8-16-14 What Is It To Experience?

Keep wondering whether your waking reality is a dream and you will wake up to the real.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar



What is it to Experience? by Lady Nada


What is it to Experience? by Lady Nada

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 13th August 2014-www.omna.org

It is with the deepest of love and truth that I enter into your presence, sending streams of sea foam green cleansing and purification vibrations from the 8th ray of light at a Planetary level. Please know that at this tremendous, intense and transformational time of ascension you can always call upon my support, healing and loving presence , I am here as one of the beings leading and supporting deep purification processes especially at a soul level for those upon the Earth. You may call upon my assistance constantly if needs be, for I am open to be present with you supporting you in receiving the Creator within your being which also means recognising the Creator within your being.

 I come forth to you supported by the Angelic Kingdom and the Lord and Lady Masters of the Celestial levels sharing this energy abundantly with you so we may exist in a state of deep understanding, knowingness and realisation together. Let yourself feel this cocoon of light and support building and forming around us. It is my purpose to pose a question to you which will require your contemplation and discovery with the purpose of creating a deep purification, cleansing and healing process within your being and reality. My question to you is: What is it to experience?

What is it to experience? What is it to experience on the Earth? What is the value of experience? Why is experience essential? How do you know when you are experiencing?

What is it to experience? Experience is to be involved in energy, the manifestation of energy, the creation of energy and the happening of energy. An experience is to be involved in a manifestation of energy, you are the giver and the receiver, you are the witness and validator. In your presence energy becomes truth, real, alive and tangible. You have the opportunity to experience energy in every moment of your reality, your entire day and even your dream state is composed of experiences, one after each other, some overlapping and merging. With every moment of your reality you are experiencing which means you are truly living with and as energy, you are existing in a real space of manifesting energy. The energy I speak of is so much more than energy it is the divine, the Creator, the universe, all that is the truth and sacred consciousness. So your reality is composed of experiences of the divine one after each other, some overlapping and merging.

What is it to experience on the Earth? Experiences on the Earth are creative moments of union with the divine within and around you, bringing the divine into your focus and experiencing the Creator as real. Creativity is the key as the Creator is expansive and limitless so your experiences can be mundane or exotic and they are constantly changing, alerting and shifting never really staying in the same form. The creativity of the Creator is expressed through you, if you believe in your creativity your experiences may be exotic and inspirational, if you lack in belief or do not allow yourself to focus truthfully your experiences may seem mundane. The truth is that every experience is a creative union of the energy of the Creator manifesting and being validated as real by you. An experience on the Earth is a divine moment with the Creator where the Creator becomes real, where divinity becomes real. You are involved with the energy of the Creator with every experience on the Earth because your involvement with the Creator creates the experience. It is important to realise that your involvement with the energy of the Creator manifesting as experiences is influenced by you, your beliefs and intentions thus you shape your union with the Creator on the Earth, you shape every experience in your life.

What is the value of experience? With the understanding of the meaning of experience the value of experience becomes clearer. Every day you have multiple experiences, most seem beyond your control and yet you were the creator and shaped these experiences. When you begin to value your experiences as you witnessing the Creator, being involved with the energy of the Creator and uniting with the Creator at a physical, real and conscious level you realise you have multiple opportunities to deepen your understanding of the Creator, to realise you are one with the Creator, to see the magnificence of the Creator, to validate the presence of the Creator within your being and weaving through your experiences. You begin to value life as sacred, seeing beyond illusion into truth, clarity and love.  You open yourself up to live consciously with the Creator in creative unison and creation with every moment (every experience) of your reality. Contemplate this as it is powerful and something you may have been searching for.

