You do not exist
Here it is, beloveds. Here
it is. You do not exist. This individual you have known all your life does not exist. You can pinch yourself. You can look
in the mirror and see yourself. Others can see you, talk to you. They believe you are real or real enough. And yet you are
fiction. When the body dies, there is an end to fiction. The personality you have known yourself to be and associated with
your body no longer exists. You never did exist. It was all a romp. YOU really exist. The deeper you really exists, yet the
person you have flaunted yourself around as never was. It was a game you and the world played. A very High Being was disguised
as an individual for a while. You were not who you thought you were. You are not who you think you are. The you that you have known
yourself to be is not what I created. Did I create your quirks and your holding on to this and that? I created you as I AM
– Spirit. I didn’t create all the nonsense. I keep you in My heart, nonsense and all. I may even adore your nonsense,
even when you don’t, yet I created greater. So, today, I am telling you
that you don’t exist. What did I ever mean but that when I said the world is fiction? Certainly, fiction can have truth
in it. You certainly have Truth within you, and yet you are not this individuality that you have come to know yourself as.
You have blown yourself up. The you that you have paraded yourself around as is but a shadow of yourself. You have gone on
a detour. We can even say that you have gone on a detour from your Father’s Business. Caught into your imagined individuality,
you have danced around on the surface of life. You have been mindful of fiction. You have blown yourself up as a fictional
character. You have had your good moments as the star of a novel you flip the pages of. And yet this novel is not your
real story. You are quite another story altogether. Do not mourn for the loss of
your individuality. It was nice knowing you, and yet there is much more to you than this fanciful individuality that you pledged
yourself to. You played the part to the hilt. You were on stage the whole time, and, yet, your real role was going on backstage.
Will the real you stand up? The real you is not involved
in the drama. The drama is all play-acting. Behind the curtains, there is a different scenario going on. It is much more serene,
calm. It is even. It is Wholeness. It is Infinite and Eternal. All the beautiful stories do not light a candle to the Infinite
Eternal you. Consider your individuality
as a friend who keeps showing up. Your friend isn’t your perfect ideal, and yet he or she is your friend, and you have
some fun together. You have even some great moments together. You have some tears too. Tears are just a front, too, you understand.
As it is, your persona needed a place to stay, and so you took her in. You don’t have to wait
until you die for the lease on your personality to be up. You can get right down to your True Self at any moment. You can
shed the accumulation of a lifetime. You can take off the decorations. All that you thought enhanced your career of life was
a cover-up. And now you can bare yourself to yourself and say Adieu to all the trappings. You can say, “Hello, Who I
really am. Hi, there.” But who can say when your personality has packed its bags? You are far grander than you
ever dreamed. Be happy. You do not exist. |