Your Body Is Your Temple {Channeled}

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Sananda: Your Body Is Your Temple
3.)  Hilarion's Weekly Message: June 19-26, 2011
4.)  Life's Ebb and Flow
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  The Altar of the World
7.)  Archangels Michael, Metatron and The Guardian of Ethera:

Isis' Message of the Day -
How are your desires manifested? A desire is nothing more than the thought of fulfillment seen through an object, entity, or experience. Whatever thought of fulfillment you allow yourself to feel leaves your body through your electromagnetic field, and it goes into consciousness flow to draw to you whatever will produce the same feeling from the desire experienced in your body. The more completely and intensely that desire is felt within your body, the more complete will be its fulfillment. And the more you know with absolute certainty that your desire will be fulfilled, the quicker the manifestation; for absolute knowingness is a high frequency thought that enhances the expectancy put forth through the auric field, thus amplifying your power to manifest your desires.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
My dear friends, we love you so very much.
You have the opportunity to change your lives one choice at a time. With each and every thing you say you can choose to speak in a loving manner or one that is less than loving. With each and every activity you perform, you can perform it in a conscious and loving manner or in a manner that is rushed or unloving. With every thought you think, you can choose to think more lovingly or to perceive the world through the eyes of anger and victimhood.
We are not saying it is always easy to choose love for the world has programmed you to protect yourself, to feel insecure, to rush through your days and get things done, and to feel that you must have pain to have gain. Far from this dear ones, we would say that love is the greatest protection. You are secure in God's love. The more you are present the more you can achieve without rushing, and that the less you choose pain the more you will gain what is of deep and lasting satisfaction.
Unlearning old habits takes time but we urge you to take ten minutes, an hour, or perhaps a day to attempt to infuse every thought, word, and deed with love. Although as with most habits, it may take time and effort to move into this new reality, the rewards are rich, long lasting, and deep.

God bless you! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
With much love,
Ann Albers
Author, lecturer, angel communicator.  Visit her site at: *
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Michelle (Coutant) passed early Sunday morning June 19, 2011 in her sleep, from natural causes apparently arising from damage to her liver done many years ago.  Her most recent message from Sananda is very strong, as it covers this topic. Notification was from her sister. She will be missed.

Sananda: Your Body Is Your Temple
Through Rev. Michelle Coutant
June 2011

Beloved Ones,
This month of June is a full and challenging month for you.  It is a time of much cleansing and clearing, a time to step forth and take the path of highest light.  Many of you are experiencing extreme physical challenges.  We ask you to take more care of your physical vessels.  If you strain your physical vessel, and push it to much, you will not be able to maintain the integrity of ascension.  By this we mean, integrated ascension, ascension with ease and grace, and well being.  When you abuse your bodies through the substances you put into it, the liquids you drink, and the foods that you eat, you only make the path more difficult for yourselves.
When you reach a certain plateau, a certain light quotient, you will have absorbed as much light as you are able to contain.  Your God Self is limitless, expansive, all encompassing, and eternal divine light, yet it is the game you chose to play in which you encased yourseves in a physical body.  To move forth with ease and grace, once you have reached a certain light quotient, you will find that you must begin to come into physical alignment more fully, if you have not already.  Your inner guidance will let you know that you are in a sense, being held back in raising your consciousness, until your physical body has come more into alignment. 
Beloved ones, we ask you to practice moderation in all things.  Moderation in the foods that you eat, the liquids you drink, and all that you put into your body.  Your body is a Temple for your God Self, and this is you.  Take care of your blessed temple.  Love it honor it, nurture it and it will love you and respond to you. 
