What We Give 2 Each Other

Mary Magdalene: The Exquisite Gifts Men and Women Give to Each Other

Part 1 of a Message
Received By Mercedes Kirkel
On June 16, 2013


Blessings my dear ones—to all of you here today and all of you who will be hearing me in the future. Blessings to all of you. I am most happy to return, to communicate with you once again. I thank you for inviting me here and creating this beautiful space. To all of you beautiful beings who are holding this space and connecting with me, I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you and I am honored to be with you.


And yes, there are things that I wish to communicate with you today. As Mercedes described earlier, I have already been communicating with her, speaking with her about the relationship between the Masculine and the Feminine, which is so important and so dear to my heart. It is this which I feel many are struggling with right now. They are struggling within themselves, in terms of their relationship with their own Masculine and Feminine and the play between the two. This, of course, is always the foundation, always the root and source of any other aspects of the relationship between the Masculine and Feminine that you are dealing with. So this is the first arena that is most important to work with. It is what allows you to enter into the other forms of the relationship between the Masculine and Feminine.


There is another form of this relationship of the Masculine and Feminine, which I have talked about a great deal and is recorded in the book that Mercedes has brought through [Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love]. This is the relationship of the Masculine and Feminine as aspects of God and how they relate to each other. You could call this the Masculine face of God or the Feminine face of God. You could also call it the Masculine form and the Feminine form of God. I have gone into great detail about this in the messages in the book, so I do not need to repeat that. But this is very important for people to understand and will help you in coming into balance with your own inner Masculine and inner Feminine, because they are inextricably linked to each other. Your inner Feminine is inextricably linked to the Divine Feminine and the Feminine form of God. Your inner Masculine is inextricably linked to the Divine Masculine and the Masculine form of God. So the Divine Feminine and Masculine is the next arena that is most important for people to understand.


The third most important arena in your world in the third dimension—and other dimensions as well—is to understand the relationship between men and women. This is a more outer relationship. It involves the Masculine and Feminine manifested in form as individual men and women having a particular gender. This is an area of great complication and confusion for many of you in your world. It is this that I want to speak about more today. But I began with talking about the inner Masculine and Feminine and the Divine Masculine and Feminine, because without understanding these, without being in right relationship to these, it will be very difficult for you to ever come into harmonious, easeful, and mutually supportive relationships in form between men and women, as they manifest in their unique genders.


Yet this is the place that many of you find yourselves in your life, struggling with your relationships with individuals who are of the other gender, and to a certain extent struggling with individuals who are of the same gender. Your relationships with the opposite gender and the same gender are different. At different times, in different ways, and with different people, you have struggles and challenges with each.


Some of this relates to your early childhood and what you learned in your early childhood. If you were blessed to have a mother and father who had a very healthy form of relating between men and women, then by and large you will have a much easier time in your relationships between men and women, because you learned by example and modeling at a very young and formative age how to navigate these kinds of relationships. A similar thing applies to your relationship with your siblings. It is not usually as impactful as your relationship with your parents, but for most people it will certainly have some effect. All these early relationships oftentimes influence your understanding, your ease, and your development relative to being able to relate between the Masculine and Feminine in form, in terms of men and women.


I wish to speak about my relationship with Yeshua, for I was blessed in so many ways to be in relationship with him. There is so much about our relationship that is a model for the kind of relationship that you have the potential of having and that will be deeply fulfilling for you, to the degree that you are able to experience this kind of relationship. Yeshua was the archetype, if you will, the epitome of the Divine Masculine in form in so many ways. He was deeply connected to the Masculine form of God, which is all about consciousness. His consciousness was exquisitely pure and that is the nature of consciousness. The ultimate purity is the consciousness of God.


Consciousness is that aspect which transcends this world. Because so many of you have a profound relationship to Yeshua and what he brought in, many of you understand in a very deep, whole-being way what it is to be connected to consciousness through his living, his manifestation of consciousness in human form. He brought consciousness into form so that people could have a direct experience of it. Because it was so pure, it is a very clear experience of the Masculine form of God.


There are many different ways to manifest consciousness. The highest form is to be connected to the Divine Father, the Masculine form of God, [brief pause] Divine Masculine. [brief pause] Please excuse me. I tend to lose myself as I talk about these things. I tend to find myself so drawn into this form, it is hard for me to stay focused on the communication I am making. But I will continue.


