eventually leads to discovering IT within. This process cannot be avoided for it is who you are.

There are many who "suspect" the deeper truths but refuse to embrace them, choosing instead to believe that others more "holy" or intelligent, know more than they do. No dear ones, all have the Divine Voice within, it is simply a matter of acknowledging, listening, and trusting. The time is now.

Valentine's Day!

Yes, we are aware of your customs and we join with you for is it not a day that celebrates love? Love is all there is, for ONE can never be divided. It is only the belief that One can be divided (separation) that has resulted in the outward manifestations of war, discord, suffering, lack, limitation etc.

Valentine's Day celebrates the romantic/partnership facet of Divine Love. There are teachings that preach the "ungodliness" of romantic love and that in order to be "holy" you must forgo romantic connections. Nonsense, this is a part of the same teachings saying that you must suffer in order to be "holy". These are man created beliefs with no spiritual law to support them.

However, romantic love must be understood on deeper levels if it is to "work", and this is the missing element of so many human relationships. Attraction between two people does not always mean you are meant to marry or establish an intimate relationship with them. Attraction often occurs as the result of past life connections and frequently happens with someone you intuitively know would not be a good partner for you.

When two people with an intense past life history meet (male/male, female/female,or male/female) there can be either instant attraction or instant repulsion. Many gay couples have been together in other lifetimes as heterosexuals. Connections do not end with death, for you are consciousness, not just physical bodies.

Marriage or committed relationships often happen as the result of pre-birth choices by both parties for the purpose of resolving some unfinished past life issues which may or may not have began as romantic partnerships. Often those energies needing to be cleared have their origin in ancient roles lived as mother/child, father/child, friend/friend, servant/master etc. Present life relationships can provide an easy path in which to bring closure. This is often the case in those relationships where one or both wonder; "Why did I marry this person?"

Always look deeper dear ones, there really are no accidents at this point. Look into what you are learning or meant to learn from every situation. Karmic closure can take place even if only one person desires it. If he/she is able to recognize the other as an un-awakened Divine being and also chooses to no longer live within an energy of judgement and hatred (which simply serves to feed the karmic situation) then they have reached that place of unconditional love and there is karmic resolution. An individual can now leave the situation if they choose, knowing that it is finished.

Sometimes two people are intensely attracted to each other on all levels, but for some reason this never unfolds into a relationship. This happens with some who choose in their pre-birth planning not to be with each other in this lifetime. They understand that intense past life connections and love would not allow them to seek and spiritually grow into their own awareness and power if they were together--they would be content to simply be together.

Romantic love must be rooted and grounded in real love or it is simply animal attraction which sadly many consider to be real love. This concept of love is promoted heavily in all areas of media-film, books, TV shows, magazines, advertising, etc. and particularly on Valentine's Day.

The wise know that sexual attraction alone is not love but is a facet of it, one of the "added" things. Sexual attraction by itself is based in the human need to propagate the species which can be accomplished without love. Intimacy based only in sexual attraction never carries the intense and deep energetic connection and fulfillment that is possible when both are of a consciousness that sees beyond appearances to the deeper realities shining through the other's eyes.

Love relationships are never dependent upon how the other looks or dresses and it is fruitless and very human to attempt to mold someone into your concept of the perfect partner. Healthy relationships have similar energy resonance and those in them have close world views but do not necessarily think and believe exactly as each other because all are here to learn and grow according to their individual need.

Two well matched individuals be it friends or partners, have attained similar states of consciousness. Observe those living out from un-awakened states of consciousness who enjoy relationships of fights, cheating, anger, angst, and make-ups-- they are both on the same energetic wave length so to speak--it is their state of consciousness, their concept of how relationships work.

There may be a time when you are tempted to enter in to the lower awareness level of another because of attraction and desire for this person. Although certainly allowed by free will, it can never result in the happy outcome desired but instead usually ends in heartbreak after a quick, short, intense time together. One simply cannot go backward to outgrown states of consciousness no matter how appealing doing this may seem.

Misconceptions abound regarding love and partnering. Governments, religions, families, and friends continually spew that love is only valid if it meets their often very narrow concepts. The partner must be of a certain color, gender, education, financial status, or other acceptable trait. Love is the experience of One self manifesting as the many. Love never has been and never will be dependent on mankind's concepts.

