Words Can Hardly Describe What U-R About 2 Experience

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: Words can Hardly Describe What You Are About to Experience
3.)  Galactic Federation of Light: Brightening Future Course & Choosing the Nest
4.)  What You Are Learning
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day

Isis' Message of the Day -
"Apprehend God in all things, For God is in all things. Every single creature is full of God and is a book about God. Every creature is a word of God! If I spent enough time with the tiniest creature-even a caterpillar -- I would never have to prepare a sermon, so full of God is every creature."

~ Meister Eckart ~

I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. Love is precious. It is more precious than diamonds and gold. What else can make you feel cherished? What else can make you feel worthy and special? What else can look into your darkness* and see the beauty? Nourish the love within. Nourish the love you see around you. It is like the delicate flower. It needs gentle tending and care. Be the gardener of your soul and love. Bless your hearts.

* When they gave me the darkness, they showed me the parts of us that we don’t want others to see, the parts that we are ashamed, and the parts of us that we feel others will not like us if they see it.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  * www.cynthialeeshelton.com/   *      

SaLuSa: Words can Hardly Describe What You Are About to Experience
Through Mike Quinsey
June 13, 2012
All around you changes are occurring and are a sure sign that the impulses for change are getting stronger, and so it will continue all the way to Ascension. The good news is that the outcome has been well anticipated by us, and we have taken all necessary action to ensure that you ascend. Our main responsibility has been to assist our allies to remove the dark Ones. It is proceeding well and is splitting the ranks of the Illuminati, who are becoming disorganized.  It will act as a restraint upon them where they may have any remaining ambition to empower their plans to disrupt your progress. 
There really is an "any day now scenario" as far as major events coming to fruition, and there is no escaping the consequences for the Dark Ones. Changes there will be that shall remove all the attachments that have blighted your lives, for Millennia of time. A clean sweep will give you a fresh start to quickly move into the higher realms where you belong. It will be an almost unbelievable transition in such a short time, with great help from us and other higher sources. We know your potential and how quickly we need to help you move on. 
It is time for you to throw caution to the wind and take your rightful place with us. We see you as equals and of such courage to allow yourselves to experience the lower vibrations, knowing that they were likely to pull you down into the darkness. Carry no guilt forward as it is time to forgive yourself of any mistakes you may have made, and in any event the end times allow for the Law of Grace to wipe your slate clean. Experience is exactly why you wished to drop down through the dimensions, and the reason for a great leap in your evolution. 
One day you will look back at your adventure in duality, and understand why it took various twists and turns. You will see how your response to situations wrote the next chapter in your life, and how you managed to rise to your present stage of evolution. Yet as you look back it will all seem as if it is in the now, as all your experiences can be recounted as they happened. Somewhere in your subconsciousness lies all the memories of every encounter you have made, and they guide you through each new experience. Once you have ascended, you will be able to tap into just everything that exists. If necessary you will also be able to benefit from the experiences of other souls, without having to achieve it through direct experience. 
Your shield and sword are made of love, and no one shall be able to penetrate your protection. Even on Earth you can you use its power to create, and many of you do so in a healing modality. The energy of love attracts the higher vibrations to you that are uplifting, and bring harmony and balance to your body. By contrast the energies of such emotions as anger and hatred, damage your body and bring about ill health. After Ascension the vibrations will be so high that only the purest thoughts will exist. That Dear Ones is what you are working towards right now, and some of you have already achieved a great degree of success. 
Your future has always been in your own hands, but directed by the divine intent of those who have created your Universe. There has also been a plan for the evolution of Mankind, that ties in with the evolution of other civilizations. All are connected and what one does affects all others, which is why the ascension of your civilization is such an important event for us. You are so to say, the bottom rung on the ladder and when you rise up so do all those above you.  Your success is so important to us all, and so much love is being sent to you right now to assist you all. You cannot fail to be affected by it, and that is why we know that you will ascend as planned. 
The Galactic Federation awaits the pleasure of your company, but not until after disclosure when we will be able to meet you on our own terms. We have lots to show you but much to do in bringing you the benefits that are lined up. Our allies are virtually ready to go into action and everything points to some activity very shortly. With each delay we have been able to re-adjust very quickly, and can assure you our plan still holds good. Once the details can be made known, we see that more of you will have the opportunity to join forces with us. It was never our intention to carry out everything on your behalf, and there will be much encouragement for you to take your share of the responsibility. 
The horror story that you have lived will soon be the fairy tale that has come true through your dreams of Utopia. The Golden Age is truly going to be one that will fulfill your dreams, and take you on some incredible journeys. Time will cease to exist and life will be infinite in a never ending series of wonderful experiences. We know that the idea of "no-time" is hard to comprehend but you will take to it quite easily. Imagine that everything happens in the now and on a circular plane, and that you can come and go at any point that you choose. Time would be unnecessary and inadequate to live by, and of no consequence. 
You will have much to learn about your new dimension and how it will affect you, and much to learn about how to use your creative powers. However, by then your level of consciousness will have arisen as such, that you will have no problem becoming a trusted and worthy entity. Words can hardly describe what you are about to experience, except that you will be thrilled and even overcome by the magnitude of what is about to take place. The biggest changes of all will be within you, and many of you are already aware that you are a different person to what you were just a few years ago. You are of the Light and spreading it around wherever you go, and helping your fellow travelers. 
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and represent just one civilization that has had links with you for eons of time.  They will gradually grow stronger and other civilizations will also renew their links with you. We will all become as One within the Galactic Federation of Light, working with Love and Light. 
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
I receive my messages from SaLuSa telepathically, he is speaking for the Galactic Federation. I have never had the advantage of being able to have a relationship where I can ask questions. I sit down at a specific time to make contact and then I get images or what I call 'packages" of images or words which I translate straight away onto the computer. Since March, 2004 I have been in contact with beings from the Galactic Federation.  *     

