What U Focus On

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: What You Focus On Eventually Manifests
3.)  Archangel Michael: Kisses from The Compassionate Heart
      of the Crystalline Rose Children
4.) Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  The Beat of God’s Heart

Isis' Message of the Day -
You must walk your talk and fly your vision for all to see, and you must always share your light.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~
Holiday cards:  If you wish to send me Holiday cards (please no E-cards as I don't have time to retrieve them). Please NO Checks I can't cash them no

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones, Let go of your fears. At the same time, do not be afraid of your fears. They are showing you what it is you do not want. Learn from them. Imagine a setting where you had a chair in front of you and fear was sitting in that chair. You are the interviewer, and you begin to ask fear questions, knowing that fear is the expert. Find out what fear wants you to know. Then, after you receive your answer, get quiet, and imagine golden light infusing the issue or situation. Call on us to help pave the way. Allow us to assist. Many of you call on us, and then “slam the door on us” just as we are about to help. Shine light on the darkness. Shine light on the fear. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *  www.cynthialeeshelton.com/   *   

SaLuSa: What You Focus On Eventually Manifests
December 15, 2010
There is no doubt that people within the chaos that is taking place are seeing the opportunity of change, to bring in something a lot different to what you have experienced previously. The culprits that have caused it are becoming identified, and they have little to offer to make matters more acceptable to you. More of the same is no answer as the problems are world wide, yet those who can see what is required are often lone voices amongst you. It is the people that are pressing for changes that remove the old unsatisfactory ways, and eventually souls will come forward that have the right approach and understanding.
Now as always it is what you focus on that eventually manifests, and in that respect we are leading you to think ambitiously as nothing is impossible at times like now. We certainly do not want you to feel that you are doomed to everlasting chaos, as that is not the future you are destined to experience. The script has been written, and with divine authority we are here to ensure that all proceeds as planned. Where others seek or believe in another reality, that is their freewill in operation to choose as they desire. However, as the Ascension process continues to become apparent, there will be more souls that are able to allow and welcome the inevitable. It is all connected with your growing levels of consciousness, that are enabling you to see more clearly where everything is leading.
If we described this present period as critical it would not be an exaggeration, but you have no need to worry as what is required to get everything on track is in place. As always we monitor all aspects of your lives, as you are a new emerging civilization that is to actively join the Galactic Federation. Your progress will be rapid once the initial steps can be taken to introduce us into your lives. It is necessary that you take the important decision to accept us, and by and large we find that you are much more open to the idea of our presence along side of you. The end of duality is to be a wonderful occasion when all your dreams are fulfilled, and what you may have thought was impossible will come into your lives. Peace is foremost in your minds, as you now realize that for centuries you have been used as pawns in the war games that have ruined your lives. These times are now consigned to the past never to return again.
As much as you will come to despise those who have led you into your current situation, please remember that duality has allowed all expressions of individual desires. It has been a period of challenge, when the dark Ones have had the same opportunities as everyone else. Long, long ago you were less conscious of your divine heritage, and were led into falsely believing in the need to honor your own groups instead of becoming at one with each other. Separation became more prevalent, and the domination and suppression of other groups was the way of life for that period. It has taken an immense toll on life and it is only in recent times as a result of World Wars, that you have awakened to the idea that there are more satisfactory ways of living together.
The old ways have proved very lucrative and beneficial to the elite few who have held command over you. Now their intentions have become known their ambition to extend their rule over you has effectively been ended. As you try to pick up the pieces, you realize that they cannot be restored in accordance with the old paradigm. It no longer serves your needs, and certainly cannot provide the basis for the new one that is emerging now. The next steps forward will give you hope for the future that has been carefully planned. We know that you need to see some proof that can show the way forward, and that will come with disclosure. It will release many souls of Light who can at last safely come forward, and we shall be behind them to ensure their protection. Then you shall see a whole series of events lined up that will enable you to surge ahead towards the New Age.
All of your needs are known and every provision has already been made to ensure you lifted up out of the last vestiges of duality. Power will be accorded to those who will use it wisely and in the best interests of everyone, and not the few. The acquirement of wealth will eventually be an unnecessary goal as it will be fairly spread around, and you shall not experience lack where your needs are concerned. There is and always has been sufficient for everyone to enjoy a high standard of life. You have been led to think otherwise, as you have been manipulated to satisfy the desires of the Illuminati to control every aspect of your lives. Their aim to keep you dependent on them has worked for a long time, but they are now being seen for what they really are.
It is you the people who now have the power to decide your own future, and you are willing participants in the end game that is now being played out. Realize that subconsciously you have always known that there would be a successful conclusion to this cycle. It was planned eons of time ago, and because of it you have been protected from outside interference that would have led to your demise. The Earth is a beautiful planet that stands out amongst the many that surround you, and when it is restored you shall see it in its full glory. It will be fitting that you and Mother Earth will ascend together in the Light that will accompany you. You will be quite different to what you are now, having risen up to much higher levels of consciousness. It may seem you have such a short time to prepare for Ascension, but the Creator’s plan is immaculate and will carry you forward to the higher dimensions of absolute joy and happiness.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that what awaits you is almost beyond words, because you have little to compare it with. Heavenly may be appropriate but your ideas of it are probably very limited by comparison. To be truthful there is really little resemblance to what you have been experiencing on Earth. We are talking about comparing a physical existence to one which is godly, and is blazing with Love and Light. You will feel this energy all around you, and everything responds to it by giving out peaceful and gentle vibrations, so that all is in harmony.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

