WillGodForgiveU? |
Disregard new personal email address July 1st. Continue to use ladyisis@verizon.
Isis' Message of the Day -
Hop aboard the Love train to the New World!
You are a radiant being of love. Deep at the center of your
being there is an infinite supply of love. It is inexhaustible. You can never use it all in this lifetime.
So you don't have to be sparing with it. You can always be generous with your love. Love is contagious.
When you share love, it comes back to you multiplied. The more love you give, the more love you
have. You have come to this world to be a love giver. You came in full of love. And even though you
will share your love all your life, when you leave this earth you will still have a soul full
of love. If you want more love, then you have only to give love. Your creator is Love and created you
from that Love, you are that very Love energy in Human form. I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
============ Dear Ones. It is with great pleasure that we
converse with each of you. You are part of the Divine tapestry of life and knowing. We see your wisdom when you are connecting
to the Divine. We see how it flows within you and around you. When you are disconnected from the Divine it is like being on
a rough road that has not seen much traffic in a long time and weather has caused ruts and valleys. Being in the flow is like
a new topping being added to the road and the ride is much smoother. We love you. We are here for you. Remember you are a
Child of the Divine.
Dear Ones. Love is all around you. It is in the
grocery store. It is in the post office. It is in the work building. Notice the smiles around you that ooze joy and love.
See the love the children have just for existing. See the love a puppy has just for waking up. See the joy a grandmother has
for a newborn grandbaby. Love is all around you. Open your eyes to see. Allow love to enter your life and all is well. Bless
your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist
with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the
best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting
guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one
of a kind!"
www.cynthialeeshelt Ceres Anthonious "Toniose"
Soltec: The Big Squeeze
Received by Dr. Edwin M. Young
Good evening, my scribe. Yes, it is your
longtime friend and scientific colleague, Toniose. And yes, you have been hearing parts of this message for many days
now, as certain ones, more attuned than most to Truth, have been moved to ask you about the mess in the Gulf. The question
indeed compels the answer. Thank you for taking the time to write for me, that we might provide insight for a wider
questioning audience.
By all means, I would expect nothing less than
that you demand a proper identification of my energy, no matter how familiar my energy signature might seem: I am more
formally known as Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec. I am the Geophysical Commander of this present Earth
Transition Project. I am of the team known as the Host of God. I come in the Radiant Light of the One who created
All That Is, in service to those who seek Truth. My domain of expertise and responsibility reaches far beyond what is
known as the science of geophysics on your planet, since your current level of understanding lacks much in the way of appreciation
for the CONSCIOUS nature of great and compassionate planetary beings like your Mother Earth.
Many ones at various stages of spiritual awakening
are asking at this time for insights about the tragic situation unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico region of your United States.
To various degrees ones are finding that they are literally feeling the effects of this event—even ones who, in the
past at least, did not consider themselves particularly sensitive to such occurrences. However, as you ones “on
the Path” allow yourselves to become more filled with Light, as this transitional time progresses, you will notice yourselves
ever more sensitive to everything around you until, like we from the Higher Realms, you take it as a natural state to feel
a Oneness with All That Is. As this connection intensifies, the idea of inflicting hurt in any circumstance will become
deeply repulsive—whether such concerns little puppies or large planets, no matter how forgiving either may be by nature.
As we of the Host have told you many times in
our past messages, this is an era of The Great Awakening and The Great Cleansing, when important lessons in spiritual growth
would play themselves out in your physical arena in an accelerated and sometimes intensely blunt fashion. This exercise
applies as much to the Dark Energies, who are valiantly attempting to hold onto their longstanding planetary control mechanisms
(especially money and energy), as it applies to those of you operating in more of a Lighted manner.
The more aligned with the Light you are, the
more comfortable you will become as the incoming Light continues to increase in both intensity and frequency. In response
to this present challenging environment, you have, for some time now, been constantly making adjustments in the underlying
energy structures which support and maintain your physical, mental, and emotional bodies—especially as you shed buried
emotional scars left over from past lessons in this Earth schoolroom. Like a tennis ball thrown into a swimming pool
full of activity, you may get jostled around a lot, and temporarily even get submerged now and then, but you’ll find
yourself generally floating to the water’s surface, so to speak, due to the buoyancy that results from your Light.
