Your Higher Selves


Archangel Lord Metatron: Working With Your Higher Selves
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
December 3, 2009
Beloved Lightworkers,
I come forth this day to speak to you about the opportunities that are presenting themselves to you during the next few weeks in terms of getting ‘energetic’ help with the integration with your Higher Selves. This is the next step, the next phase of your Ascension journey, Beloved Ones. This is what is transpiring for each of you who have done the work and processing and releasing of all that no longer serves you as Emissaries of Light. This has been a long process for most of you and what is occurring now is an integration that will see you moving ahead in leaps and bounds in your personal and spiritual growth. It requires you to be flexible and willing to follow the dictates of your heart and intuition. It requires from you a sense of adventure and the knowledge that greater things are in store for you. Believe this, Dear Ones, with all your hearts, for the days that are coming forth will fill you in ways that you never dreamed possible.
Many of you are in the process of assimilation and reintegration right now. There has been a lot of downloads of information and activations of your DNA that is occurring and so many of you are finding the going tough to get through and are feeling impatience and want to just get on with it. This is part of the process Dear Ones, the impatience means that your nervous systems are being worked on and so you might be feeling annoyance, impatience and yes, even anger during this process. Forgive yourselves for these feelings for remember that your body is transforming into a body of Light, a Lighter Being, and this is not a ‘normal’ occurrence. Much is transpiring within your bodies at this time, as your feelings and the sensations within your bodies can attest to. Know that your Ascension Team works with you and it is helpful to ask for their assistance each day, at the beginning of each day. A lot of this work also occurs while your physical body is at rest and sleeping for the night, for it is at this time that much can be accomplished while your Soul travels to Temples of Learning and Knowledge and other areas where your Teachers work with you.
This is where the feelings of ‘déjà vu’ come from….the feeling that you have had a conversation before, or that you have been in a place before, or have been with a certain person before…this comes from the plans that your Soul makes while your physical body rests and filters through into everyday consciousness at the appropriate time. Even if you are one that cannot remember your dreams, you still are participating actively in the Higher Realms in the activation of the next step of your journey. Your Soul is never idle and has the entire picture, the Divine Plan that you agreed to manifest before you entered incarnation upon this Planet. Much is worked out and accomplished in this way. So the next time something that you are doing seems so very familiar, this is the reason why. It might be likened to an actor rehearsing the scenes of the next act in a play, if you will. All of you are grand actors upon the stage of Life and are playing a most important role in the evolution of the Earth. All is taken into account and worked out upon the Higher Realms.
So far the energies in 2009 have been putting each Lightworker into a state of constant shifting and moving in order to adapt to the energies and the inner guidance that is coming through. There is a Plan in place for each of you. Most of you know this and it is just a matter of having the patience to follow it through and continue on to the next step. One step at a time creates the overall picture and is easier to assimilate and digest in this way. As a whole, Humanity is very resilient and adaptable and meets the new with equanimity. The great Souls that you indeed are, are in charge and in control and so this is a time to surrender to your Higher Self and the greater Plan for your lives. Many of you are wondering how one might surrender, for it sounds easier than it is to accomplish in your daily life. It is by intent and consciousness, stating that this is what you choose and desire. Once this happens, your Higher Self starts manifesting through your consciousness and through your actions within your daily life. If you are finding yourselves doing things that seems out of the norm of what your old Self would have done, it usually indicates that your Higher Self is in charge and influencing your life in a certain direction. Working with your Higher Self in this way can accomplish integration in a quicker, more harmonious manner and requires awareness on your part. It will be well worth your efforts to make this conscious choice.
I AM Metatron
©2009 Marlene Swetlishoff
