

1.) Today's Angel Message
2.) New Earth Rising: Finding
the Harmony and Beauty
3.) Message from the Galactic
Federation of Light
4.) Message from The Arcturians
5.) Who Do You Think You Are?
6.) Jeshua - Message
of the Day
7.) Each Other’s
Isis' Message of the Day -
"Happiness is intrinsic, it's an internal thing.
When you build it into yourself, no external circumstances can take it away. That kind of happiness is a twenty-four-hour
~ Leo F. Buscaglia ~
How everything and everyone is
connected. See this series!
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message ====================

Dear Ones. We are here today to discuss with
you a matter of some importance. "You!" You are so important it defies words. You have impacted more people’s lives
than you will ever know as you go about your day, walking on the street, getting gas, answering phones at work. You interact
with people all day long. You would be amazed that seemingly insignificant interactions with others can change the course
of their lives. You matter! Increase your impact by being more conscious as you go through your day. Know that a smile can
change a person’s day. Bless everyone as you pass him or her by. A blessing is a very powerful thing. It strengthens
their physical body so they are not impacted as much by negativity. Imagine rippling goodness as you go about your day. What
if two people start rippling goodness, then 4, then 8, etc. Spread your inner light as you go about your day and bless your
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist
with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the
best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting
guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one
of a kind!" * www.cynthialeeshelton.com/ *
New Earth Rising: Finding the Harmony and Beauty by Celia Fenn
March 22, 2012
So here we are...on the other side of the Equinox.
Yes, it was a huge shift in energies as we embrace the new flow of energy that will take us to the December portal and further.
Certainly, I am happy that we were able to hold the energy and that all the dire predictions of doom and gloom did not come
true. Is it not exciting that we are maturing into our role as Earth Keepers, and that we are able to find that point of balance
within ourselves that also manifests as balance in the outer world.
Archangel Michael has reminded me that we are moving
towards our first big alignment of the Year, the Venus Transit on the 6th of June. The first Venus Transit in 2004 was a trigger
point for many of the shifts and changes that we have experienced in the last few years and that have brought us to this point.
We can expect that this second Venus transit will also be a trigger point for more shifts as we head into our date with destiny
in December. Venus is the Solar System body that connects us with the vibration of Love and Beauty and the Divine Feminine.
At this time, these energies are rising on the Earth, and we are being drawn towards expressing Love and Beauty in our Lives.
Anything that is not aligned in frequency with these rising frequencies is going to come under stress at this time.
You may have noticed in the last few days a sense
of irritation and almost anger with things that are not aligned with your own sense of beauty and balance. These dissonant
energies have always been there, but you will notice them more as the harmonious frequencies of the Venus energy enter the
Earth field, and of course, amplified by Jupiter and expanded into our consciousness. It is also true that as we connect with
our Solar System energies more closely as we reconnect with the higher chakras and Higher Consciousness, we will become more
aware of the flows of energy within our Star/Sun system Solaris. Right now we are being embraced into the flow of Harmony
and Beauty, and everything that is not of this frequency is becoming very obvious. That is why it may seem like something
of a paradox right now, where the increase of harmony makes you feel more disharmonious, but it is merely the result of seeing
more clearly what is not "in harmony" in your life.
The good news, especially for those of you in the
North, where Spring is beginning, is that this vibration of Love and Beauty will be felt more and more as the year progresses,
and especially around June and the time of the Venus transit.
Connecting with the frequency and energy of Beauty
and Harmony will be necessary in this year if we are to make it through the shifts with a sense of equilibrium and joy. The
best place to find this is, of course in nature. As we reconnect with this frequency of the Divine Feminine in ourselves and
in our world, we will more and more realize that it is already there, in nature, and that as we connect with the patterns
and harmonies in Nature we also connect with the Divine Creative Intelligence and the frequencies of Divine Love manifest
in all of creation.