Archangel Michael: Kisses from The Compassionate Heart
of the Crystalline Rose Children
Transmitted Through Elanthra
13 December * 2010
Greetings One and All.  It is I, Archangel Michael, and today I come to you after the momentous opening of 12:12:10 to bid you blessings first and foremost, and secondly to commend you on your recent spiritual soul-searching endeavors.  Many of you have been working diligently to connect to your Higher Selves and all aspects of yourself, and have been dealing with all kind of emotional issues and healing them, and just incorporating enlightenment and wisdom and opening your hearts; and on that note I’d like to inform you that we have indeed reached another level of Ascension.  The ‘Grand Feather’ at the entrance of The Portal of the Compassionate Heart, guarded by ‘The Great Falcon,’ has parted, and today we can celebrate the further dawning of ‘The Compassionate Heart.’ With me today are the Crystalline Rose/Crystalyte Children, and they have come in today to anchor the energies of The Crystalline Rose and of Compassion and Divine Love ~ Sacred Love ~ Sacred Light ~ Sacred Flow.
I’d like to speak on the issue of Compassion today, and I’d just like to say that if you thought of the heart as garden that blooms and springs eternal, compassion would be allowing for that flow and anchoring and housing the energy of Divine Love.  And if you thought of Love as a flower that springs out Bliss and Glee, and was just set free to move in any direction that it wanted to, and allowed itself to express it’s energy in the moment unconditionally... that would be Love.  Love would be THAT THAT WAS AND IS, irrespective of conditions surrounding it, that was borne from Acceptance and Freedom and Expression and Joy and Peace and Playfulness and Magic.  To me compassion would be non-judgment that would just allow All That Is to be free in every moment, and  that would allow others to just be who they were and to delve along the path and make the choices and decisions and take the options that they felt they needed to make in that moment. 
Sometimes we would not agree with their choices, or their choices would not resonate with us, or on many occasions might irk us, but if we stopped and exercised The Compassionate Heart, we would realize that they were just expressing who they needed to be in that Moment of Divinity. 
Today we invite you all to open up and to walk on the Rolling Paths that have come in and have been coming in in the last week or so, and let this be a celebration of just Unity ~ Unity Consciousness and accepting ourselves as WE ARE, seeing it all from the Higher Eye ~ The All-Seeing Eye ~ The All-Knowing Eye ~ The All-Accepting Eye and Heart and Mind of God ~ All That Is.  We ask you to connect to your Higher Selves and in this moment love every aspect of your Being for who YOU ARE, and know that there is no choice that you could possibly make that could possibly be ‘wrong.’  And know that for every path that you take it is the right one for that moment, and it will lead you back to the One ~ All That Is ~ You in all of your glory. 
I AM the Archangel Michael, and we ask you to continue loving each other, accepting each other and yourselves.  For everytime that YOU ARE LOVE it re-turns back to you manyfold, as per The Law of Attraction and The Law of Karma.  We bless you all today, and I will let my comrades that are with me today speak, The Crystalline Rose Children from the Land of the Crystalytes.  Be gentle with each other, and we encourage you to continue to keep your hearts open, to walk The Golden Path with Golden, Loving Open Hearts. 
Blessings in Crystalline Light today and always.  Call on me and my legions, for I AM always available at your beck and call. 
In loving light, always,
I AM The Archangel Michael
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Marcus Speaks for The Crystalline Rose Children:
Greetings.  I AM Marcus, and I AM a Crystalyte, also known as a Crystalline Rose Child, and we come to you today from The Land of the Crystalytes.  An array of Crystalyte energies and Divine Mixtures of Crystalyte are emanating to Earth at this time.  There will be Showers of Blessings of the Crystalline Rose type. 
