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Infinity is available, but not tangible; the Guru is both infinite and tangible. The Divine is impersonal; Guru is both personal and Divine. The impersonal personified for your benefit.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Our Extraterrestrial Connections
TruthBook.com [edited] > http://truthbook.com/
193:2.2 "Peace be upon you. You rejoice to know that the Son of Man has risen from the dead because you thereby know that you and your brethren shall also survive mortal death. But such survival is dependent on your having been previously born of the spirit of truth-seeking and God-finding. The bread of life and the water thereof are given only to those who hunger for truth and thirst for righteousness — for God. 
And the fruits of the divine spirit which are yielded in the lives of spirit-born and God-knowing mortals are: loving service, unselfish devotion, courageous loyalty, sincere fairness, enlightened honesty, undying hope, confiding trust, merciful ministry, unfailing goodness, forgiving tolerance, and enduring peace. If professed believers bear not these fruits of the divine spirit in their lives, they are dead; the Spirit of Truth is not in them; they are useless branches on the living vine, and they soon will be taken away.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4721 The Terrain of Yourself , October 28, 2013 

God said: 

To what do you make yourself accountable? To the world? To yourself? To Me?
Why make yourself accountable? There is more to life, much more than making yourself accountable. You already count. You are here on Earth for a reason. You fulfill a purpose. There is nothing you have to prove. You already exist. You are. You are here for Me, and, yet, you are here for more rampantly than for Me.
You serve Me whether you know it or not. And, whatever you think, you serve the world, and you serve yourself. There is no accounting to be made. It is enough – you count. You count. You encompass. Your service is vast.
You are a keeper of destiny. You are a keeper of hearts. You are a keeper of My heart.
You are a commuter, beloved. You scale the heights. You hit the lows. You speak to life, and you are a maker of life.
You may feel like a combatant. Nevertheless, you are a compatriot. You are heart and soul. You are very much into life, even when you mean to keep a distance. There is no escaping life. You are here for life, and life is here for you, purposeful even when you know your purpose not.
You propose to life, and you suppose, and you dispose. You meet life daily, and you expose yourself. You expose yourself to yourself. You are the seeker, and you are the finder of that which you seek, and so you stir the soup of life. You make up a menu for life, and your menu is unique.
You cohabit the world. No one is truly in life for himself. You are a player. You are in the game. No matter your style, you play. You do make a play for life. You want to win it over. You want to play well. The fact is you do play your part very well.
And you are the winner of the game, and your win is learning. You learn considerably.
No day is wasted even when you waste it. No energy is wasted. Energy is used, but not wasted. You may think you throw life away, yet in no way do you throw life away. You can’t. Life is, and you live it. Whatever life may be like for you, you live it. No one else lives your life. Only you.
You win. Life gets down on its knees for you and yells, “Uncle.”
No matter how life may seem to treat you, you are the one who lives life as you do.
You may be duplicitous or rowdy. You may be whatever you appear, yet you are alive on Earth, and you are as you are. You wind yourself up every day, and you keep exploring the terrain of yourself. You are remarkable. Never in the existence of the world have you been less than the protagonist of your life as it plays itself out.
At the same time as you are in the game, you are the watcher of it. You see your life, and you see its playing out no matter how unbelievable it is. You dance with life, and you learn a few steps. It is as if you have sailed the High Seas, and you were surprised at the course life took, and yet you took your turn and you played your plays.
Your life is significant. You are a building block of life. You contribute. Everyone contributes to your life, and you contribute to everyone’s life. You manifest life. One way or another, you grab life and give it everything you have to give. You create your life while you watch it on the screen. You are the maker of your life, and you are the watcher. You turn the pages, and you turn the pages fast, and you finish your book, and it is perfect. Make no mistake. Your life is perfect as it plays out.


Urantia, October 11, 2013 (date of transcription).
Teacher: The Beloved One. 
Subject: “Allow Yourself the Luxury.” 

Received by Lytske. 

The Beloved One: “Allow yourself to be fully centered in Me, without letting your thoughts intrude. Feel a holy hush enveloping you, enfolding you, flowing through you. Realize that they are My emanations from within you, which you can only feel when you are totally at rest in My Being as I saturate you with My Presence. I Am doing this to you right now, although you are not yet aware of this. 