You may meditate and speak to your body elemental, as we have asked you to do, and you may assist you body greatly, in staying in alignment.  Be attuned to your inner wisdom, it will never lead you astray.  Many of you would benefit through the releasing of habits such as cigarettes and alcohol.  Many of you would do well to consider eating more raw vegetables, more raw foods, which are the living light of God.  These foods contain the life force needed to sustain your body through ascension. These foods are filled with the building blocks which sustain, and create new tissue, and build your healthy body.  Yes, you are building your light body, but please do not neglect your physical body.  It will respond to you with vibrant health, but you must go the distance through these challenging times.  You are meant to enjoy the pleasures of earthly life, in a physical body, which is vibrantly healthy, a body of eternal youth.  When one has the choice, most choose a body with a physical structure and age of about thirty five years.  You are returning to this, dear ones.  it is available much sooner than any of you are expecting. 
Dear Ones, remember to savor the journey, remember to enjoy this journey living each now moment. It is why you are here, to savor the pleasure of having a physical body, to savor your pleasure in the highest emotions of unconditional love, joy, peace, harmony, and beauty, and to enjoy the eternal abundance which is your divine birthright.  The more choices you make which are aligned with God's will within you, the more quickly you will be able to enjoy these bounteous gifts.  You will enjoy ease and grace and synchronicity in your lives, and miracles will occur.  When you savor the journey, you are also living in the now moment.  This is the moment where all your power is, dear ones.  This is the moment when you are creating.  ; The past is complete, and you must plan for the future, but live in the Now.  The Now is your Creative power.  The Now is your divine connection with the All That Is.  The Now is everlasting, never ending, and it is bliss, if your choose to stay on the straight and narrow path and make it so.
The straight and narrow path is also the path of impeccability, and yes dear ones, it seems so much to do, but the higher you raise your consciousness, how much better do you feel?  Do you not find these moments where life is joyous and glorious, and more and more these moments are occurring and they become days, as you learn to live in the love of your sacred heart?  We know so many of you have reached this level and we know that once you have, you will never stop reaching for self mastery.  The love, the joy, the peace, the harmony, and the abundance is free flowing in your lives and you now have a sample of what your earthly journey will be .  Dear Ones, keep your focus on what is good around you, and see the good in all others around you.  As you do this, you will encourage them to live their highest truth and there will be a highest outcome for all.  Your world expands to an even greater brightness.
Forge ahead, beloved ones, with dedication and determination, as you remain in the love of your sacred heart.  I am always with you.
I am Sananda
All my Love and Many Blessings,
Michelle began her spiritual practice in 2002. She studied intensively, meditated, and extensively educated herself. She continues this practice each and every day. She fully immersed herself in the wisdom teachings of Archangel Michael, through Ronna Herman. She quickly became so dedicated to the joys of her spiritual journey, that she was ordained in March of 2003 as an honoring of who she is.  *          

Hilarion's Weekly Message: June 19-26, 2011
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
Beloved Lightworkers, 
Each of you are into the deep cleansing and purification of all remaining issues that have lain hidden and buried deeply within your subconscious minds, and a lot of these are issues that you thought had already been resolved. Understand, Beloved Ones, that this will continue to come up for your review until every facet of any remaining shadows rises to the surface to be seen in the Light of illuminated consciousness. Watch for synchronicities in the words and comments of others around you, especially after you have done clearing work, for often these stubborn areas that have remained unresolved will come up after deep clearing work. What is required is to recognize and acknowledge that this is a long buried aspect that has not experienced resolution in certain areas of that situation.
Have patience with yourselves in these situations, Dear Ones, for this is an important part of the continuing process of preparing your physical Beings for Ascension to a higher consciousness. In order to embody your Holy Christ Self, all that still needs clearing of the Old World thought patterns and ideas will continue to come up for review until all is clear. We observe that most of you have come a long way in this process and will soon be able to move forward to the next step on your spiritual journey. You have all the help you need from the higher realms, all you need do is ask for any assistance you may need help with. You are surrounded by loving Beings of Light who love you unconditionally and without judgment.
We remind you again that your daily disciplines are very important and that neglecting this important aspect in your daily life will possibly bring on lethargy and a state of confusion. The energies now coming in are intense in their effects upon your physical, mental, emotional and astral vehicles and when you experience these ups and downs within yourselves, we remind you to be good to yourselves and take the needed breaks and rests that may be required to regain equilibrium. Do not give up in your efforts to continue upon your chosen Path, for the next step will appear before you as soon as you are ready to proceed further. 
