When 2 Speak Your Truth - Channeled

Cedomil Vugrincic, M.D, Ph.D.


Michigan, US of A, December 30, 2012.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Methods to Prepare a Soul for Enlightenment.”

Received by Chris. Channeled

Ophelius: “The message for today is about having a sense of timing, to know when it is right to reveal to someone your truth. Are they ready to hear truth, or are they are not? It is not always beneficial to speak your truth to someone who has not the capacity or the understanding to receive it, and in some cases, it can backfire and lead them the opposite way in understanding the very truth you so wish to reveal. For others who are ready, they will ask questions and will want to know what you know. Herein lies the key to enlightenment – to ask and you shall receive.

“There are methods that can prepare a soul for enlightenment, who for now, remain in a state of confusion. In these individuals, there may be a sense of urgency, a cry for help, or a wounded heart that cannot accept help. For these individuals, prayer is needed to prepare the heart to receive what they need, and sometimes what they need is not what you have to offer. Your intentions must be very clear and in alignment with the highest good for that individual. You must be careful when interpreting their needs that you are not satisfying your own need to be right. You must dissolve, completely, your ego and become a compassionate listener.

“Take the position of ‘standing in one’s shoes’ and try and see from another’s viewpoint. Ask questions about the confusion in someone’s mind and become curious about why they think the way they do? Never should you criticize their position, but should continue to ask questions and look for answers that contain some kind of truth and then expound on that truth. This is the method Jesus used when he was instructing those with religious backgrounds – he would use probing questions in sincere curiosity, looking for shreds of truth where he could expand that truth to the point where it would crowd out the error, and the individual would come to his or her own conclusions, having convinced themselves of the error and accepting the expanded truth of their right thinking.

“Mountains cannot be moved in a day, my friends, and so you must have patience and perseverance while you continue to pray selflessly for the needs of the individual to be met. In some cases where the individual has hardened their heart, it may be necessary to leave that person to learn through difficult lessons of their own making before they will seek help from others. This is what you call ‘tough love’ – to wait until the troubled waters awaken and sober the soul. Many of you can look back on your life and see this very process we are speaking about.

“How shall you students on the path proceed when you are uncertain about the method for helping others? Do as the Master said to his disciples: ‘Go now into your room alone and speak with the Heavenly Father and ask in prayer for direction.’ Sitting in stillness and asking for direction, then listening for an answer is the best way forward, my friends. You may not always get the answer you were looking for and sometime you will get more than what you asked for – something that you needed to hear, and to heal from.

“Peace to you,
The Circle of Seven.”
                                                                 © The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.


 Dear Michael, 

This week's Channelled Message is from Master Kuthumi speaking of suppression of your true spiritual being and how you can obtain a greater experience of freedom.

Hope you enjoy.

Many blessings, Natalie


Freedom from Suppression By Master Kuthumi

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 21-01-13-omna.org

It is with immense love that I step forward to support and enhance your spiritual practices and experience upon the physical Earth. Intense and expansive love is being expressed to you by many from the inner planes in great compassion for the pathway that you are now proceeding along on the Earth.

 I envisage each of you standing in the countryside with an expansive piece of land before you. In the previous year and beyond you have nourished the soil of the land and have planted the seeds to create a luscious green meadow that will grow tall and strong. As you gaze upon the land you are aware of tiny green aspects of life rising from the soil, your meadow is beginning to grow and now you have the time to observe the growth of your meadow and to tend to its need. Sometimes you may find that areas of the meadow become contaminated so new seeds need to be planted. Other times you may discover the wealth of abundance that blossoms in order to bring delicious fruits to your reality and body. The meadow can become the most beautiful garden of grow, beauty and experience or it can become a strenuous burden of care for you as you strive to create something fruitful to nurture your being. It is my understanding that in this new phase of ascension there is no longer a need for any aspect of your reality to be a burden or a struggle. You have tended to the soil well and planted the seeds with love, this symbolises the spiritual practices and understandings that you have gained not only in this life time but previous lifetimes. Now is the time to ensure that the work and loving care that you took in the past manifests into beauty, fruitfulness and nourishment. If you were to sit back with the attitude that the work has been achieved and so you simply need to reap the rewards then you may find that your harvest or meadow becomes bleak and barren. If something is growing from seed, activating the life force energy and manifesting in whatever form, it will require your attention, love and care when it is divinely needed and guided. Too much attention can cause your meadow to be unyielding and rigid, as you put too many restraints and limitations upon the gr owth of your meadow. If you continue to nurture and nourish your meadow with love, intentions, a vision that is flexible and a connection with the meadow and that which is grown from and with life force energy, then you have the ability to create and nurture land that will continually be fruitful for you.

