Your Blueprint

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Soul Transitions Vibe Report June 2010
3.)  Ashira: The Call: Your Blueprint is Vibrating You into Being...Are You Listening?
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  The Joining of Spirit and Matter
6.)  God Has Been Preparing Great Gifts for You

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Effective July 1st my email address will no longer be at it will be  *

Isis' Message of the Day -
Love one another, forgive one another, for true love begins with forgiveness.
All that emanates from the Godhead is in a state of love.  Love just is.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light 

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. We are here. We are beside you. We walk with you during your times of need. Do you feel us? We have seen the way most of you experience us is in the sense of peace that descends upon you, that feeling perplexes some of you. Know that you have felt the love that we emanate towards you. We are messengers of God/Creator. We bring the love Creator has for you. Know that you are loved beyond measure.
Dear Ones. Blessed are you who love your selves. Blessed are you who love others. Blessed are you who have known only the love of a pet, for you have known unconditional love. Know that you are worthy of being loved and of giving love. Strengthen the love you have by connecting to your Divine Spark within and letting it grow. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"   * 

Soul Transitions Vibe Report June 2010
By Nancy L. Ward
June 7, 2010
Expansion, recalibration… Overwhelm

The lost month of May. . . for the first time since 2003, I didn’t post a vibe report. I felt like I was on a merry-go-round, trying to grab the ring (which meant trying to get the vibe report finished). At times the merry-go-round was moving so fast that everything was a blur and other times it moved in v…e…r…y… ….s….l….o….w…. motion and no matter how I reached, I just couldn’t get the ring.
No time? No motivation? Too much information? There has been a feeling of overwhelm as we are in a time of flux, preparing for big change inside and out. We are feeling the Earth as she is also going through the same expansion into higher dimensions. We are adjusting to new energies – and we are feeling this in our physical bodies. Some days I had no motivation to cook for myself – no energy left for self-nurturing. Pretzels, cheese and olives were my evening meal on many occasion. Until I ran out, because I also couldn’t get myself to a supermarket!
For many, ideas that once held inspiring energy for creating something new have lost their momentum and no longer have the charge of hope. During May I noticed people withdrawing, retreating and being rather irritable. “Leave me alone” has been one of the Mantras for May. “I don’t give a *%#$!” was another mantra – a general feeling of giving up, letting go, not caring about anything. Somehow, through these feelings, we accomplished taking care of life stuff but – oops, did you forget to pay that bill? Or did you miss an appointment or two?
The feeling of disorientation has persisted. Our surroundings look familiar, but feel unfamiliar. Sometimes I’ve felt like I’m on a floating island and if I poke through the ground underneath me, I’ll find nothing is there. Limbo? Yes, and a feeling of being suspended and having no clue as to what’s going on has led to feeling like nothing matters.
There’s also been a headache phenomenon that people have been reporting. Headaches and dizziness, disorientation, and an “I don’t care about anything” attitude. We are rising to a new ground and are in unknown territory. And unexpected challenges have arisen for many – including sudden unforeseen major expenses. As our vibration rises higher it can trigger lower vibrations around us. This also accounts for malfunctioning electronics.
Do you want to know where to go and what to do? Being in the moment of now and following the energy of inspiration is our moon-lit trail. Following our feelings from moment to moment. Some days I’ve found myself doing something that wasn’t “on the list” for the day and I’d think; “now I’m doing this…” As if I’m outside of myself, observing. I realized that I was simply following the energy of the moment. This energy feels good – it feels energizing, instead of lumpy or plodding along doing what I think I “should” do. One evening at twilight I ignored the prompting to walk into the woods and sit by the creek, choosing instead to sit at my computer doing some work. Later, a feeling of disappointment came over me – I felt a drain of energy and that I’d let myself down – as if I wasted a precious inner resource and missed an opportunity of expansion. I even felt grief as if the Earth and Spirit were crying because I ignored the moment to ride the precious energy stream of creation. This may sound like a big reaction for something small, but I’m realizing that it’s so important to listen and act in the moment. So, I’m doing my best to follow the inspiration – like walking to the creek at 6:30am – (acknowledging the little whiney voice that says she doesn’t want to get out of bed, or it’s cold). Following the energy and opening to the creative flow has led me to my easel and paints and it feels so good to allow the creative juice to flow – it builds upon itself and gathers energy and is very freeing—opening something in me that feels other-worldly. I’m realizing that this is a form of self-nurturing which I so need – it nurtures my soul. I had been putting my painting and creative writing last, because it seemed that there was “more important” things that needed taking care of. I’m realizing that everything is integrated and inter connected to my well-being and ignoring the creative urge is like saying NO to life.
It is important to sit with nature, to connect to the Earth, for her energies live within our very blood – we know that Earth is conscious and alive. Connecting our Nature to the Nature of Earth is vital to our well being, just as following the creative flow is vital to our soul.
We are distressed over the oil volcano in the gulf. Is Spirit working in a mysterious way here – will this event influence humanity to stop plundering the telluric (2D) realm and find new ways to live in harmony with nature? Then I wonder, “Why did it have to go this far?”
A question came to me from Earth: “Do you want to render me uninhabitable for humans? Well, fine… I’ll still be here, but humanity may not.”
This has opened up something that The Vastness of Being would like to comment on.
There is so much love for Humanity from other races of beings and from non-physical beings at this time and the messages coming through are to help us in knowing who we are and what powerful creators we are.
And so it is that I humbly offer myself to open to this communication and do my best to get out of the way to receive the loving messages from the Vastness of Being…
The Vastness of Being