The Dolphin Angels and Masters are also working with
us right now, to assist us to reconnect with these frequencies, and I am working on a project that will help to bring these
frequencies into peoples lives through music and sound. The project is called "New Earth Rising: Dolphin Dreaming," and I
will be happy to introduce you to the music and the energies very soon. Meanwhile, here is some beautiful music to bring in
the frequency of the Divine Feminine and the Sacred Energy of the New Earth:
Celia Fenn
© 2006-12 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global http://www.starchildglobal.com - You
are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit,
you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution,
you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission
from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author. *
Message from the Galactic Federation
of Light
As channeled through Greg Giles - 3/23/12
March 25, 2012
The governments of your world are playing a
game of quid pro and quid pro quo. (What for. What for what). We have given them every opportunity to step down peaceably
and offer their assistance in the implementation of your new system. They have refused time and again to cooperate and now
it is time for them to be removed in any way possible to clear the path for your further development and your new governmental
and financial systems. Please allow us the opportunity to assist you to remove these stubborn individuals and institute worldwide
governmental regime change that will once and for all end this dark period in your planet's history. So much
waits on the removal of those sworn to the old system of corruption and chaos, and we need to get underway with the vast sweeping
changes of your world as time is running very short and there is so much work yet to be done to secure your paths to ascension.
What we propose is a sweep of governmental offices from top to bottom, from bottom to top, and remove each and every individual
from their position, either elected or appointed, who are aligned with the forces of darkness otherwise known as the Cabal. We
see this as a means to an end, and this must be accomplished and must be accomplished within a suitable timeframe so we can
begin to implement the many other changes that are necessary as you move forward into your year of 2012. Many
changes to your civilization are just up ahead, and many of you have no idea the impact these changes will have on your society
and your planet. We are here in your skies and have traveled here from great distances to assist you in what will be your
time of need. There is no reason to be frightened. Together we can suitably handle these changes and allow you to safely move
forward into your futures. Many of your government officials would rather see you suffer than to step down from
their positions of power, so we see no other alternative than to remove them forcibly. This can and will be done without a
need for violence on any level, but it is up to those of your governments being removed how they wish to proceed. These men
and women need to understand that they will face harsher penalties for their actions by refusing to step down from their positions.
Their jobs are, and have always been, in service to the citizenry, and they were called upon to act always in a manner that
would be best for the welfare of the people. Instead, everything they have done worked against the people, to strip them of
their money, their health, their rights and their freedom. This will now
end, and we offer our assistance to our Earth allies who must now move forward and remove these individuals from their
offices and take them into custody. This must be done in the name of the
people, and it must be done in the name of your new world. It was known all along that these individuals
could not keep their positions of power within your governments as there is no place for corruption and dishonesty, selfishness
and greed in your new world, especially through the ranks of your governmental bodies. How these individuals were to vacate
their positions has always been a matter of choice, and it is their choice now. They have stubbornly refused all offers to
make this as easy a transition as possible for them, and they are now out of time and out of bargaining power. The
next time they hear from us and our Earth allies will be when we are knocking on their door to take them away and into custody. This
is the way it must be as this is the way they have chosen it to be. We wished very much for this process to proceed differently,
in a way that would be a smooth transition for them and also a smooth transition for the citizens of your countries. Instead,
it will be a rockier transition, but nonetheless the end result will be what we, your Earth allies, and the awakened people
of your world want and understand is necessary for the betterment of all of you and your society as a whole. We will now move
ahead with this phase of the operation and begin the take down of those seated within your governments who are aligned with
the powers of the dark and who are corrupt through to the bone. They will
be replaced by those souls of honor and integrity, balance and foresight, and who possess within them an honor of duty.