It is with your loving care for yourself, your creations, your reality and inner being that you will allow yourself to experience all that you desire. Now is the time to lovingly care for yourself, to be gentle with yourself and your energies because you may not realise but you have just completed a major cycle of transformation. A cycle which had multiple meanings and purposes for you and all of humanity. A cycle which allowed you to work through phases of karma, illusion and suppression on many levels of your being.  Allow yourself to take time to realise or to even hold the space for contemplation of what you and humanity have just achieved. You have moved through a powerful and challenging cycle which demanded much for your strength and focus in order to allow yourself to shift and align with the Creator once more. As a warrior is weary when returning home from battle so you may be weary as you finish a cycle that you had long awaited to complete. It is almost as if the entire universe of the Creator is now taking a large breath and sighing deeply. The sigh is allowing for recalibration and a new way of existing to manifest from within your being which may take time to evolve, becoming a divine habit within your being. You may be tired, let yourself rest, you may need nourishment, seek what you require and take care of your energies and being as a preparation for further awakening. We, your guides and your soul do not ask too much of you at this time, we ask that you simply be aware of the needs of all aspects of your being and be willing to tend to yourself with love and compassion. It is through your tender love and compassion for yourself that you will allow a beautiful phase of your ascension to unfold.

The cycle that you have moved through held strong aspects and energies of suppression, illusion and karma, it is my belief that you will continue to explore these three qualities but on a different energetic level which allows for you to easily create love from each. You may feel as if you are being supressed in your physical life but your spiritual being and wisdom is also being supressed by you until you realise you are ready to accept your full and complete truth. There is only one thing that allows for complete connection and the experience of the truth of the Creator and that is the realisation that you have been supressing your spiritual abilities and skills which has been a habit for many life times. With this realisation comes a deeper and purer realisation which is that you are ready to accept all that you are. Allow yourself to contemplate my words for a moment, contemplate or feel within your being whether you believe that you are ready to accept all that you are.

Then remember my words at the beginning of my communication describing you standing before a meadow which is growing and evolving due to your past actions and attention. You have already created a platform where you believe that you have something to nurture and nourish within your being and to share with others; this platform is a belief, which can also be interpreted as a realisation if it is accompanied by a deep knowingness. Realisations however small or large allow for you to release aspects of yourself that you supress in order for freedom and the experience of inner freedom to take place. Upon this Earth you are discovering your freedom; you are a limitless being of light and so your freedom is beyond limitations and boundaries, yet you can sometimes be fearful of exploring a small amount of your freedom. Are you aware of how you supress yourself especially spiritually? Are you aware of how your suppression of your abilities, knowledge and inner power creates an entire reality of suppression, control and lack in your reality and the reality of many? When you allow yourself to exist on the Earth as a being of light with freedom in your realisations and expression of all that you are then you will notice that everything within your reality and the world begins to shift in order to align with you, the vibration that you are emanating. Another realisation is that the Earth is constantly aligning to you and all other aspects of the Creator on the Earth. You create from within your being, the Earth aligns to this creation in order to manifest in accordance to the amount of freedom that you offer and allow yourself spiritually. Now is the time to offer to yourself freedom, to realise that it is only you who is supressing your spiritual abilities and therefore creating suppression and limitations in your reality.

