Your Soul Will Become Free

Deep silence is the mother of creativity. No creativity can come out of one who is too busy, worried, over-ambitious or lethargic.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Urantia, December 15, 2013 (date of transcription). 
Teacher: The Beloved One. 
Subject: “Your Soul Will Become Free in Me.” 

Received by Lytske. 

The Beloved One: “Once more we will tackle the subject of trust. It will often be discussed and frequently be interwoven throughout your lessons. Your trust will be tested through much practice, until you trust Me completely, and allow My advice to be followed, rather than you exercising your own will in your faith-walk with Me. Your trust will one day reach a sublime height, which will signal to Me that you are ready to become one with Me. This is the moment we both are working towards – the culmination of oneness. 

“Faith is faith in word only, when your trust in Me is yet imperfect. And your faith is imperfect when you impose your own will, wants, needs and desires upon Mine. I desire for you to realize that I know all your wants, needs and desires, and your intent as well. 

“The realization that I Am a part of God needs to dawn upon you, and become totally clear in your mind. It is then when you will hand Me the decisions to be made, and trust Me that I will give you the proper and right prompts on how to deal with things. You would otherwise land yourself in situations I would have to extricate you from. 

“Remember when in a situation which provoked you, you lost your cool and you afterwards ended up ashamed of yourself and full of remorse? Well, consider these tests in self-discipline on the way to self-mastery. 

“You need to learn that nothing can vex you, because within you lives One who has the situation well in hand, never mind how dark and perplexing at that moment the world may seem to you through whatever situation you land yourself in. It is in the sublime height of trust in Me where true peace and freedom reign. It is in remaining composed in any situation. Remember at all times that I am with you, so you do not become ‘unglued’ by things that irk you. Become the master of your emotions. Yes, I know that this is not easy, and yes, master them without chemical addictions if at all possible. 

There are different ways and means if temporary relief is needed, like certain herbs and homeopathy, when the going is a little tough at times. Remember to place your trust in Me. Try to rise above situations and see matters from My perspective. Most things which annoy you are related to material things, which are only of short duration. 

Concern yourself more with matters of eternal life, so there will be a balance in all things, and you will be more in harmony with yourself, as your soul becomes free in Me.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22.



Cedomil Vugrincic M.D., Ph.D.
(NATION LIFE Service Sector)