I represent my brothers and my sisters, and we come today to bless you and to kiss you with Splendid Kisses of Compassion as your Hearts Open Further and Flow Into Love in this Divine Age of Ascension.  Our hearts overflow to you this day, this day after the Divine 12:12:10.  We would have you know today that the Earth is beaming in luminescent glee, for love is alive on the land today, and the roaming, flowing, sprinkled Golden Path has flown in today with us, and we invite you all to Go With the Flow, this sparkling, radiant, miraculous manifestation.  During this holiday season and this momentous season, we invite you to Let Your Heart Be Light ~ light as a feather ~ light as a Golden Butterfly flying and beckoning in the wind.  And as the wind caresses your cheeks, let your hearts be filled with Bliss and Glee, for YOU ARE The Christed Ones, and Cosmic Christ Consciousness has come and Cosmic Christ Consciousness is here. 
For all of you that ask, “Has the New Crystalline Earth begun, have the new energies begun.  Is it a Crystalline Earth, are we in fifth and sixth dimension?”  We ask you to look around you at all the glories and all the wonders, and for each day we ask you to find the Miracle of that day and hold onto it as it embraces you, and bless it back 
I would have you know that the Crystalline Rose energy is a more refined energy of Crystalline.  If you could think of progression ~ progression into love ~ progression and gradients of compassion.  And if you could think of the most compassion that you could think of on the Highest Love Scale ~ Tender ~ Pure ~ Unconditional ~ Gentle, Sacred Love.  The love as of that of a child, a newborn babe that could be likened to the love in our hearts and the love that YOU Are and the love that YOU ARE BECOMING.  The Crystalline Rose Love… in our energies we encompass so many essences.  We ARE part dolphin, and yes WE ARE Crystalline and Indigo all mixed up in One, like hybrids if you would, if we may. 
Today we come to you as we fly on our ‘White Unicorns’ that glisten and beam in the brightest white, and today we would have you know that in the moments that you are sad, and in the moments when you find that life has dealt you a deck of cards that you are not happy with, Go to Nature.  Think of our love and call on us.  We will heal your hearts.  Put on a piece of music that moves you, and let the emotions flow in divine motion.  We ARE here to say that we love you today, and through all of your challenges we have watched as you have overcome each and every one of your challenges. 
Remember that Earth is your Schoolhouse, and we ask you to bless each challenge and to know that you have become Masters, and you have incorporated so many different aspects of yourselves, your shadow selves, and you have married the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies. 
Today this will be an occasion of celebration of Masters and celebration of the next step of your evolution, and amongst the Cherubim we stand today as we glide amongst the magnificent rolling, sprinkled Path, and we commend you for your tenacity.  We commend you for your open hearts, and we ask you to open your hearts further today ~ open your hearts to love ~ open your hearts into splendor ~ open your hearts into compassion and set your spirit free! 
Know that we and our spirits are ever with you today and everyday, and today our message is simple.  We ask you to have the courage to further live from the heart.  But what does it mean to live from the heart you ask or to Be Love?  It means that we see ourselves and each other as Divine Sparks of Light, irrespective of our personal perspective and our own personal ethics and our own personal feelings and what we think about them.  If we could in every moment remember that for ever decision that we make for ourselves and every path that we find ourselves on, it’s Divine, and every decision that those around us make, it is Divine and will serve as a Divine lesson in the Schoolhouse of Life, and in turn will lead us back to The Path of One. 
May sprinkled Crystalline/ Crystalyte blessings flow and immerse you in sprinkled glee this day and for evermore.  Know that We ARE here, call on us.  WE ARE The Crystalline Rose Children, and I AM Marcus signing off and out.  Blessed be.  Adonai.  As above, so below.
Universal Copyright ©2010 – Elanthra, Live with Light – Please feel free to duplicate and distribute, provided that this channeling is duplicated in it’s entirety, nothing is altered in any way, all links are included, and no money is exchanged.
Elanthra is an Indigo, Crystalline Walk-In Healer and Energy Anchorer from the Omniverse, dedicated to service in a creative and playful manner.  She is especially passionate about all the "New Children." *
* Website:  www.livewithlight.com *  E-mail:  Elanthra@livewithlight.com   *   