When I state that there is now a need to take loving care of yourself, I mean that it is time to be, to observe and to nurture what has already been discovered, practiced and awoken within your being.  This requires more sensitivity, discernment, precision and discipline than in the past. Imagine now that you are no longer looking at your meadow but you are the soil from which the seeds grow. Imagine if you were conscious of the growth and journey of each seed into a plant, you would be aware of each creation and the process of each creation simultaneously. The purpose of each creation would also become extremely important as you begin to realise that small creations hold the essential purpose of uniting or intertwining into a larger picture, purpose and creation. To take care of yourself is to be aware of your creations, intentions, the wisdom and energies evolving from w ithin your being. To take care of yourself is to realise that it is now time to release the suppression in order to experience spiritual and therefore physical freedom.

It is my wish to share with you an invocation as a tool of releasing the suppression upon your spiritually. This suppression was not instigated by your guides for your protection but has been chosen solely by you, which can be a difficult burden to carry but also signifies that it can be easily transformed because you are co-creating with the Creator and has the power to bring freedom to your entire being.

‘Beloved Master Kuthumi, My Beloved Guides,  My Beloved Soul and Beloved Creator, I ask that you observe and oversee my current process of awakening, supporting and encouraging my healing at all times.

I now ask for the healing energies of the Creator to surround me in order to heal and bring peace to all aspects of my being and consciousness that are choosing to experience suppression of my spiritual being, soul and truth. As I also open my being to express deep healing from the depths of my being to my existence on the Earth now, I allow for the tool of conscious choice to be present within my being allowing me to realise that I have the ability and the choice as to what I wish to experience on the Earth. I now choose, with divine and sacred guidance present, to heal and release the suppression that I have chosen and created within my physical reality which separates and limits me from connecting with and experiencing all that I am.

I now choose to create freedom in my reality so that I may expand my energies and experience the truth of the Creator. I now choose to create freedom in my experience and connection with all that I am. No longer do I need to suppress myself spiritually, energetically and also in terms of my inner power and wisdom.

It is freedom that I now choose to create and allow within my being knowing that this will translate as a beautiful loving experience of freedom for myself and all on the Earth.

I now cut the cords to my conscious  and unconscious suppression of my spiritual truth, power, wisdom and energy, I am the limitless aspect of the Creator, I am all that I am in this moment which is a moment of truth.

With truth and love, thank you.’

A wonderful awakening is occurring within each being at this time, do not fight the awakening nor resist it but allow yourself freedom to explore.

With love,

Master Kuthumi

Please share and post with others including the following details,

'Channelled through Natalie Glasson of the Sacred School of OmNa, omna.org'

Thank you


Chicago US of A.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “A Lesson on Violence.”

Received by Valdir Soares.

Prolotheos: “What defines violence? Violence is to employ force to cause an unjustifiable constraint of a person’s free will or cause injury to any aspect of human personality – physical, intellectual or emotional. Evil is the source of violence; it works to produce the evil intent of the evildoer. The use of force, not its abuse, is not violence when it serves goodness, justice and or protects social order. The presumed evildoer must be restrained so no more violence is produced and his or her actions are adjudicated. God is just, fully capable of lovingly and mercifully adjusting everything and everyone to His sovereign will; He has no need to resort to violence to accomplish His purposes. Even a rebel will willingly acknowledge His perfect justice.

“The presence of conflict is not always a sign of violence. Violence presupposes an evil intent as well as a disregard and disrespect for life and its inherent dignity. In the evolutionary worlds, progress comes by struggle and striving towards perfection, which presumes a necessary wrestling with the status quo. In nature, the surviving instinct in the species will wrestle adverse situations to preserve superior stocks. Human beings, as a result of evolution and grace – the latter being the gift of personality from the Father – feature both the blind animal instinct and the awareness of a responsible will. There is a natural conflict between these two natures; on Urantia, humans are still learning how live with their animal-survival instinct without resorting to violence.

