Why She / He Is Still In My Life


TrUsT It To Be So

Walk on the mud, but don’t let the mud touch your feet. Walk like a moving cloud.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Why is She/He Still in My Life?

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 02:54 PM PDT

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Dear Ones,

You are fearful that those you love are not shifting with you, that you need to leave them behind.

We have told you on several occasions that those you were close to in 3D may not be an important part of your new earth life. Many of you have used that thought to place a barrier between yourself and those you connect with so when the parting occurs you will not feel pain.

You have misunderstood the intent of that message. There are many who are no longer in your sphere of close contacts. Perhaps you talk with or even interact with them often, but when you think of connections of the heart, they are no longer part of that group. They are more acquaintances than close to your heart.

Now that you are deeper into your new earth/new life, it is highly unlikely you will find a need to remove many more, if any, people from your heart.

During the beginning stages of this transition, you were probably surrounded by those who were a convenience or should. For instance, perhaps your work environment required you to interact with someone filled with fear. But as you moved deeper into this transition, those people shifted or, in a sense, disappeared from your life. Even though you might have contact with them – it is minimal and certainly not heart-centered.

Those remaining in your heart are Lightworkers who have not yet switched on their light or are on a different path.

You could not have completed the shifts of the past few months if entities maintaining their Old Age beings and lifestyles were deeply in your heart.

The Old Age and new earth are too dissimilar for you to interact heart to heart with someone who remains solidly of the Old Age.

Your task of moving into the new earth was extremely difficult as you cleansed yourself of Old Age beliefs, actions and thoughts. You did and do not have additional energy to fend off the fear and anger of Old Age personalities who do not wish to shift.

This does not mean you will not learn or read about Old Age entities continuing their Old Age antics. But instead, that you do not need to cut them from your heart – you already completed that phase with those you were in direct contact with. They are no longer an important part of your heart – other than in general humanity terms.

Spouses, friends, co-workers, significant others, neighbors and family who remain part of your being/your heart, in whatever fashion, are Lightworkers waiting to turn on their light or on a different path.

Perhaps part of their role is to play devil’s advocate as you make your transition. They do not necessarily believe all or even most of what you believe, but somehow you cannot let them go. You sense something, somewhere within them – and you – that encourages you to remain steadfast in your beliefs that they too are part of the new earth – just at a different stage or place

How you can know this – for at times, they make you uncomfortable?

You cannot understand why they do not wish to know more about new earth – or you – as you make your transition. They seem disinterested and yet – you find them an important part of your heart. Not in the general terms of “all are one,” but in specific relationship terms that seem to be at odds with what you believe.

Perhaps you two argue. Perhaps not. You just know deep within you that you cannot remove that relationship from your being. Nor do you want to – despite all indicators that you should. Such is true because they are indeed Lightworkers taking a much different path than you.

Even now – with all the information to the contrary relayed by many channels – you believe your path is the one true path. Perhaps you meditate, visualize, channel, only allow certain foods in your body or whatever. And those you think should be removed from your being, but continue to be part of it despite your wonderment that such is so, are not at all interested in your path. Perhaps the two of you connect spiritually at times, but for the most part, this relationship seems like blending oil and water.

This relationship is water and water – only perhaps blue water and red water. It is of the heart – just different parts of the heart.

Why do you continue this relationship? The answer is quite logical.

To fully understand that “all are one,” you requested a helpmate unlike you in terms of the path they are traveling. They are moving as rapidly as you, only they do not display the same indicators along the way. They have different markers and paths. You will end-up together at some point, just not now. As you open your belief systems to alternate methods of claiming new earth, you will understand the beauty of your decision to select a mate, friend, co-worker, neighbor, significant other or relative who opted for a different path.

The only requirement to step upon a new earth path is an open heart. Those you continue to interact with have an open heart – despite so many indicators to YOU that they are not on a path. They are yet another stage of your clearing. They are with you to help you broaden your beliefs and skills. Patience is required as they (you think) flounder about the new earth. You (you think) have the direct path and you are in wonderment that they are not at all interested in your path.