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
It comes as a surprise sometimes when ones allow the body to be released and they find that they are still alive. “What a surprise! I am still alive! In fact, I am more alive now than I was when I thought I was alive. I am able to go wherever I want to go immediately. I am surrounded by loved ones and by love. I am free.” This is what ones feel when they allow the body to be released.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org  * 

HEAVEN #3673
The Beat of God’s Heart
December 15, 2010
God said:
You may feel the beat of My heart in music, in words, in silence. The beat of My heart is, of course, within your own heart. One might say that My heart is the speaker, and your heart the receiver, and yet We are more than that. You are also the speaker, and I receive from you.
Blessed is the heart that receives My heartbeat. That means that every heart is blessed. You may be unaware, yet there has never been a time when My heart was not beating in yours. On one level, you are unaware. On another level, your heart is overflowing with the beat of My heart and all the love I share with you. Your heart beats because of My heart. Your heart and My heart pound love, love, love. The difference between your heart and Mine is that Mine is one-pointed on love, and your heart, well, your heart gets distracted on one thing or another.
Come back to love. Bang the drums of love in your heart. Only then are you happy. Off track you are not happy. When an event in life, a word, a look, anything at all, distracts you from love, you are off-course, and cannot be happy. Love is the song of your heart as it is Mine. Play the song of My heart in yours. Hear this tune.
Consider that your heart is wrapped up in Mine. That is, My heart is wrapped around yours. Your heart is wrapped in the arms of My love. What more needs to be said? That you have wandered away? Well, yes, that can be said. You went to a casino, and you got caught up in the slot machines of life. You started listening to a different beat. You got caught up in the epitome of relative life. Now you feel sad.
In Greek literature, there were sirens who tempted heroes to stop and stay with them a while, and it was hard for the heroes to escape the spellbinding sirens. Do you not know that you are the heroes the same who will return to your home where your heart belongs? That you return is inevitable. You cannot be stopped at the wayside forever.
And, so, I invite you to spend time with Me while you are on Earth. Do not save Me for a rainy day, beloveds. Let Us hold hands now as you romp around the games in life. Be the torch bearer of Heaven. What else do you really have to do? What pulls you away?
You have a million excuses. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you can be the torch bearer of Heaven. Go public with your light. You will light up the world. You will light up your life. Even while you are accomplishing the humdrum, you can turn on My light, the better to see you with.
I am not the spider who invites you into My parlor. I am God, the Lover of All, inviting you to sit with me a while, and let Us the treasures prove. Of course, this is My invitation to you every day, every hour, every minute. Come sit with Me a while, and look over all the treasures. I am your treasure chest. There is no other. You keep looking everywhere, and yet I am right here, beckoning you on.
I am the Real Thing. I pull you to My love which is yours, all yours. I pull you to My heart, which is yours, all yours. I pull you to Truth, which is yours, all yours. Come, sit with Me a while.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *   www.heavenletters.org  * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *   

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