What U Think & Say & 2012


The Awakening of the Heart

Times have certainly changed. It is indeed the time of transfiguration
and transformation. We have entered the gap between two worlds.
From 2001 to 2012 is a period of rapid escalation and reorganization
of energy. Your vibrational rate is increasing, as is the rate of everyone
on the Earth.
   This heightened energy is evidenced through the increased polarity
 on the Earth. Old social structures are collapsing from within and failing
 to perform, political structures no longer meet the needs of the whole,
 and health issues increase as our bodies are not given the support they
 need to assimilate the new frequencies. People are medicating more
 because conventional science cannot offer an empirical explanation for
 their symptoms. That is, you cannot diagnose Ascension! There are no
 clinical protocols to use to help isolate the symptomology and energy
   Self-Ascension is an exercise in trust. Trust will walk you through the
process, and there is no other way to expand into the love that you are.
You cannot think your way through a vibrational shift. Thought can
help you understand the process as you walk to the doorway However,
Trust is the energy that lifts you beyond the limitations of the known
and into the limitless expansiveness of true Being.
 Yes, you do have a choice! Many choices must be made along the path.
 Life on Earth gives you countless opportunities to stray from your
 essence, and each time you stray you must choose again. Mastery
 involves noticing when you are distracted, being grateful for that real-
 ization, dissolving any judgments that flared up, and then recommitting
 to your surrender to Spirit. Surrender is the active form of trust.
   If you choose to live a conscious life, know that it is a full-time com-
 mitment. This is more than a weekly meeting kind of commitment. It is
 daily surrender, an hourly choice and moment-by-moment recognition.
It will get easier as you allow it to be.
   Many are in the habit of the habit of the pain of the pain. This is
the result of having swallowed an unhealthy dose of Density Con-
sciousness. It's not just that you live in a world of mass illusion and
fear; it's that as you awaken, you judge yourselves harshly for being
addicted to the density illusion, thus creating more separation and pain.
  How often have you felt that you were missing something? How often
have you felt that you had done something wrong, that you needed help
or forgiveness? How often have you felt inadequate in some way? How
often have you felt confused, depressed, tired, or lonely?
  All of these experiences result from being in the habit of the habit of
the pain of the pain. All of these experiences are habits that are deep-
ened by judging ourselves and others. As you release yourself from
the habits/ your energy field expands and you'll attract more loving
experiences to you.
  As the energy escalation leading to 2012 heightens polarity. Density
Consciousness will invite greater disconnection and pain. Remind your-
 self that this is just a habit seeking to consume your attention. If you are
in the habit of recognizing your identity in your ego instead of in your
 soul/ then you are also in the habit of depending upon outside authori-
 ties or influences. Yet, if you yearn for Union you are being pulled in
 two directions, an uncomfortable situation indeed.
   Make your choice in either direction, and your commitment will
 resolve the pain. It does not matter which choice you make as long as
 you truly align with it. All choices offer resolution.
   Each year between now and 2012 will support your unfolding mas-
 tery. You can use the increasing energy to become polarized and deeply
 entrenched in a point of view, or you can use the energy to Ascend, to
 be in the world but not of the world. Either decision is acceptable. Know,
 though, that this is not a decision that can be put off for long; indeci-
 sion is the energy of density. If you fail to make your commitment to
 practice mastery daily, then by default you will be drawn into Density
 Consciousness, and a decision has, in fact, been made.
Your thoughts and your words are meaningless. They will not lift you
into your Ascended Heart and above. Thoughts and words are play-
things. Your intentions, your love emanation, and your actions are how
you will be known.
  We are all immersed in a sea of Density Consciousness. It is your light
that lifts you. When the fifth-dimensional world peels away from the
third-dimensional Earth, there will be many who align with the third
 dimension whom you might have thought would have ascended.
   In fact, their energetic alignment was with the 3-D world, regardless of
 their words. It is possible that those who stayed in the third-dimensional
 expression were victims of their own form of self-deception. Self-
 deception is a pitfall that can seduce any of us; it is the ego painting
 a spiritual picture that distracts us from our true soul alignment. Or,
 it is possible that those who chose the third-dimensional alignment
 did so out of a desire to be of Boddisattvic service to those souls who
were unaware of the choice. We cannot judge. Indeed, the remaining
third-dimensional experience will have many Torchbearers to assist
others with their subsequent awakening, and many will continue to
Self-Ascend from the Earth in the years from 2012-2024.
  The path of enlightenment is the path on which one surrenders the
dominance of the ego. Enlightened Beings have not eliminated their
egos; their egos are simply at rest. As long as you have a body you will
have an ego. Therefore, making peace with your ego is prerequisite to
being able to make soul-based decisions.

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