These men and women are highly trained at the positions they will fill and they are, or will be, sworn to uphold the Law of Light, of freedom and the sanctity of the human soul and spirit, and
if anyone who takes office fails to maintain this focus they too shall be removed. We have much confidence in
these men and women who will be stepping in to these leadership roles and you may be very confident in them as well. Many
of these individuals have waited in the wings for their time to shine, and that time has now come. We will converse with our
Earth allies and set up a suitable removal process of those still aligned with the dark, and we will move forward with this
operation as soon as is possible as time is of the essence. We wish for all our Lightworkers in the field to again be pillars
of strength and a fountain of information for those who will thirst through misunderstanding, fear and confusion at what they
will be witnessing. Try to keep in mind that for those who yet have no idea of what is transpiring around them,the removal
from office of so many of those they have come to trust can be quite a shock, and we wish you all who know and understand
what lies at the heart of these events to be there for your brothers and sisters and offer your guidance and your knowledge
to help better ease them through these transitions. We cannot thank those of you in the field enough for the
work you have been doing. Nothing you do goes unnoticed by us, and we are deeply grateful for everything that you have been
doing in the name of progress for this world. We understand many of you are growing impatient awaiting to see the changes
long discussed, but we tell you they are just up ahead and once they begin they will not slow or stop and you will never have
cause to wait impatiently again. Try to see and understand that what has been transpiring behind the scenes has been extremely
complex, and at times, very dangerous for those of the light, and it was necessary that we, as well as your Earth allies proceed
as slowly and as cautiously as possible to protect our mission, as well as to protect lives. No time has been squandered away
through inactivity; instead, we and our Earth allies have been working continuously, pressing forward in our mission and gaining
ground each and every day. In due time when we are able to speak freely with you, we will explain everything that we have
been doing unbeknownst to you, and at that time we are very confident you will see that there was great cause for you to remain
as patient as possible. As we have said, this part of your mission will be over shortly, and the next phase of
operation will see you fully abreast of each and every development and there will be no longer any need for secrecy. This
will come as a relief to many of you who at this time have only a few sources of information, and we
were not able to reveal everything through our channels. This is changing
as we are now able to share more with you, and in the days ahead there will be nothing that we cannot openly discuss with
you. Look for the changes in your governments to coincide with the mass arrests
of those of your criminal Cabal, their underlings, and many of their associates. Many of these individuals
are associated through their illegal and underhanded dealings, and as such will be removed from your society whether they
are elected government officials or not. Those who hold positions within your governments have never been, and are not today,
entitled to any kind of special treatment or protection from your laws which they have broken time and again. They will be
arrested and charged just as any criminal would in your society and held to face the charges against them. While these proceedings
move forward your new governments will take shape through those who have shown themselves worthy and who have earned the trust
of us as well as our Earth allies. You will be meeting these men and women in the days ahead, and we wish for their welcoming
to be warm, exciting, and full of expectation, for what they will be bringing is a new and better way for all of you. Look
for these changes to be rapid and look for them to be far sweeping as the corruption reaches through the many branches of
your governments. Your new governing bodies will take root and grow strong and healthy, bearing fruit for the people of your
world. Allow this process time to nurture and to grow, and again be patient as this is a very delicate process that must be
handled with due care. What we are speaking of is not an easy process for any world. We have handled many situations just
as this before, and we will see to the successful conclusion of this operation as well. Bear with us at this time and show
your support for us as well as our Earth allies. We know how long you have waited for this day, but we tell you this day has
now come and all your waiting and your hard work will be well worth all of it. Please continue to monitor
your news outlets for these breaking news stories and share this information
with all who wish to understand better this event. Again, we wish for this event to be the ‘shot heard ‘round
the world’ that will awaken as many as possible as to how their world is changing all around them. Help them to see
that these arrests are good news and nothing to be frightened of, and help them to see that there is a better way and a better
world available to them. Help them to see these arrests are clearing the way, making it all possible, and a better world is
what will stand when all the smoke clears. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
Greg Giles
I am a Starseed, incarnate of the
Indigo Ray and channel for the Galactic Federation and my Star Family from the Ashtar Command, an 11th dimensional Osequeq
collective from the Star System Tauri C; Amanda, Arisa, Rona, Jella, Morgana, Sophia, Germana, Capella, Jackie, Romana, Angela,
Patricia, Anthony, Gifta, Maria, Mercula, Pierca, Ramulete, Augusta, Chevron, Thomas. I have incarnated at this time on assignment
to advance my education and assist this planet and its people in their time of ascension to a higher dimensional existence. http://ascensionearth2012.blogspot.com *
**The Galactic Federation
of Light, The Federation Of Light or The Galactic Federation is all One and the same, some channelers may use a
different name, and was founded over 4.5 million years ago to prevent inter-dimensional dark forces from dominating
and exploiting this Galaxy. *
Message from The Arcturians
Channeled by Marilyn Raffaelle
March 25, 2012
Dear ones, we are here to encourage you to have
patience. We see your discouragement when nothing seems to change, but let us assure you that much is changing. You are not
aware of all that is transpiring behind the scenes. Try not to be discouraged or hold preconceived concepts of how events
must unfold, simply allowing the process while letting go of any beliefs you may still be holding about how the process must
manifest. All is proceeding according to plan and all is perfect.