Forgive yourselves for your mistakes, for you as a human species carry wounds that are deep within the genetic makeup of your physicality. Many of you are star beings who have travelled throughout the galaxies of the vast ocean of creation. You have chosen to incarnate on Earth through time – you have come here to work within this system of reality to assist in healing the separation of Humanity from Creation. You are not and never have been separate and you are all One connected by lines of light through which Divine Energy of the Creator flows. These light lines form sacred geometries within the many dimensions that exist in this physical experience on Earth.
Earth has been seeded by many beings from other star systems. For many who read these words your Souls began on other planets in other star systems throughout this Milky Way galaxy and other neighboring galaxies. Your Soul and consciousness is very vast and you chose to incarnate here knowing you would forget who you are at a multidimensional level. This is why we cherish and deeply respect you – for you are brave beyond measure for diving into the ocean of consciousness and joining the dance of life on Earth. You are awakening to the wisdom of who you truly are at this time.
By the nature of being in a human body, you have inherited the genetic memory of all of humanity. You each have a lineage of ancestors that goes deeply into the Earth, through bloodlines that travel through “time.” This genetic history contains the deep wounding of humanity. For the last 20 or more years, you have been working on healing the wounds of yourselves and your ancestors. We ask that you be kind to yourselves and practice forgiveness when the wounds rise within you for clearing. It is vital at this time that you clear the emotional wounds that have been held in your energy fields. The wounds that come up for healing and clearing run like a river through your ancestral lineage, so when you clear something, it flows through the river into the “past.” You clear other lifetimes your soul is expressing in and you clear your ancestral heritage, so you are actually changing the past and this is how a new world is created.
This is a time when humanity is realizing the truth about their origins on a soul level. This cannot be denied any longer. This is your birthright. You are awakening and growing into a new strength and you are stepping up to claim your empowerment and live your authenticity.
And now you are being called to go deeply into the nature of your being and align yourselves with the nature of Earth. It is essential to continue clearing energy patterns that limit your full expression and authenticity at the Soul level so that you can live in the center of your authentic self with clarity and knowing who you are when the consciousness shift occurs.
The Great Teacher