As we have long suggested, making an effort each day to be quiet and connect within to Source will go a long way toward bringing
a measure of balance and inner peace to offset the outer chaos that may be unfolding all around you as matters intensify between
the Light and Dark.
That outer chaos is largely the result of how
the incoming Light is bothering the Dark Energies. Like the melting of snow-men and their elaborate snow-forts as the
seasons move into the warmth of summer, these Dark ones are experiencing the gradual yet utter dissolution of all that they
have worked so diligently to achieve over many centuries of clever manipulation of humanity. Thus you are observing
(and perhaps even experiencing firsthand through such as economic hardship) their roaring tantrums over this losing situation.
Their anger is often vented through stepped-up
manipulation of negative-impact events, carried out mostly through various worldwide human puppetry, some of whom you recognize
as the so-called elite controllers of your planet and their international corporate minions. These shenanigans are typically
designed to generate outpourings of fear and anger from the masses (especially hoping to pull down you highly Lighted ones)
since the more low-frequency energies they cause to be sent into the planetary ethers, the more that helps to buy them time
by keeping the “temperature” cooler in terms of the energy climate they need to remain comfortable and effective.
So the less YOU become caught up in THEIR shenanigans (through contributing any outpourings of negative emotions), the less
they can continue to tolerate remaining around you or this planet.
My scribe had quite a laugh a few weeks ago when,
in response to a friend’s question, I first shared a mental picture of where these Dark Energies and their puppetry
are stuck at this time in the unfolding events of your planetary transformation: Perhaps you have seen comic-relief
video clips on the evening news of some “unfortunate” thief, who had been intent on robbing some closed convenience
store in the middle of the night, but who had managed to get himself royally stuck in an air-conditioning ceiling vent that
was supposed to be his clever route of entry into the store. Consider the point in his plight shortly BEFORE he finally
has to “cry uncle” and pull out his cell phone to call 911 for help; it is a point of the most sickening frustration,
then anguish, and finally, realization and acceptance of the inevitable. Once he makes that call his game is over, as
he and his intentions become exposed for all to see on the next day’s local news.
It would be useful to keep that picture of the
ill-fated thief in mind—stuck, as your expression goes, “between a rock and a hard place”—as you watch
what is going on with the extremely toxic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (among other unravelings of the Dark Energy power
structure). Intense and profound spiritual lessons are underway on many levels. Let us consider a few of the perhaps
less obvious ones:
First of all, the very corporate arm of the elite
who have consistently (and often ruthlessly) suppressed, for most of the last century, all of the so-called “free-energy”
modalities gifted to your planet through various inventors, that would have rendered oil (a natural fluid of Mother Earth’s
circulatory system) unnecessary ever as an energy source, are the ones squarely and quite publicly “on trial”
at the center of this mess in the Gulf. And all attempts to soften the situation through expensive media PR campaigns
have only backfired on them.
But such “poetic justice” is hardly
the end of their dilemma. Those who operate under Dark control are never known to exercise any degree of intelligent
or moral balance in their pursuits (think, for example, Bernie Madoff), and this case is no exception.
These ones have ignored the already well known
(if not publicly admitted) geophysical dangers of deep-water, deep-well drilling, zealously tapping into levels of Mother
Earth’s planetary body where tectonic plate-driven fluid pressures exceed the limits of your present technical capabilities.
For example, it does not take profound scientific genius to appreciate how hooking up a normal-strength garden hose to your
corner hydrant, that operates at fire-hose water pressures, is going to be a recipe for uncontrollable disaster. And
as many of you intuitively suspect, much of the fallout from the Gulf oil spill (and even more dangerous attempted fixes)
has not—yet—even been revealed by your well-controlled (so far) major news outlets. Those damning revelations
will be left to their proper time in this unfolding spiritual lesson.
So you have a situation that, on nearly all fronts,
is actually beyond your present human technology to fix. Various attempts that have been paraded on your news programs
are more like dog-and-pony shows, meant to give an illusion of engineering competency. Of course the fervent hope is
that you-the-people aren’t technically savvy enough to see through such charades, especially with the media’s
lapdog collusion. But while such deceptions may buy some time, do you perhaps see a parallel between this jam and that
of the thief stuck in the air-conditioning vent?