Observe the messages within your body, mind and emotions and try to correlate these with the current thoughts that you have been experiencing. You might try to keep a journal each day so that you can keep track of the manifestations of your thinking that occur. Become the passionate and joyful detective of the inner workings of your mind and how your thoughts manifest in the outer world. In this way you gain mastery over them. Life is meant to be an adventure and what must be remembered is that stepping into the physical realm was an event to be relished and thoroughly experienced and enjoyed for the sheer pleasure of it. 
Continue to try to imagine yourselves as the great Beings of Light that you truly are and act as if you are that. Practice makes perfect in all things and before you know it, you will begin to remember your true nature as the Divine Being you are. It is the dawn of a new era and all things good are now possible. 
Until next week…. 
I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
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Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,

Life's Ebb and Flow
by Alec Christos Gabbitas
June 18. 2011
Magnificent and marvelous are the current inputs of vital energies which are seemingly flowing relentlessly earthwards, caressing and blessing each and every one and thing with true abundance of all that good is, all grand things! It is that time in this penultimate year before the infamous 2012 bookmark of the ages, that we are gainfully measuring up to, as this roller coaster ride is yet again perambulating whimsically over the hills and dales, ebbing and flowing with a sheer wondrous measure and ever resplendent magnitude! This is a time of major alignment and far greater inner adjustment and remoulding than perhaps ever before. The momentum is moving all on(in)wards with ever and always a goal that is as illusive as it is miraculous, as we aspire to level the ground that is fast moving under our fleet of foot!
We have covered an amazingly vast area of expansive and expressive paths as we embrace these changes which are of some magnitude, feeling the ebbs and the flows, as we glide with the thermals and prepare for the fast arriving Solstice. Then have we the need to hold on to our proverbial hats, opening our heart minds to that which we are indeed to be blessed and gifted with, as the transforming energies increase in texture and taste, in subtleness and finery. The month will continue also in like manner, finishing on a true mystical high note, as we embrace and engage with those intimate soul whisperings that will inevitably bless each and every sensitive heart, brave enough to imbibe and partake of the magic and the majesty of all that is universally afforded.
We might look back at times and review these journeys and countless grand opportunities as changing realities have been and will continue to be the only true permanence in this beautiful local universe that we are blessed to be in. Measuring our steps, resolving our intent, feeling our heart's sway, aspiring ever to do our best or at times simply to 'carry on' in spite of adversaries that at times seemed too immense for us to possibly deal with. But we did, we have, we will do, for as these energies merge into our bodies, then will there be an amazing and refined realisation that life Is what we are making it, life is what we are all, as a Oneness, co-creating as the future is being reborn in this now moment as we persevere and proudly, "Pass Go and Collect $200!"
The game continues, but already on one magical level of consciousness, is it truly already won, for so it surely is. There are no winners as well are there are no losers, there is ever only then many opportunities, unfolding to encapsulate and contain all our concerted efforts and co-creative holy aspirations. They will indeed rebuild the world, the new earth, this new paradigm, the rebirth of that shining star that will within her pristine beauty and avid expectations be issued forth into it's fragrant and rightful ascending reality. How truly joyful will it surely be as the heavens open wide it's resplendent doors and all manna from heaven cascades forth in such majesty as time stands still... and ceases finally to exist. All of this before us, or is it after us. All of this to Be and ever in the now moment of being, forever in the now where right and wrong do merge and marry as all are party to this greatest show of earth, where Lady Gaia as Mother Earth does host us all in her sovereignty, in her graciousness.
Keeping our inner faith, walking at apace and holding heads aloft, breathing in the breath of heaven as love-light and manna flows. Being not down trod at times when time is poor, holding fast the hand of another as help is oft times sought and afforded more. Walking the path of least resistance when feet are aching, tired or sore. Dancing the dance of life when souls need lifting, and loving selves despite the so called imperfections, yea, spots and warts n' all! Beating ourselves with that big stick is never more to be, for we are whom we are and will always ever be! We Are those wondrous beings whom so long we've waited for, we looked indeed within and a likeness true we saw! We are those star beings from above who we've learned to like and love, we are the army of lighted beings that walk these earthly shores, and together will we hold the light as love on earth does pour.