Many of you are trying to live in ways you believe
you should; living out from ideas that come from religious and metaphysical books, or from the experiences of others. Release
any and all concepts of how ascension should look, choosing instead tosimply live in the now moment, accepting each
day as a gift from the Divine within, while practicing living the Truth you know.
See the Divine in others and remember who you
and they are even if they themselves have no interest in knowing this. Do this for those you see on the news, or in your papers,
or as you go about your normal day. Recognize the Divine plan in everything
around you. These small steps gradually change your state of consciousness and lead to the full awakening. It will not
appear as a huge blast of energy that blows you into a new world without any effort on your part. One is not "saved" simply
by declaring it so. You create the new world with every thought, word, and action lived in truth and understanding of who
and what is real. This is the spiritual journey. Yes, things on earth are speeding up now, and more and more opportunities
are to be had for you to practice living each moment from a place of truth and centering, and that is how it is done.
There will be changes you will
soon see in your government and the governments of other countries. Many are going to be leaving and the more enlightened
will be put in their place.
The time is quickly arriving for those who have
held back in doubt and disbelief to either get "aboard the ship" or leave. Higher dimensional energy will not support those
who choose to stay in the lower frequencies. Many will be shocked by revelations that are soon to come out, but shocked as
they may be, they must open their hearts to a new way of seeing and believing or be left behind. These seem like harsh words,
but time is running short for the opening of consciousness to truth.
You have worked very hard for thousands of years
in the old three dimensional energy. It was a game played well, but never intended to go on forever. The game is over dear
ones, it is time to get on with your journey into the higher energy of truth and the recognition of who you and all are.
We ask all to send Light to those
people and areas of Gaia that are still resonating with the lower frequencies. Just send Light without specific intentions
or strings attached, because the Light knows what is needed, it is Omniscient. See the Light flow out from your heart center
freely given to those not yet aware of their own Light. Your Light Source can never run dry, for it is infinite. As you see
and flow Light to the world, you are not trying to change anything for when you try to change something you are in the third dimensional energy seeing
from duality and separation. You see, in reality there is nothing to change for all is already One within the perfection of
an omnipresent Divine Consciousness. Mankind in ignorance of this truth, has formed a world that appears much less than perfect.
We are not saying that you are to sit back and say; "Oh well it is all illusion, so I will do nothing." We are saying that
the enlightened soul first and always knows the truth, then takes whatever human footsteps he may be guided to take, sometimes
it will be to do nothing,other times there will be an action of some sort.
Flow Light to yourselves each day in your quiet
time; seeing it flow from your heart center into your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies with the intention
of clearing anything and everything of a lower resonance. Choose to clear all lingering energy of disease inheritance, religious
vows, ancient promises, painful cellular memories, false beliefs, negative emotional energies, and everything within your
energy fields still carrying and holding the lower frequencies, for now is the time for releasing, clearing, and letting go.
It is very important to consciously
cut any cords of attachment you may still have to people letting them go
in the realization that every individual has a journey, a Higherself, and Guides to help them and they will find their way
as you have. Cords are formed from an excessive negative or positive energy connection to certain people or things. Many times
this will be a child. Often it is someone we have had many less than positive dealings with and wish to avoid. Usually it
is someone we think about often. Energy cords, negative or positive can be brought with us from other life times and act to
hold one in bondage to another person or something. Never be afraid to consciously release attachment cords. It is important
and it is time.