So now I ask you a question to ponder:
WHO do you suppose these stuck, oil-soaked thieves will eventually—if begrudgingly—
Yes, the call (911 or other) most certainly compels
the answer. But what form that answer takes is yet to unfold in the fullness of lessons of most value to the spiritual
growth of all. I leave you with more than enough to ponder for now.
I am Commander Ceres Anthonious “Toniose”
Soltec of the Host of God of Light and Creation. My duty is that of friend, teacher, and wayshower to all who search
for Truth as a path to Wisdom. Salu.
Dr. Edwin M. Young
The Angel of Freedom Awaits Your Invitation
Received by Shanta Gabriel
Dear Ones,
The impulse for true freedom is within every
living heart. It is a gift from the Divine Source that births all innate impulse and expression. Just as the strength of the
wave breaking on a beach carries with it the mighty force of the vast ocean behind it, the impulse for true freedom within
each being carries the greater power of the Divine Source of all Nature.
The desire for freedom explodes from within the
being and claims precedence as expansive, full and exalted thought. This thought powers the force of action to transcend difficulties
and limiting situations. It bubbles beneath the surface working its way through into the light. It has such power that the
impulse for freedom alone can be a breakthrough to new life. Know that this force for freedom is the action of the spirit
within you and you can use it to create new life circumstances. How does one use a powerful spiritual force in everyday life?
Sometimes personalizing this force can make it easier to understand and incorporate.
Imagine that there are beings of Light that hold
the spirit of freedom as their matrix energy. They represent a type of angelic being that uses this empowered force to assist
humanity in breaking through the chains of limitation that bind the thought processes of mass consciousness. The more people
think of themselves from the limiting viewpoints of material living, the more constricted their energy fields become. This
constricted energy results in thoughts of fear, doubt and attachment to the status quo. The depth of unhappiness this constriction
causes human life is rampant and is the basis for many forms of disease because it cuts off the flow of life force. Many times
there is a desire in the heart for true freedom that can break these boundaries. It can bubble to the surface, but without
knowing how to make the change happen, the impulse dies under the weight of living without hope.
If one can lay aside the need to know exactly
how to change, and holds to the desire for freedom, a doorway is opened in the consciousness. This doorway opens to the Higher
Power and the gifted beings of the Angelic Realm waiting to be of assistance. The Angel of Freedom is such a being, awaiting
invitation to work with your soul, and this angel is available to clear away the darkness in the energy fields surrounding
each person on the earth. There needs to be the willingness within your heart to ask for help, an open door in your mind to
allow angelic assistance, and the desire to be free from the constricting chains of limiting thoughts. The power of your willingness
opens the mind and heart so help can be received, and it is an essential first step in the process of profound freedom.
Visualize a future where you are free and happy;
a future where all your needs are met with grace and ease; a future filled with health and wellbeing, as well as harmonious
relationships. Now ask the Angel of Freedom to bless these intentions. Write them down and keep them in a sacred manner. You
might make a special table with a candle and a flower to serve as a meditation focal point for you. Look at them frequently
and ask for a blessing from the Angel of Freedom for your abundantly bright and happy future. These steps will lift your vibrational
frequency in the present time and help to pave the way for the future you most desire to experience. Ask the Angel of Freedom
to free your mind of doubts and fear, then set your worries aside. You have just released your future into the Life Stream
of pure freedom, and became a co-creator with the angelic realms.
The energy of freedom exerts a pressure on every
thought that constricts life. This impulse for freedom is so strong that once it is given a place in your mind and heart,
it takes on a life of its own. It is as if you are planting seeds of freedom that blossom and grow when allowed into your
being. The energy of freedom carries genius. This can be used in all forms of creative expression and can open up surprising
solutions to everyday situations that were not evident from the constricted state of mind. This energy of freedom carries
a passion that ignites the spark of hope in your mind, inspiring others to join you in a conspiracy of free thoughts and prayers
that have the power to uplift all humanity. Explosive, loving energy magnetizes the joyous souls who believe they have the
potential within their power to be free, and are willing to hold the light of freedom for all who live on earth. This spirit
of freedom is an inherent gift from the Divine and is available to all those who desire to live from the place of this powerful
Your willingness to invite the Angel of Freedom
into your life can be your connection to this powerful force that is available to you. It is time to break the shackles that
have bound you to constricted thoughts. Expand the boundaries of your mind and let your soul guide the way to perfect freedom.
