Where is the Love? - Channeled 3-29-14

The knowledge that unites love and wisdom, that uplifts the spirit is spirituality.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar



Where is the Love? by Archangel Metatron


 Where is the Love? by Archangel Metatron

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 26-03-14-www.omna.org

Beloved beacons of light and love on the Earth, I address you from my truth speaking to all aspects of your being. I remain a presence and support for the Earth and humanity in this ascension process overseeing all shifts of ascension while ensuring a deeper sense of unity for all with the Creator. You can call upon me to assist you in all ascension processes within your being and upon the Earth as I hold a larger picture of what is to manifest and can shower you in the light of the Creator in support and to assist you further.

Know that while my purpose has been and continues to be focused upon unity with the Creator and all aspects of the Creator which means recognising a harmony with the Creator, I wish to speak now of the importance of love.

Many, in fact maybe all speak of the importance of love, self-love, love for all and unconditional love and yet it continues to be the focus of current spiritual growth and ascension. The acceptance of love is the key lessons and vibration to obtain in this level of ascension. The knowledge of love and its importance on so many levels has always been present upon the Earth but in this reality you are now being asked to experience love, a very personal love, the love within your being. You are being asked to give your love freely without any expectations of love returning to you while holding the knowledge that your love is sacred and stems from the well of the Creator, therefore there is an abundant volume of love for you to draw upon and exist within. Experience of love is critical now; it is the main and key lesson of current ascension. Many of you have the knowledge of love and how it can be integrated into your reality and even how it will influence your being but now is the time to put the theory into your reality experiencing it fully.

All of you are naturally loving; love is your nature, it is the energy you were energetically created with and it is the building blocks of everything that you are as a physical being, soul and so much more. As your truth, your original essence and your divine self you cannot help but be loving, there is nothing that can take the love vibration away from you even when you don't recognise your love vibration it is present eternally and unwavering. With this in mind you may look at your own being, reality and the reality of the Earth and notice that love doesn't always seem or feel present. If love is your natural energy, that which you were created from as an energetic being, and is eternal, then you may ask, where is the love? This is a very powerful question because it will bring you back to conscious awareness of love if you all it too.

You may wish to sit in meditation or quiet time, repeating in your mind or out loud for at least 10 minutes, 'Where is the love?' Your being and energy has a natural ability of supporting you and bringing you back to your centre. Whatever happens to you, whatever you create or experience or whatever your mental thoughts, your being when you allow it to will naturally bring and draw you back to your centre, back to the space and energy of love within your being. By asking this question of yourself and inner knowingness you are not focusing upon the lack of love within your being or on the Earth but more so without searching you are asking to be guided and drawn back to the space and existence of love within your being. This is akin to a safe space inside of you which is connected to all that is the universe of the Creator offering to you an abundance of consciousness, guidance, tools and truth. It is important to remember that all you receive within the safe space is not from you personally but is the flow of the Creator from which you can draw all that is divinely appropriate. With this practice you will naturally be guided into the space of love within you and can rest in it eternally. You may notice a shift in your awareness, a deeper sense of contentment or peace arise symbolising you have reached this space.

While you can always find, discover and experience the love of the Creator within your being, we can still ask ourselves, where is the love? With this question I wish to address why if we are all naturally loving beings do we have to search for the love within our beings. We could ask why and where did the love go? When we experience love whether on the Earth or the inner planes, and by this I mean emanate and radiate love, we are naturally in contact and aligned to Creator and all that is our truth. With this alignment and our expression of love we are able to bring the Creator throughout us, letting all that is the Creator manifest within our reality creating so many beautiful experiences such as good health, abundance, happiness, synchronicities, miracles, deep connections of union, expanded understanding and an awareness of truth. The love we express creates a template and a foundation for the expression and experience of the Creator. This is why when we connect into the love of our being and the Creator it feels so good, blissful and familiar, often everything in your reality can feel so unfamiliar so love brings you back to this truth. With this awareness you may ask why each person doesn't naturally experience love eternally if you are always brought back to your centre? Everything outside of you feels more tangible and real, if it was created from love eternally there wouldn't be any form of emergency. Again we ask the question why isn't love present in everything eternally? The obvious answer is that it is present eternally but it is your ability to recognise love and maybe even perceive its importance which has been lost. The love of your being and the Creator has never been lost but after many lifetimes on the Earth experiencing so many different energies and situations, everyone has adopted and created new thoughts, beliefs and perception which they carry forth, most are born from pain or suffering and are misaligned with love. Have you ever thought of yourself existing as a pure being of love and then asked this pure being of love when it first felt pain or fear, why it felt such energies and how did it feel when you had never experienced pain or fear before only love? Could such energy become an addiction and an energy you identify with? Therefore it has replaced your belief, awareness and recognition of love. This is a powerful practice to achieve in your own quiet time:

Imagine yourself as a pristine being of love so radiant and glowing.