There comes a point at which an individual no longer "needs a relationship" in order to feel complete, happy, and whole because they have attained a consciousness of spiritual wholeness and completeness. They have discovered their twin flame to be within, and being in relationship now becomes a personal choice.

Happy relationships only happen when each understands and accepts their own true worth and power because then there is no longer the need for outside validation. Unawareness of one's true identity causes the un-awakened to seek their completeness from outside of themselves. "If I am married to this good looking, rich, smart person, then I must be loveable and valuable".

Many still carry old cellular memory from times when being in a partnership may of been the only way to avoid death or starvation and this is often reflected in those who jump from one partnership to another never allowing themselves to be alone. Recognize and allow these old cellular memories to clear if you suspect them in yourselves.

As you grow stronger within, you will look back at past failed attempts at romance and laugh, saying; "Thank you dear God for saving me from this relationship." even though at the time you may of been heartbroken and hurting. The human mind is programmed to world concepts of romance and sex and responds thusly until you teach it differently.

If having a life partner represents completeness for you, you will draw this to yourself without thought and struggle because it will be the natural manifestation of your state of consciousness, your realization of spiritual completeness. Being alone may represent completeness for some.

True, deep, and lasting relationships do include romance, great sex, and all that the rigid, structured, Puritan state of consciousness deemed unholy, but these are now recognized as being the added things.

We the Arcturian Group send love, joy, fun, and awareness to you all for Valentine's Day.



MARY MAGDALENE: The Importance of Asking

Image by Neo Luna

Image by Neo Luna

An Excerpt From
By Mercedes Kirkel


Mary Magdalene: When you feel pain, turn to God. You may need a spiritual friend to help you in that moment if it is too hard for you to turn in the midst of pain. It is a good time to call on your strongest spiritual friend who will help you turn to God.


However you do it, through prayer or asking for help from another or meditating, turn to God first. Ask God to help you. Ask all your angels, Spirit helpers, and beings of light you’re connected to, to help you. Ask them to work with the situation. Ask them to connect with the Christ consciousness of the other people involved and to help you connect with Christ consciousness. Ask your Spirit helpers to connect with the Spirit helpers of any other beings involved. Ask for the highest outcome for all involved. Ask that, “Thy will be done,” which is a way of inviting the highest beings to be involved for the good of all. Ask that Christ consciousness be infused into the situation and that it alter the events in whatever way is for the best for all. Ask until you feel yourself let go. That is surrender. You will know it because you come to peace.


Ask to be guided as to what you should do. Then your actions will come from your connection to Christ consciousness, from your surrender and peace. You may do things you would never have thought of otherwise because your creativity has been opened up through your connection to Source. You are being infused with higher ideas. You might be guided to do what you would have done before you turned to God, but you will be doing it from a different place, from a place of peace and surrender.


Do this as often as you need to when you are in pain—physical pain or emotional pain. You might feel the surrender and peace for a while and then slip back into your old way of thinking—fearing the pain and worrying about what’s going to happen, perhaps feeling angry about what you think are the causes of the pain, maybe even angry about life or angry at God. “It’s not fair. Why me? What did I do to deserve this?” And so on. All of that is a sign that you’ve slipped back into your little mind, where you’re not connected to God. Then you need to take another step: go back to prayer, to meditation, to asking for help from someone stronger in that moment, to asking for help from God.


Asking is so important. We respect your free will. Even though we want to help you, we will not step in until you ask. We ask the same of you with others. Respect their free will. . . . Free choice is a divine attribute that you on Earth have been given, and respecting it is part of being aligned to the Divine. . . .


You are not alone. You are never alone. This is the greatest challenge for human beings to learn. It is the challenge of having been born as a seemingly separate individual. We are here with you always. Just call upon us, and we are here. We are powerful and we are for your highest good.


I love you, and my heart is with you.

I AM Mary Magdalene


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5196 Claim Joy, February 15, 2015

God said:

What you see is what you get. You already know this. See beauty in the world, and your world is beautiful. See trouble, and you see and have trouble.

As it is, in the world, you may say that no one misses out on trouble. Who can argue this? Nevertheless, someone in straits worse than yours may be happier than you. What you see is what you have.

Your happiness in life comes from more than your situation and the conditions under which you live. It would seem that your happiness comes from more like your conditioning and certain habits you have fallen into. What are you looking for? Are you looking for the past to repeat itself, or are you looking forward to something more, maybe even entirely new. Knock on the door before you that says Happiness.

