What Is Yoga

What is Yoga? 

Yoga is the science that teaches us the way, the most effective way, how to remove our defects and weaknesses, and how to attain the state of perfection, freedom and super-conscious blessedness. The state in which there is union with the Absolute. 

Yoga enables its students to acquire perfect control over the physical body, the mind and the senses. Yoga shows you the marvellous method of rising from evil to goodness and from goodness to godliness, and then from godliness to divine splendour. 

Yoga is a search for truth. It raises a man to spiritual eminence. This form of self-education is called yoga. The yogi observes the law of moderation at all times. He treads the middle path. He does not torture his body, but he does regulate his eating and sleeping. He does regulate his talking and working. 

Yoga is your unique heritage. Proceed upon this path gradually and steadily. Nothing can be achieved overnight. But steady practice will certainly bestow great blessings in the long run. Yoga has an unparalleled utility and curative value not yet tapped by modern medical science. 

The practice of yoga is not opposed to any religion. It is not opposed to any sacred church. It is purely spiritual and universal in its teachings. It does not contradict anyone's sincere faith. 

Yoga does not want you to turn away from life; it demands spiritualization of life. Yoga brings about physical and spiritual development, side by side. And finally, yoga enables the aspirant to attain blissful union with the Supreme Being. When yoga gets ripened, it becomes the super-conscious state. It becomes the state called nirvikalpa samadhi (realisation of the Absolute). 

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Apply yourself tenaciously to self-enquiry and meditation. Be vigilant. Be diligent. Kill thoughts and desires of the world, through holy desires. Slay unholy thoughts with holy thoughts. Thus gain victory over your destiny. There is a vast ocean of knowledge within you. Unfold. Become a jivanmukta (a liberated soul). Remember, God helps those who help themselves. --- Sivananda


Teacher: Thought Adjuster. 
Subject: “Spiritual Enlightenment.” 

Message received by Oscar. 

Thought Adjuster: “Those episodes of spiritual enlightenment are sudden increases in the capacity to perceive the spiritual influences that act upon human beings. Many people spend great parts of their lives asleep in the lethargy of materialism and superstition. Then one day their eyes are suddenly opened and they discover that, in reality, all is good and their lives are in the hands of a loving Father. 

“However, you should not be disheartened if you have not experienced these sudden awakenings. In most cases with mortals of normal mind and an average life, this awakening occurs progressively. If you examine your ideas and your belief from twenty years ago and compare them with the truths that you have discovered during the last couple of years, you will notice that a great spiritual awakening has indeed taken place. Today you have a higher concept of your Celestial Father and about your universal goal that is closer to the truth. Had this awakening happened suddenly it could have significantly altered your emotional balance. It is not convenient for mortals to see their world shaken, destroyed and replaced by a new world in an instant. The mortal mind requires time to adapt to new ways to see reality. 

“It is the human intent to keep a constant connection to spirituality that makes progress happen. When you truly start to feel that ‘hunger for truth and thirst for rectitude’ that motivates you to search for your Father and to know His will, the best course of action you can choose is to explore these impulses and direct your attention towards your Father with increased frequency. 

“Your soul will always know what she needs and these needs will come to the forefront of your consciousness as inspiration or as the impulse to search for something. Your Thought Adjuster will help focus these impulses in your mind as the desire to fill your cup of truth and therefore quench the thirst of knowing the eternal truths and finding the path to perfection. It is then when you can decide what to do, if you want to facilitate — or impede — the attainment of greater gifts of truth and light. 

“The goal for a creature is to acquire a growing consciousness of her relationship with the Creator. Every day, as you explore your impulses to be better and you attempt to create a deeper relationship with your Celestial Father, you open the gates of your mind and your heart to receive what the Father — and all the spiritual influences that act upon you — wish to give you. The path to eternal life is in truth visible to those who let the love of the Father enter their souls, because this is when the human will gather all its resources to focus in a single goal: to know the Father and become like Him.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.


Kindness is Spirituality ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are the most precious beings to us and to many others here in the higher realms. When we look upon you, we see your potential. We see how far you’ve come, and we see the potential for so much more, and that is exciting for us. As we witness you growing and evolving, we also witness you sharing more of who you are with one another.

There have been more awakenings in the past three months than there have been in the past several years put together. And when you awaken, you want to share your stories. You want to share your discoveries about who you are, and many of you can feel that same potential within you that we see, and you want to express it. You want to share it with the world, and yet, most of the world is still asleep.

So what can you do then? How can you express your newly awakened self? You do so through acts of kindness. There is nothing more spiritual than an act of kindness. An act of kindness trumps a kundalini awakening, a third eye opening, and achieving levitation. It is the ultimate expression of who you are. And the more kindness we see amongst you, the more precious you are to us, the more we want to help.

Everything and everyone in this universe is connected. When you help another, you help yourself. When we help you, we help ourselves. It is a beautiful cycle and one that will continue, even after the shift is completed. Being kind to another person is an acknowledgement that we are all together in this. It is also an acknowledgement of our connection, and it is an expression of the love that binds us all together.

You give so much through one simple act of kindness, and it does not matter whether anyone else knows about it. The important thing is that you know about it, and you can continue to express your awakened self, over and over again. And it does not matter whether the other person or people know just how awakened you are.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

via Daniel Scranton


Watch Your Thoughts-Ponder This Message

Teacher: Mandurian Melchizedek. 
Subject: “The Beneficial Influence of Loving Vibration.” 