Let your heart and mind open to the spirit of this exalted state where all things grow in boundless potential. Allow happiness
to bubble to the surface and live in the joy of true freedom.
And so it is.
(c)2010 Shanta Gabriel is an inspired teacher,
healer and the author of "The Gabriel Messages." This volume of compassionate wisdom for the 21st Century from Archangel Gabriel,
is personal as well as practical, and provides clear suggestions for emotional and spiritual balance. Shanta's new book, Messages
from Archangel Gabriel on Divine Light is now being offered as a free E-Book download on her website. www.thegabrielmessa
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, when your desire wanes, when your
desire extinguishes, then there is no longer need for the body. Oftentimes there will be desire to leave the body behind and
to expand into the light, and that is not with judgment. That is just saying, “I am finished with playing this certain
drama, this certain scripting. I’m ready for another scripting.” So there is no judgment in that.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.
Will God Forgive You?
by Neal Donald Walsch
June 25, 2010
My dear friends...
Ever since I was a little child I knew that we
were not supposed to be afraid of God. Yet everything and everyone around me was telling me the opposite (except, bless her,
my Mother).
I grew up in the Catholic Church, and that will
give a 7-year-old something to think about, I can tell you. Each night I would recite a prayer that I was taught, that filled
my heart with fear:
Now I lay me down to sleep.
I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. I was trained to go to Confession every Saturday---and
not to miss under any circumstances.
This is not something that a 9-year-old should
be worrying about, but there you have it. And Old Habits are hard to break. It isn't only 9-year-olds who worry about dying
with sins on their soul and not being able to "get into heaven."
This week, a heartbreaking letter came to me,
and I want to share it with you now, along with my answer...so that we can put to rest forever the question of whether and
how God is going to "get" us if we are "sinners."
Here's the letter...
Dear Neale...My Father gave me your book
after he was done reading it, this is when your book Conversations with God, first came out. My dad began a spiritual journey
after that he read everything from Allen Richards to Valentin and Essene. I was just giving you examples of my Dad's journey.
My father died 4 yrs ago and left me all
his books, I have not read them only your first book. I'm 45 in 1992 I was diagnosed with cancer. In `93 I went through
radiation treatments every day for six weeks in my upper chest area. I found out later that I was pregnant. I
was also a drinker (I have been sober now for 9 yrs). I am Catholic and I had an abortion. I read your book
but I remember praying in that room as I was disrobing. I felt like I had to leave but I was a stupid
drunk and I cannot to this day forgive myself. I don't go to church but I pray to God and Jesus and Angels
for forgiveness to this day.
If we are just souls that keep moving, am
I not going to ever see Heaven? I love you. Thank you for writing to me. God bless Us All!
,¸¸,.»§«,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.»§« »§«,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.»§«·.,¸¸,.
My dear friend...If you are Catholic then you
must remember the story of Jesus turning to the Thief on the cross beside him. "On this very day, you shall be with me in
My dearest child, Conversations with God makes
it very clear that God does not judge, condemn, and "punish" us for anything. Every soul returns to God in Perfect Form, which
is what it always has been. Your very prayer to God to forgive you is a statement of your Soul's deepest feeling, truth, and
desire. God would not ignore this because of something that occurred in your life.
It is important to remember that there are no
victims and no villains in the world, and that all of us are doing the best we can in every moment. I believe it was the poet
Maya Angelou who said, "When we know better, we do better." That is profoundly true.
The Soul of the one you chose not to birth took
part in this co-creation with you. No one creates alone. The term "alone" has no meaning in Ultimate Reality. You can do nothing
alone, but only in concert with other Aspects of Divinity that we call "Souls." The Soul of the one you chose not to birth
chose that with you. Why? We cannot know. But...we can offer a possible insight. Perhaps that Little Soul chose to co-create
with you the Perfect Opportunity to Learn Self-Forgiveness.
God loves you in fullness and in wholeness, just
the way you are. God says only, "Thank you" to you, for undertaking this difficult and challenging journey into physical form
in order that God Himself may experience the wonder and the glory of Her Divinity, through you.
It is not an easy task to demonstrate and expand
Divinity's Expression when in physical form, and God understands that there have been and will continue to be times when human
beings forget Who They Are and think, say, and do things that may not be their highest concepts of Divinity.