You have been manipulated through false belief systems that were put in place thousands of years ago by beings who did not – and do not – have the good of humanity as their primary focus. We call these beings the Great Teacher. They have manipulated you through religion and through fear and survival issues. The words and actions of Master Teachers, such as Jesus and Mohammed, may peace be upon them, who came to this realm to plant seeds of humanity’s true nature were twisted and manipulated by those who wanted to enslave and control humans. Their teachings were corrupted into separation and judgment of others. The false beliefs that resulted create fear, separation, hatred, hopelessness, self-hatred, guilt and doubt and the energy that is produced from these feelings is food for the Great Teacher. This is a long story which we will speak of in small doses.
You have been manipulated by the Great Teacher to fear your nature as humans. Many have been raised on a steady diet of criticism that has led you to feel unworthy of love of the Creator. Humans have been taught that they are separate from each other and the Creator and yet the truth is that you are Spirit, you are the Creators. You are Divine Source – this energy flows through you all, so you are One. This energy is consciousness. You are very powerful creators and when this power of creation flows through false beliefs, you create that which causes fear, the food for the manipulators. You see, the Great Teacher has used your power of creation against you. But a light has been growing within the consciousness of humans for many years and it is constantly increasing.
As we tune in to humanity and open our energies to observe what is happening on this planet we see the plume of oil that is flowing like a volcano into the sacred waters. Does humanity want to make this planet uninhabitable for themselves? It would seem so when you observe the actions of those who behave as if the Earth is not alive, plunging into her being and tapping into the energies in the telluric (2D) realm. What if we tell you this is being done on purpose?
What if we tell you there have been beings on this planet since the time of Atlantis who have intended to take over and change the dynamics of life on planet Earth? We have called this dark force the Great Teacher so you do not feel yourselves to be victims. This force has come to inhabit human bodies just as you star children have. This Great Teacher has been instrumental in turning Humanity away from their true nature.
The teaching in this is that Humans come into loving themselves and then they will discover their true nature and their power of creation. We know you are all working on this and offer our love and support.
Humans are deeply connected to the Earth herself through the blood – the iron in human blood resonates magnetically with the iron core of the Earth. The elements in the Telluric realm – the inner Earth – elements such as conscious biology is also in the blood of humans. You have the elements of earth (iron), water, fire and air in the biology of your physical bodies, as well as your energy bodies – emotional, mental and spiritual. There is an electromagnetic resonance within your physical body and within the Earth that you can tap into any time, which is why we say it is important to be with nature – even if you live in a city, there are trees and parks for you to find that connection.
As you love yourselves and open your hearts, you will be able to connect your Nature to the Nature of the Earth – reawakening your kinship with the elementals and with the non-physical consciousness of earth called the “Aluna.” Most of Humanity has become disconnected from the Earth and from their true nature and creative power and this has been poisoning Humanity. Why do you think there is widespread depression and escaping from Self through drugs, alcohol, food, sex, violence, television? This disconnection has broken the hearts of humans. But a broken heart can be repaired by the golden elixir of love.
So you are being called at this time to love yourselves into right relationship with your self, your Earth Home and with each other.
Now is the time to take back your home

Humans belong on Earth. So when you think of the oil volcano, do not think with anger and hatred towards Humanity. No, instead begin to consider who you think Humans are. We have so much love for Humanity. We see humans as those who love to love and play. They love the sensuality of the taste of food, they love to be with the ones they love, they love to create, to laugh, to make music, to dance, to create beauty in all forms. And this is done through the heart. If you gather up human beings from all the countries of the world, you will find they share the same simple desires, a love of their children, of the Earth, good food, music and the creative force. These are the elements of the Garden of Eden. For you, this is Home. Consider what this would feel like. Fantasize about the Garden of Eden and how it would be to live there. Creative visualization is how you create your world.
Many people want to know what they can do to heal the oil volcano. We say first to love yourselves, celebrate the delightful aspects of being human. Find love for the real humanity and pray for healing by opening into what it would feel like to live in the Garden. Communicate with the Earth, send her love. In meditation surround the oil in the waters with love-light, see it going deep into the Earth, creating an orb of light all around the oil and into the Earth. See the reverse of the flow sucking the oil back into the Earth. Ask the oil to retreat, see the hole being filled with golden light – like packing a wound with light. Allow the high vibration of love to flow out to those who are linked to the actual physical responsibility of the creation of this breach in the Earth’s body. The Great Teacher is lurking there. The Great Teacher does not thrive in the vibration of love. Love will cause an alignment within the hearts and souls of those who do not see the Earth as alive, so an awakening is possible, causing the Great Teacher to retreat. And remember to radiate love in all the moments of your days.
We have so much to speak on and will continue our communication in another moment in time. We say for now, remember who you are. You are the Loved Ones.
Blessed Be. . .
The Vastness of Being
Copyright © 2010 by Nancy Ward and Smote Hill Press. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to freely redistribute this article as long as the author’s name and website are included.  *   