Message received by Lytske. 

Mandurian: “Let me begin by stating that it is a privilege and a delight to work with a mortal such as you, but please try to keep your mercurial thoughts at bay. 

“These are stirring times on this planet with the necessary upheavals, which are blamed on global warming. Allow me to say this about climate change: This planet is still young in her development in the early stages of her evolution and she must go through the travails of growth before she is completely balanced. 

“However, you, as her inhabitants can do much to aid her in her development by being careful to leave only harmless footsteps wherever you go, and by not contributing to the chaos which is becoming alarmingly evident. Each person is responsible for their own behavior, by being kind and loving toward one another; and parents are responsible to teach this to their offspring. 

“Most importantly, watch your thoughts, as thoughts have an energy vibration which can be truly beneficial or equally disastrous. It is of primary importance that you become more aware of how you think, why you think what you think and if there are thoughts which warrant to be improved upon . . . like those of resentment, anger, jealousy. You may make the list yourself as these are all very harmful to your own systems, especially the pernicious thought of getting even with someone. Those energies cause great harm to your systems and sooner or later find expression in personal discomfort. 

“Ponder this message, please, for the medical profession usually looks only at the symptoms, hardly ever at the true causes of illness and discomfort; then tries to cure whatever ails a person with the customary drugs, whereas the Creator has lovingly provided natural cures for practically all ailments on the planet. 

“Observe your thoughts for a while, as negative thoughts of emotional vibrations first show up in the meridians. The meridians are the energy lines in the body that feed all systems, which will eventually find its way into the physical system as blockages, which over time create havoc leading to discomfort anywhere in the bodily systems. 

“The most important way to vibrant health is to have positive emotions, which is to love and forgive yourselves on a daily basis. This will naturally be so beneficial that you will automatically love and forgive others, because you will have become friends to yourselves. 

“This all-around beneficial vibration could permeate the entire planet and help her in her evolution into greater stability. I realize that all this has been said before in one way or another, but it has not been practiced wholeheartedly at all by the majority of the people living upon this world. 

“Be a courageous, child of God and attempt to live this way. Your mental, emotional and physical systems will greatly benefit, leading to increased spiritual growth for the soul, which is the purpose for living, thereby enhancing the evolutionary progress of the planet.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
I am the satisfaction of your Soul – The Beloved One.


Teacher: Thought Adjuster. 
Subject: “Life is Simple.” 

Message received by Oscar. 

Thought Adjuster: “How would you know the difference between the things that are transient and the things of eternal value in life? This is the function of the Spirit of Truth. This Spirit is the presence of the Creator Son in your being who endeavors to unequivocally show you that which is true. Some of you have noticed how many things our society considers to be important and that are trivial in reality. Some of you have learned that spiritual matters have little to do with material matters. In the end the clothes you wear, the wealth you possess, the work you do, your IQ, and the prestige you enjoy among your peers are unimportant. 

“Also, some of you have learned that many things which human religions consider important are not really worthy of your time; things like ritualistic and superstitious adoration, exterior displays of kindness or how ‘good’ others say you are. 

“In reality, life is simple. It is only seen as complicated by the human mind, your beliefs and your superstitions. Life is a journey for each individual to discover the Father within, understand the relationship with Him and awaken to the understanding that he or she is part of a universal family. God has given His presence, as has the Son and the Spirit, to each one of His mortal children to provide all the help possible. During your life, each time you desire, you will have at your disposal the eternal wisdom of these spiritual teachers, focused on the influence of your Thought Adjuster, the sentinel and promoter of your spiritual experiences. 

“The most important thing you need to realize is that the impulse to grow in perfection is the cause and the main engine that will move you closer to your eternal goal. Those who start this eternal search can look at themselves and perceive how far the eternal goal really is, but this separation is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is that you keep that momentum forward and that you gradually start to walk the myriad miles that separate you from your destination. You will see that with each step the fruits of the spirit will start to appear in your life and in your experience, making the journey more enjoyable and exciting.”


Seeing Life As A Gift

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

It is the best possible approach to take to your lives when you operate from the position that every moment that you spend here is a gift. Oftentimes your lives can seem like a sentence, and you have often been told that your lives are a test. But what if you being here was the absolute most exciting experience you could be having?

Trust us when we say that you knew you wanted the rollercoaster ride of Earth before you incarnated here. Now, if you are truly grounded in your physical body, and are consciously breathing, you have everything that you need to make the most of the moment that you are in. Practicing mindfulness and being present, these are the approaches of the holiest of people on your planet.

When you have an opportunity to experience something, and you invest all of who you are into it, that experience can become anything at all that you want it to become. This is how you create your reality. You don’t create your reality just so that you can live something that you want to live in the future. You create your reality in the now moment that you are living, and then with your consciousness, you can stretch out that moment so that it becomes your next now, and your next, and your next.

We are suggesting that you begin to see life on planet Earth as a gift and that you let go of the struggle. Releasing is a very spiritual act, but it doesn’t mean giving up on living the life that you want to live. It means letting go of the idea that you are not living that life right now.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

via Daniel Scranton

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