“Violence through aggression, subjection, slavery, terrorism and wars has been the common way for conflict resolution on Urantia since long ago; and, so far, with no visible signs of your finding better ways to do so. Dissemination of violence on Urantia, especially through wars, is a sign that its inhabitants are still socially and culturally primitive, despite the great technological development of the last century. It will take better education, elevated spirituality, together with the Brotherhood of Man conscious of the Fatherhood of God and the ministry of upcoming Paradise Sons, for Urantia to become an enlightened planet, as it should be. A non-violent humanity seems like utopia, but it is just what the worlds long settled in Light and Life enjoy, and it is the hope for still retarded planets such as yours.

“Violence for its own sake is wholly unproductive of anything good. Furthermore, it is altogether contradictory when violence is associated with religion and practiced ‘in name of God’, as is often the case with evolutionary religions. God or His faithful administrators on High never resort to or condone violence. Violence may be seen to be a by-product of evolution in the worlds of time and space, and it may contribute to the survival of the fittest, but it is always proof of human beings’ incapacity or unwillingness to solve conflicts peacefully by means of tolerance, forgiveness and dialogue.”

“So, my pupil, listen to the words of your Master when on Urantia: ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.’ Blessed are you all when you foil violence and toil for peace. This is Prolotheos, your teacher and tutor. Peace to all.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.

Please visit: http://www.1111AkashicConstruct.com

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4441 Unalloyed Love , January 21, 2013 

God said: 

No longer will you allow something or anything to upset you. Heretofore, you have found occurrences in life upsetting. Your connection to the internet is down. You are frazzled. Traffic on the freeway is slow. You are impatient.

Beloveds, traffic will get going. The internet will be connected. Is upset so valuable to you that you insist on having it?

Put upset away. It is not a heyday to be upset. It is not something wonderful to be upset. It is no great accomplishment. Anyone can do it. And you have done it. You have done it many times. Haven’t you had enough of upset yet?

You may ask Me to be realistic and down to earth. I am asking the same of you. In the relative world, everything comes to an end. There is a rainbow around the corner. Have confidence in the unfolding of life and your ability to wait for the light to turn green.

Heretofore, you have had confidence in being stalemated.

When did something not end? Depending upon the situation, you are upset about that too. You never want the party to be over. You never want traffic to be thick. You never want the internet to be down.

Life is made of interims. There are breaths taken, and breaths exhaled. Take every pause in life as a good thing. Stalled in traffic? Unwind rather than wind. What do you gain by banging the horn? Is banging the horn expressing yourself, or is it adding fuel to the fire?

Turn on the radio or the CD player or pull out your Kindle. Hum a different tune. Traffic will resume, with or without your impatience.

When your internet goes off, consider this an occasion for a change of pace. Is the internet your life line? Is it really? Go outside and pick a flower. Lie on the grass and look up at the sky. Look for Me. Find Me within yourself, and you won’t mind what is connected or what is not connected because you will be consciously connected to Me. We can have a field day together. We can approach the sun, or we can approach the stars. We can knowingly be together. Here’s Our chance. Avail yourself of all the chances that We can be together, you and I. When is a better time than when in the midst of traffic or when the internet of the extant world is disconnected?

Connect to Me. Give Me a spot of your time. Give Me what I crave for. Give Me you. Come right up to Me, and We will spin the wheel of life together. Yes, We can. Yes, We will.

Do you hide yourself behind upset? Is upset a mask you wear? Love instead. Love the break from routine. Love the routine, that’s fine, and also love the break from it. What is not to love? Seriously, what is not to love?

What can possibly be more important than love? Certainly not impatience. Certainly not havoc. Certainly not interruption of love. Turn on your love all the time, even as time does not exist. You exist as I exist. There is no time, and We have all of Infinity and Eternity to love in. Infinite are the ways of love. Upset is not one of them. Upset interrupts the expression of love.

Is there anything worth interrupting love for?

You say that death interrupts your love. All the love you have, you say, turns into sorrow. Sorrow is not love. Sorrow is suffering, even as sorrow may be sweet to you. Unalloyed love is better. Choose love every time. Get out of upset. Be the steady waters. Stay in love.

John - Cleveland Ohio USA