Wings of Faith & Trust - Channeled

Urantia, December 5, 2012.
The Beloved One.
Subject: “With Wings of Faith and Trust.”

Received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “What wonderful subject this is as I share your mindal image of butterflies and your thoughts of how life itself is a practical dance on wings of faith and trust! I know how enamored you are when you see a young butterfly trying its wonderful new wings to take flight into the world. The same feelings abound when celestials notice when a human child is sincerely trying to lift his or her thoughts above every-day happenings, spontaneously breaking out into a song of gladness in feeling secure and well cared for.

“It is this thought which lately has kept you busy as to why there are humans who never in their earth lives learn to ’fly’, as their thoughts remain earth-bound, so the richest and greatest of blessing from on High escapes them. It is this lack of exercising their trust and faith muscles which prevents them from soaring, and it is the cause of all misery. The purpose and richness of life remain somehow out of reach, whilst the solution to all their unhappiness is simply to spend some thought in meditation as to why it is that they are alive, and to ask themselves the question if perhaps they are living on the fringe of life, like an animal.

“It is truly sad to see how little effort goes into flexing the wings of faith and trust, for it is these muscles that will grow stronger according to the work-out they get. It is truly of little use to go to sundry clubs to exercise the physical body, with nary a thought given to the spiritual part of the human whole. Sure, you have your mental and emotional part, too, but even these are oftentimes neglected, and only come to the fore when something goes awry in the human system, making the person stop and think.

“It is taking humankind quite a long time to finally realize that, even from an education viewpoint, equal time ought to be thoughtfully and purposefully spent on all areas – physical, mental-emotional and spiritual – in raising the human child, and therefore the totality of the maturing human being would be able to develop equally, so a balanced personality can develop. It is this lack in home and school education, but most of all the negligence on the part of the human self, which leaves behind the important aspect of self-discipline and self-correction in character training. It is the responsibility of each maturing person to become consciously aware of how they add to their personal development in all areas of life.

“The most frequently neglected part in life is the testing of one’s wings of faith and trust, which lift one’s thoughts heaven-ward and to the Creator of all, who gives life and a life-plan to each one. It is the responsibility of each maturing human to realize that life itself consists of learning curves to help one’s mortal advance to higher levels of thinking. It is this most precious and wonderful commodity of thought, which is so often squandered with mundane, low level thinking and which therefore suffers most from a lack of exercise and an ensuing failure to grow stronger. What calamity or illness must first befall you to bring you to your senses, so you will willingly learn to flex your faith and trust muscles and learn to fly?

“Life will become far more interesting when all accept their responsibilities in these ‘flying’ lessons during sincere prayer and meditation. There are many celestial onlookers, who will cheer you on in your attempts.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.

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HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
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* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
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Heavenletter #4406 God's Welcomer to the World, December 17, 2012

God said:

To be a great greeter of the human race is to welcome each person you see, meet, or pass by. If you live in a big city, your greeting can be unspoken, yet you give your greeting just the same. This is not a small thing I ask of you when I ask you to be My official greeter to the Universe. Please do not take it lightly. This isn't a service to give only when you feel like it or happen to be in a good mood. What mood you're in isn't the issue. Your service is the issue. You are one who serves.

You don't know what saving grace your welcome to the Universe might be to someone. You don't know what your simple welcome might mean to someone you bless. You could be giving someone a new lease on life, yes, just your moment of welcome, your moment of meeting someone's eyes, your moment of recognition. Let your face convey, "Hello, man."

Even in a big city, you can welcome everyone. You can. In a small town, you can welcome everyone in another way. You are My welcomer to the Universe, not to this one and that one, but to all. It is important that you have this friendly intent. This is your mission. It is everyone's. Welcome is yours to convey: "Happy landings. To your health. Cheers. Have a good life."

A reason given to welcome all has been bruited around in the world. You don't know in advance whom you could be greeting. Unbeknownst to you, you could be greeting Christ or Moses or Mohammed. True, there is good in it for you to welcome the Great Ones. You don't want to pass up that opportunity, yet I am suggesting that your heart be generous and that you welcome all of My children, not just a certain select few you favor. I am suggesting that you become a Great One even in this seeming little daily thing. What a gift it is to welcome one and all into your generous heart. What a blessing to all, and what a blessing to you to be a Greeter of the Universe.

How close in sound are the English words Greeter, Creator, and Greater. Yes, become greater than you have perhaps allowed yourself to be. Perhaps you have been grumpy rather than great. Now, here is your chance. Welcome your wife. Welcome your husband. Welcome your children. Welcome the stranger. Be the Welcome Wagon. Be an Ambassador of Good Will. Be a willing recipient of everyone, every face, every Being. In all cases, you are welcoming Life, you are welcoming Love, you are welcoming Me, and you are welcoming yourself to untold happiness. Let your posture, let your mien, let your voice convey: "Good morning, everyone. Good morning one and all."

You are no longer waiting for someone to acknowledge you. You are the chosen acknowledger. You offer a simple welcome first. You make a passage through the loneliness of crowds so that others can follow you. You are making way for Me. You are announcing Me. You are announcing: "God is right with me." You don't have to say that. You don't have to say any words, yet, you are announcing Me just the same. You are the one now who heralds peace and good will to all men. You are the heralder of the good times to come. You are the one who lays down the welcome mat for all. You are saying: "Hey, you all, I'm laying down the welcome mat for you. How happy I am to see you."

Bridging Heaven & Earth {Video}

John - Cleveland Ohio USA