Why is experience essential? Experience on the Earth allows you to live, breath, feel, sense, think, act and exist in humble truth and love as the Creator. With realisation and contemplation of the purpose of experience in your everyday life and how your reality is a continuous process of experiences you begin to recognise their value. Many believe that their experiences are just a trail and pattern of mundane nothingness which continues creating sometimes happiness and sometimes hardship. Experiences are essential unions and creations with the Creator felt in real time which share with you knowledge, wisdom, understanding, clarity and truth about yourself as the Creator. While every experience cannot command your contemplation and observation you can be a witness to many experiences bringing deeper clarity and understanding to your being thus awakening truth within your being, a truth that is eternal and ever changing. If you understand that every experience is a union with the Creator then you begin to access the practice of observing the message and truth waiting to be revealed.

How do you know when you are experiencing? In truth you cannot exist upon the Earth without having experiences, it is impossible, so even before your birth you knew that when you entered into the Earth you would fully experience the Creator so many times beyond your imagination. This is a powerful gift you gave to yourself the only thing you need to do in your reality now is bring forth realisation and appreciate the gift you shared with yourself by consenting to be upon the Earth. So experience isn't essential it is natural and automatic but your observation and awareness is needed in order to bring forth the fruits of your union with the Creator.

You can trust that you are experiencing yourself, your thoughts, emotions, the Creator and your creativity in every experience upon the Earth; this requires little trust because it is evident when you are willing to observe. When you are willing to observe, to witness your reality, to recognise the Creator within your reality and to create a space of loving intentions within your being you will recognise the beauty of your experiences. With recognition of beauty within your experiences you will know when you are more authentically allowing yourself to experience the divine which is already present within every experience upon the Earth and is your divine gift to yourself.

Take some time to change your perspective so that you realise that every experience is a union of you and the Creator, try not to judge experiences as good or bad but as messages of truth and love for you to explore the Creator within you more fully.

'I am willing to recognise every experience of my life as a creative involvement and union of my energies with the Creator.'

This new perspective developing and growing within you allows you to use the messages shared with you as guidance to lead you into a deeper recognition of unity with the Creator. Also allow yourself to contemplate the beauty of all experiences, noticing how each experience supports you often in ways you would not conceive are possible.

Take time to contemplate and I, Lady Nada, will be present with you to support you.

In loving purification,

Lady Nada



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"In contact with the flux of cosmic consciousness att reli-
gions known and named today will be melted down. The human
soul will be revolutionised. Rerlgion will absolutely dominate
the race. It will not depend on tradition. It will be believed and
disbelieved. It will not be a part of life, belonging to certain
hours, times and occasions. It will not be in sacred books nor in
the mouths of priests. It will not dwell in churches and meetings
and forms and days. Its life will not be in prayers, hymns nor in
discourses. It will not depend on special revelations, on the
words of gods who came down to teach, nor on any Bible or Bi-
bles. It will have no mission to save men from their sins nor to
secure them entrance to heaven. It will not teach a future im-
mortality nor future glories, for immortality and all glory exist
in the here and now.
"The evidence of immortality will live in every heart as
sight in every eye. Doubt of God and of eternal life will be as
impossible as is now doubt of existence; the evidence of each
will be same. Religion will govern every minute of every day of
all life. Churches, priests, forms, creeds, prayers, all agents, all
intermediaries between the individual men and God will be per
manently replaced by direct unmistakable intercourse. Sin will
no longer exist nor will salvation be desired. Men will not worry
about death or a future, about the kingdom of heaven, about
what may come with and after the cessation of the life of the
present body. Each soul will feel and know itself to be immor-
tal, will feel and know that the entire universe with all its good
and with all its beauty is for it and belongs to it for ever.The
world peopled by men possessing Cosmic Consciousness will
be as far removed from the world of today as this from the world
as it was before the advent of self-consciousness. This new race
is in the act of being born from us and in the near future will
occupy and possess the earth." --- Bucke

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #5013 Your Heart, a Kite That Flies , August 16, 2014 

God said: 