Namaste.. Be still and know that I Am God, be God and know that I Am still.
(c)2011 Channeled by Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and an ever United Kingdom. Please copy and share, giving full credit to the source of these messages * Email:  * Also to Lady Isisand The Light Circle Ezine)  *          

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, you are never abandoned, although sometimes you feel it. Sometimes you feel separate and alone, but at the time when you feel most alone is the time when you want to be aware that even your word carries the clue with it, that you are all one—alone—all one.
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HEAVEN #3861
The Altar of the World
June 21, 2011
God said:
The world is My altar. I have set it before Me, and you have lain yourself down on My altar and donated yourself to Me. The world is the altar of My heart. And you are the tribute you give to Me.
In giving to Me, of course, you give to yourself. There is no one else to give to. You are Mine, and all are Mine, just as I am totally yours. Oneness lies down on the altar of itself and declares the world to begin.
Your life is an offering to Me. Now you have chosen Self over ego. You have let ego abdicate the throne. You have forfeited illusion for Truth. Of course, that is no sacrifice. That is coming down to Earth, and this coming down to Earth is your passage to Heaven. You are sailing on a ship or riding a horse all the way to Heaven. This is what your physical life is about. Have a good trip. Just think of it, you are coming to Me. You are rushing into My arms. What a reunion We have. What a welcome you get. You are coming to Oneness of Heart where there is neither hot nor cold, simply Oneness. There is neither near nor far. There is neither space nor time. There is Oneness Supreme. There are no factions. There are no seeming interruptions. There is nothing to dissolve. All has been dissolved. You have been absolved from arbitrariness. You have been absolved from wasted motion. You have been absolved from the past. You swim where the fishes play.
My Own True Love is coming Home, and I am readying the table for you, and soon you will eat the fruits I set before you. The table is set. You are coming for a full meal. The feast is love. How happy you will be, surrounded by love, inside and out, though, of course, there will be no outerness whatsoever. Oneness will be your full plate.
You will settle in to the peace of your own heart. You will eat your fill without having to eat. All will be given to you. All will be digested. All will be predigested. There will be nothing to digest. All will be Oneness, and nothing but Oneness.
Here is the Garden of Eden where you abide and where you thrive. You soar over the stars. You hold them close to your heart. You are a suffragette of love. You storm the hearts of the world as you sit like Buddha relishing the world. You are the force behind the world. You are the force beyond the world. You have sat on the throne of Holiness. You are My Holiness. I have declared you Mine, and, so, Mine you are. That you are Mine means you are freed from whatever has held you back. You have pressed Fast Forward. You have entered Heaven. You have sole occupancy. Like Heaven, you are filled with soul. This is your soul’s journey you have been on, and you have fared well. You have new thoughts now. You have new vision now. For the first time, you can really see. You can see all. You see, for once, the tribute to Me that your life has been.
You see how well-pleased I am. The Prodigal Son has returned Home. We thank Each Other. Our hearts are complete. The One I love has returned. His awareness has returned. We have embraced, and embraced All Which is the Oneness of Our Heart. We are truly One Love.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  * *          

Archangels Michael, Metatron and The Guardian of Ethera:
An Etheric Essence
Transmitted Through Elanthra
19 June, 2011
Archangel Michael:
Greetings Creative One and All ~ 
This is Archangel Michael.  Today I come in on the wings of the recent splendid Etheric Manifestation And Anchoring. 
During the last three weeks, The Etheric Realm has made itself manifest in novel ways, and know that this manifestation is a direct result of your thoughts and wishes, and therefore a culmination of Mass Consciousness. 
The Spiritual, Airy Realm is An Etheric Realm, borne of Cosmic Christ Consciousness made manifest, and today the realm known as ‘Ethera,’ specifically, has been anchored onto the New Crystalline Earth. 