DATE:           January 2, 2014

LOCATION:  Light Line     
T/R:               Gerdean O’Dell

TEACHER:    Midwayer JACK

TOPIC:           Superhuman Efforts of Humble People

Prayer:  Father God and Mother Spirit, this is Gerdean, your mouthpiece for this evening’s Light Line session.  I’d like for you to help me get centered and focused for service to our mission here. Thank you for this venue, for the opportunity to touch base with each other and with you in faith of our relationship and association.  We have some eager and curious minds among us that bring their concerns and their questions as we bring gifts to the Christ child, that he may find pleasure in what we  bring and respond to us in accordance with his good wishes.
Thank you for those who thus serve.  Amen.
0802-AB JACK here.  Good evening, everybody. Welcome to the new year, the new moon, the new attitude that comes to each and all who accept and acknowledge the measurement of time and space as it is understood.  The beginning, the middle and the ending are all the pieces of a story; they are representative of a time and space; they are measurements by which to see your lives reflected.  Many times many of your problems are resolved simply by taking time off to think about something else, to do something different, to shift your values to something closer to home, to remember the parent/child relationship, to suffer the little children, to look back with gladness at your own youth and see that you have lived a worthy life with time to spare.
And so we bring our hopes and dreams and aspirations to the forefront of our lives. What can we do now? What is there yet to be done? What is there time for? What will be presented to us as opportunity? It is exciting for me to see how well you respond to the cycles of life, how really well adapted you are to planetary existence. You do complain a lot; you do have many fears that you need to deal with; but you are always willing to see with new eyes, to maintain hope, to lovingly anticipate, to be open to surprises -- even miracles.   This childlike quality in you is endearing. It is not the same as irresponsibility. And herein is the comparison between childlikeness and childishness. You might observe your own behaviors occasionally and ask yourself if that was childish or childlike and thus give yourself a pop quiz on your own developing character.
There is talk, yes, that the future brings visitations from on high, even though we have been experiencing visitations from on high not just the past 30 years, no, but for thousands of years. Periodically, there are visitors that make their presence known, and more often there are visitors who simply come and do a service to you or other members of humanity and move on without ado … sometimes as fellow mortals, sometimes as invisible celestial heavenly helpers, even midwayers. There are some who hold out hope to see not only the Magisterial Son but the Master Son, the Material Son and Daughter, and Machiventa Melchizedek.  There will not be many who will attempt to squelch your ardor for such an idea because even the angels do not know when the hour of these visitations. Furthermore, it has been reported by many that they have already come, they have already made their appearance here and there, have already done their good works and the work is indeed underway. 
Without having physical manifestations of deity, it is impossible to discern except through the eyes of faith and in the end the eyes of faith are those which will see you through, but in the interim, the mortal eye yearns to rest upon substance that is rightfully theirs as ascending sons, albeit this destiny has been thwarted through revolution and default. Even so, the concerns of a universe are not your concerns; indeed the concerns of planetary government are not yours to deal with. The Council of 24 has their work cut out for them and they are more than qualified to carry forth the instructions and mandates given to them by their founders and facilitators on high. The tasks you have to deal with are those which are sown in your own field, those tasks and chores of your own life that you can handle with and through your own capacities as a mortal man among men … or woman, among believers.
It is entirely possible for you, limited though you may be, to have major impacts on the world in which you live regarding the issues that mean a lot to you. You do them, in fact, as you pass by, as you communicate your opinions and ideas and beliefs through your culture and the technological devices that sponsor your social life, such as the internet, your telephone, cell phone with its many services, the social media, such as Facebook and other lists on the web that connect you with people all over the world. And as you burrow around in there and encounter like-minded people, you manifest your support for some and rebuke others depending upon your instincts or your propensities, even your destiny calling and so there is much going on that involves and includes you, even though you may be sitting back wondering what you can do to serve.
 The fact is you are already serving. The fact that you are serving unconsciously may be beneficial, may be one of those situations in which the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. Sometimes this is better because if you knew what you were doing you would come across as having an agenda and oftentimes those who have an agenda turn off those who might otherwise hear you but would not want to listen to someone who had an agenda. And this is truly part of the experience of a faith child. Believing that you are doing his will even as you simply bungle through your own life doing what you do, year after year, with friends and family, work and holidays, evolving ever onward into enlightenment. 
I see a lot of troubled minds pointing at Fukushima and other hot spots in the world, other areas of dire circumstance. I see a lot of anger at the ignorance that is interfering with the proper flourishing of a world such as this, a beautiful planet with a marvelous ecosystem, being forced to work beyond its capacities making up for the egregious errors in judgment of those who take advantage of the natural resources that really belong to the people.  Such mishandling of power indeed needs to be called out. You are the people. You can help by having meaningful conversations with your neighbors and among yourselves, not merely superficial exchanges or fashionable fund-raisers, but real meetings of the mind on those matters which affect the forward or backward movement of society and the sundry societies of this globe. Not only the one you live in, but the many that constitute global sociology. 
The exciting thing is we have gotten to the point of being five-sevenths of the way there. For those of you who like statistics, you’re over half way there to light and life.  You will be seeing more of the affirmative, and while you will still be seeing plenty of the negative, it will  not be allowed to coast quite as readily as it has in centuries past when the secrets of human supremacy were kept behind closed doors in quiet rooms of deliberation and greasy palms.  The problem is not with economics; there must be some kind of exchange.  But there must be exchange … that cannot all be tied up in the hands of just a few.
The next period of time we’ll be witnessing a big expansion (how do I say this?) of “power to the people” – a more evening out, a more democratic, a leveling, an equalizing mix of humanity involving race, culture, custom, countries, currency, cuisine and all manner of differences that will be stirred into the common cup of global community.  It will cause disruption, it will make people nervous, it will make people angry, but it will also excite great numbers and provide encouragement for countless others, for it is a time of great change – steady, solid, noticeable change. 