Ask yourself: When did my being of love first feel pain or fear?

                        What did it feel like?

                        What created such an experience?

Then ask me, Archangel Metatron and the Angels of Love and Healing, supported by your Soul to come forth erasing and healing this energy so that all other proceeding experiences of pain and fear are erased, dissolved and healed eternally.

The powerful focus now is to recreate the habit of perception, recognition, gratitude and understanding of love, allowing and encouraging the process of being naturally drawn back to your space of love within your being, even if it is a hundred times a day until you believe yourself to be worthy to exist in love eternally. That is such a powerful statement as maybe it is the key to the question where is the love? It is always present but maybe you do not perceive yourself to be worthy to be present with and in love. Please know I address you all, even myself, as there is always more love one can recognise and bring through their being and express.

A healing I wish to support is to forgive yourself for any form of lack of love in your reality and being and to forgive yourself for that first moment when you truly experienced fear or pain. Forgiveness is such a deep and profound healer which can transform any energy but also allows you to accept yourself fully.

'I now forgive completely and absolutely any and all forms of lack of love, any and all forms of fear, pain and suffering, any and all forms of feeling unworthy of love and any and all forms of addiction  to anything that is not love. With the assistance of my Soul and my Angels, I completely and absolutely heal myself and love myself unconditionally. I now choose to exist in love eternally and will make this transition with ease in my being and reality. And so it is.'

Please know I am present with you fully and eternally in love,

Archangel Metatron



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Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4873 Enlightenment Is Yours, March 29, 2014 

God said: 

You can imagine rising up, or you can imagine going down a chute. However you imagine your entrance, you are slipping into Heaven now, right now this minute as We speak.
Sit down a minute, and listen to this:
Entering Heaven and your experience of Oneness with Me are natural. Therefore, it is not contrived. It is not a skill, unless you call breathing a skill. It is not a skill unless you consider being born to Earth as a skill. It is not even something you learn, this that you call coming so very close to Me, and, therefore, coming close to all. If I am the Father/Mother God, everyone is your brother or sister. This is inalterable. Whether you know this, follow this, or adhere to this, it is nevertheless so. There is One Heart, and it is Mine, and it is also yours.
This is not a planned action. How, then, does the much heralded enlightenment occur?
How did you grow from baby to toddler to school-goer and then teenager and so on? What trick did you perform? The fact is, it is so natural to grow and extend yourself, there is nothing you HAVE to do. This desired enlightenment is going to find its way to you regardless of anything. Enlightenment is going to find you. You can’t stop it.
You may be surprised. You may think it will never come to you because you fear you are such a clod, and, well, enlightenment hasn’t occurred yet. Enlightenment may fall through the roof. It may come a sliver at a time. It may have already come, and you are unaware. You may be a scholar or illiterate, and enlightenment will come. You can be mute or talk a mile or minute, and it will come. You may be what you consider the last person in the world, and you could be the first. You could spend your whole life at the rim, just ready to jump in, and still more patience is required of you.
It is not an emergency that you become enlightened. You may think of enlightenment the way you think of Christmas, and, yet, whatever Christmas is supposed to be in your mind, you have to wait for it, and it may leave you still wanting.
Sometimes enlightenment sneaks in, and We can say you are the last to know. You could see yourself as last in line and be enlightened first.
Await enlightenment. It is yours. It will come.
Of course, you must already be acquainted with enlightenment, or you would not crave it so much! You have had a taste of it. Even so, you may not know when a burst of it comes to you. You may be eating a Hershey bar or be a nomad somewhere and not recognize who or where you are.
Enlightenment is not something you achieve. It is not like an A on your report card. You don’t have to work hard for it. It is not that you have to go out there and be good and, therefore, deserve it. Enlightenment is inborn. You already deserved it before you were born.
You may hasten enlightenment by being kind and thoughtful of others and doing no harm. The thing is, you can never know if you hastened its coming it or not. In terms of enlightenment, neither the turtle nor the hare wins. Everyone wins. Everyone breaks through the rope of ignorance and his toe touches the finish line. You will.
Here’s the clincher. There is no end. Do you remember about Infinity? There is no end to it. There was no beginning as well. Being is Being. If you need an umbrella to be under, it is named Infinity. As you come closer to the Sun, you reflect the Sun more. As you come closer to Me, you reflect Me more.
You would gobble up Enlightenment, yet enlightenment is creeping up on you all the time. As you sup on enlightenment, you always want more. In Infinity, there is no less, yet Infinity is more and more. In Infinity, you can’t exactly locate yourself, you understand. There are no measuring places.
Underneath all the layers you have embodied, you are enlightened now, and, one day, you will come to see that this is so.




HOPI PROPHECY FULFILLED - 4 those who might be interested.