What One should know is that this is a very higher vibrational world which will often feel like you are walking in a dream state, where your feet will barely touch the ground.  It is ethereal and airy, and we suggest that you especially ground yourselves when tuning into it and anchoring it.  The way that Ethera differs from the rest of the Etheric Realm is that it is a unique new manifestation that you have all been honoured to be a part of bringing about, and it is in tune with the Ascension energies and what you all resonate to mass consciously. 
My comrade Archangel Metatron also stands in the wings with some news that you can celebrate, and know dear Ones that there is no turning back now. 
The ‘Hologram Of Your World And Of Your Earth’ has altered, and contained within this Hologram is all of your heart’s desires, awaiting for your instruction.  I suggest that you consider the Hologram of Earth as a Revolving Storehouse of sorts, that is constantly altered, transmuted and changed.  The concept is quite simple, and as you move into a mode of Believing Without Giving Your Manifestations A Second Thought, you will know that This Hologram will transmute to suit the needs that are to your highest good. 
Congratulations dear Family of Light on having reached another level of ascension that is worth celebrating and getting excited about! 
In terms of ascensions symptoms, you might find that recently or in the near future you have been or will experience exhaustion, unusual food cravings, and breakouts such as unusual skin eruptions or rashes on one side of your body only (i.e. your right or active side, etc.). 
I would like to reiterate that there are many levels or dimensions of consciousness that are anchored on the Earth at this time.  One will generally exist and experience whatever consciousness they vibrate to, and the Universe will deliver whatever you believe appropriately.  With this new Etheric Anchoring I will simply say that I invite you to call on myself, Archangel Michael, and I will help you to work with The Hologram, to add to it and Manifest That Which Will Be Your World. 
As you know, thoughts are powerful, as well as invocations and affirmations and just knowing and believing. 
Without further adieu, let the Unique Vision that has been made manifest be revealed, and then my comrade Archangel Metatron will deliver his message to All.  Call on me upon your desire, and I look forward to working with you all shortly.  Blessed Be.  Namaste.  You are loved dearly, and All Is Divine. 
I AM, Archangel Michael
The Divine Vision of Ethera Made Manifest: 
On this Divine day we invite One and All to tune into the Crystal Clear ‘Cosmic Swing’ that sways back and forth lightly in the wind, on the glorious clouds, and ‘An Angelic Being of Light’ swings to and fro joyously as the buoyant bubbles permeate the manifestation.  Clear Crystalline Bubbles gracefully float and flow forth freely, coalescing with the swing.  Bubbly here ~ bubbly there ~ swinging wherewith it will.  And on ‘The Path Of The Bubble’ we will travel until we arrive…    We have arrived. 
Here We Are at The Gates ~ The Gates of ‘Ethera.’  Can you experience or see the Guardian of Ethera?  She is a gentle female presence, and here she is in all of her glory, with ‘Elephant Trunks’ affixed to her face in place of her nose.  Know that she has a head that resembles a ‘Bumble Bee,’ and it has manifested complete with ‘Bumble Bee Wings.’  Her feet are ‘webbed,’ similar to that of ducks. 
The Guardian of Ethera Speaks: 
Welcome to Ethera dear One and All.  I would have you know that I AM one of many Guardians of Ethera, and you may as well go ahead and call me Ethera.  Ethera is a Manifestation of the Collective Consciousness, and here you will find many wonders.  The manifestations of Ethera defy the laws and rules of your world.  Here there are no boundaries to what you can experience.  There are not really words to describe the ‘Endless Wonders And Infinite Possibilities’ that One can encounter in Ethera, and in your Holographic World you may even dub the experiences here ‘surreal.’  In the Spiritual World or the World of Ethera, cosmic thoughts float and obey God and Goddess, cosmic thoughts manifest in obeyance to your imagination, day dreams, prayers and thoughts. 
Even the thoughts of insects and animals are made manifest here, in fact the thoughts of all sentient beings swirl into existence.   And… speaking of animals, here you will experience animals of many concoctions, but not just any animal, ‘Cosmic Animals.’  This is a world of higher dimensional thoughts… of Cosmic Christ Consciousness out of the Diamond Heart of God. 