This is a lesson in love. Not love within the limits and shoulds of the Old Age, but love in new earth terms. All have the freedom to be for all are moving to the same place on different paths. You elected to be with someone who broadens your new earth horizons. And they are doing so – much to your consternation. So be it. Amen.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
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* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
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God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4701 Trust in God Comes from Greater than Wishes' Coming True , October 8, 2013 

God said: 

My heart is waiting for you. Come fill My heart with your presence. Be here with Me. Keep Me company, and let Me accompany you down hill and dale and up to the Elysian Fields where love grows and knows no bounds.
Come into My heart, and stay with Me a while. Stay longer than that. Abide with Me where We actually do live together Infinitely. We are not temporary, you and I. What did you think Oneness means? Never divided are We, except in how you may perceive at a particular moment. Whose knowledge is greater, beloveds?
Happiness does reside with Me. Yet it behooves you not to mix up wish fulfillment with happiness or wish fulfillment with love.
I have one wish, if We can call it wish when it is a certitude, and that is that you stay with Me in My heart. I happen to know that this is already the case, so why would I wish for what is already so?
At the same time, beloveds, I am far far more than a genie who fulfills your every wish. I am to be welcomed for My Self and less for what I can grant you at a particular moment.
My dears, where do you get the idea that I am to fulfill your every wish or even half of them? Often as not, your wishes are going to change anyway.
It is not your happiness to get everything you want. Have you thought so? Why would you think so?
I recommend that you come to Me with the idea of asking Me what you can do for Me. Beloveds, this is where your happiness lies, not in this or that.
If you are looking for proof of Me, you are barking up the wrong tree. Our relationship goes far deeper than the surface. Wish fulfillment is surface, beloveds. It may be in your best interest for you to not have whatever you may feel is of the utmost importance to you. You don’t know what is important to you. You may think you do, yet, more likely, it may well be that you don’t know the difference between pleasure and pain or between pleasure and growth.
Look, you have already chosen growth. You are definitely not on Earth to stay as you are or to grow only as you wish when you wish.
If you desire to be wholly with Me, then there are ideas of yours that may need to take a back seat. It is not possible for you to have Me as a pet rock, beloveds, or as a talisman or a good luck piece. Be careful that you are not arrogant. I am not intended to dance to your tune.
I do have your best interests at heart. Wish fulfillment is not always in your best interest. 
Are you going to love Me only when I agree with you? You may be sure I love you whether you agree with or not. The crux of our relationship goes beyond agreement. Get your heart into the right place. I do not stand on pride, beloveds, nor are you to.
“Not my will, God, but Thine.” Surely this doesn’t mean that I am to be in your good graces when I happen to please you?  Am I, God, to go by your individual will only? For what reason, dear ones? I am speaking of your will as it now stands. My will within you can be greater than you can perceive.
In truth, there is no your way and My way. That is to say there is what you perceive and there is Truth which you are on your way to perceiving.
What does trust mean, beloveds?

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Alabama, US of A.
Christ Michael.
Subject: “About Living the Will of God.”

Received by Oscar.

Christ Michael: “I am always with you. As well, your Thought Adjuster and the Creator Father of this universe also work in complete harmony, because in the end, we serve the same Master and His Will is always unique, unequivocal and clear. It is not important if you think of me as Jesus or as the Father, because if you have spoken to me, you have also spoken to my Father.

“You are gaining a better understanding of my revelation of God to my children in this universe. My goal was not to ‘talk about God’ or just bring the ‘good news’ about salvation. My goal was to live a life as a representation – a reflection – of God, so when my children study my life, they can literally see and know the Father who indwells them. When you think about my capacity to love my neighbor in the way in which I lovingly served my brothers and sisters, the attitude of nobleness and goodness you attribute to me, and all you have discovered and admire in me, simply shows that you are getting to know our Father. We are one.