“Oh yes, you do somewhat perceive My incredible Peace, and this will become more pronounced as your awareness grows. At times you will begin to feel exceedingly and unconditionally loved. 

“Trust this process of coming into My Presence without any expectations or a hidden agenda on your part. Your longing to be with Me is enough for you to recognize My Presence, which is always with you, although you are too busy to notice. Allow yourself the luxury of taking the time to come into My Presence to have your soul nurtured in that slowly dawning awareness of Me. 

“In time, as your awareness of My Reality in you grows, and I become more so in your conscious awareness during your daily life, you will have grown accustomed to My being a part of you. 

“We will then travel the hi-ways and by-ways of life, ‘hand in hand’, and nothing will worry or deter you, because you will have fully realized that I Am forever with you. 

“And, dear one, this precious life you are living here on earth, will be the shining foundation of all future ages to come. You shall climb into glory with Me. Together we shall have many adventures in spiritual growth, and these will greatly increase in the age to come, when we shall fuse together as one. 

“How do you see My plan for you? Can you even begin to imagine what this would be like; to fuse and become one with a Fragment of God? I tell you right now that your earthly imagination falls far short of this incredible moment in your eternal career. 

“Feast your heart, soul and mind upon this achievable goal. Imprint this on your very DNA, that you are a beloved child of God. The eternal God desires to be so intimately involved with you, that He has sent a Spark of Himself to indwell you. 

“I Am that Spark.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22.

The Sweetness of Life by Archangel Metatron
The Sweetness of Life by Archangel Metatron

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 24-10-13-www.omna.org

How does one describe the sweetness of life? How can you access the sweetness of life and does life have an eternal sweetness to it that is yours to revel in? These are questions that I wish to speak of today and to ask you to contemplate. Is there such an existence as experiencing sweetness in your life with every moment of your reality and are you deserving of the sweetness of life?

As you are aware, your life upon the Earth is a process of learning, you could say that it is no more than a process of learning. Could you allow yourself to accept that your experiences, connections, interactions with your reality, loved ones, animals and yourself are simply processes of learning?  Surely this would take away meaning, purpose and authenticity from your reality and existence upon the Earth? As always it is for you to decide how you choose to answer such questions and perspectives put to you but by accepting that every aspect of your reality and even your existence upon the Earth is a process of learning for you, you allow yourself to detach from your reality seeking the truth within every experience, feeling or thought. In a reality of learning where multiple options, ideas and scenarios are given, you have the purpose of seeking the truth; this is the truth within your being.

Truth can be an unpredictable process of learning and activation within your being because there is no way of validating the truth of the Creator, even as an Archangel speaking with you now, I can only share with you what I believe to be my truth and yet I have no solid validation from the Creator as I speak. I do however have a feeling of deep absolute and complete love as I share my truth with you now which is all the validation that I need to continue to hold complete faith in the presence of the Creator flowing around and through my being. Seeking truth can ask you to question yourself, your beliefs and your understanding. Seeking truth asks you to be discerning and to clear yourself of false beliefs while raising your energy vibration so that you are open and awake to new inspirations and insights that fill you with love and amazement. Seeking truth asks you to familiarise yourself with your own energies and your thought processes so that you may pin point from where within your being your truth is unfolding. If when you access your truth or inspiration within you the ego activates and egotistical reactions occur then you know that you have not yet stimulated your inner truth. Egotistical reactions can be the feeling of wishing to prove another wrong, manipulation, your power being enhanced while taking away the power of others. Even sadness, negativity, lack, bullying, judgement and fear are aspects of the ego which can cloud the truth or divine inspiration from unfolding within your being. The more that you become familiar with the way that you act and react in your daily life the more you will notice when you are speaking, thinking or feeling an illusion and when the truth is emerging from within your being. You may see that seeking to realise your own inner truth which could also be described as your intuition or the voice of the Creator is a powerful process of learning and growth.

Allow yourself to acknowledge every thought, emotion, action, reaction and experience in your life as a process of learning. Then see how you react to this shift in your awareness, does it make a difference to the way that you view yourself, the way you approach situations and the way that you proceed in your reality? Does it allow you to take a step back and simply observe? This will allow you to rest and release a tremendous amount of pressure that you place upon yourself, reality, others and your spiritual growth.