All the collective Souls in heaven and all the
Angels in all the realms come here now to tell you:
"The journey of self realization is the most
challenging of all the experiences that any Being may encounter. We are grateful to you for taking this journey, through which
All Of Us are allowed to evolve and expand our very Selves, becoming greater and greater versions of Divinity because of the
remembrances we receive through you. Your willingness to engage in this journey and to suffer the anguish, the frustration,
and the searing pain of what you will call 'failure' is a gift to all of Life and to all of Us which is incalculable and treasured
You are forgiven. You are more than forgiven.
You are blameless, cherished and loved beyond measure. You are held in a place and in a way in which forgiveness itself is
not even necessary, for you have done nothing "wrong," but only the very best that you could do in the circumstance and condition
in which you made your choices and decisions.
With regard to yourself and to others, "Judge
not, and neither condemn." You will be with God in heaven....even as you are with God in heaven right now, during your journey
upon the earth. For God has never left you, and never will, and this earth is a magnificent part of the Kingdom of God.
I send you my biggest love....Neale.
,¸¸,.»§«,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.»§« »§«,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.»§«·.,¸¸,.
That's the reply I sent to this wonderful lady.
I hope it has served you to read it. For more about God's requirements and the punishment for not fulfilling them, be sure
to read What God Wants, a wonderful little book of answers that will thrill the soul.
And I will see you here next week!
Love and Hugs,
Neale Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual
messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection
to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before
beginning his now famous conversation with God. His With God series of books has been translated into 34 languages, touching
millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives. * (http://www.cwg.
ReCreation Foundation | PMB #1150 | 1257 Siskiyou
Blvd. | Ashland | OR | 97520 *
HEAVEN #3504
The Radius of Your Heart
June 29, 2010
God said:
That you welcome all into your midst means that
you don't keep anyone out from the circumference of your heart. No matter how someone has offended you, he is still welcomed
to the world. You do not obliterate him. If someone hurt your feelings twice, you are not entitled to hurt his once. It is
not necessary.
If someone snubbed you ten times, you are not
to snub him once.
Never let enmity get so far that you do not talk
to someone. You don't turn your nose up in the air. Because someone acted poorly is no reason for you to cast him out from
the radius of your heart. Because someone was less than you, you do not become the same as he and less than yourself, for
then you diminish life on Earth, and you diminish all.
Acting on My behalf means to equate yourself
with Me. Climb higher. If you must copy someone, copy Me. That is the same as to say to widen your horizons. Do not lower
your horizons. Do not copy one who has offended you. Rise instead.
I do not hold anything against anyone. I do not
turn anyone away. All are My children, and all are innocent. Free Will means that you are allowed to make mistakes. You yourself
have done so. Everyone on Earth has done so. All are free to come to Me at whatever junction in life they may be at. I welcome
all. I do not welcome only the holy. I welcome all, those who seemingly need Me the most as well as those who seemingly need
Me the least. Who is to say, beloveds, which you are or which someone else is.
The inter-relationship between all My children
is unfathomable. That the connection exists is not arguable. There is one great team that everyone plays in, and each affects
the other. What part you play may be questionable, but that you play a part is not in question.
If you are a basketball player, it is for you
to jump high.
If you are a swimmer, it is for you to swim far.
If you are a digger, it is for you to dig deep.
If you are a speaker, it is for you to speak
well of others and yourself.
If you are listener, it is for you to listen.
If you do not understand someone else, it is
for you to learn understanding.
If you resent someone's words or deeds, it is
for you to let go of resentment.
If someone owes you an apology, consider that
it is given. If necessary, make their apologies to yourself for them in your own heart, and it is done. Accept their apology,
and now make your own apology for taking offense to them. It is true that you are sorry you took offense. And now the message
is sent, and now you have freed yourself, and now you can move forward in life.
Life is to be fluid, beloveds, and you are to
be fluid. You are not to be rigid, nor are you to bind yourself to one position from which you cannot move. Let your heart
If life is to be agreeable, then you must be
This is what it means to do unto others
as you would have them do unto you. You are the one who goes first. You are the one who paves the way. You pave the way by
uplifting yourself and, therefore, others.
Dear Lady of the Light,
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