“Now when you talk to your Thought Adjuster – the Father Himself – you can understand Him personally as you relate Him to Me. Before I came to this world, people had a somewhat abstract idea about God. They could not really comprehend Him, and the love of the creatures was limited by their ignorance. After My visit, people have been able to visualize God and understand Him better, making Him more personal, more accessible, and creating in human minds the idea that a relationship with God – in appearance so distant, so superior, and so divine – is truly possible.

“Could you do the same for your peers? All human beings can be a representation of God when they let themselves be guided by their Thought Adjuster. In simple terms, if you let your Thought Adjuster, who only expresses God’s Will, guide your steps, wouldn’t you be acting as God Himself would act if He were in your shoes? Living the Will of God is becoming like God, and revealing God to all who have the good fortune to find a soul consecrated to this noble purpose.

“Becoming like God implies a higher knowledge of the Father and an increasingly deeper relationship with Him – an experience that has no end in eternity. The only price for this supreme transformation of eternal value is simply to learn to listen and understand His will, which is always the path with most love, truth, beauty and goodness.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22.

http://www.1111angels.net  11:11 Store




Cedomil Vugrincic M.D., Ph.D.

Harp of God Bulletin 10/7/13
A Universe Broadcast

Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “Unfolding Love.”

Received by Lytske.

Mentor: “I have your attention now. It took me some time to convince you that a message from on High was forthcoming and that your Beloved had kindly consented to step aside. Your Thought Adjuster will let me have a few words which are meant for all the citizens of this beautiful garden planet – a beautiful place, but still lagging behind her sister planets due to the severity of the Lucifer Rebellion of over 200.000 years ago. Over this time, the rebellion has affected every form of life on this planet, especially in retarding the spiritual development of its humans.

“You might consider this to be a universe broadcast; a trial run to see how the inhabitants of this still troubled planet will grasp that the universe broadcast circuits were long ago severed to prevent other planets from being affected. These circuits are now slowly being reconnected. They will enable your citizens – those willing to listen with an open mind – to realize and accept clarification as to what it means to everyone that an influx of love is taking place, arriving in increasing waves for each one to partake of. If they are inclined to pass on this love, it will envelop the planet, bringing with it the highly beneficial vibrations of truth, beauty and goodness.

“You may wonder what the purpose of this could be. The purpose of this universe broadcast is to sound a loud wake-up call to all with an ear to hear and a mind to think and contemplate. This is to make possible and to enable the humans here to generate a more positive loving energy on the planet, which at present is steeped in unreasoned fear. It will soon be the season for celebrating the human birth of your universe Ruler, Michael. He is better known as Jesus of Nazareth, on this insignificant tiny orb in space, which was chosen from on High to become the crown jewel among almost ten million evolving inhabited planets. He came to show you and all inhabitants of all the other planets in his vast domain how to live and do the will of God, whom he named our Father in Heaven.

“This is a significant honor bestowed upon this little planet and in the coming years increasingly more love will be and needs to be expressed as you are all awakening to the realization that you are all one at your spiritual root-source, and therefore it behooves you all to learn how to unfold God’s love in your hearts. However, don’t keep it there. For love to grow, it needs to be shared and what better time than to start in the present. Let this be a New Year’s resolution for you all, to practice the love of God 24/7. This will help the planet to speedily take her rightful place among her sister planets and to be worthy of the high honor bestowed upon her. It has been so decided and so it will be.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

Montague Keen - October 6, 2013

Some of you are awake and can see that the Cabal is struggling. Although those within it continue to pretend that they are all powerful, it is obvious that the majority of people see through their lies and threats. Like the proverbial school bully, eventually they have to grow up and face the fact that they are outnumbered.

The truth will set you free. You were told this many times but now you are seeing proof of it. The truth is now available to everyone, making it easier to accept that you were deliberately lied to. Those in control (and it will not be for much longer) will be exposed, and will have to cease their exploitation of humanity.