It is this aspect that men bring forth most strongly, or any person, man or woman, who is choosing a Masculine role. It is the aspect of consciousness which informs your thinking, it informs all of your mind, it informs your decision-making processes, it informs your choices as to how you will engage in the world, what actions you will choose to take. This is the form in a man-woman relationship that a man is most strong in, optimally, if he is taking the Masculine role.


It is why men tend to, you might say, come from their mind or live in their mind more, because they are more directly connected to consciousness through their minds. Many of you today are feeling imbalanced in being in your minds. And it is true that there is balance to be attained. But do not underestimate that the mind is a tremendous gift, a beautiful blessing that ultimately comes directly from God in the Masculine form.


The power of consciousness in the form of the mind is part of what makes you in the likeness of God. You are given consciousness through the Divine Masculine. The mind is part of what allows you to be a creative being, just as God is a creative being. It is an immense gift. It is also a responsibility, for there are many different ways the mind can be used. But if you align yourself to God, it will always be used in the highest form. That is what is intended and has always been intended.


I am going to shift now to the more Feminine side of God. The Feminine side of God is the beautiful form of Divine Feminine energy. In the Indian tradition there is a name for this. They call it “Shakti.” It is understood that Shakti is the creative force that manifests in form. Just as women are always the ones that bring forth new life, new beings, new creation, Shakti is the power of creativity in form. Today it is sad that many women are not naturally in touch with this Divine Feminine energy. In some ways, in today’s world, men are more in touch with it—not within themselves, but they are very clear that this is an exquisite gift that they receive from women. Sadly women have lost touch with this to a certain degree because there has been such a focus on developing the Masculine. They have lost touch with their own beauty, their power, their Divine gift of this Feminine energy. It is this Feminine energy that feeds the Masculine. It feeds the Masculine in terms of giving life-force, energy. It is nurturing and sustaining. It is the same nurturance and sustenance that allows a mother to sustain a baby, though of course, not in the same way. And not to say that men are babies by any means, once they outgrow that stage of life. But the Feminine has the power to sustain life. She does it in a different way in relationship with a man, a very blessed, exquisite way.


This is the fundamental play between the Masculine and the Feminine. The Masculine brings the force of consciousness—of clarity, insight, understanding, and determining direction. The Feminine brings the force of support, nurturance, energy, which feeds and gives life to this form of consciousness. The two together are able to manifest in life. It takes both to manifest. And the two feed each other. The Masculine (in the form of a man) cares for the Feminine (in the form of a woman) through bringing his consciousness to the woman. And the Feminine (in the form of a woman) cares for the Masculine (in the form of a man) through bringing her life-force and supportive energy to the man.


Of course, each individual can bring this to themselves. This is why you are able to live as individuals. But in general, a man will be stronger in the Masculine. And in general, a woman will be stronger in the Feminine. This is because it is natural for men and women to bring these gifts to each other and to create together through their unique gifts. The beauty of this is that when what they bring is pure and true, what can be created is greater than the sum of what they could create on their own.


This is the beauty of relationship, as I knew it with Yeshua. He brought me the force, the purity, the exquisite Masculine nature of his consciousness filled with God. He brought that light to me. I brought him the full blessings of the Feminine—the life-force that sustains and supports and cherishes. We both cherished each other in our own ways. And out of that we created together. We created the seed form for his teaching, his work, his gifts, for our gifts that we brought together to take root and to hold and to manifest. You can understand the strength of what we brought forth by seeing what has manifested for 2000 years and continues to manifest—perhaps not perfectly, perhaps influenced by other forces, other inputs. But there is an unmistakable manifestation that is still in process in the world that is of Yeshua and of our union together.


As a woman, it is my great delight to do everything I can to support the light that Yeshua brought into the world. As a man, it was his great delight to receive all of my love, my energy, my support, and to bring his light to me, to care for me in the most ultimate way. This is one of the greatest things that you can manifest in life, this union between the Masculine and the Feminine, when it is aligned to the highest purpose of the soul and to receiving God’s work, God’s direction, God’s being-ness in the highest, fullest form.


Many, many of you are in touch with this. You have this sense of longing for your partner of this nature. Some may call it their soul mate or their twin flame. The name is not significant. It is the relationship that is significant. When you find it you will know it, because your hearts are so fully open to each other, and your desire is to give to the other in this exquisite way and to receive the gifts of the other in this equally exquisite way.