Ashira: The Call: Your Blueprint is Vibrating You into Being...Are You Listening?
Channeled by Meredith Murphy
Telepathic Transmission 7 June 2010

An extension of form into being is the intent of this first shift in your consciousness.  Going forward you will go far beyond this, but the doorway of moving form into being rather than doing and outward orientation is the first key for opening up your inner resources and becoming the inspired vessels emanating universal codes which is your mission at this time.
Next you will orient within being to subtle shifts in feeling within yourself.  Your feelings are powerful indicators of shifts in dimensions and you must begin to attune yourself to these awareness-es and recognition of them for what they are: multidimensional experiences. You are as we and others have said many times before, alive in multiple realities simultaneously. 
For some, such as our vessel here, we are living the same focal point in simultaneous parallel lives that are now blended and merged.  This unfolding is one which may have happened to some of you and may continue to happen to some of you-it is not always this way, but it can be. In this situation one is working their blueprint and mission from multiple vantage points, and as is usually the case with Game Makers, also experimenting with the expression of their vision in multiple parallel realities as a way of perfecting and finely tuning the form being created through thought.
You are beginning to value yourselves and this valuing is something which will expand if you allow it to in ways which will, quite simply blow your minds.  The nervous systems in your bodies will simply implode in handling the new information = light as to what your real value is, so naturally this unfolds in pieces as you are able to assimilate it, release all the misleading and less empowered prior versions of identity, and open yourself once again for more information = light and with a sense of adventure and playfulness. Meanwhile your nervous system mutates in function and your DNA continues to reassemble continually upping the ante on what you are capable of remembering, creating and experiencing.
The game you are playing is far bigger than you imagine and you must begin to take charge entirely of your own experience and to be empowered within it from a sense of innate value and love of yourself.
Your body is the being which holds all the keys for creating life forms in other universes and which when radiating collectively with others at key frequencies allows the earth to function in her aspiration as a living library-encoding the energetic formulas for other life to be created, re-created or summoned again into form as determined by creator gods who wish to expand their experience through continually creating a new version or playing field for the game.
Knowing that you are far beyond the boundaries of your current sense of identity as well as your limited sense of "where" you are-you are far beyond your physicality here-does not mean that you do not hold all that you need within the body or bodies you exist within!  For your body is key to all you are and all you may be in fulfilling the blueprint you chose for yourself prior to commencing and imbedding yourself into this Earth game this time around.
I speak to you in all of this as one who recognizes that this is not the major dialogue of understanding and history which your culture as humans-Eastern, Western or otherwise-orients to in understanding its own origins, meaning, purpose and relationship to everyone and everything else.
Nonetheless, all I share with you is true and must be considered and felt-for in your own inner knowing centers to understanding the reason the time is ripe for you to re-align to the inner principals of the game you are playing and to take off your masks and stop brainwashing yourselves with the dialogue of the main stream anesthetizing "lies" which are no longer useful in your development.  Like many developmental creations, they served a purpose but have now created distortion of that purpose and furthermore the karma of that purpose has come around again and it is now time to unleash yourselves from those ridiculous masters who are nothing less than negatively oriented versions of yourself!
Let them go and find their own ways home and back to source.  This is not your concern-to persecute them or to name them, but simply to release yourselves from their hold and move on to your own meaning and lifestyle.
The new earth awaits you.  Clusters of energetic focus are already vibrating at new earth frequencies and you will increasingly be drawn to them and able to find them in order to magnify your discrete and particular sense of how to best diversify and fulfill the mission at hand with your own energies.
Each of you holds keys that will awaken and ignite others into action and awareness if you but give in to your inner urgings and trust them. There is no game more fun than this if you only realize this and allow yourself to open to the larger realities in play here.  You will not likely fully understand all of this while in form, but your sense of the whole will orient and release you enough to function with all of your brain and with the finer impulses of your body and your DNA reconnected and living in full alignment and connection with the 12 chakras in your bodies which connect with the 12 energy portals of the planet and which open you to ecstasy in form!
Need I promise you more to get you to simply walk away from the old world forms and turn your attention completely to your inner urgings and glimpses?
Earthlings.  Many of you are stellar beings disguised in form to assist in this transition back to light for the planet Earth. There is no time to waste as your blueprint is poetic and harmonious-which is of more value than your realize for these words in the Earth plane do not hold the value that is truly theirs anywhere else.
Cooperation, harmony, respect for life in all forms and a desire to balance and harmonize with your creative powers.  This is the goal which you share as a universal blueprint with all other ascending beings on the planet at this time/point of NOW.
For those of you who have come here from the future it is imperative that you stop your longing for home and your whining about wanting to go there now and etc...and instead use your longing to orient you to the mission critical of your blueprint and wake yourself up.  The alarm clock can go off and your mother can call you that it's time to get up, but only you can get up out of the bed and go to meet the day with enthusiasm, willingness and a sense of your own power!
What are you waiting for?!!  The cosmic party is assembling and those of you who are unwilling to speak openly of your awakening or long existing multi-dimensionality will be sorry later that you did not simply share and allow your energetic codes to awaken and create freedom and life in others.  There is no one who will not awaken who chooses to, but the beauty and joy of participation will be something you've lost and that is what you came here for.
So step out of the shadows and stop watching and observing from the sidelines: get in the game.
Half-time is over and the whistle is blowing your name. Let the sounds you hear and the words you find remind you: remember.  We are here.
I am Naeshira | Ashira, the Pleiadian leader of the Family of Light on the planet at this time to assemble all beings of light into constellations of code awakening tones and frequencies.  Your Queen in service of your own blueprints being fulfilled and you being fully resourced to accomplish your mission which I sent you out upon many moons ago. All you have to do is decide to remember, and the keys to the kingdom are yours.
I leave you in peace my beloved nobles. Awaken and join me in the sanctuary of light we have long awaited to assemble together here on Earth.
Meredith Murphy
*The Terra Nova Transmissions: a specific focus within Expect Wonderful providing messages, emergent themes, updates and communication from the Archangel Michael and the Terra Nova (new land) Council.  Telepathic transmission through Meredith Murphy. *  © 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications – You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder.  Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.  email:   *   