Your heart is designed to thrive. You have a mighty heart. It is not a wimp. No, it is not. Your heart is a stronghold of love. Your heart thrives on love. There is nothing else worthy for your heart to do but to thrive on love. The food of your heart is love. Nothing else is.
Remove all constraints from your heart. Your heart is not to wear a girdle. You do not gird your heart. You free it. Free your heart. Free the whales. Free everything. Free your heart from ungainly servitude to false gods such as sufferance, vanity, lack, inhibition, and distress. Love your heart. Love this Holy Conveyance of Love. Love your heart, and set it free. Set your heart free once and for all. Take no hostages.
Free your heart, and you free all hearts. You set the pace of your heartbeat. Set it not fast or slow. Set it high on the love meter. What have you been doing? You have tightened your heart. You have pulled a noose around it. Have you not constrained your heart? Haven’t you given it fearful rules? Have you not choked your heart until it submits to your rule?
Your heart is strong. There is no need to protect your heart from itself. A heart is a heart. A heart is a heart and nothing else but a heart. A heart is not guarded. A heart is generous and gives and gives of itself. If you want your heart to be happy, you must allow it its freedom to love and to love more. Abandon all restrictions on your heart. Do not squeeze it. Do not close it. Do not isolate it. Do not repress it. Open, open, open your heart. Open it wide. There is no dentist who is going to drill your heart. There is no chef who is going to grill it. There is no detective who will grill your heart either.
Your heart is a receptacle of love. Your heart is a receiver. It picks up all hearts and succors them. Your heart is meant to be a haven. Your heart is meant to be the closest thing on Earth to Heaven. You have to allow your heart full range. Your heart is not meant to be tied and gagged. Set your heart free to be the heart I made it to be. A big heart. A full heart. An encompassing understanding heart full of love.
If your heart feels weak, you have tied it tight. Any degree of tightness is too tight. No longer hamper your heart. Take your heart into the bright sun. The Day of the Heart has risen on Earth. Your heart was born free. Let go of its bonds now. Free your heart to love now.
How do you free your heart? You take off all the barriers. Protective coverings are barriers. Begin to do your heart justice. Let your heart fully be what it is was born to be. Your heart is a connector, not a disconnector. Love near, love far, just love. Let your heart be all it is, not just some of what it is. Do not suffocate your heart. Do not trample on it. Do not trample on another’s heart either. There is no reason for it. A pure heart is untrammeled. Unbind your heart. Let your heart shine before all men. Let your heart shine.
Your heart is not to pick and choose. Your heart has chosen love. That’s your heart’s whole story. Your heart will find its way. Your heart’s way is My Way. Your heart knows how to follow My Will. Do not hold back your heart. Unrestrain it. Let your heart be a kite that flies.