For many of you, there will be aspects of your relationship that are not entirely easeful, that are challenging. This is actually another gift of relationship, because it reflects back to you anything that is still needing completion, healing, growth, or purifying in your own personal manifestation process—either of manifesting the Masculine and Feminine, or of opening fully to the Masculine and Feminine. Relationship is a great gift if you understand it in this way, which helps you in your own work of completion. When that work is complete, you will no longer experience those challenges.


Ultimately, when that work is complete, you will no longer experience this realm. This is a realm of physicality, of duality, of limitations in many ways, so it is inherently challenging. But since you are manifesting here now, it is a sign that you are not complete, that you are still in the process of completing your work here. As such, relationships can be a great support to you in showing you the areas that are needed for completion, as well as reconnecting you with this beautiful union of the Masculine and Feminine.


All forms of union of the Masculine and Feminine are ultimately a mirror of the union of the Divine Masculine and Feminine as Mother-Father God, who are always in union with each other. This is what brings the joy, the love, the rapture, the light in the male-female relationship. You are simply experiencing the perfection of the union of the Divine Masculine and Feminine.


[End of Part 1]





Teacher: A Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “The Spark of Life (and responsibility)” – Part Two.

Received by Lytske. 

Mentori Spokesperson: “At first however, once one starts out to receive celestial messages, one inwardly knows that much ‘self-inflicted’ mindal static needs to be ignored before a good and clear reception can take place. This depends for the most part on the intent of the receiver, who might next up start to wonder where the information might be coming from. Much depends on the direction in which you have attuned your inner dial. 

“So now we come to that all- important question you hold in your mind which is: ‘Who does provide the Spark of life?’ Well, you are quite familiar with the saying that ‘spirit is the lightest form of matter and matter is the densest form of spirit.’ Is your question along those lines, ‘how does a human come into being?’ The answer is short and sweet: It is the mightiest co-creative act humans can engage in when two people come together in the act of procreation. Still, unbeknownst to their selves there is always an invisible third Presence. And when a sperm and egg find each other, this invisible Third will provide the Spark of Life, if that is what God has planned, because nothing happens at random. Even before a child is conceived, the eternal Creator has a plan for that new beginning of another life set in motion by the Spark of Life and the complete blueprint for that beginning life is already in place. 

“Many questions will materialize in the mind of humans everywhere, because of the state in which many children are born. Think rationally and ask yourself some deep questions, ‘What was the atmosphere even before the child was conceived? What were the circumstances? What was the mood of both parties at the time when a new life was conceived? What were the thoughts held in mind and inexorably produce after their kind? What was the level of love involved and what about respect for each other?’ 

“These questions and more will decide what child will be conceived and born. Please think and give the Source of the Spark of Life some thought so you may become more prayerfully aware of what it is that you are able to set in motion when you are so busily co-creating another human. Did you ever stop to think about the responsibility involved and about the level of respect for each other? 

“Please ponder these matters more deeply and think of where your responsibilities lie when you ‘play with the Spark of Life.’”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
If not you, my child, then who will do my bidding? – Christ Michael.



Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
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* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4605 When Flowers Fade in the Garden, July 4, 2013 

God said: 

From whence did the idea come that life on Earth is to be full of stress and strain? Who says that life on Earth must include suffering? Must what seems like suffering have to be suffering?

When flowers fade in the garden, you take it as a matter of course. You do not weep for flowers that go to ground for the winter only to rise again in spring. And, yet, when your friends and family go to ground in what is called death, it is a given in the world that you will mourn, your heart will ache. It feels as if a dirty trick has been perpetuated on you. You insist that your loved one’s body is to live forever when, all the while, your loved ones’ souls never cease.

What is so wrong for a loved one of yours to take a rest, to be renewed, to be off center-stage?

You may have the feeling that you can’t go on without the presence of your loved one. It is inevitable that you will go on. Your heart will gather up its blessings. You will continue living and loving.

In the world, you have learned to mourn. It has become expected of you.

Have other expectations. When you come down to it, you no longer have to think that bodies are really to live forever. It is a given that souls live forever. No matter how much you may love a loved one’s bodily presence, your living and loving are not dependent upon another’s bodily presence.