Releasing energy cords does not mean that you
cannot have these people in your life, it means the relationship will become different and freer. As you sever any false sense
of "Need" for someone or something in your life, you begin to realize that no thing or person can make you more whole and
complete than you already are. This realization is affecting many relationships based in old third dimensional beliefs especially
if one partner understands this, and the other does not. Do an experiment, listen to the old love songs of the 40's and you
will get a good example of attachment and the belief that one's good is outside of themselves. Most will experience a heaviness
when listening to theses songs. It is the energy the song carries that you feel and no longer resonate with.
Let go dear ones, let go. Nothing real can ever
be lost, only seen and experienced on a higher level. Be not afraid to fall into the arms of truth, for what you find there
will be much more than you could ever have imagined in the old and limited energy.
Metaphysics is an attempt to change a bad picture
into a good one through many and varied modalities. Mysticism is the realization that there is nothing to change. Right now
all are being guided to move into mysticism; a truer way of seeing and believing. Metaphysics still works for many because
it resonates with their state of consciousness. Most "spiritual" books available now are metaphysical, guiding the reader
to do this or do that in order to move beyond problems and get more "spiritual." If you no longer resonate with these books
and teachings then you are being guided to go beyond metaphysics and into mysticism, the realization that you already are
and always have been complete.
It is time to let go of "All" that is old and
finished, no matter how strongly you have believed you needed something in order to feel happy. This is ascension.
We are the Arcturian Group
Marilyn Raffaelle

I live in beautiful northern Michigan close to
Sleeping Bear National Park and have been on a spiritual journey my entire life.
I began meditating and searching more deeply in the
late 60s. and after many side journeys was led to and began working with the mystical principles presented in Joel S.
Goldsmith's "Infinite Way" material. These deeply mystical teachings moved me into an increasingly
intense desire to more deeply understand and bring together in practice the many world teachings, modalities of healing,
and myths. This in turn led to a series of intense inner shifts (not all so pleasant) and an ability to
communicate with my guides and other Teachers of Light.
I have studied many healing modalities and work as a channel
for personal readings but my main interest and focus is to help others awaken into a deeper realization of their innate perfection
and reasons for being here.
I was asked by the Arcturians who are my guides, to start
a web site which would allow them get their messages of Love and Light out to the world at this very important time. ** www.onenessofall.com/ * Marilyn@onenessofall.com *
Who Do You Think You Are?
by Neale Donald Walsch
March 24, 2012
My dear friends...
Last week in this space I said that self-creation
is a Holy Experience. It is sacred. It is you, deciding Who You Are. Then I asked: What do you think of yourself in the morning?
First thing in the morning, what is your idea about yourself? How about the last thing at night? What is your final assessment
of Self just before falling asleep?
The Holy Experience with the Self is the living
of the highest decision you have made about yourself. The beginning of that experience is the making of that decision. Who
do you think you are, anyway? Do you think you are a scoundrel? Do you think you are a trustworthy person?
Do you think you are a teller of truth, always?
Do you think you are a less than consistently truthful person, who slips and slides around the truth just a little in order
to get through the moment? Do you think you are a person of integrity, who never cheats? Do you think you are a person who
will cheat a little on others if it gets you something you want?
Who do you think you are, anyway?
Do you think you are a person of patience? Do
you think you are a person of compassion? Do you think you are a person who easily becomes impatient, and then snaps at others?
Do you think you are a warm and humorous and loving person? Do you think you are a person who instantly brightens up whatever
room you enter?
Do you think you are who you were yesterday,
or who you choose to be right now? Do you think you are a product of your ideas, or of the ideas of others? Do you think you
are doomed to repeat old behaviors, or designed to create new ones?
Who do you think you are?
Are you a person who becomes annoyed easily,
or are you easy-going? Are you a person who laughs easily and lustily, or who grins quietly and holds most of the joy in?
Are you a person of quick generosity, who does
not think twice about giving away money, allowing the use of your possessions, and extending your home and your time and your
love to others, or are you a person who is a bit more circumspect, a bit more cautious, in these matters?
Are you the person you wish you were?
Let's continue to look at this as our exploration
of The Holy Experience proceeds in this space next week.