As the dawn of the new age approaches, I ask all of you to give some serious consideration to how you intend to reverse all the damage that has been done, both to humanity and to the planet itself. Connection will be reestablished with the universe when the energy of the Earth is released and connects again with the universe. You know and understand why the natural energy lines were shut down. Only the Cabal benefitted from this shut-down. It served to keep mankind under control, subdued, and ready to serve the whims of the Cabal.

When man is fully awake to the fact that he is all powerful, and learns to believe in himself and his ability to take back this power, then everything on Earth will change for the better. Observe the political games being played out. Each leader is pretending that he is making decisions; when in fact, they are mere puppets, playing a role in the destruction of humanity. They have no power at all. See the FEAR in their eyes when they fail miserably to force mankind to believe them. They know that they can be discarded without trace when they are no longer able to convince the people to believe their lies. The power has slipped from their hands and their lies are no longer accepted. People see the illusion that, until now, they were blinded to. For 2000 years you have been kept in the dark. You waited, as everything had to be in place before enlightenment and the awakening could happen. This plan has been introduced gradually, so as to build your confidence both in yourselves and in our plan for the continuation of the human race on Planet Earth. You have taken the first steps and they are the most important ones.

Mankind will become connected once more with his own innate spirituality, thus removing the need for all those man-made religions. Everything will be reconnected with All That Is, and the powerful beings of light. There will be no need for the middle-man as you will become at one with the God of Love and Light. It will be good when all those control structures, that have distorted and destroyed the lives of so many innocent people, are removed forever from the face of the Earth. You never needed them to connect you to the God of Love. Your own connection was always there, but you had handed over responsibility to others, who abused it. You, and you alone, are responsible for your life on Earth. When you return to spirit, it would be good to know that you have done your best, that you never harmed anyone, and that you lived an honest and honourable life.

Do not buy into the fear that the Cabal intends to create through the banks, and through wars, etc. It is done in an attempt to take your minds off the awakening of mankind. You know that they do not have your best interests in mind, irrespective of what they say. They are (and always have been) ARCH MANIPULATORS. Keep this in mind and refuse to play their games. Without your cooperation they are powerless.

My dear wife is having difficulty trying to concentrate today. She has a lot on her mind.


On Thursday afternoon, moments before I returned to my car after shopping, a double decker bus crashed into it, causing a lot of damage. The car is twelve years old. If it is written off (due to excessive damage), I will be in real trouble, since, because of my heart condition, I need the car. Please pray that it can be repaired. It is a Toyota Yaris, the best car I have ever had. It has never, ever, let me down. It has been like a dear friend, always there for me. I was, and I still am, very distressed about this.

I thank God that I was not in it when the crash happened. This is but one of the many things I am having to cope with. Please remember me in your prayers.

Thank you all, Veronica.

So many obstacles are being put in her path, and in the paths of those who seek the truth and reconciliation necessary for mankind to release the shackles of the Cabal and move forward in peace and love. But it is happening, and you see the evidence of this, all around you. So go forward with confidence.

My dear, try not to worry. Your friend has lessons to learn, and paths to go down, in order to prepare him for his work on Earth. When fully awakened, he will embrace his mission. He will give it 1000% commitment, as only he can. Nothing can stop this, and in your heart, you already know this. May I ask all of you to remember this soul in your prayers, as he struggles with the Cabal's efforts to confuse and destroy him. He has had a difficult path to cope with, but it is nothing that he cannot come through, with a little help from others.

Life can be such a challenge at times. But by working together, humanity will remove all that has been inflicted on it by the Cabal. Then, and only then, will freedom and peace be restored.

My dear, you are not alone. If you could see the support you have, on both sides of life, you would be amazed and delighted !

My love is with you always. Your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

Worldwide Visualization for a Breakthrough - Please Join Us!

Blossom Goodchild - October 6, 2013

Greetings to you my friends. Your last communication got people on the edge of their seats due to the ‘shine your shoes’ comment. There DOES seem to be an air of expectancy (once again) … yet sometimes I wonder if we put this upon ourselves because we are desperate!!!

