We Will Need No More Oil {Channeled}

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa:The Oil Industry will eventually be made redundant
3.)  Polaris March 2011: Building From Your Bones
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  Surrender to Your Heart
6.)  Alpha Centaurus Spaceship:

Isis' Message of the Day -
"If you believe in forever then life is just a "one night stand."
~ from the song "Rock & Roll Heaven"
by the Righteous Brothers
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Uriel's Message -- Create From Where You Are

Your life purpose is to create heaven on earth, which is the completion of the ascension cycle that includes humanity, the earth and the third dimension. Every aspect of your being and all of your power are working together as it is the purpose of your many lifetimes. Throughout eons of time this has been an evolving path for all of humanity. You create ascension in the present moment, not in the past or the future, so you must learn to create from where you are.
Each time you manifest a new and different reality you also shift a corresponding energetic vibration that is an ending of an aspect of fear. These endings then help greater amounts of light and higher vibrations become part of the earth's energy. As you review your life and see your shortcomings and mistakes, know that these shifts in perspective are necessary for the creation process to begin. Each time you change your perspective you also change the earth's energy. Each time you create a higher aspect for your reality, you also create an opening for a higher aspect in the earth's energies. As you acknowledge where you are and claim your power to transform your reality, you are also claiming dominion over its fear aspect and a corresponding shift resonates throughout the Universe. 
The third dimension is a mirror for your powers of creation and manifestation and your purpose is to create heaven on earth to fulfill the ascension cycle that you and the earth are partners in.  Each aspect of reality you create is an individual expression of your God presence. The details of your life are a reflection of your light and mirror it to the world. In each moment creation shifts as you move towards or away from the light within, closer or farther from your divinity and connect to or disconnect from your power. Where you are is where you need to move energy, create a higher aspect of your being and allow a new understanding of yourself as divine. 
Creation is the process of manifesting your life path. It reflects your choice of energies in each moment. As you are aware that higher express are possible, set your intention to create a new reality in that moment. Do not spend time judging the value of the past. Focus on creation in this moment because each moment represents the vibration of your consciousness. Every detail of your life path is either grounded in a karmic path or a creative present. There is no power in the Universe that can create your life path for you, or interfere with its progress. To know how much control you have you must see yourselves as masters of the third dimension, as Creator's creators in the third dimension for that is what you are in creating heaven on earth.
Article Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel.  Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of www.urielheals.com, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel.  Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email healing@urielheals.com for information.   * Enlightening Life  www.enlighteninglife.com  *  email: Support@enlighteninglife.com *  

SaLuSa:The Oil Industry will eventually be made redundant
March 9, 2011
Peace will come to Earth because you have willed it to be so, but peace comes at a price and many dear souls have put themselves forward to achieve it. The battles are being fought now, and not necessarily on a physical level. There are mental battles taking place and when the power of Light becomes the dominant force, success will be achieved without bloodshed. Our presence will help your efforts to bring the changes about, but some people will not go quietly. We are monitoring all events on Earth, and will try to stop outside interference into the affairs of another country. It should always be the natural inhabitants that first make the moves for change. It is only when requested that outside help can be given, and even then it must be for the highest motives.
Clearly the transition period for the world will run into several more months, but some countries will advance much quicker than others. Generally speaking, it will be the more advanced countries that will be the slowest to respond to public calls for change. The Illuminati has more power where they are concerned, and progress can be very slow. However, our allies have long identified those who stand in the way and every effort continues to have them removed. One fact stands out and that is the longer these matters are unresolved, the more people are standing up and making the truth known. There will gradually come an immovable force that will ensure that those who use it, will gain much support and protection to carry out their task. Your intuition will determine whom to support, and you need to exercise care because of the disinformation that is also around.
Each time a period of chaos is reached it galvanises more people into action, so with them comes a force for good that can solve the problem. We have often spoken of people power and it has never been as strong as it is at present. You have seen already what it can achieve in the Middle East. In some countries that are more democratic it will be possible to use that method to bring changes about. However, you are up against a controlled media that still lacks freedom of speech and this is where your Internet comes into its own. Its value is in its ability to draw hundreds, if not thousands of people together in a common cause. It is because of them that the energy levels are raised exponentially, and eventually bring a response. After all everything is energy and there is an interaction between it.
These are times when you can expect to notice changes within your own consciousness levels, that are rising up in response to the increasing levels of energy around you. Calmness and an ability to maintain it would be one such indication and it will become evident amongst more people as the weeks pass by. It is the special days when there are powerful alignments, which are making a considerable difference. One such occasion will occur with the Vernal Equinox on the 20th March and as the year passes will include a really powerful alignment on the 11th November. These are all part of the build up to your preparations for the final year of Ascension. By then you will have had your proof of what an important period you are entering, and will also have actively experienced some of the major changes promised to you.
There is so much that is coming your way by way of change that it would be difficult to visualise without some guidance. Transport for example is still going to be essential, but where it is inspired by any form of combustion engine will be superseded by pollution free drives and the use of electro-magnetic energy. Much of your local travel will be underground, but small spacecraft will be available for longer journeys overseas. How it develops is up to a certain point your responsibility, but we will freely give you the technology required. Some of it is already being secretly used for the black operations of the U.S. Government, as also for the means of “beaming up” people. You have for some time heard about free energy and that will power many devices that are quite simplistic in their design. They are also cheap to manufacture and mass production will ensure that there is no problem regardless of whatever quantities are needed.
The Oil Industry will eventually be made redundant and at a stroke rid you of a major source of pollution. This will aid our projects to clear existing pollution, knowing that the same conditions will not return. As the vibrations increase disease will also be less evident and there will be a much more healthy population as a result. Drugs for medicinal use will become unnecessary and treatments will completely move away from the necessity to use them. More advanced healing methods will be introduced using sound, light and colour. Their value is already recognised and in use now, but it can be developed much further than it presently is. In time even all of these advances will become unnecessary as your bodies will have become so refined as to be no longer prone to disease of any kind. Perfection exists in the higher dimensions and such will be your power that you will create much that you use.
Where you have missed out by not being given the benefit of new technologies we will carry you forward to an even more advanced stage. So you will experience leaps and bounds and they will amaze you where communications are concerned. Everyone will not only be able to contact each other regardless of distance, but also see them. Furthermore there will be translation devices that will handle any existing language. Entertainment will benefit from these advancements, but programs will become a reflection of the new society that will arise from the old one. Violence and similar negative aspects will no longer feature, as you will have higher levels of consciousness that will not tolerate or desire it.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and you will be introduced to many new advances as soon as we can meet with you all. We clearly know what you need and where the priorities exist and also that you have many knowledgeable people who can quickly adapt to them. This was expected as your thoughts are helped by outside influences that have often come from us. Through such methods we have helped you advance by introducing new ideas to you.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