The Sweetness of Life by Archangel Metatron
Channeled through Natalie Glasson
How does one describe the sweetness of life? How can you access the sweetness of life and does life have an eternal
sweetness to it that is yours to revel in? These are questions that I wish to speak of today and to ask you to contemplate. Is
there such an existence as experiencing sweetness in your life with every moment of your reality and are you deserving of the
sweetness of life?
As you are aware, your life upon the Earth is a process of learning, you could say that it is no more than a process of learning.
Could you allow yourself to accept that your experiences, connections, interactions with your reality, loved ones, animals and
yourself are simply processes of learning?  Surely this would take away meaning, purpose and authenticity from your reality
and existence upon the Earth? As always it is for you to decide how you choose to answer such questions and perspectives
put to you but by accepting that every aspect of your reality and even your existence upon the Earth is a process of learning
for you, you allow yourself to detach from your reality seeking the truth within every experience, feeling or thought. In a reality of
learning where multiple options, ideas and scenarios are given, you have the purpose of seeking the truth; this is the truth
within your being.
Truth can be an unpredictable process of learning and activation within your being because there is no way of validating the
truth of the Creator, even as an Archangel speaking with you now, I can only share with you what I believe to be my truth and
yet I have no solid validation from the Creator as I speak. I do however have a feeling of deep absolute and complete love as I
share my truth with you now which is all the validation that I need to continue to hold complete faith in the presence of the
Creator flowing around and through my being. Seeking truth can ask you to question yourself, your beliefs and your
understanding. Seeking truth asks you to be discerning and to clear yourself of false beliefs while raising your energy
vibration so that you are open and awake to new inspirations and insights that fill you with love and amazement. Seeking truth
asks you to familiarise yourself with your own energies and your thought processes so that you may pin point from where
within your being your truth is unfolding. If when you access your truth or inspiration within you the ego activates and egotistical
reactions occur then you know that you have not yet stimulated your inner truth. Egotistical reactions can be the feeling of
wishing to prove another wrong, manipulation, your power being enhanced while taking away the power of others. Even
sadness, negativity, lack, bullying, judgement and fear are aspects of the ego which can cloud the truth or divine inspiration
from unfolding within your being. The more that you become familiar with the way that you act and react in your daily life the
more you will notice when you are speaking, thinking or feeling an illusion and when the truth is emerging from within your
being. You may see that seeking to realise your own inner truth which could also be described as your intuition or the voice of
the Creator is a powerful process of learning and growth.
Allow yourself to acknowledge every thought, emotion, action, reaction and experience in your life as a process of learning.
Then see how you react to this shift in your awareness, does it make a difference to the way that you view yourself, the way
you approach situations and the way that you proceed in your reality? Does it allow you to take a step back and simply
observe? This will allow you to rest and release a tremendous amount of pressure that you place upon yourself, reality, others
and your spiritual growth.
Accessing and exploring your inner truth is an aspect of the sweetness of life, because once you allow a certain amount of
detachment from your reality on the Earth you offer yourself freedom and the ability to experience the sweetness of life. The
greatest tool for experience the sweetness of life is appreciation; it is not even gratitude but accessing a perceptive of
appreciation for the flow of life and the physical reality upon the Earth. When you release yourself from the compressing
pressure that you place upon yourself daily you begin to realise that everything is joyous, that there is sweetness to life, your
life, which you can taste, feel, experience, interact with and see.  This sweetness isn’t even the presence of the Creator but is
the beauty that is within you and all around you, the ability to love unconditionally, to laugh, to be free, to smile, to feel love, to
hold faith, to feel supported,  to express yourself and the divine within you fully and to live free from fear. All these things you
can give freely to yourself and can experience fully.
The sweetness of life that I speak of is the presence of life itself, the experience of being alive and the experiences of the life
force energy of the Creator. You have a divine and sacred connection with the Creator and in this life time can experience the
Creator fully.
Practice of Accessing the Sweetness of Life
If you take a moment to imagine yourself surrounded by everything that you feel limits you or is a burden upon you, it can be
the most mundane aspect of physical life, your emotional life or your mental life.
Imagine that these limitations and burdens have cords connecting to you; know that you chose to create these cords of
connection so that you would carry the limitations and burdens with you in your reality. Maybe you have even chosen that once
some burdens or limitations have been overcome that you will attach or create another to replace it. Examples of this could
be constantly not being able to pay bills, being abused, constantly loosing objects, experiencing fear and so forth.
Then remind yourself that there is sweetness to your reality, there is beauty, freedom, love, truth, bliss and peace for you to
experience fully but you only need to allow yourself to. As you allow the love within your heart and soul to manifest and to
emanate from within your being, imagine that the love dissolves all bonds of connection and ask that Archangel Michael uses
his sword of light to severe your connection with the burdens and limitations eternally. See, sense or acknowledge them
flowing away from you.
Now allow yourself to energetically experience yourself, energy and reality free from the burdens and limitations, in this
moment you are connecting with the sweetness of your life, you may feel loved, joyous, blissful, peaceful, a sense of freedom
and the ability to make changes in your reality.
To exist in this manner externally is your divine right.
By letting go of your attachments to burdens and limitations you are not resolving the issues nor are you ignoring them but you
are allowing yourself to enter into a place of personal power and a space within and around you that is attuned and aligned
with the Creator. When you are attuned and aligned with the Creator you also access the truth of your being, inspiration,
intuition and inner guidance. So the sweetness of life is not only to appreciate all that is within and around you as sacred gifts
but to know that you have the guidance within you to move through any situation with ease joy and perfection.
The sweetness of life is to remove yourself from self-inflicted suffering.
By detaching from the burdens and the limitations you are releasing yourself from the experience and feeling of suffering.
Whatever you perceive the sweetness of life to be, suffering isn’t present and doesn’t allow you to fully explore yourself and
energies. It may allow you to explore negative emotions and energies but are these really a part of your being and truth,
meaning is suffering present within the vibrations of the Creator?  It may be difficult to accept when you are experiencing
suffering of any form, but suffering can be a self-inflicted creation, it is also a lesson created by yourself asking you to love
yourself unconditionally.
With your loving power restored, a connection with your intuitions and a feeling of love emanating, you will notice that the
burdens and limitations do not hold such power over you and can be resolved by you with tremendous ease. So you are
accessing and realising the sweetness of life.
I also wish to bring focus to your emotions and how your emotions are a powerful tool to inflict suffering upon yourself. It is
important to observe why you believe you should suffer and why you do not believe yourself to be worthy of experiencing,
feeling and acknowledging yourself as love. It is important to realise what suffering is, it can be a fear, a negative thought, a
feeling of sadness, it is important to explore aspects of your own suffering especially emotionally.
The sweetness of life is to experience life in a state of bliss, peace and love; this can be achieved and maintained with ease
if it is your choosing. Reminding yourself of the love of your being allows you to step away from suffering and realise that your
life is sweet already and you are deserving to enjoy every moment of your life and reality upon the Earth.
With appreciation and love,
Archangel Metatron