Are there any questions? Open the channel there and let the communications between us commence.   Star six[*6] it is.  You just don’t know how to bridge the gap between what you want and what you can do.  You do this by finding something simple and succeeding in it. Once you have succeeded in doing something simple, you will recognize what you have done, how you did it, what the results have been, how it has affected others, and you will be encouraged to try it again, perhaps under other circumstances or with bigger results. It is experiential.
It is so easy for you to stand by and wait for someone else to do it. Even when you are doing it yourself, you can’t seem to realize that you are doing it yourself, for you might trip and fall, stumble over your own feet in recognition of the fact that you are in fact involved in the process of working to uplift humanity … slowly but surely, increment by increment.  Come on. Come in. Let’s talk about it. Have you had an instance lately that you can bring to the table to share? 
Was it a conflict resolution? Was it a matter of teamwork? A joint resolution? Was it a local problem of utilities, a power failure, a fire, a crime in your neighborhood? These are where you can help. This is where you do help. Don’t think it is not enough. Don’t be so humble about your contribution that you negate your worth altogether!  Self-forgetting is certainly a part of the process but you cannot eviscerate yourself completely or you will not be able to see what needs to be done. You need to be involved. You need to care. You need to have a personal investment in the situation. You need to have an emotional connection. It does not need to be the overruling, overpowering impetus, no.  In fact, that much emotion might be detrimental to the project, but [you need] at least enough to be able to relate to the situation.  This is the sociology of humanity. Bringing a spiritual vantage point to humanity is setting up a classroom situation in which those who know will teach those who don’t know. You and each of you will play both roles from time to time. But if you don’t play, it won’t get played out and humanity will continue to sit where it is.
Gary:  Yeah, Jack. This is Gary. You gave us a lot to think about, which is why, I think, nobody interjects the little things that everybody does.  There’s a neighbor of mine and -- I live in this senior housing area and I bring him his mail every day. It’s pretty insignificant, as far as I’m concerned, but I go by it every day to get mine and I make sure I bring his up to him and the example is this past holiday he was angry at his nephew for not bringing him any money so he could buy me a gift and show me his appreciation and I told him I didn’t want any gift, just the fact that he was happy and that I was able to help him a little bit, that’s all I wanted, and he kept telling me how upset he was and how bad he felt that he couldn’t buy me anything and I told him just having him as a neighbor was more than enough.
JACK:  There you see you were put in a position of being a teacher, of teaching this man the truth that in allowing you to give to him, he has given a gift of acceptance. His gift of acceptance is as meaningful as your gift of giving. If you didn’t have someone to accept it, you wouldn’t be able to give it, and when he has the option, he can pass it on. And I’m sure he will, since he has made a point to you of how much he appreciates what you have done for him.
Gary:  It seems like such an insignificant act on my part but he made such a deal about it, I guess that’s what the lesson is about. I don’t do much. I’ve been on disability for 30 years, but I have seen people just acknowledging to others that they exist and they respond to that, and that is more important than being a teacher or … I get confused. I don’t have much communication with my Thought Adjuster. I’ve even bought some of those meditation tapes that you learn to meditate like a Buddhist monk , they say, in a couple of weeks and I constantly listen to those tapes but I still haven’t reached that stillness they talk about. They say T/Ring is so easy but I can’t seem to reach it.  My mind just doesn’t want to stop or slow down. The harder I try to not think of anything, the more my mind runs away with me.
JACK:  Then let it go.  When you are trying to attain stillness and your mind is running, run with it, find out where it wants to take you. Maybe it is trying to show you something. Go with it, let it show you, and if it runs you all over town and hasn’t shown you anything, the next time it wants to pull that prank, you can tell it, “I’m not going! I’m going to just sit here and be still because the last time, you wore me out for nothing!”
You can tell your mind what to do, young man.  You can gain mastery, even over your mind, as Jesus did.  Your spirit, your adjuster, your soul, your will in alignment with deity is stronger than your marvelous mind which is like a monkey … chattering and jabbering constantly, pulling you away from divinity so as to stay in the finite world, clever little thing that it is.
Gary:  That’s the truth.  I still try to combat it, though.
JACK:  So much of self mastery is simple animal training.
Gary:  I’m in pain all the time, too, and I take heavy medications for that pain and I wonder if that is interfering with it.  I wonder if the narcotics interfere.
JACK:  Well, there is a space there between pain and being drugged that provides a balance. You can access divinity in that area, even if it’s only for a brief time. That’s all you need, really; just a few minutes alone with God will make all the difference in the world.  Give yourself the gift of god-consciousness.
Gary:  I appreciate the advice, Jack, and I’ll take it to heart again. I’ve never given up so, no matter what, I can be useful one way or another.
JACK:  Oh, you can be useful. That’s not the issue. But just don’t wait for someone to come along … someone like Monjoronson … to come and instigate the changes that are really already underway.  The changes have been happening all along and increasingly. To put off to tomorrow what is being done today negates the superhuman efforts of today by humble people like yourself. Rejoice in these people who do great things, who reveal God in their lives simply by being themselves as they pass by, as you represent Father God in your ministry to your fellows as you pass by. You know the scripture. If you have given him something to eat, something to drink, if you have visited him in prison, given him something to wear, or brought him his mail, “you have done the same for me” and this is a service.
Gary:  Thank you, Jack. I wish I had more to contribute to what you say.  I’ll think about it.
JACK:  Yes, you are very mental, a very mental guy. Many people are guilty of over analyzing their situation; they are so busy thinking about it, they never experience it, and this is a shame, a travesty.  It is a reward, your own birthright, to experience God in you, around you and for you, at least once in awhile!
It is my New Year’s wish for you and each of you that you begin to recognize the presence of God within you and within others, that you begin to demonstrate his many qualities in others as you pass by and may you see the beauty of his creation every day in many ways,  through mother nature and other means by which goodness and grace are reflected. Your lives are so rich. May you recognize the riches with which you are blessed.
It’s been fun.  Gotta run.  Later!