I invite all those that this resonates to to call on myself, The main Guardian of Ethera, and I will take you on your own tour, at your Highest Selve’s will, that will be geared and catered to your unique needs and life’s lessons.  And know dear Ones that the more creative and open your thoughts, the more creative will be your experience, but is this not the way it is of the Holographic World that you reside in right now?  Have you garnered that your present world that you live in is a world of your own making?  So, if this was true, stop and think about it for a cosmic moment… can you imagine what kind of world you could create in the future, if you adopted this principle, and flew with it?
You as a whole have achieved much thus far.  You have only to look around you to see ~ holographic sacred geometry swirls almost everywhere, and there has been the anchoring of The Rays of Light and Colours of the Rainbow.  Masters ~ this is your time, and your time is now. 
The movie ‘The Matrix’ contains many hidden messages that await your deciphering; I suggest that you consider re-visiting it.  When you create, don’t second guess it.  Add to ‘The Well of Creation ~ The Holographic Matrix, Web, Veil, Storehouse’ (call it what you might)…; fill it up, at your will.  Play with it As If It Already Is, Knowing Without A Doubt That It Already Is.  You Are the Universal Magicians.  You Are the Masters. 
I could go on forever, really, but I will leave this with you.  Call on me and let me help you add to the Holographic Future of Your Crystalline New Earth.  I look forward to playing with you.  Enjoy the journey, and know that no thought will go unnoticed, so you might as well create it exactly as you would like it, detail for detail.  Have you got the gist of it? ~ LOL! 
I look forward to your arrival at Ethera, as it has been anchored onto your Crystalline Earth and is accessible at your beck and call.  Yes, It Is That Simple. 
Blessings in the Light of Ethera, and may all your imaginings and creations be crystalline.
I AM, Ethera, Guardian of Ethera 
Archangel Metatron & The Golden Cosmic Light Coils: 
Blessings dear Master Magicians ~ 
I AM Archangel Metatron, and in light of the new Etheric Emergence, I come to you today at this opportune time with a very important message.  Today, in conjunction with the anchoring of Ethera, I send out a clarion call. 
I ask that you all tune into this clarion call very carefully.  If any of this resonates with you, even slightly, please call on me.  The message is as follows: 
I would like you to envision the ‘Cosmic Coils of Light’ that have just recently swirled in.  Carried on these Cosmic Coils are codings that are destined to be anchored.  All that are willing can anchor these Cosmic Coils of Cosmic Christ Consciousness, but I would have you know that there will be ‘7 Main Light Code Anchorers.’ 
I will send out a few ‘key words’ now, and they are as follows: 
‘Light Code Carriers,’ ‘Light Code Anchorers,’ ‘Light Code Beamers,’ ‘Light Code Bearers.’  If any of these words Awaken something within you, or even if you are just curious, if any of this message resonates with you, I Am asking that you call on myself, Archangel Metatron.
The Cosmic Hologram for the Earth and the Universe houses these codes, and they are overlighted and guarded by myself. Individual 7 Light Code Anchorers, when you call on me, I will instruct you individually how to proceed.  In terms of the general anchoring of these codes, they can be swirled around your person for protection, energy, clearing and revitalization.  You can be creative in terms of how to use these Golden Coiled Swirls.  I suggest that you anchor it in your heart or anywhere you feel drawn to on your body.  The Golden Light Coils can also be expanded to swirl around your houses and a myriad of them can be called upon.  Please know that the ascension energies are accessible to all, and that creations will manifest that much quicker, in ways you have not even imagined. 
I, Archangel Metatron would like to commend all the Lightworkers and Humanitarians of every persuasion for all your hard work.  I know you have gathered by now the benefits of working as the Team and Family of Light that You Are. 