Sivananda Daily Reading

17 Auust

Posted: 15 Aug 2014 10:00 PM PDT

See the Results 
For those who have poorly developed chests, respiratory exercises are necessary. For those who have excess fat in the abdomen, abdominal exercises are essential. Exercises that are best calculated to improve the function of vital inner organs of the body and tone them up to counteract the tendency towards disease, are also indispensable.
The lungs can be developed through the practice of deep breathing exercises. By pranayama (yoga breathing), the apices of the lungs will get a proper supply of oxygen. There will be an improvement in the quality and the quantity of the blood. All the tissues and cells will be nourished with pure blood and lymph. The process of metabolism will be carried out in an efficient manner.
If the joints move freely, the ligaments and the surrounding tissues will be in a proper, healthy condition. Free movement of the spine will prevent stiffening and contraction of the spine. Ossification and degeneration of the bones of the spinal column (merudanda) will also be checked. A thickened and immovable joint gives a great deal of discomfort and uneasiness.
By the practice of asanas free movement is given to the elbow, wrist, ankle, shoulder and spinal joints. Muscles of the cervical, dorsal and lumbar regions are stretched and relaxed. There is dorsal and lumbar lifting and the body is kept in a fit condition.
Asanas are the system of yogic exercises of the Indian rishis (sages) of yore, based on exact principles. These are adapted for both men and women, for people of the East and West. You can keep up meditation while performing the asanas. This is accompanied by pranayama or regulation of the breath.
These exercises are preventative and curative. Some of them twist the body forwards and backwards. Others help the lateral movement of the spine. Thus the body as a whole is developed, toned and strengthened. The whole course can be finished in fifteen minutes. Within this short period you can realise the maximum benefit. This system is simple, exact, efficacious, economical of time and capable of being self-practised.