You’re a Sparkling Star Within a Constellation of Sparklers

by lifetapestrycreations

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Dear Ones,

Even though you will access all there ever was and all there ever will be once you remove your filters of disbelief and doubt, all there ever was is greater now than was true during the earth life of any other Master. You are a shining star within a constellation of stars. You are the sparklers.

There have been several notable earth Masters. But they were isolated forerunners - stars that pointed you in the direction of this New Age. Even though they were bright stars, the former Masters were single entities. You are one of millions of sparkling stars allowing the light to be brighter than the darkness.

Your combined efforts with those of different philosophies and beliefs makes this an exceptionally brilliant evolution in so many ways. Previous earth Masters were most often isolated in their brilliance and love. They gathered others about them because of their love radiance. But once they exited earth, only the memories of their being continued. Some of their messages retained the love they wished to share - some did not. Those messages that did not shifted and changed to meet historical needs.

Such a shift was not terrible, merely appropriate for the times. To thoroughly explore the Old Age, the masses needed to feel and understand fear - and so they did.

With new earth, the opposite is true. All need to have access to new earth messages of love. Not messages designed for the times, but for the Ages, for the Universes. True messages filled with love that will not fade or create arguments of right or wrong as was true for the messages created after former Masters exited earth.

It is not an accident that so many channeled/spiritual/loving messages created minutes ago by your contemporaries are available at the click of a button. Or that the messenger is available for questions and sensory experiences.

All of today's spiritual/new earth messages are correct for those accessing them. Some wish to believe in overtaking the dark forces controlling their beings. Some to believe in aliens in space ships. Those messages are available as are messages about the power of your inner-being, of joy and love. And all are correct for who you are.

The messages will eventually blend into one, but most likely not in this earth lifetime. Such is so for a reason.

