You're A New Kind Of Star

You’re a New Kind of Star

by lifetapestrycreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Dear Ones,

Many of you are familiar with the duality that creates control. If you are a leader, someone or many are not as good as you. Even though that thought is perhaps not that detrimental, the actions involved with maintaining it are.

When informed that you were gods and goddesses, did you not feel a spark of, "I knew I was better than others" floating through your being? Such is so for a reason. For eons, most of you Lightworkers hid your light so you could fit in, become one with those who had not yet incorporated additional segments of their being into their earth body.

Enough of you have now claimed your true being for you to understand that you are one of millions. For some, such is a great disappointment, for others a sense of comradery - even joy. Neither is an accurate description of who you are. You are not less nor more, merely different. That is your new sparkle. Not better than - but different from anyone.

In the past, you wanted to be part of the most successful group. And if you displayed the right characteristics - most often tied to outer-directed power and money - you were considered a leader. You may not have felt like a leader though, for if you had tuned into your totality you would have known that your power, your leadership would last as long as you were able to con people in your group. Deep within, you knew someone would eventually appear more powerful - and that your group would then disperse leaving you alone and distressed wondering what happened to your glory.

Old Age power was fleeting and completely dependent on the thoughts, feelings - most often fear - of those following you.

But those at the top of the Old Age power pyramid seemed so radiant, so right to those of you looking towards them. Granted, they did not necessarily think or act as you would have without them, but they protected you in so many ways - until they did not and you found someone new.

Old Age power was fleeting for a number of reasons most pointedly because those in power needed to deny their inner-being to remain in power. From the outside looking in, it seemed as if those in power were extremely confident. They flaunted their power in so many ways as was their right - for you gave them the power and wanted them to do so.

What good would it have been for you to be in a power group of someone no one knew of or cared about?

Remind yourself of the number of Old Age stars who came and went with little thought on your part - rock stars, movie stars, political leaders, scientists, authors, lovers, etc. Even though some remained in your star corner longer than others, as you matured and shifted they lost their ability to wow you.

So it is with outer-directed power. Difficult to maintain for the star and the follower.

Your outer-directed stars played their roles perfectly - as long as they were able physically. For it is extremely difficult to have hundreds, perhaps millions wanting their attention. What they wear, eat, where they travel, how they live, what they think are all community property. There is nowhere to hide - others are tuning into them even in their sleep and after death. Expecting, hoping, wanting them to make their life better. A convoluted and difficult role to play.

So within your being, give thanks to those who dared to be Old Age leaders of whatever level - including you, for however long. And then return to the present day.

For you ARE now a leader of an extremely different type. You are the leader of your segments for you were the bravest of brave to enter earth at this time. More importantly, you and your segments are leaders of your path. Such perhaps seems like a petty leadership. In the Old Age, you would have ruled the entire road system. The difference is you no longer want the entire road system.

As you become more attuned to the new you, you will find others bother you in little ways not necessarily true before. Those little irritations are such for a reason. You have no need to gather others about you in a leadership role. Their concerns, fears and joys have little to do with your excitement of exploring your new skills. You have worked hard to release your care taking and victim roles. You are truly a new being.

You relish what others create. You celebrate with them as they move forward. But you no longer expect or even want them to follow you. You have far too much to achieve with your new skill set to slow down to work with or help them.

Such sounds counter intuitive for this New Age of love. To the contrary, it merely means you love yourself and you are excited about and fully trust you. Of course you trust others - but with their lives not yours.

A victim expects someone to take care of them. A care taker expects to be wiser and better than others. You have performed both duties time after time in small and large venues. It is time to fully explore you in all your glory.

You are the leader of one - and therefore, the leader of all. Displaying to others what is possible once you trust and love yourself. You are not better than others. Nor are you less than others. This is the Age to strut your stuff in any way you wish - but not expecting others to notice or care for they are strutting their stuff in their way.

That is your road to glory. That is your joy. Believing in yourself enough to discover and live your life whether that meshes with others or not.

Some are concerned that others will harm them or do something to "trip them up" - part of life in the Old Age. This New Age does not understand those concepts. For you are falling in love with you - not a movie star, athlete, politician, financial wizard, new earth guru, lover or any other entity that removes you from yourself.

How can romantic relationships survive with that seeming narcissistic view? For decades, have not your self-help books relayed that before you can love someone, you must love yourself? And so it is. Amen.