You each have a piece of the puzzle, you are literally bouncing off each other, and awakening and contributing to each other’s growth, conjointly.  I urge you to continue on in this vein, as you continue to contribute towards your Holographic Crystalline Future.  Please know that the Hologram of the Crystalline Earth awaits your unique input, and you have just to send your thoughts, intensions, and ‘put in your order’ so to speak, and it will be done.  Have faith dear Ones and believe.  All is in Divine Order, as always.  I Am forever with you. 
All my best in Crystalline Light always,
Blessed be.  As above so below.
I AM, Archangel Metatron 
Note From Elanthra
Dearest All ~ 
I have been encouraged by Archangel Michael to share with you an experience that manifested just this morning for me that moved me to tears, left me in cold chills for hours, and inspired me. 
I would have you know that this experience manifested to be shared with all of you, as I understand that the message was not just for myself, but for all. 
So, the experience manifested like this: 
This morning (19 June, 2011), just slightly after 12 noon EST, I was sitting outside a Country Style Coffee Shop in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  I sat on the edge of the parking lot and proceeded to meditate. 
As I tuned into the latest energies, a caramel-coloured young lady (approximately between 17 – 24 years of age) suddenly manifested and began walking directly in front of me into the Country Style Shop. 
Her back was turned to me, and I could not help noticing that she had a large ‘Diamond-shaped Symbol’ carved into her ‘Green Dress,’ and a long ‘Rose-coloured Scarf’ that flowed and left a ‘trail’ on the ground as she softly moved.  She emerged out of the Country Style Shop and I noticed that she had a paper bag which she grasped and held up with her two hands, that transmuted into a Radiant Golden Diamond Shape before my very eyes.  At this point in time, I noticed that she had wrapped the scarf more securely around her neck.  Nevertheless, it billowed in the wind, silently beckoning and calling out to me ever so subtlely and rhythmically. 
Having completed my Masters’ Initiation training with Kari Chapman, Master Teacher and Walk-In, of the Namaste Retreat Centre of Wisconsin in the past, whereby I was often instructed to “Pay attention,” this is exactly what I did. 
Upon further assessing this fascinating young woman, I noticed that her hair was combed back and pinned in a soft bun.  She wore ‘Light Beige Little Orphan Annie Shoes’ and ‘Pastel Gray Tights.’  She began to venture towards me, and I thought to myself, “Great, I knew it... here we go.”  I couldn’t help noticing that this beautiful young woman possessed a maturity and air of wisdom about herself, as she said to me, “Why don’t you come to church, it’s about to begin?”  I retorted that I was not showered and dressed and would come another time, and she replied, “It does not matter, come anyway.”  I said to her, “I like your colours,” and she replied, “Thank you.”  She then smiled her lovely, precocious smile and sauntered on her way.  Feeling like Alice in Wonderland, I endeavoured that I was going to follow her, as there was definitely something here I did not want to miss, and that is exactly what I did.  I quickly ran after this Light Being, but, “yes,” you guessed it, she was nowhere to be found.  I found the church service that was being held inside the hotel that she had alluded to.  It consisted of a small gathering of less than 25 people.  I peaked inside several times over the next hour, and the young lady was not in attendance there. 
Lo and behold, I did sit down outside on the couch and the main message that I took away with me, that the pastor belted out feverishly, consisted of the message:  “You may go through your hard times and trials, but you will always emerge victorious and stronger.”
Archangel Michael would like to reiterate that a ‘church’ can be any dwelling consisting of a gathering of one or more people who are gathered in the name of ‘spirituality,’ whatever resonates with you, and can occur almost anywhere, even in the parking lot of a donut shop.  I will leave this with you.  We Are so blessed to be a part of these momentous times. 
Blessed be.  Namaste.
In Love and Crystalline Light,
Always ~ Elanthra ~ xxoo
Universal Copyright ©2011 – Elanthra, Live with Light – Please feel free to duplicate and distribute, provided that this channeling is duplicated in it’s entirety, nothing is altered in any way, all links are included, and no money is exchanged.
Elanthra is an Indigo, Crystalline Walk-In Healer and Energy Anchorer from the Omniverse, dedicated to service in a creative and playful manner.  She is especially passionate about all the "New Children." *
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