Your Security Lies In: Knowledge Faith Will {Channeled} |
Alabama, US of A,
January 14, 2011. © The 11:11 Progress Group. Please visit:
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations. Summary of Brenda’s October
21, 2012 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at The title of last week’s “Brenda’s
Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for www.LifeTapestryCreations. Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show presents different channeled material than “Brenda’s Blog” even though both might
be about a similar topic. Dear Ones, Your emotions will swirl in the next few
days. Some days you will feel as if you are filled with a sparkling substance and you are capable of anything. Other days
you will feel as if you never left the third dimension. All is well. Perhaps some of you remember your feelings
during the birth process. You did not care if you gave birth as long as the pain stopped - yet within seconds you were joyously
excited about your baby's birth. So it will be for you in the next few days. The emotions you feel will not last for
more than a few minutes or days. But they will be erratic and for some, frightening. Not because those emotions are abnormal,
but because you thought you had moved beyond them. You are, in a sense, running your fingers
up and down a piano keyboard determining if you prefer high notes, low notes or a combination thereof. Even though every lifetime
you lived on earth, you were capable of playing all the notes, at different points in earth history, either high notes/emotions
or low notes/emotions were expected by your society. So you granted yourself very little power when selecting the notes
most comfortable and right for you. And if you did not hit the correct note of the times, you were likely ostracized, physically
injured or thought odd. Perhaps you want to know if high or low
notes are now the notes your should aspire to. Yet another societal thought process. "How should I feel and act in this New
Age?" The New Age is freedom. Freedom from society
and even your own rules and beliefs. Many of you will feel anger this week - perhaps for a few moments, hours or even days.
And as you do, you will chide yourself for not being a better Lightworker; for not being or doing enough to put those "bad"
emotions aside. All emotions are part of your personal
rainbow. In all likelihood, you will eventually feel most comfortable with joy, peace and love. But you cannot know until
you test your personal emotions. We have stated you moved through your
fear and pain lessons. And so you have. But those lessons were in relationship to how you "should" act in your society. The
emotions you are speeding through in the next few days are your personal emotions. Emotions that have not been dictated by
society or "dummied" down by you for whatever reason. They will be raw and free emotions that belong to only you. Think of the birthing process. Perhaps
the new mother in question is a demur, quiet, gentle soul - that is until labor begins. Then her personal pain and fear create
a persona her significant other has never seen, nor quite knows how to interact with. So it will be for you. Not that you will be screaming in pain
or raging at others. But that the emotions you feel in the next few days will not be stifled by what you should feel or created
by environments that are not of your making. Many of you believe you should interact
with other Lightworkers or Wayshowers. Yet not all Lightworkers or Wayshowers feel comfortable to you. To force yourself to
be around them or explore their materials because you feel you should is no different from how you acted in the Old Age. Your emotions are experiencing a full
range of possibilities. Possibilities not tied to your society, or even your expectations - often another cage or limitation.
Your emotions are instead like that of a toddler's, "What happens if I push that or pull this?" You are being born anew. Allow that freedom, that joy in being.
Do not replace the emotional boxes of the Old Age with New Age emotional boxes. We have stressed that joy will be your
ultimate demeanor. That joy is based on your freedom to laugh, cry, be angry and feel sad. You will be joyful because your
emotions no longer need to be sifted by society dictates or personal preferences. New Age freedom is being who you are in
all your glory. It is perfectly acceptable to be angry some days or hours. Just as it is perfectly acceptable to laugh out
loud and run, skip and jump. Does a toddler not cry when they are angry or upset? Have we not told you on many occasions that
you are moving into your second and glorious childhood? Allow yourself to express what you feel.
Allow yourself the freedom to be you. Some days you may be sad because someone
does not wish to play with you. Other days you will be joyously happy because you see the beauty of nature. But now, some of you are putting yourself
in New Age boxes of who and what you should be. To do so is to ignore and deny the very
New Age you are moving into. Anger, fear and pain will not be eliminated from your emotional repertoire - merely less dominant.