You are all eternal. So, then, why must bodily loss hold sway as the end-all, be-all?

Time does not march on. Souls do. Souls do not fluctuate. Souls are steady, full course ahead.

Your life and your happiness are not dependent upon anyone else. You think so, yet you do not have to think so. Because a loved one has taken a breather from Earth life does not have to incur suffering. Life is eternal, regardless of where life takes place at any given moment.

You have the freedom to love and to live. Bless your loved ones who take a journey ahead of you. Their life continues. They don’t leave you. Only their bodily form has dropped away. So essential does their bodily presence seem to you. So important, so necessary the body seems to you, yet the body is a flash in the pan. Bodies don’t survive. Souls do, and souls enjoy. You are soul. Everyone is soul.

There is every reason to free your loved ones to their good and free yourself from holding back your love for fear that, sooner or later, love hurts. Love is not intended to incur heartache. Heartache is something you impose on yourself. Suffering is not natural. Suffering does not have to be. Suffering is an add-on that is not required.

We return again to the theme that there is no loss. There is no ownership, and there is no loss. Life and love are eternal.

It is yourself you cry for. This isn’t love. It is not love for your loved ones, nor is it love for yourself. It is hanging on.

Pity no one, not yourself and not another.

Do not think that life is cut short. There is no end to life. There is end to the physical. The physical is not everything. The physical, no matter how essential it seems to be to you, is a passing phase. When the physical takes a pause, life is renewed. Life is a continuum. It cannot really be called the forever after. It is the forever now. A form changed. Form is just a form.

You do not have to mourn. Be glad your loved ones are alive in another dimension where happiness reigns, and there is no thought of suffering. Suffering is a man-made thing.

You were not made to suffer. It is not noble to suffer. You don’t have to. There are no good-byes. There is Eternity.





Topic: Bigger World

Group: Nashville TeaM


Teacher: Ham

TR: Rebecca



Ham: Greetings, children, I am Ham and I welcome you tonight with gladness and love. My heart is overflowing with happiness to again be with my students. Tonight, let us discuss changesin the spiritual lives of Urantians.


ExplorationNew Age

For thousands of years you have required human spiritual leadership. You have been blessed by many human teachers who have given the world an immeasurable uplift. When Melchizedekcame the first time, he came as a man. When your Creator Son came, again he came as a man. But now, you are moving beyond the adolescent phase where one needs human example and are transitioning into the phase of being able to understand higher knowledge and wisdom directly from spiritual sources.
There will still be human leaders, certainly, but you children are on the edge of being aware of a much greater reality. You are coming into contact with a new and greater world. Like theViking explorers of old who braved the seas of faith and landed in a new world, so have you my friends braved the seas of doubt and the storms of unbelief to set foot in a new and greater world. Indeed, you are becoming as ambassadors from our world to yours. You are testifying with your lives as to its existence and you know of a certainty that mortal death is but a step from this world to the next.
You are gaining immeasurably from your exposure to this greater world. You are truly becoming citizens of the universe, heavenly citizens, even while sojourning on earth. You are broadening your horizons through contact, regular contact, with teachersangels, and even an occasional whisper from your indwelling spirits. The world has opened up and you find you have a place in this greater world, in this greater scheme of things even while you may be searching for a place in this smaller earthly world. Always are you sure and secure of your place in the greater heavenly world.
History is indeed changing now. Human beings are less and less reliant on other human beings for their spiritual bread and water. More and more is humanity reaching toward the heavenly world and the heavenly world is reaching back and grasping your hands individually. Gradually, you are becoming less and slaves to tradition and to the traditional fear based religions. More and more are you turning toward love and receiving your spiritual bread directly from the spirit rather than the leftovers from someone else's table. Gradually, you are perceiving that there is vast amounts of, vast numbers of morontia and spiritual beings who have come to this planet to help and guide you each individually.
This is vast change and you are fortunate to be living through this. You are fortunate to be able to perceive the Master's power flooding back to the world in which you live. You indeed are the first to behold this power, to have understanding of the vastness of his love and the completeness of his mercyThe Master comes to all who would open their hearts to him. His power istransforming. You are not the same people you were before you opened that door and allowed him entry.
Rejoice then and be exceedingly glad for the Master's arm is about your shoulder and his word of encouragement speaks to your ear. Follow me, says he. Follow me. Allow his hope to fill your hearts, allow his love to comfort your minds. Allow his footsteps to guide the way. Be unafraid to follow wheresoever he will lead you. Have complete faith and a steady heart. And now, I would like to receive questions at this time.