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, there is much to be learned, remembered, from sitting by flowing water, sitting by the riverside, allowing all of the senses of the body to smell the water, to feel the water, to dip the hand or the toe into the water, to look how the sunlight plays upon the water, and to become One with the water and what it has to tell you.
Visit our website:  *  

The Joining of Spirit and Matter
June 11, 2010

Dearest Beloved Ones,

Your world is entering a new phase of transformation now, and at the present time all foundations on the Earth, both physical and energetic, are being re-aligned with light.

Those structures which are in harmony with light are being strengthened, purified and refined. Those that exist to perpetuate separated consciousness, to do harm to others or to deprive others of their God given rights, are being dismantled.

The experience of witnessing the crumbling of previous structures can be disconcerting and can cause fear and doubt, even among God's most faithful servants. God's love and mercy is infinite, and is the constant anchor point where you can turn, even when everything around you may appear to be coming apart.

Beloved ones, God's plan for the Earth is that all souls will come to know and feel and experience this divine Oneness that is the reality of all spiritual traditions, regardless of religious affiliation or spiritual practice.

Now an important step in this plan is occurring as the spiritual dimensions move closer to physical matter, in preparation for a significant joining which will meld together the realms of spirit and the realms of the physical into a New Earth that will radiate with the living presence of God's glory.

