Dear Ones,
This week will be a duzzy! Even though you may laugh at our out-dated slang, we wish you to understand that this shift
will be joyous, radiant, fun or even silly - but of gigantic proportions.
Did your heart race a bit when we described the size of this week's shift? Did you not think, "What trauma do I need
to adjust to now?" Do you continue to believe that change is negative and chaotic?
Why do you believe falling in love or the birth of a child is wondrous event; and yet expect that all other change must
include caution or fear?
Let us review your fear belief patterns - or more to the point for this blog, your beliefs about change. Even though
human existence is constant change from birth to death, as you call it, you believe that stability is possible - even a desirable
quality. At what point in your earth life did you decide that change automatically introduced negative aspects?
Many of you question our line of thought. Do you not look forward to a job offer, school graduation or falling in love?
And do you not wait in great anticipation for that day when you are no longer called a baby, teen-ager or an unexperienced
adult? So at what point in your life did you begin to fear change?
Change is constant within your being for how else could you - as you call it - age? But now that we discuss more physical
change than you anticipated twenty years ago, are you not a little fearful?
What does it mean that the chemical make-up of your cells is shifting or that you have increased your active DNA strands?
What do we mean when we relay that your physical appearance is changing? What if you are no longer considered attractive by
your peers? What does it mean that many you now interact with will become less interesting? Will you be isolated? What does
it mean that you will increase your intuitive, New Age skills? Will you be outcast from society for your odd thought patterns?
How will your new life/new being be accepted by society?
As you change physically, spiritually and emotionally during this New Age transition, so are those moving on a
similar path. You are afraid that you will be alone - something that did not necessarily occur to you when you reached puberty.
You knew your body was changing - maybe not as fast or faster than you wanted - but you knew those changes were inevitable
because your friends and family informed you that such was so.
The difference between puberty and this New Age shift is that there are no history or biology books to refer to. And
no friends or family who have experienced similar changes. You feel as if you are alone. The opposite is true.
This New Age shift is open to all ages, races and genders. This is a shift of tremendous proportions.
Let us return to your thoughts of fear as you age on the earth plane. The older you become on earth, the less trusting
you are - a thought most of you will agree with. Why do you suppose such is true?
The longer you live in the dense, fear-riddled environment of earth, the less likely you are to remember the joys and
love of the Universes. Granted, there are positive thinkers among you. But even the positive thinkers are quite adamant about
signing specific documents before purchasing a home or moving to another community.
Most of you are thinking that such is merely prudent behavior - but why? Eons of fear have created thought patterns of
how best to protect yourself from injury or failure. You were an excellent Old Age student if you accepted that someone was
out to get you - and so they probably were. The Old Age was a fear-based society.
The New Age is not fear based. The New Age is a return to the security you felt the first few days on earth. Perhaps
you were hungry and someone fed you. Or cold and you were wrapped in warm blankets. Perhaps not. But you started life on earth
expecting to continue the feelings of joy and abundance you left shortly before your entry to earth.
In the Old Age, you had to shift your belief processes to fully assimilate to earth's vibrations. But at earth death,
as you call it, the reverse was true. You even often created your own hell shortly after death because you had difficulties
accepting that other dimensions and locations were love-based.
It is time to understand how deeply buried your fear belief patterns are - and how those patterns affect your movement
into the New Age. If you believe change is fearful or most often negative, your shift will take longer. You will be part of
the shift, but perhaps not at the same pace as someone who meets change with less fear.
All of you have some fear about this transition. It is impossible for you to fully accept all that is happening now because
you started this earth life in fear. That is not to say you cannot return to a life of joy without moving through fear: as
much as it is understandable if some of your movements into the New Age are more in fear than joy.
Those pieces of fear are not part of your New Age transition, but merely pieces of the Old Age floating about your being
for a while.
You cannot expect to shift from one thought pattern to another - especially one that has been deeply ingrained in your
being for eons - in a few hours or days. Perhaps you have observed your 14 year-old act very childish some days and mature
other days. He is merely testing his resolve and his new abilities while mourning for the freedom of childhood. Such is true
for you. You have practiced your Old Age skills for eons. Even though you very much wish to move into the joys of the New
Age, at times your Old Age skills and actions are much more comfortable than is true for those of the New Age.
Do not fear. Your shift is inevitable - just as is true in puberty. You merely need to remember that your shift is not
frightening or limiting. It is a glorious new set of skills with more freedom than you ever imagined. But then, just as is
true in puberty, it also holds some responsibilities that seem too difficult some days.
At 20 years of age, would you ever want to return to the toddler stage? But at 14, such a thought seems enticing at times.
And so it is for you now. Some days it is just easier to return to the comfort zone of the Old Age. Nothing new, nothing to
fear and quite comfortable like a very old pair of shoes that no longer fit but you know how to place on your feet so they
do not hurt very much. You will soon want to toss those old shoes out - but you will do so when it is right for you.
You do not need to fear the New Age - anymore than was true for puberty. But then, puberty was forced upon you via your
physical changes and societal pressures - an outer-directed push into maturity. The New Age is an inner-directed push that
will be perhaps less noticeable to others physically, but more so to you internally.
You are changing. This change is not to be feared, but observed in amazement and joy. Knowing that all are changing -
just at different rates and times. Behavior that might seem outlandish to society this week, may be extremely acceptable next
week. For indeed, as you are changing your belief patterns so are others. The key is to find your fear belief patterns and
shift them according to your inner voice.
Protesting the Vietnam war was radical thinking in the early 1960's and mainstream thought in the 1970's. And so it is
now. Observe your fears. Keep those fears that feel right and discard those that do not. That is your power. That is your
freedom. And that is your joy. So be it. Amen