Q: First, do you think I could have a personal conference
Ham: Certainly my son, of course. Tuesday, 3:00 PM.
Q: Might I also ask for a personal message?


Ham: Of course. My son, yes, I understand the pain or your growth, the pain of the changes you are experiencing. We spoke once before about the stormy experience of spiritual birth. You are a child who has come through partially and still is going through the remainder. You can see the light and experience gladness for having come through and yet it's been difficult to realize there was more and this remainder, this traumatic spiritual wrenching away from the old, has knocked you off your feet so that what once seemed solid ground now seems as quicksand. But, look again. There is love surrounding you. Release the struggle and that love will pull you free. You are learning the hard lessons which engender in human beings true humility and steadfast faith. Those two things go together. Like a high spirited stallion you have bucked and struggled against the mild harness of faith. But once this burden, this what is truly an honor, isaccepted then will peace descend and your period of usefulness to the Father will increase. Acceptance and love go together. Still are you coming to greater and greater depths of acceptance. Life is what it is, it is easy for no one. Acceptance, love, charity for yourself, these things are required. Let your heart open and begin this journey. Soften your heart with love. Cast out the poisons of fearhatredenvy, and despair. Surround your heart with love and only love then acceptance will come. You do well my son. Remember, you are the Father's beloved child. You are the only you in the universe and therefore are of infinite value to the Father. There will never be another you, ever. You are the only one in your space. Uphold your duty then to the Father and surround your heart with love. Go in peace.

Teacher Contact

Q: Your lesson dealt with the spiritual threshold and the host of morontia and spiritual beings that surround us. Are the any techniques we should be aware of to be closer to andcommunicate with these beings?
Ham: Certainly, yes, the body should be clean of poisons. The heart should be clean of spiritual poisons of fearhatredenvy and so on. Treat your body and soul as the temple of the Father. Have respect and take care of the physical and the spiritual. Stay your mind on him as much as possible. Seek the stillness that your mind may be quieted and your heart may behumbled. Seek not the spirit through the material but seek the spirit through the spirit. But above all, seek after love. Reach out to the world, both material and nonmaterial, in love. This is the way. Is this helping?
Q: Yes, do you have any personal counsel for me tonight?
Ham: Certainly, my son you have come far. Be careful that you do not stall or hang back when the Master calls. Follow him wheresoever he may lead. Love him with a whole heart. Give him all you have which is your will and he will lead you where you need to be and give you what is needful for the journeyFear not, but follow as he beckons. You do well.
Q: Ham, I would like to know how I can open my heart more for love and for love from the Master?
Ham: My son, that you have asked this question brings with it the answer. Pray that you may open your heart still further and so it shall be. Ask and you shall receive. There is no magicformula, there must simply be whole hearted desire and this you have and so shall it be. You are doing well. I have indeed followed your progress and have indeed visited your home. Distance is no obstacle to us. As you travel back to your home land, so also will there be a teacher with you. And yes, you will have communication when all the elements are in place. Yes, you will be able to transmit words in the future and this teacher will be a powerful friend and helpful companion throughout your life. This teacher's love surrounds you even now. Be happy and joyful for the way will open and it will be up to you to accept or reject this teacher's help as time goes by. Be at peace my son. Is there more question?


Q: You spoke earlier about poisons in the body. I thought that Jesus said it wasn't what we put in our body but what came out of our body in speaking poisons?
Ham: Yes, he was trying to put into perspective the ritual hand washing before taking a meal. There were people then and people now who put the form above the substance. But, surely you must also understand that it saddens the angels to witness their human charges poisoning their bodies with alcohol or drugs for these things interfere with spiritual growth and can lead to weakened physical states which lead to disease and even death. So, certainly these poisons should be avoided.
Q: Ham, is it possible for Norbert and I to have a private session?
Ham: Yes, I understand tomorrow is your last day here. What is a good time for you?
Q: Any time.
Ham: Again, 3 PM.
Q: May I also have a personal message?
Ham: My daughter, you are doing very well. You have a balance that is rare in one so young. Yes, you have journeyed far physically and spiritually. The path before you is also very far. Life is full of the unexpected. One cannot predict or foresee the many twists that life will take. You are beginning to relax and maintain your balance throughout the ups and downs of life and this is what is important. Life is very much out of your control. No one knows what will happen tomorrow. Therefore, it behooves us to more and more live in the moment, in the now and toappreciate the wonder all around us in this now time. True freedom is only found in the now. Be at peace, my dear, for you do well.