Hugs and love,
P.S. The thoughts above come
from The Holy Experience, a full-length book that you may download for free at www.nealedonaldwalsch.com. Simply click on the Free Resources icon. *
Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual
messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection
to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before
beginning his now famous conversation with God. His With God series of books has been translated into 34 languages, touching
millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives. * (http://www.cwg.org) * Blog: *www.TheAlternativeVoice.org *
ReCreation Foundation | PMB #1150 | 1257 Siskiyou
Blvd. | Ashland | OR | 97520 *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, as the 20/20 hindsight becomes
clearer, you look upon all experiences and see the treasure of each one. As you get a bit further, again with the 20/20 hindsight,
you begin to see more of the tapestry of this life and of other lifetimes, how the other lifetimes have played into what you
thought reality had to be and how you are changing reality.

Heavenletter #4139
Each Other’s Beloved
March 25, 2012
God said:
What is it right now that you want the most? Do you
know what it is? Do you know your heart’s desire? Of all the desires in the world, what is your deepest desire?
It is not the jewelry you have been looking at. It
is not fame nor is it fortune. You may say it is happiness, and, yet, what form would your happiness take and for how long?
It could well be romance that is your deepest desire.
It could well be the romance of the century that you desire with all your heart.
All your relative desires are as little compared
to your infinite desire for closeness with Me. Your deepest desire is to be in Heaven with Me. When it is fulfilled, you have
it. You always did have it, but now you know you have it, and you have it for Eternity. In all other desires, fulfillment
is not lasting. When you have it, as good as it may be, when all is said and done, what are you left with but an illusion
in your hand?
You may desire solace. You may desire all the earthly
desires. They could all be fulfilled, and then, sooner or later, it comes down to your desire to be with Me, in close contact
with Me, in league with Me, in partnership with Me. With Me comes an end to loneliness. With Me comes love, big love, an ocean
of love. Love satisfies, yet, in life, you have confused much with love.
The love I speak of cannot be purchased. It can only
be arrived at. It can only be realized. It can only be discovered. It can only come out from hiding.
Coming close to Me is not absenting yourself from
life in the relative world. Coming close to Me amplifies life in the world. It gives color to it. It gives music to it. As
you come closer to Me, Our closeness makes everything more wonderful. It makes anything and everything more wonderful.
Do not think that you are choosing relative life
or spiritual life. You are choosing life, beloveds. Choose Me, and you have an entrée to joy in the world, yet nothing can
equal closeness with Me. It is like having your heart in your hand, and it is nourished grandly. It is cultured. It is multiplied.
It is supported. It is affluence, beloveds.
Loving Me is being in love and in love with life.
Do not put spirituality on a pedestal as if it were
holier than life. The spiritual is life. It is a practical component of life. It is the basis of life, and the basis of lasting
You have not known closeness until you know closeness
with Me. You have not had the awareness of closeness with Me until you come closer. And then We continue to be seemingly closer
to one another until We are fully established in the Oneness that always is.
I am not even around the corner. I am here right
now in your heart. Take a moment to feel My Presence. I am right where I want to be, and that is with you. And you are right
where you want to be, and that is with Me. And so We become the Oneness of One. How simple. How wonderful that We are each
other’s Beloved.
If you want to know Vastness, then know Our love.
Vastness is at hand. We are not far away from each other. We are each other. I have sought you for a long time, and now you
are consciously seeking Me. What can be more desirable? What else can be the basis of your life in the world?
What ease. What wonder. What love.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2012 -- Helping
Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole world needs nourishing, Heavenletters
is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from all walks of
life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries
* P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556 * www.heavenletters.org * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *
Spirit Cave By Alexader Reid
The Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming have a river
called Rock Creek.
The south fork is thick in forest and river
A ways up, there's a wall that comes all the
way down to the river.
At one end of the wall, there is a slot in the
wall, where a small stream of water flows out of it. People have gone in a short ways and turned around and left.
Maybe as if they were trespassing…
This story picks up where they left off…
The man's name was Skandar. A tall drink of
water the old timers would say.
He had a knack for adventuring, mind you in
his earlier days he wandered around the Himalayas alone carefree for years on end. Now being a half-century-old, he had gathered
many shamanic ritual habits usually under a full moon.