Many wanted to be part of this transition - as well as clear issues from past and current lives. Some of those past and current life experiences include creating a fantasy world of what to expect in this New Age. Similar to those who create a personal hell after earth death even though hell is not a reality of the Universes.

Even though you create your own reality, that reality may be tainted by previous beliefs or experiences. That is not to say you or anyone is wrong - merely that you are processing your new earth changes a bit differently than others.

Eventually, all will access the same concepts and memories - but not today.

Allow yourself to process as you need to during this dramatic shift. For by trusting your inner-being, your heart, you will find the information you need for the moment. As you master that piece, another part of the puzzle will appear before you.

At some point in this life, did you not adore an athletic hero only to discover that your hero had performed some misdeed that shifted your thought processes? Do you not accept this as part of life? So it is for you now. Some of you began your new earth shift declaring that such and such was completely accurate - only to change your opinion as you increased your knowledge base.

Perhaps you feel this message creates a quicksand effect for you. To the contrary. Allow yourself to grow and expand. And allow the same for others. Perhaps some of your new earth friends seem limited in their acceptance of this shift. Others seem "way out there." Both are right for who they are and what they are exploring.

Now you wish for us to tell you who is correct and who is making up stories. Neither and both. For indeed, you are all approaching this shift from your perspective and needs.

Maybe you are most interested in physical elements of the shift as you retain Old Age physical beliefs. The result might be non-textbook physical ailments which force/encourage you to look beyond today's medical/homeopathic knowledge base. Or perhaps not. Perhaps you refuse to accept any cure is available - until you do not.

You are part of a sparkling brilliance. But a brilliance approached from your knowledge and interest bases - and willingness to explore. For the more you explore your area(s) of interest, the more your knowledge base will expand.

But then, expansion is not the goal of those of you now on earth.

Your goal was to introduce the new earth. And so you have in a brilliant, dynamic loving way.

Now it is up to you how much you wish to expand personally. Maybe you achieved all you wish to achieve - maybe not. Whatever your intent, you shared your brilliance in such a way that earth is now a sparkling part of the Universes in ways never possible before. You achieved your group goal.

It is up to you how much further you wish to shift. You will know this by the number of new materials you access. 

There is no need to feel more accomplished than others for all are moving at the rate and direction correct for them. Perhaps forcing someone to believe your process will decrease their current earth life experiences and compel them to repeat those processes in another life.

You have no idea what others are exploring or why.

Your only mass connection in this lifetime was introducing new earth. And you all lovingly did so.

Now allow others to move in ways most comfortable for them - whether listening to their inner-being or society. It is their life and their direction.

You do not wish to have others' thoughts and philosophies forced upon you. The same is true for others.

To force someone into your beliefs is to return you to a 3D world of right or wrong according to someone outside yourself. So be it. Amen.