Accessing and exploring your inner truth is an aspect of the sweetness of life, because once you allow a certain amount of detachment from your reality on the Earth you offer yourself freedom and the ability to experience the sweetness of life. The greatest tool for experience the sweetness of life is appreciation; it is not even gratitude but accessing a perceptive of appreciation for the flow of life and the physical reality upon the Earth. When you release yourself from the compressing pressure that you place upon yourself daily you begin to realise that everything is joyous, that there is sweetness to life, your life, which you can taste, feel, experience, interact with and see.  This sweetness isn't even the presence of the Creator but is the beauty that is within you and all around you, the ability to love unconditionally, to laugh, to be free, to smile, to feel love, to hold faith, to feel supported,  to express yourself and the divine within you fully and to live free from fear. All these things you can give freely to yourself and can experience fully.

The sweetness of life that I speak of is the presence of life itself, the experience of being alive and the experiences of the life force energy of the Creator. You have a divine and sacred connection with the Creator and in this life time can experience the Creator fully.

Practice of Accessing the Sweetness of Life

If you take a moment to imagine yourself surrounded by everything that you feel limits you or is a burden upon you, it can be the most mundane aspect of physical life, your emotional life or your mental life.

 Imagine that these limitations and burdens have cords connecting to you; know that you chose to create these cords of connection so that you would carry the limitations and burdens with you in your reality. Maybe you have even chosen that once some burdens or limitations have been overcome that you will attach or create another to replace it. Examples of this could be constantly not being able to pay bills, being abused, constantly loosing objects, experiencing fear and so forth.

Then remind yourself that there is sweetness to your reality, there is beauty, freedom, love, truth, bliss and peace for you to experience fully but you only need to allow yourself to. As you allow the love within your heart and soul to manifest and to emanate from within your being, imagine that the love dissolves all bonds of connection and ask that Archangel Michael uses his sword of light to severe your connection with the burdens and limitations eternally. See, sense or acknowledge them flowing away from you.

Now allow yourself to energetically experience yourself, energy and reality free from the burdens and limitations, in this moment you are connecting with the sweetness of your life, you may feel loved, joyous, blissful, peaceful, a sense of freedom and the ability to make changes in your reality.

To exist in this manner externally is your divine right.

By letting go of your attachments to burdens and limitations you are not resolving the issues nor are you ignoring them but you are allowing yourself to enter into a place of personal power and a space within and around you that is attuned and aligned with the Creator. When you are attuned and aligned with the Creator you also access the truth of your being, inspiration, intuition and inner guidance. So the sweetness of life is not only to appreciate all that is within and around you as sacred gifts but to know that you have the guidance within you to move through any situation with ease joy and perfection.

The sweetness of life is to remove yourself from self-inflicted suffering.

By detaching from the burdens and the limitations you are releasing yourself from the experience and feeling of suffering. Whatever you perceive the sweetness of life to be, suffering isn't present and doesn't allow you to fully explore yourself and energies. It may allow you to explore negative emotions and energies but are these really a part of your being and truth, meaning is suffering present within the vibrations of the Creator?  It may be difficult to accept when you are experiencing suffering of any form, but suffering can be a self-inflicted creation, it is also a lesson created by yourself asking you to love yourself unconditionally.

With your loving power restored, a connection with your intuitions and a feeling of love emanating, you will notice that the burdens and limitations do not hold such power over you and can be resolved by you with tremendous ease. So you are accessing and realising the sweetness of life.

I also wish to bring focus to your emotions and how your emotions are a powerful tool to inflict suffering upon yourself. It is important to observe why you believe you should suffer and why you do not believe yourself to be worthy of experiencing, feeling and acknowledging yourself as love. It is important to realise what suffering is, it can be a fear, a negative thought, a feeling of sadness, it is important to explore aspects of your own suffering especially emotionally.

The sweetness of life is to experience life in a state of bliss, peace and love; this can be achieved and maintained with ease if it is your choosing. Reminding yourself of the love of your being allows you to step away from suffering and realise that your life is sweet already and you are deserving to enjoy every moment of your life and reality upon the Earth.

With appreciation and love,

Archangel Metatron

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