Q: Ham, I went to a UFO conference not to long ago. You were on my mind a great deal. It was a very spiritual experience. The more I research it the more I understand that we don't understand. In my life time, are we supposed to or are we going to figure out who these beings are?
Ham: Well, no. You will not be able to understand the many comings and goings, both angelic and rarely material beings. These observers are very rare, much less than the sensationalismwould lead you to believe and it will be some time before earthly civilization is such that real communication will occur. It is very doubtful that this will happen within the next 100 years. These physical beings are not allowed communication at this time. Your world is not ready. Is this helping?
Q: Yes definitely. Can I ask for a personal message?
Ham: My dear, you are doing very well. You are growing in the spirit and truly beginning to bear fruits of the spirit. You are finding greater fulfillment in the inner exploration than you could find in outer exploration. The task of every human being is to gradually allow what was only potential to flower into actuality. Each of you carry infinite potential and only the beginning will flower in this lifetime. But that is the adventure of life, finding oneself. You cannot do it in isolation. You can only find your potential as you relate to other people. Love is like water, it allows the spirit,the soul to grow. Be sure to give each other all the water you are capable of.


Q: A lot of times our lessons are about developing our own spiritual growth. Do you have lessons on putting our spiritual growth in action. Inequality is heavy on my heart. Do you have messages on putting this into practice or is inequality something we just have to suffer through?
Ham: This period of your growth as a planet will see many changes. Material inequality may always exist in some degree and yet spiritually, who is first and who is last? Those who enduregreat suffering often advance quite fast spiritually and have great lessons to teach these humans who may be materially fed but spiritually barren. We see great riches where you see greatpoverty. Human beings will gradually learn to love and respect each other as they are. That being said, it is correct for those with great prosperity to be concerned and generous with those whose fortunes are less. Compassion is a central spiritual fruit. You cannot love only a few of your brethren, but righteousness compels you to love all of your brethren. And so, this impulseof love is good and a positive sign for the world. Is this helping?
Q: Yes, thank you.
Q: Do you have anything for Esmirelda?
Ham: Yes. Daughter, this time is very trying, difficult and yet when it is over it will become a fond memory. Have peace in your heart for you have done very well in this service. It is myprofound hope that this be a time of great healing. Be at peace my daughter, you do well.
Ham: My daughter, you also do well. Be at peace with yourself. Do not be pulled this way and that way. Rather, find your own way where you are comfortable. Truly begin opening your heartto those who love you and care for you. Be unafraid of love. Be unafraid to love. All is well and as it should be?
Q: Ham do you have a personal message for my friend Andy?
Ham: Of course. My son, you have endured much during your life and have gained much from this endurance. Let not your heart be heavy, neither let it be afraid. Love can be light, love can be freedom. Without love, there is no true freedom. Think on this, that is all.
Q: Ham, do you have a personal message for me tonight?
Ham: Of course, my son, you also have come far in a short period of time. Your worldview has been greatly expanded and altered. All this comes at some expense for there are some things that are left behind and some things perhaps left behind hastily. Be careful as you move forward in your spiritual journey that you keep all things which are valuable so that you don't miss them later. Spiritual progress is an individual matter. Each person progresses, changes, even is transformed in their own personal way. Have great tolerance, then for others who are finding their way as well. It is a wise man who knows that you cannot give another the spiritual growth you have achieved. Rather, you must wait upon their own spiritual growth. Be careful to cultivate tolerance in your soul. Have love and patience with all.


Q: Ham, I have a couple questions. When you were talking about the poisons in the spirit like anger and envy. What is a good way of getting rid of those?
Ham: In these matters, prayer is your most powerful tool. When one prays consistently and sincerely that the spiritual poison be removed, then it shall be. Ask at the same time that this poison be replaced with its antidote. That anger or fear be replaced with love. That envy should be replaced with gratitude. Prayer is not employed enough in my opinion. It is conventional for you to pray for others, but praying for something for yourself leads to profound and lasting 

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