Soul Awakening and Creations By the Celestial White Beings
Channelled through Natalie Glasson-
It is with immense love that we, the Celestial White Beings, step forth to greet you today. We surround you in the love that is
shared with us from the Creator enabling you to boost your own alignment and connection with the Creator.
It is a time of tremendous wonder and magic upon the Earth, there are many meaningful and powerful opportunities
manifesting which will not only allow you to boost your inner power but your belief in the Creator within your being and reality.
As we collectively enter into the new cycle of 2014 much energy emerges from the Creator to be noticed and recognised. This
time is a time of manifestation, fruition and understanding the powerful vehicle that you are in this current reality. You are being
asked to continue to experience the energy of the Creator but to realise that you are aligned with a cosmic vibration which can
only be described as magical. Throughout 2013 you were preparing, synchronising, settling your energies into the new cycle
and era of love, this will continue as you allow yourself to continue  to release old energies and habits but there is a greater
awareness of that which you can manifest and that which you truly manifest as.  You will begin to notice with greater intensity
the link and bridge between your own body, the way that it functions and the reality you experience upon the Earth. This can
become so magnified that you will be able to trace manifestations in your reality back to single thoughts, recognising how you
felt and even how you created the thought, acknowledging the thought form, its birth to its manifestation or fulfilment in your
reality. This powerful recognition which will enhance over the coming years will build a new found faith and acceptance or
confidence in your inner truth, thus encouraging you to awaken and unlock the most sacred treasure within your being.
It is a powerful time upon the Earth now as this is your true new awakening after the preparation of 2013, it is a time to search
within your being to understand that which your soul wishes to manifest, to recognise yourself as your truth and to plan your
journey forward through the planting of powerful focused and energised intentions which flow from the purest source of your
soul. It is time to give permission and space to your soul to step forth and create, weave and set in place structures of light
which will be embedded into your auric field and energy bodies in order to prepare you for the next stages of your ascension.
These energy structures may resemble sacred geometry but they will be the soul anchoring energetically into the physical level
of your being and reality.
It is important to realise that it is now time for the soul to have fun and create from higher dimensions of light within your current
vibration of light and reality. The soul must first anchor more fully as a stage of embodying the soul, becoming an energetic
structure, engraving or form within the physical body and auric field. With the combination of practising the art of intention and
manifestation you are able to awaken a great freedom within your being as you realise that wonderful and miraculous
opportunities can manifest and be experienced within your reality. This belief and experience allows you to break away from 
limitations and attachments especially to the past, creating a wonderful state of being that allows and encourages your soul to 
manifest and create more fully the energies of the higher dimensions through your being and within your reality. The soul
stores within it endless possibilities which can only be accessed and experienced through your ability of manifestation and
your belief in your experience of your own creation. As you exist upon the bridge of understanding, acknowledging and
experiencing your abilities of manifestation you are opening the door to greater limitless and profound possibilities as seeds
of light from your soul enter your mind and are created within your reality for your wondrous experience.
Each focus, each step and alignment to the Creator is a process of freedom on so many levels of your being but also
accesses freedom for your soul, thus allowing you to truly exist in the divine flow of the Creator. With freedom comes limitless
opportunities and experiences which allow you to acknowledge the Creator more fully.  Your soul is preparing for its
awakening and its unification with your entire being. It understands the new stage of your reality you are entering into and
simply asks you to surrender to its light, love and truth. Know that you are not giving your power away through surrendering to
your soul but you are accepting and collecting your power indefinitely to pump it through your entire reality.  Your soul more
than ever is connecting into the great network of light and universe of the Creator, its energies are travelling far and wide in
order to achieve unification and oneness upon the inner planes, with a special focus upon collecting new consciousness. As
you surrender to your soul you are allowing the magical vibrations of your soul and its expanding understanding and
connection with the Creator’s universe to magnify and pour deep into your being, channelling and surging throughout your
being and reality.
With our explanation and your own experiences of this divine time you can identify that powerful shifts of awakening are taking
place not only within your being and reality but for all within the Creator’s universe.
With intentions and the process of manifestation at the top of the list in regards to required focus we encourage you to ask
constantly two questions to yourself, these questions can be phased in a way that is preferable to you but let their core be the
same. It is important to ask yourself constantly,
‘What do I want or what do I wish to manifest now?’
This is to address what you might describe as your physical self, your body, mind, emotions, etc. Then ask yourself the second
‘What does my soul want or what does my soul wish to manifest now?’
This addresses your soul, spirit, higher self, the Creator, in truth all that is your divine self.
You may say to us that you are both your physical form and spiritual form therefore separation is not needed. We wish for you
to begin with this process, notice whether the answers you gain are the same or different, is your soul and physical body in
sync; are your wishes and guidance in harmony and attunement?  If there is a difference between the wishes of your physical
being and soul, allow yourself to contemplate how you will and can bring harmony. Maybe focusing on encouraging your soul
to merge more fully with your physical body would be of service, or imagining the light of your soul integrating. Your goal is for
the answers to be similar therefore you can be certain that when you are addressing yourself and asking for guidance for
yourself you will know and recognise yourself as a united being, integrated and integrating with your soul. There will be no
need to ask questions and guidance of your physical self and spiritual self because you will know with faith, trust and
experience that they are the same. This acknowledgement will grow through your own experience of connecting with your
physical self and your soul self, observing as they merge and become one. Know that you cannot force your soul to merge but
can observe where the guidance, energies, thoughts and emotions are drawn from through this process which will encourage
you to realise and recognise that bridge of freedom where your soul is able to create divine and sacred endless and
magnificent possibilities.
Many of you may share that it is challenging to accept, hear, sense or acknowledge your own guidance, this is a belief from
the past era which simply needs to be disposed of and released, it doesn’t require your focus or your attention but simply a
detachment to the belief. With trust and belief in yourself as a being that is able to receive guidance you are able to break free
of limitations entering further into freedom and expression of the soul.  Through sensing or acknowledging the guidance within
you even if at first it is two different pathways of guidance from your physical being and soul self, you can focus upon creating
intentions that describe that you already experience what you wish and it is magnificent.  Allow yourself first to create two
intentions and watch as over a period of time you begin to create one intention from your united divine self. Maybe instantly or
gradually your soul will step forth forming structures of divine intentions within your being thus raising your energy vibration,
your intuition will also flow in and as the divine flow of the Creator.
With love at this powerful time of awakening,
Celestial White Beings