Just so happens, he would come visit the big
horns in early July.
Talk on the porch was that of a room at castle
rock. He asked about it and found that it really wasn't much of anything. The ranch hand shared about the slot he had gone
in at the rock wall in the south fork. He hadn't gone far in, said others went farther in and came back out. Skandar's interest
perked up…He had a headlamp and well a keen imagination. He joked there might be a cross between a trout and a mountain
lion there in the cave. The adventure was on…
That day was coming to a quick close with thunderstorms
and he thought it best to wait until the next day. He finished the day speaking with horses and dogs and cats on the ranch.
See, he could talk to any number of realms, i.e. the animals, plants and mineral kingdoms to name a few. Others called him
a healer or a stone sculptor, seems he was always was up to something, just couldn't always understand what it was…
Might he go into that cave and indeed find some
sort of spirit and come back with that certain look in his eye that said, "don't ask, won't lie". That night, the sky was
black and restless, thunder and wind shot through the canyon. Skandar had a keen sense he was going to have a profound experience
the next day…He slept in an old cabin on the ranch surrounded by geese, horses, goats, a jumbo pig and a peacock. He
fell asleep to a wind that shook the cabin and thunder that roared and dreamed of a new Oz in the cave to be.
Morning came in clear sky and an unknown sense
for what lay ahead for the Skandar.
He made his way to the south fork and found
his walking shaft where he had left last year. Around the bend he found the creek a raging in flood stage water. His state
of awareness quickly turns to high alert.
The current on the first crossing nearly sent
him down stream. The second crossing nearly took him under. The third crossing he stopped and pulling out his pendulum, dowsing
on whether to continue. A strong no was the reply. His return to the second crossing and dowsing again on to go up the gully
instead of the crossing was a clear yes. This was to become a journey in dowsing for Skandar. The cave was not met to be;
instead a climb up a rocky ridge where he would be guided by golden Eagles and deer trails. He rested at the cliff edge and
asked the Eagle soaring above where was the spirit cave was to be found. The reply came; " your spirit must come out of the
cave first, then all will be spirit and no cave will exist". The Eagles soon left over the ridge. Skandar made his on the
ridge and found the cliffs sheer and loose. He dropped down into the deer realm and soon found their slight hint of trail
weaving between the cliffs.
He found a view looking down the south fork
and could see where the cave was. Raging water protected from anyone wanting to venture forth. The sky was getting dark and
Skandar made his way onward. The ridge had hundreds of strikes of lighting that had hit trees over the years. He did not rest.
Once to the meadow he is dowsing again to go right or left. Left he went into the mist and dowsing in the where about of spirit
cave. The base of the cliffs he found the answer up a steep grey canyon for another day.
He made his way back through the knee high sea
of wildflowers, deep purple and pinks and the rain soon started. Back at the ranch, drying out, the day so diverse not unlike
the path to Oz, he fell asleep under crackling thunder and pouring rain.
Skandar started his journey under a cloudless
sky. Making his way back to the canyon entrance. The going was steep and loose. It lead to bushwhacking, clinging to bushes
and loose cliff sides. A large stone gave way as Skandar went to use it as a handhold. He sidestepped it as it tumbled down
the gulley. His awareness was now very sharp indeed.
His dowsing for the cave was now near. He climbed
on until a round stone caught his eye. He pulled it out of the matrix and was shaped not unlike a plump bagel minus the hole.
This was the key to any and all spirit caves, a true power stone. Father up the ridge he saw a small ledge that had burnt
resin in it. What was a small tree trunk had burned the sap to this pile of melted resin. Surrounded by trees that had been
struck by lighting over the years, he understood that there was no cave, just spirit….
His descent down the steep pine forest, the
Eagle came by to soar circles above him and they had a most wonderful exchange of energy one might call ones love. The bottom
of the canyon was filled with a prospering squirrel community. The breeze sang through the aspens, the spirit of the forest
alive and well in the strong summer sun.
Skandar had the stone in his hand and the sun
in his eyes. Out of the dark of the cave came his spirit, free to go forth where spirits that free can share the Eagles oneness