Galactic Federation of Light: Brightening Future Course & Choosing the Nest
How often have you gone to bed at night thinking ‘How far am I away from midlife?’ What we would like to see more of you going to bed at night thinking is ‘How close am I to being young again, possessing a youthful body in function, form and appearance?’ This is the kind of mindset we would prefer to see in you, as a more positive outlook will bring to you better opportunities to enjoy your lives better than negative perspectives and outlooks will.
The way you think is often the way you feel, and the way you feel lays the tracks for the path you will travel up ahead. This is the way it works here in this universe, where your thoughts, feelings, emotions, dreams, perspectives and outlook are all part of the future you are creating for yourself. Try to always remember this as you are going about your day, for it is not only this day that you are experiencing, but it is many more days to come that will bring to you a similar experience if you do not consider and alter your future course by consciously creating it and focusing on more positive, enjoyable and rewarding experiences you wish for yourself.
Search through your files that are stored within your mind and within your heart and choose for yourself more joyful and happy experiences to think about, instead of harboring memories of failures or discontent and experiences that you do not wish to live through again. We have taken notice that many of you harbor such resentment for some of your past experiences, and we wish to remind you that all of these experiences were for very good reason and all were designed to allow you to become the learned being that you are today. We say to you that instead of looking back in disappointment and regret, to instead think about what kind of being you would be today without these experiences. Would you still make the same mistakes today if you had not learned from these experiences yesterday? In all likelihood you would, and you would still be making those mistakes and choices today and tomorrow and as you move on ahead on your journey.
Knowing that you have made poor choices in the past and have suffered the consequences of these choices, you now are free to move ahead on your journey without these obstacles presenting themselves to you through choice. Try to see this as so liberating, for indeed it is, as no one needs to learn the same lessons twice if they have learned from these experiences the first time, and if you are looking back in regret at some of the choices you have made, then dear one, you have learned this lesson already and you will not have to learn it again. This should come as such good news for those of you who live in such regret of your prior choices and the experiences they have led you to, as you now know you will not make the same choices again.
Try to look at it this way, in such a more positive light, for dwelling on regret will only lead to circumstances that will give you more of the emotions that you are sending out into the universe like a pebble splashing into a still pond. You will receive similar experiences that will issue you the emotion the universe believes you are asking to experience. Do you understand this? This is a very important spiritual and scientific fundamental that each and every one of you needs to fully understand and have stored within the forefront of your consciousness each and every moment of each and every day, as these moments are creating for you your future experiences, and it is important for you to keep this in mind and more consciously create the experiences you wish to live through.
Looking back, there has been no experience for you that was so negative that it has destroyed you, as this is totally impossible. Nothing can destroy you. Nothing can cause great harm to the being that you truly are, and none of your experiences have come even close to this. In the greater scheme of things, these experiences that you felt you needed for your growth and your expansion as an eternal spiritual being of light have only served to make you stronger and wiser, more learned and more experienced, and what you are getting out of this is far more than what you are putting into this or have ever put into this.
Try to always remember this and look at every experience that you have had, no matter how negative, disappointing or bad it may seem to you now, as a wonderful opportunity for you to have learned and that you have used to strengthen your spirit and your will, for indeed that is what these past experiences have done. They have helped you design and craft a powerful, wise and deeply knowledgeable eternal being of great love, compassion and experience, and without these past experiences that you may view as negative, you could not be the being you are today and possess such a wealth of gifts and talents.
Sometimes you may remind yourself of this by asking yourself “What is more important to me? Having lived without these experiences I may view at times as negative, or becoming the being that I possibly can become, reaching my highest and truest potential?” Ask yourself this the next time you're looking back in disappointment or regret due to an episode you have experienced and answer this question to yourself honestly. We feel this may be all you need to see all of your past experiences, no matter how they turned out, through brighter eyes and a more positive outlook, and this is the key to creating experiences for yourself that you will one day look back upon with joy and fond remembrance.
Choosing the Nest
The television you are watching, even though you think this technology is new and state-of-the-art is actually very old and outdated. Even the couches you sit on, although the concept has remained the same, many things about it too have changed. These are just a sampling of everyday things that you take so for granted that will change radically in the days ahead for you. There is not too much about the future many of you will be entering that will remain the same for you. We, the Galactic Federation of Light, do not wish to rush any of you into these changes that in many areas will be great. We instead wish to gently escort you out of the current paradigm you are experiencing into a new reality which we feel you will agree is far more rewarding, enjoyable and educational than the current lives you are living.