Satsang Bhavan Lectures, Message 3

Posted: 15 Aug 2014 10:00 PM PDT

Satsang Bhavan Lectures of Swami Sivananda
4. Nature of God and Proof for His Existence / 5. Non-Dual Consciousness    
God is swayam bhu, self-existent. He does not depend upon others for His existence. He is swayam prakas or swayam-jyoti, self-luminous. He does not want any light to reveal him. He reveals himself by his own Light. God is swata-siddha, self-proved. He does not want any proof, because he is the basis for the act or process of proving. God is paripoorna, self-contained. He contains everything in himself. The entire universe is in him. God is swasamveda. He knows by himself. 
God is so subtle that he cannot be seen with our physical eyes. Our inability to perceive him with our physical eyes does not mean that he does not exist. There are many things that we are not able to see, but which do exist. 
In the day light we cannot see the stars, nor the sun at night, thought they exist all the time. When there is ash covering it, we cannot see the fire. Remove the ash, the fire again blazes forth. Similarly, remove the veil of ignorance that hides Brahman, Brahman shines forth, revealing itself. 
We cannot see butter in milk. That does not mean that there is no butter in milk. Convert the milk into curd and churn it. You will get butter. Even so, through the churning of meditation, we can behold the self. 
We cannot see the prana, nor the mind. But it is on account of prana the body functions, and it is on account of mind that we are able to think. The red corpuscles exist in our body, though we cannot see them. There is vapour in the air, though we cannot see it. We cannot see the bacteria with our naked eyes, but that does not imply that they do not exist, for they are perceived through microscope. The virus that caused jaundice in Delhi on an epidemic scale is so subtle that it cannot be seen even through a microscope, but can be seen only with the help of an ultra-microscope. 
Beat a man and ask him to show you his pain. He will not be able to show you the pain, though he experiences it. Similarly God also has to be experienced, and cannot be seen with our physical eyes. Hunger, thirst, etc. have to be experienced, but cannot be perceived through the fleshy eyes. 
He who develops the eye of intuition, jnana-chakshu, through perfect purity of heart and deep concentration will be able to realise God. 
Today I will talk to you on non-dual Consciousness. This is the consciousness of suddha satchidananda Parabrahman. It is above cosmic consciousness. Arjuna had cosmic consciousness. Hiranyagarbha has cosmic consciousness. But this non-dual consciousness is above cosmic consciousness. It is nirvikalapa samadhi of vedantins. It is asam-prajnata samadhi of raja yogins. In this samadhi there is no triputi, the triad, seer-sight-seen, knower-knowledge-knowable, meditator-meditation-meditated or what the object of meditation. There is nothing here. There is no triputi. It is Christ consciousness. There are no names and forms. There is no sound or colour. There is neither matter nor energy. It is pure absolute consciousness. Consciousness per se. Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is within you." It is the non-dual consciousness, wherein the mind, senses and the intellect cease functioning. It is the realm of intuition. 
In the deep sleep also there are no names and forms. It is like a glimpse of the non-dual consciousness, but there is ignorance, avidya, karana sareera, anandamaya kosha.
In vedanta, there are two kinds of samadhis—adwaita bhavanarupa samadhi. The aspirant meditates on the formula 'Aham Brahmasmi, or 'Tatwamasi', the great mahavakyas of the Upanishads. In the beginning stage it is called adwaita bhavanarupa stage. He tries to identify himself with the non-dual consciousness, but later on through deep meditation and constant nidhidhyasan when he is established in his own satchidanandaswaroopa, it is called adwaita avastharupa samadhi. He is fully established in the non-dual consciousness. There are no names and forms, no matter and energy. The thing in itself, the transcendent, alone remains. Sri Sankara and Dattatreya had this experience. Madalasa had this experience. She sang, suddhosi, budhosi niranjanosi, samsara-maya parivarjidosi to her children in the cradle and made them jivanmuktas, liberated sages. Suddhosi—you are pure, O children. Buddhosi—you are full of Knowledge. Niranjanosi—you are spotless, no lust, no greed, no asubha vasanas.  
