World birth pangs of change are ahead




Michigan, US of A, August 12, 2012.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Fundamentals of Light and Life.”

Received by Chris.

Teacher Ophelius: “Today we will talk about how the earth is getting ready to move from its current state of seeming chaos to one that is sober and ready to embrace the fundamentals of Light and Life. On more normal worlds in the universe, where there has been no rebellion, this shift is gradual and steady, but on your world, because of its confusion, it will come like a new mother who is in the pangs of child birth, where, after great pain, will come the joy of holding the new life that has finally arrived. She will soon forget the pain of labor and make plans to nurture the fragile life that she holds so dearly.

“The calamitous events, both natural and social, will fall like dominos and pick up speed, and finally, when they have all come to rest, then will you hear rumors of the appearance of the magisterial son, Monjoronson. When he and his administration move into the public arena, he will be working with the remnants of civil governments and progressive organizations to establish new sustainable societies. When men and women hear the wisdom from a paradisiacal viewpoint they will listen and understand that it is in their best interest to work with, and not against, his wise recommendations, for they will recognize that their very survival depends on the guided solutions that will be worked out to benefit the many. The old corrupt model of scarcity, greed, and elitism will be swept from world consciousness as the pillars of their control will have been dismantled and looked upon in disdain by new generations.

“In the following years after the dust has settled, and there is forward moving progress, events will again accelerate as the opposition to Monjoronson’s plans for the restructuring of societies fades and the fruits of these new sustainable ideas begin to flourish. The nations will work together like no other time in history to cast aside their suspicions and hostilities and bring an end to all wars and terrorism – they shall, as it has been foretold, ‘beat their spears into plow shears.’

“It may be at this time of peace that Christ Michael shall solidify his plans to return to the earth and officially usher in the age of Light and Life. It will be a time of great joy, a renaissance of advanced learning, art, science, and technology that will culminate the consciousness of humanity as they finally come to know the true meaning of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. Science and religion will have finally come full circle as men and women more fully understand the ascension plan and no longer will they ask, ‘Is there really a God?’ The time of the agondonters (those who believe without seeing) will be over.

“Make ready your hearts and minds, my friends, for you students on the path will be asked to participate in this brave new world that is at hand. You who have faithfully believed in this divine plan for the birth of the age of Light and Life may be called on by the Magisterial Son and His staff to work with the governments of earth to bring about the changes in thinking necessary to make ready for Christ Michael’s return to the earth.

“Peace to all,
“The Circle of Seven.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.