But such cannot be if you are afraid to feel them because you believe a true Lightworker cannot feel such emotions. All emotions
remain in your rainbow, repertoire. In the next few days you will run your
emotional fingers up and down the scales to determine which notes feel most comfortable. What if anger is your favorite key? Allow
that to be. You are feeling comfortable with that emotion for a reason. Perhaps it is part of removing your core fear. Perhaps
it is because you have never allowed yourself to truly tap that feeling. Or perhaps you need to do so as a last gasp of something
you no longer wish to explore in depth. Does a two-year-old ask themselves or
others if they should feel an emotion? Or are they just themselves in all their "terrible two" glory? So it is for you. Allow yourself to be, explore and feel
what you need to feel. Trust that your inner-being will lead you to the joy of you in all your glory. You truly are a unique
person - which cannot possible if you believe you should experience only joy. You have left the Old Age. Do not place
yourself in another box labeled New Age. Explore and glory in yourself - with your full range of emotions. So be it. Amen. If you would
like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe
and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription
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Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer
to Heaven. Vastness is greater than the sky and the ocean combined.
Vastness is infinite. It is greater than any Wholeness you can imagine. Vastness is way beyond borders. There is even no horizon
to it that you are unable to see beyond. O Vastness, it is glory, and, yet, it is beyond glory. Vastness is vaster than vast.
All of Earth is but a dot in the field of Vastness, yet no dot is possible within Vastness. We cannot even say that Vastness is huge. The word huge implies a circumference.
There is no circumference to Vastness. There is no enclosure. We cannot even say that Vastness is endless. There can
be no thought of end or endless when it comes to Vastness. Being abuts on Vastness. Beingness is vast. Beingness
suggests a liquid drop of life that contains everything. And, yet, Vastness and Beingness are without content, even though
all the content of life comes from untold Beingness and untold Vastness. Beingness and Vastness are like intransitive verbs in
that they have no objects. They simply are. We could also say that there is a Vastness of Beingness or, We could say, Vastness
is Nothingness, and, yet, the Nothingness is Great. You are Beingness. Oneness is All, and, yet, Oneness
is Nothingness. It cannot be counted. It cannot be walked on. Nothingness is Vastness. Vastness and Beingness, by whatever
name, are beyond Everything. There are times when your heart has experienced Vastness.
Love is vast. You do have a clue as to the Nature of Vastness. You have had hints of it, and, yet, Vastness is greater than
the hints you have had. Vastness is Fullness, and Vastness is also Emptiness. The Emptiness of Fullness is all-embracing.
You do not travel Vastness, yet, wherever you are, you are in Vastness, and yet you are the Vastness of the Vast. You are
beyond Vastness. Within the drop of an Ocean is the Whole Ocean, the
Ocean Entire, the Ocean Complete with no banks to contain the Ocean in. Vastness is without Containment, yet all is contained
within a drop of Vastness. A drop is Vastness Itself, and yet a drop in the ocean is only a drop of the Ocean. It is an inkling
of Ocean. A drop of Ocean does not know its Vastness, and that is all the difference in the world. I, God, am Vastness. You are more than a drop of Vastness,
yet you know it not. You fathom it not. You are not a little pond, and you do not live in a little pond. You live in Vastness
and, yet, have no conception of it. You are the Vastest of the Vast, and you cannot even
conceive it. You have not conceived of Yourself. We could say you are a stranger in a strange land, and yet you are nowhere
but in Vastness. You are never without the Vastness of God. You swirl with Me in the firmament, and, yet, you seem to know
only your feet attached to the ground you walk on. That which is measurable is not you. You are immeasurable.
You are more than the Vastness of ten million Oceans, and, beloveds, the dandelion is no less than you within the hearing
of Vastness. The dandelion is considered a weed, and you may consider
yourself a weed. What is the difference between you and the dandelion? The dandelion is totally attuned to Vastness while
you may make yourself a stranger to it. The birds that sing are more closely attuned to Me. And the lions that roar are more
closely attuned to Me. You are My Great Treasure. You have been granted Free
Will. Along with Free Will comes responsibility. Be aware of the treasure you are and the treasure that all My Children are,
for you are One in the Vastness of Love. Nature of the Mind !! Sri Sri