Beloved ones, this transformation process is already in process, and you have chosen to be here to participate in this momentous occasion. Healing is possible now that was not possible even a few short years ago. Healing is now possible that was not possible at other times in the Earth's development. That is why so many souls are now here on the Earth, present to participate in this awakening.

At this time there is much movement occurring on all dimensions of reality, and this is affecting the movement of daily events and emotions that manifest. One of the most common experiences of this time is new, unusual and even extreme physical and energetic symptoms. More on this can be found at the New Light Body site.

Another common experience at the present time is the feeling of "emotional melt down" as emotional pain and burdens which have been held within become loosened and begin to release from consciousness. This is an important part of the purification process which is affecting individuals and the planet as a whole.

May all beings come to know themselves as One in God, and may all of God's children be blessed. Amen.
Love and blessings,

World Blessings  *  P.O. Box 8741  *  Bend, Oregon 97708  *  USA  *  (541) 388-4692  *  The website has been constructed with help from the spiritual realms, from my beloved husband Doran, and from my beloved spiritual teacher, Julie Redstone, who assisted in large measure with its development. It is evolving as an organic whole evolves, with anticipation that there will be growth and change as new needs arise for conveying spiritual truths to an awakening world.  * 

HEAVEN #3487
God Has Been Preparing Great Gifts for You
June 12, 2010
God said:
Look up. The dawn has arrived. The sun is out. Were you sleeping?
I have told you that great gifts are on their way to you, you, as a group, and you individually. The summer of your journey is here.
You are boarding a train of delight and unexpected courtesies. Lift up your foot. Board that train. It is an excursion train. It is going somewhere wonderful. It is full of surprises. Your head had been looking down, and now you look out the windows and up at the sky, and you see the wondrous sights waiting for you, wondrous sights eager to be seen by you. The gifts coming to you blush in their eagerness to be seen by you.
As you feel blessed, they feel blessed, you, the one who sees, and they, the gifts that are seen. It is mutual love. The gift loves to be given. And the receiver of the gift loves to receive. It is a perfect match.
You have so much to look forward to. Lift up the window shades so you can see all.
The name of the train you ride is Good Fortune. It is impending. No, it is right with you. It is you who has to be impending. Impend to receive the gifts that have been earmarked for you. They are coming fast and furious, spilling everywhere like night stars in the sky, vibrant, sparkling, delighting in being seen and admired. How the stars love you. How they come out for you. Such nightly gifts are the stars, the magnificent stars of light in the night sky, all bright and beautiful for you to look at. Be sure to look up at the stars and receive their light on your face. Go out and be a stargazer.
By day, go out and look at the reflection of the sun through the leaves of the trees. Look how the light turns itself and shows itself off so that you may delight in how it turns and curtsies to you. Can you hear the sun laughing in joy as it plays tag with you everywhere it goes?
These are constant gifts the Universe has given to you every single day of your life. It takes no effort for the stars to sparkle and the big yellow sun to shine. And there are new gifts coming to you, rapidly, one after the other.
Many of these gifts will be gifts you have had right along. Not all, but many, and so many of these gifts will be in the form of realizations. You will begin to see what has been right in front of you just as long as the stars and the sun and the days and the nights of beauty have been with you.
You may not see angels with wings, yet you will recognize the angels in human form who have lifted you and given you Heaven. You didn't know it when they appeared, and yet now you recognize them. You have had many angels in your life, only, at the time, you didn't get it that they were angels.
You, too, beloveds, have been angels to others who passed by you not recognizing at the time who you were. You didn't know either.
You have known angels all your life. Just not by name. That's okay. This recognition is retroactive. Now you will begin to see the good gifts that have always been.
And you will also receive more gifts of the world, gifts from the world that is grateful for you. You will receive gifts like jewelry that reflect the light of the sun and the stars and the sea. You will receive more gifts that you can hold in your hand.
Be ready to receive all the gifts that are markedly on their way to you. Lift up your head. Open your eyes. And see what I have prepared for you on Earth.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  *    

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