Samsaramayaparivar jitosi—not touched by maya. This maya cannot touch you, avidya cannot touch you. You are pure, eternal, immortal Atman. Yajnavalkya had this experience. Even when he was dwelling in the womb of his mother, he attained Illumination. Chudalai had this experience. She was a sage and yogi. She had powers. She walked in the sky and appeared before her husband. She stood above the ground and taught him Brahma vidya. Sulabha also was a sage and jnani. She approached Janaka and entered his body through her yogic power. He did not like dandi swamis. She was a dandi swami. She wanted to teach him a lesson. Through her yogic power, she entered in his astral body, and he charged that Sulabha, as a sanyasini, should not have entered the body of a male. She taught him a lesson. "You still have the consciousness of sex, male and female. You have not attained the highest illumination." Uddalaka had this experience of non-dual consciousness. He taught his disciple Swetaketu in different ways, the knowledge of Brahman. Ashtavakra was a great sage of illumination. He has written Ashtavakra Gita, which is soul-elevating. It raises you to the supreme height of Brahmic splendour. Vyasa, Vasistha, Sukadev, Gowdapada, Govindapada, Sanak, Sanandana, Sanatkumara, Sanatsujata. Hastamalaka, Padmapada, Trotakacharya, Sureswaracharya, Pattinattar, Appaya Deekshit, Neelakhanta Deekshit, Sankarananda, Vidyaranya, Sadasiva Brahmendra, Jada Barada, Akalkot Swami—all of them had the experience of non-dual consciousness. 
There are various kinds of vakyas given in the Upanishads: 'Prajnanam Brahma', 'Aham Brahmasmi', 'Tatwamasi', 'Ayamatma Brahma'. The first is lakshanabodha vakya of Brahman. What is this Brahman? It is pure consciousness. Then comes 'Tatwamasi' upadesavakya. The teacher instructs the student, 'Thou art That'. "You are not the body and mind. You are beyond avidya and all illusory names and forms. If you subjugate avidya and maya, remove evil vrittis and give up body-identification, you rest in your own swaroopa." Then the student begins to meditate on 'Aham Brahmasmi' formula. This is anusandana vakya. Then comes 'Ayamatma Brahma'—This Atman is identical with Parabrahman. This is anubhava vakya. 
There is another kind of vakya in the Upanishad. It is called avantara vakya. In the plantain tree before you get the fruits, you utilise the leaves, the stem and the flower. This is called 'avantra'—'in the interval', before you get the fruits, you utilise the leaves, flower and the stem. Even so, before you attain the fullest Illumination, you meditate on 'satchidananda', aatyam, jnanam, anantam brahma. Brahman is 'existence absolute-knowledge absolute-bliss absolute.' Satyam—truth, jnanam—wisdom, anantam—infinity. 
Then there are abedabodha vakyas, the great sentences which treat of the identity of the individual soul and the supreme soul. Dattatreya says in his Avadhoota Gita: vedantasarasarvaswam jnanam vijnanameva cha, ahamatma nirakarah sarvavyapi swabhavatah—'I am the all-pervading, formless self. This is the essence of Vedanta'. Ahamatma nirakarah sarvavyapi swabhavatah—you can meditate on this formula. There are various abhedabodha vakyas and each aspirant may like one formula or the other. 
Bhooma, sadasiva, chaitanya. Chaitanya is that which knows itself and knows others also. Jada is that which does not know itself and does not know others also. 'Aham sakshi'—I am the silent witness of the mind, intellect and the senses. 'Avasthatrayasakshi'—I am the witness of the three states. This is another beautiful formula: sivoham, sivoham, siva kevaloham. 'Siva' here means Parabrahman only, and not the Siva with trident. Soham—'I am He'. This is another beautiful formula. 'I am He, He am I'—hamsa soham, soham hamsa. There is greater force when we repeat a formula in its original order and in its reverse order, just as 'God is love, love is God', 'God is truth, truth is God'. There was a sage, a contemporary of Sri Ramana Maharshi—seshadri swami. He liked this formula: hamsa soham, soham hamsa.