There are many of you who are ready and some of you who are even looking forward to these changes in your experience, though there are just as many of you, even more so, that are not at this time ready to experience such upheavals to their reality and therefore are not looking forward to these changes as some of you are. Please try to keep this in mind as you continue your efforts to share your truth and share what you know of the coming of events for you, as these events may not be in the future for all of those that you speak to. This is the way it must be, as a choice has to be made here to either experience a new beginning or to continue experiencing what some have become used to and what some believe, at least at this time, to be their one reality.

Please respect and honor their choice, and allow them the comfort and the apparent safety of their current nest within the home of their reality to remain undisturbed as much as you can. This is the best thing you can do for them. Shaking them out of their nest before they are prepared to fly away on their own is not in anyone's best interest. These souls are not yet prepared for such a journey and require more schooling and experience right here where they are. Do not feel badly for them as there is no reason for this. Be happy for them that they understand what it is that they need for their own soul’s advancement, and extend to them the courtesy of accepting their choice as the better choice for them as, if they could understand your choice, they may not see it as the best choice, at least for them.

Our choices are a personal one, and each and every choice that we make is sacred and should be honored. Please honor and respect their choice, for it is the choice that they feel is best for them at this time. For those of you who are choosing a new adventure with new challenges, joys and triumphs, we say to you that this is also a choice that we of the higher realms have made in what you know as our past. There was a time when all of us who have already made this choice, and all of you that are now making this choice, chose instead to remain within the familiar confines of our lower dimensional homes and selves. There will come a day for each and every soul to make the choice to leave the old and experience the new, so do not feel it is your task to shake awake everyone and pull them out of their current reality because you feel it is best for them or that they will be missing something so great and rewarding.

‘All things in good time for all beings when it is their time’ are words we would like you to think about today. We have observed some of you feeling it is your duty to ‘disturb the nest’ of those still asleep here in their 3rd dimensional home. This is not anyone's duty or task at this or any other time. What your task entails is to be a beacon of light for those who are awakening and are choosing to follow the light up the path that will lead them out of here and open into a new world of beauty and experience. It should not be hard for any of you to recognize the telltale signs of when someone is demonstrating an interest to leave this current reality for newer horizons.

There are and will be families that are divided by those who wish for a new start and those who wish to remain behind. This may be considered a painful experience for some of you who understand that there will be a departing and a time when you will have to say goodbye, at least for now. This is only natural, and we will not say to you to bottle up your emotions, but we do suggest to you to understand that there never has to be a permanent goodbye as there will always be opportunities for you to reunite once again with those that are today your family and our today your friends. Many of us here within the higher realms stand today with friends and loved ones who in the past have gone our separate ways as well, only to reunite in joy and sometimes great surprise when it was time for those who remained back in the lower dimensions to make the choice to step in and begin their new lives where we call home.

There will be other opportunities for all that choose to remain here within your current dimension to ascend into the higher realms of possibility. Please do not feel you need to rush these souls as it is important they be allowed to continue their experience right here where they are, and only they know best what they need or wish to experience. Thank you for understanding this and thank you for allowing these souls to continue their journey as they see fit, and please do try not to unnecessarily ‘shake the cradle’ of their current reality, as this will do them no good and may even lead to problems that will further delay the day they choose to leave here and the day you will be blessed with a joyful reunion with them.

Try to see all the things you do for them today as preparing them for their ascension to one day come, even if it is to let them be and allow them to continue on in their current dream without learning all the details of your dream. This may be the best thing for some of these souls who are not yet prepared for such life-changing revelations. The human psyche is a delicate flower and must remain shielded from storm and adverse weather and allowed to bloom in the warm and nurturing sun with a little rain from time to time, as both are necessary for its growth. Remember this always and do your best not to trample upon the seedlings, and let them take in a little sun and a little rain while they continue to grow and to flower into the powerful immortal being of light that you are now blossoming into.