Happiness comes from deeper than the events in your life. As in music, there are many tones played in life. Now the question is: What do you major in? Where do you spend your time and thought? on the high notes or the low notes? on the drums or the clanging or overtures and crescendos? You do have a choice of what music you play and your emphases on the life you live.

You can go to the opera or a jazz club. You can choose where you spend your thoughts, and your thoughts add up to your life. The quality of your life amounts to your thoughts. Your life is tragic when you say it is. Your life is beautiful when you say it is. Life can certainly give you joy. Claim joy more than you claim heartache.

You can focus on mosquitoes and gnats and flies that bug you. You can focus on a sunrise, the blue of the sky, and life unfolding. It is your choice. You can count your blessings, or discount them and, thus, discount your life. How you personally feel about your life is the sum-total of your life. There it is. I have said it. What you think of your life is what it is.

You can be poor and have a happy life. You can be a rich man and suffer extremely. You can be healthy and unhappy. You can be sick and still have happiness. This is what free will means, that you have choices. Willy-nilly, you make your choices. You may foist responsibility for your choices on the past and on other people, yet ultimately all the choices you make are yours to make. Make them.

You are the surveyor of your life. You can uplift life or you can badmouth it.

Much of the time you are not really thinking of the choices you make. You make them habitually, even automatically.

It has been said before. You can focus on the weeds, or you can focus on the daisies. You can love the dandelions even in your front yard. You can love mud. When you were a kid, you loved to stomp in mud.

When something in your life seems to be taken away from you, you might well begin to value it more than your habit allowed. It could be safe to say that it’s a good idea to appreciate now while you have what you have. This is counting your blessings. Perhaps you have been counting flaws. It is so easy to point out flaws. Make it easy to point out blessings. Point them out to yourself. Count your blessings on your fingers and your toes and do it again. Make light of flaws. Acknowledge a long line-up of your blessings and say, “Thank You, God.”


Alabama, US of A.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “True Greatness”

Received by Oscar.

Thought Adjuster:
“Human beings often consider things that have no eternal value to actually be great. When you consider the value of a person’s life, think about what will be the eternal implications of his or her life? What did he or she do for humanity? How did that person contribute to elevate the spiritual level of his or her peers? This is the main question you should ask when considering someone’s legacy.

“Beyond money and material things, a true legacy is something that survives the test of time. The things that today are sold everywhere will be obsolete and out of fashion by tomorrow. The corporations of today that are the most powerful in the world may not be there tomorrow. And if they are, they will very likely be in the hands of others. If what you have done disappears with time then it has no eternal value — real value.

“Now consider the mother of a family in any of the poorer regions of this world. This mother struggles all her life to sustain her children and to offer them the chance of a happy future. She doesn’t want greatness for her children — privileges, honors, exaltation, material wealth — she just tries to keep them alive and healthy until they can fend for themselves. This mother lives her life dedicated to this purpose and years later she dies without anybody other than her family remembering her. After a few generations nobody will know if she ever lived on this planet.

“However, her children will have descendants and they in turn will have descendants. In just 2,000 years — an insignificant number compared to eternity — the descendants of this woman could be more than 2 million people, assuming their descendants double in number every century — a very conservative estimate considering the population of this world has tripled during the last 75 years.

“Two million people will owe their life to the anonymous efforts of this unknown woman. After these considerations, how could you label the life of this woman as insignificant? Maybe this woman also helped others around her while she lived. Maybe this woman also had a job where she helped create products and services that helped others achieve greater things. The impact of a human life is almost impossible to measure from the limited point of view of time, but from eternity, the One who sees the end from the beginning knows perfectly well how valuable and important each one of us really is.

“Do not focus your attention and your efforts in trying to emulate the achievements of those whom the majority considers as important. Right there where you are and with your own resources you can make things that are truly great for the future, just by making an effort to be the best you can aspire to be — the struggle for perfection — and by following the guidance of the Voice of the Father within you, who truly knows the results that your decisions and actions inspired by truth, beauty and goodness can achieve.

“Find your place in the world, do the best you can do within your circle of influence and leave the outcome in the hands of the Father.”

Edited by Linda.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire — ABC-22.


If everything appears meaningless then congratulations to you! You have started on the path. This is the first sign of intelligence, of waking up. Sri Sri