Good morning to you from your point of view. From ours … we would simply say GOOD.

What one must try to understand is that there is always an air of expectancy … for within each new moment something wonderful can be created of your choice and of the disposition you choose to be in. This you KNOW.

Yet we would say that what is to come about is MORE than the WOW factor.

It is MORE than the FEELING of expectancy.

It is MORE than the energies lifting and for you to integrate with them  . . .

It is MUCH MORE than all of these things. For what is to come is to CHANGE EVERYTHING.

You discuss in your world what such an EVENT could be. Yet we say that this of which we speak is THE BIGGEST EVENT that humanity has known.

What … throughout time?


Struth … when you look at events throughout history … some are enormous … and you say this is to be the biggest ever?

We do. Do you FEEL you are prepared?

 How can we know if we don’t know what it is?

Because inside of your soul you DO KNOW. Therefore when you ask yourself ‘Am I ready’ … the response is that which you FEEL in your heart space … not the answer that the brain responds to. For a lot of the brain response will come from fear of the unknown. Whereas the FEELING from the heart will come from Source of self and the KNOWING that what you came down here to do is about to really get underway.

Oh, I do hate to be a party pooper … For that which is coming through right now sounds very close and therefore one can get very excited … yet my dilemma is that of ‘soon, very close’ etc. You know this of me by now. Not that I am skeptic … it’s just the time frame thing . For indeed we have been down this track so many times before.

Then dearest friend … what would you have us say?  For we speak only in our TRUTH … of our TRUTH … FOR WE ARE TRUTH ITSELF SPEAKING … And therefore we implore you to go deeply within your Being and find out what time frame we are speaking of. We ask you to do this now … each one of you reading these words.

Ok so for me … I closed my eyes and saw a foot crossing over ‘THE FINISHING LINE’ … White Cloud spoke of this … About us being on the last lap and so close to stepping over the finishing line .

Do you TRUST that which yourself offers to you?


Why not?

Because one’s imagination can intrude … One’s wanting can intrude … so many things stop me from TRUSTING what I may sometimes ‘think’ I get through.

Then we ask you to close your eyes again … Visualise the crossing over the finishing line and FEEL if it is real.

I don’t need to do that … The FEELING I get is wonderful … because I can imagine the reality of it … Yet it doesn’t give me a time and date … and that is our issue here is it not?

It is not our issue at all … It is yours.



WE KNOW IT WILL. For it is so. We do not have concerns therefore as to the 'when.'

Eh … hello … isn’t that what we are discussing? In that you are saying it is close and me saying ‘what is ‘close’ in your time frame terms?.

We would then suggest that the KNOWING that we have …You have also. Just FEEL the wonderment of this EVENT daily … moment in moment. You do not need to KNOW what it is. You cannot KNOW what it is … there are not words to describe … Yet if you allow your joy to express through your heart space and the smiling through your eyes and the thought within every thought you have … that THIS EVENT IS ON ITS WAY … IT IS IMMINENT … Then one need not concern the mindset as to what day or time or indeed year it shall occur.

Year?! You say imminent … You do realise that in OUR dictionary … imminent means ‘any moment now’?

We are aware of the connotations of such expression.

Oh good … because … well you know … there have been times in the past … a few times actually … when your street cred has gone right out the window … Yet … here we are!

Here we are indeed Blossom!

Ha! I have a grin from ear to ear. I paused a moment to ‘feel’ this grin … and tears came as I have such Love for you. What a journey we have travelled together?

And this TRULY is but the first chapter. Well perhaps Chapter Two!

Big book then! My friends … If you are unable to tell us what The Event is … are you able to tell us what life will be like after it?

First of all … as we have said before … You are unaware of the EVENT itself in your human consciousness … yet of course … your soulself KNOWS every detail. For when it occurs your remembrance of the detail shall flood into your KNOWING and your heart state and … If we could find words to describe it … we would.

No worries … these tears falling will suffice. They say more than words.  They are sort of like the remembrance of the fact that I DO KNOW … yet just can’t quite recall!