     I sing the formula
     sivoham, sivoham, sivoham soham,
     sat-chit-ananda swaroopoham 
This is a very beautiful formula. Any formula you can select for constant nidhidhyasana and meditation. 'Sat-Chit-Ananda' is a prop for the mind to lean upon.
There are four fundamental vital verses in the Avadhoota Gita of Dattatreya. He gives in it his own experience. It will be very useful for vedantic students to meditate on those formulas.  
     These verses are
     janma mrityurna chittam
     bandhamokshaw subhasubhow 
     katham rodishi re vatsa 
     nama rupam na te na me.  
Why do you weep, my child? There are no names and forms in you. There is neither bondage nor liberation, neither good nor evil. Stand up. Gird up your loins. Fight with the mind and the senses and rest in your own satchidananda swaroopa. There are no names and forms. The world is not in you. It is only a sankalpa.  
     ahamevavyayonantah suddhavijnanavigrahah, 
     sukham dukham na janami katham kasyapi vartate. 
I am avyaya—imperishable, ananta—infinite, sudha vijnana vigraha—mass of pure consciousness, prajnana jnana, ananda jnana. A mountain is not so solid as the mass of knowledge. The physical mountain appears as solid, but this wisdom, knowledge of atma, is more solid, huge, than the Himalayas. So it is called prajnanajnana, ananda jnana, vijnanajnana, chitjnana. I do not know what is pleasure and what is pain.  
     na manasam karma subhasubham me 
     na reachikam karma subhasubham me 
     na kayikam karma subhasubham me 
     jnanamirtam suddhamatindriyoham  
Meditate on this third verse. You will free yourself from the bondage of karmas. The mental actions are not in you. The actions of the body are not in you. The actions of the speech are not in you. Purity, nectar, beyond the reach of the senses-this is your divine, essential, Brahmic nature. 
Then he denies the whole world. He who is established in his own swaroopa, to him the names and forms of the world vanish.  
     mahadadi jagatsarvam na kinchit pratibhati me 
     brahmaiva kevalam sarvam katham varnashramastitih.  
Mahat is the first manifestation of the Absolute. Then sprang up the mind, the senses, the tanmatras, the five elements. The quintuplication of the elements gave rise to the world. Where is varna, where are the ashrama, the four kinds of orders? Everything is Brahman. There is no world. This is the highest experience of sage or a jnani. 
Therefore, let us try to enter into this non-dual consciousness through equipping ourselves with the four means of salvation, by hearing the Srutis, reflection and meditation. Let us practise constant nidhidhyasana and meditation on these formulas and attain the state of jivanmukti and highest Illumination and rest in our swaroopa and radiate joy and peace and bliss to all those who come in contact with us, and radiate peace and joy and bliss to the different corners of the whole world.  


"Our way of thinking is only of our family, our
office, our salary, our community, our relations,
our property, and whatever belongs to us. When we
say we are concerned with whatever belongs to us,
we are not concerned with that which does not
belong to us; so, to whom does the other thing
belong? It is not our concern. Here is the
difference between God thinking and a human being
thinking. Inclusiveness is the nature of God's
operation; exclusiveness is the nature of the human
way of thinking. Whenever we think something, we
have to exclude something from the purview of our
thought. That is to say, total thought is something
unknown to a human being, and God is nothing but
total thought. I am referring particularly to the
great incarnation of Bhagavan Sri Krishna today on
the occasion of this spiritual advent. Whatever he
said and whatever he did was totally beyond the
comprehension of the human psyche. Whatever he did
from childhood till the end of his life is a
historical incomprehensiveness for us. There is
nothing that we can comprehend meaningfully in his
actions. Everything looks funny, strange, and out
of the way." - Swami Krishnananda