Thank you for your time today and thank you for considering the feelings and the choices of all other souls, even if they are so very close to you and you feel that they are going to miss something and you are going to miss them. This is the way it must be for now, as we all must be left alone to nurture and to grow in the garden of our choice, no matter where that garden may grow.
Thank you very much for your time today. We have enjoyed our conversation with you, and we look forward to speaking with you again shortly. We love you, and we always have you, dear ones, in mind and heart at all times.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
Received by Greg Giles
I am a Starseed, incarnate of the Indigo Ray and channel for the Galactic Federation and my Star Family from the Ashtar Command, an 11th dimensional Osequeq collective from the Star System Tauri C; Amanda, Arisa, Rona, Jella, Morgana, Sophia, Germana, Capella, Jackie, Romana, Angela, Patricia, Anthony, Gifta, Maria, Mercula, Pierca, Ramulete, Augusta, Chevron, Thomas. I have incarnated at this time on assignment to advance my education and assist this planet and its people in their time of ascension to a higher dimensional existence. http://ascensionearth2012.blogspot.com  *  

Heavenletter #4219
What You Are Learning
June 13, 2012
God said:
You may think you have a long list of difficulties. I do not usually categorize, yet today I will categorize your difficulties into two hang-ups you have: Ego and attachment.
Ego is no more than your identity crisis, and attachment is holding onto everything that you perceive as due you.
Actually, ego and attachment are one. You are caught up in what you believe is "supposed to be." And you are attached to what you believe, have been taught to believe that you are supposed to have. For instance, you are supposed to be given credit for everything you have done or given. When you do not have the credit that is rightfully yours, you feel denied, and, let's face it, you don't do well with being denied. Beloveds, you have not been denied. You have been given any and every opportunity to grow. Opportunities to grow have been strewn before you.
Your identity crisis is a more honorable name for what is ego crisis. Ego is always having a crisis or two. Ego is the least of you, beloveds. Your identity is not all the palaver that ego gives a song and dance about. Not at all. Ego tells you all the credit you are supposed to have and are not getting, and ego says, "There, there," and pats you on the head.
Credit is not what you are supposed to have. Unselfishness is what you are supposed to have. You are learning unselfishness. You are learning that unselfishness is far more than sharing the last piece of pie. Unselfishness is nothing more than giving up ego. It is about time for ego to be booted out.
Ego tells you that you are not loved or you are not loved enough, that you should be loved more, that you must be loved more. Give up all musts. You do not have to be King of the Mountain. You don't have to be anything at all. You just have to be. You Are. You are Being. Being doesn't own. Being IS. Being is already everything. And Being doesn't have to think twice about letting go. Beyond ego-identity and attachment lie the service of love. It is not that you present love. It is that you Are love. You don't DO love. You are love. That is your identity. You have no other. And, so, you rise above your little self and spread your wings. I will help you. I am helping you. I am giving you every opportunity to rise above whatever you have allowed to keep you back from graciousness and all that you want to be and are destined to be.
Your sensitivity, unless it is sensitivity to someone else and not to the proclivity of you in the body you live in, well, then, that sensitivity is also ego, the twin of attachment.
The picture you have had of yourself is much too small. You live in a particular house with particular people and you do a particular job, and you forget that you live in a Universe. You are not your house. You are not your family. You are not your job. You are not your physical attractiveness. You are not the amount of paper money that you bank. You are not any of these things. You are a citizen of the cosmos, and you are not here on Earth for your personal identity. You have a far vaster identity than the one ego hands you.
Identity-lessness is your identity. Divinity is your identity. Come from your identity then, this identity-less identity. This does not mean you are a cipher. It just means you know what is important and what is not, and most of what concerns you doesn't hold great importance. You are important, not because of attributes the world gives, but because of Who you already are, not what you have, not what you do, but what you give, and what you give is service to the Universe, to Heaven, to Me, and therefore to all. You are much bigger than you thought.
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click: www.heavenletters.org/gods-cosmic-loveletters-universe.html   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2012 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries *  P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556  *  www.heavenletters.org *   http://twitter.com/heavenletters  *     

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, separated ego has no power over you. It can only present to you the “what if’s”. “How do you feel about this?” That is what it says. But I love you. That is all that exists, is love. From before time began, I have loved you, and after the purpose of time has been fulfilled, I will still love you. No matter if you make a thousand mistakes, I will love you, because there are no mistakes. There are choices, there are effects, there are experiences.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org  *    