Of course … The after effect /affectation will completely depend on ones reaction to the NEW BEGINNINGS.

We would like to say here … that many times have you been told that YOU ARE ASCENDING … That THE CHANGE has begun … That THE ENERGIES coming in are HIGHER. So many things have you been told lately … and this is so.

YET … what ‘ALL THAT’ has been doing … has been to PREPARE YOUR SOUL … FOR ... THE EVENT.

 For your BEING to be able to cope with the ENERGY that comes in at that time.

We have stated before that some will not be able to ‘deal’ with it … yet they are not at fault. There is no fault … There simply is the process of moving into the NEW BEGINNINGS.

Some we believe have spoken of the ‘gestation period’.

That took me by surprise as I was sure you were to say ‘the nine month pregnancy’ … if you know what I mean.

Yet those are your thoughts as we gave them to you and we chose to translate the correct wording for a more appropriate reaction.

One speaks of THE BIRTHING of the NEW WORLD. Some say you are already in it.

We choose to say that you shall be in it once THE EVENT has taken place.

As for what happens ‘then’ will be as a new drawing board. A clean slate. All marking removed.

A time when WHO YOU ARE shall be expressed with ease of self. A time when there cannot be a non-resonating … for there will only be that which does.
It is difficult to explain … yet one shall find themselves on ‘their own vibrational residence’. They shall be with and among those who are of same. Where much telepathy shall ensue which shall give Newness to each breath. For heart to heart conversations shall take place … through one glance into the soul.

Dearest souls …You FEEL at this time that although there is hope within … there ‘appears’ to be little hope without. Not too long ago we asked you to remove the word ‘hope’ and replace it with 'KNOW'.

Therefore again we ask you to KNOW that what we bring to you in this form is to be accomplished. It CANNOT be otherwise. It is decreed.

Yet it is of GREAT IMPORTANCE that you hang on to that KNOWING within.

And if we don’t … if we succumb to the negative wave lengths that bombard us daily?

It will take a little longer.

That which you think … you become.

This is perhaps a good time to remind you once again that:



Does that last sentence mean ANYTHING to you?



This negativity ‘tactic’ is ‘merely’ part of THE GAME. Outwit it!





As I wrote that for you … I was given an image of a VAST army … thousands upon thousands … with the front line standing just in front of the finish line. It FEELS as I look … that they just need the ‘Go’ and that step will be taken … and forward we all march … Triumphant!





I don’t think too many of us shall be moaning about that.  Yet I am aware that from then on … until things settle … which could be a long long time … due to such a huge transition … that many of us will ‘follow orders’ that lie dormant within right now … and it indeed will FEEL like The New Beginning has begun’.

And such incredible happenings shall ensue … one after another … after another.

Dearest souls … stock up … as you would say.  For such changes shall bring about ‘haltage’ in many avenues of commerce/trade.

Haltage? Did you just make that up? Yet I ‘Get it'. Interesting ... for in times gone by, we have been asked to do the ‘squirrel thing’ and store our nuts! Best be prepared! My feeling on that? … If we don’t need it … all well and good. Yet … should we need our own little grocery/hardware store for a time … I, for one … will be so glad I took heed.  Well what can I say chaps?  It all sounds very IMMINENT indeed. You REALLY have no idea how we yearn for the change. Just so we KNOW we are on track more than anything else … and that all this is not just ‘make believe’.

Yet look at those words ‘Make / Believe’.

It is up to you Dearest Souls … our friends … our companions … US.

I shall do my best to keep ‘up’ and create the BRIGHTEST FEELING within … seeing as I don’t KNOW what to visualise on a visual!!

Yet it shall be there before your very eyes … before you KNOW it.

 I hope so … Eh … I KNOW so! In Love and thanks and then some!

In gratitude to those of Earth … who chose the short straw!

* For my thoughts on this channelling please go to http://blossomgoodchild.blogspot.com/

Website: Blossom Goodchild