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4792 Going Beyond, January 7, 2014 

God said: 

It seems you want to know everything. You want to know how and why. You want to know all the connections in life and what makes two and two. It seems you become like a busybody when it comes to the mechanics of life. It is not your mission to figure out all the wherefore’s and why’s of life. You do not require explanations. When it comes to life, it’s more like it’s acceptance that you require. Let your motto be: Move On.

Know when it’s your curiosity. What purpose does having to know serve you? Why, why, why? you ask. Why did a loved one die and in the prime of life? Why did you cut your finger? Well, maybe you do need to know why the car didn’t start. Or, maybe not. Maybe you just need to call someone to come get it started. You mind is meant to be filled with more than answers.

You can’t know everything. You can’t turn the transcendent level of life into facts. It’s a fact that a loved one died – that is, in terms of the world – it’s fact that a loved one died. On a deeper level, no one dies. It is not to be a struggle for you to come to terms with what occurs on the surface level of life. It’s not necessary that you clutter your mind.

On the transcendent level, you have to let go and take to Going Forward. Letting go is a commandment. You do not want to clutter and clog your life. There are matters that you have to move on from.

Beloveds, when you ask Me why this or why that happened, are you perhaps offering Me a reproach? It’s okay if you don’t understand why. What is more important for you to know is to how to deal with that which may well be difficult for you to deal with. Let go of being appalled. Go Beyond.

Have you not on occasion been My inquisitor and put Me on trial? Would you arrest Me and insist that I confess? Confess what, beloveds? I will confess that you do not understand. There is a wide swath between understanding and accepting. Search for understanding is sometimes staying stuck. Acceptance says:

“Okay, I don’t understand. I don’t understand most of life. I realize that I am not to be an accountant of life. I do not have to account for everything and make a system of checks and balances. It’s not my province. It is not in my best interest to make sure that all the T’s are crossed. May I use my God-given energy wisely and well. I have no need to run around in circles. My path is straight, and I go forward. Forward is always the direction I go in. I do not go back and back. Onward I Go.

“Most of my questions are loaded, for I have judged. Who am I to judge?”

Beloveds, nor are you to reproach yourself. There is more to life than reproaching yourself or anyone. Whatever you reproach yourself for, let go of it and not reproach again.

You like to talk about reality in the world. In world reality then, in this world of illusion, everything that occurs may well not be according to your will, nor will everything be according to your understanding. Allow, beloveds, that life does not have to be according to your standards or understanding. You don’t have to protest when life is not just what you want or is opposed to what you want. You have to give life more than an inch. You have to give Me more than an inch. You have to give yourself more than an inch. Give yourself the gift of letting go. Make room for life. Be big-hearted.