Polaris March 2011: Building From Your Bones
Channeled by Karen Murphy
This month, March 2011, represents your birth. Rebirth, to be exact.
Last month you set your path for the entire year, glimpsed the heavens for a brief shining moment … and then for many it slipped away. Life happened. Old patterns came a-calling. Old fears, old hurts, old relationship dynamics, old ways of looking at Self and the universe. They all came knocking at your door, and were not at all quiet about it. Your usual way of looking at these old patterns, especially if you are a person who has been doing self work for a while and gaining self awareness, has been to wonder what on earth you were doing wrong, what you missed, what you did to cause this new-old pain. And to panic. Fears set in.
But there is nothing wrong. Old patterns often come back so you can embrace them and the gifts they once taught you. They are not something to get rid of. They are old friends. They are with you to help you, to help you learn and grow and to be there when you shift into What Comes Next and step through the doorway into what you are creating. Old patterns are your gift of remembrance, of how far you have come and of how you have a choice in how to proceed now and in every moment.
This month, then, is a month where you begin from the ground up. February took you down to the bone. The tumult of old patterns has created, for many of us, a perfect playground of empty tiredness. This, together with the chaotic energies cascading around the planet as characterized by Wisconsin, Libya, and Egypt, has made any of you soul-weary. You have nothing left. You are bare, raw, and vulnerable. All your deep inner fears are on the table where you can see them. Exposed.
It is the perfect time to build from the ground up. You have your foundation. Your bones are strong. All you have to do is to decide what you will create on top of them. What face will you show to the world? What gifts do you clothe yourself in? Who do you become that will support what it is you wish to do?
Such a vast, wide-open doorway. Some of you will wish to scurry back inside rather than step out into the bright sunshine that shines down on your exposed bones. This will be your desire, but is it, truly? You are taking yourself along on a journey. Nothing happens for no reason. No experience is wasted. If you go back inside to your foundation, it is okay. You will do your work indoors. But if you manage to step fully out into the bright light that surrounds you, you will find friends each doing the same thing. Allies. Support. And your way will become more clear. The path opens and beckons to you. You will know the way.
There is no wrong turn to take here. If this is not the month to move firmly onto the path you created last month, then it is because you are doing other work instead. The path still awaits, or perhaps becomes rebuilt elsewhere in time. And once on your path, there is no ending, no destination. Simply being on it means that you have connected to who you are, to your destiny.
Let’s talk about destiny for a moment. Every lifetime can be expressed as a story. Some stories are more True than others; the best stories, the ones we all like to hear over and over and that we connect to on a visceral level, are the ones with the most amount of Truth in them. Each of us has a story, our destiny. It is up to us to find it and live it as best we can. The closer we get to our True story, the happier we are and the more we are fulfilling our destiny, the story we came here to express, be, and experience.
This month, then, brings many of you that much closer to your destiny. In a big way.
You can assist your own process. Write down a list of things that you really want, from a deep soul level. Acceptance. Love. Exchange. Community. Things like that. Make your list and recheck it over a series of days, asking yourself questions (“Do I really want this? Why? What will I receive from it? What might it feel like?”) and answering them, fine-tuning your list. Then make a second list of actions you can make TODAY that support the things that you want. Large or small, anything that you can do or set in motion counts and will help you walk your path. See how easy? Doing this over the course of this month will help clothe your bones, give them life, and set you firmly on your path of destiny.
What to Expect This Month


When you are so bare and raw like this, unraveling, it can seem that this skeletal state could last forever. It won’t. Today brings a fresh breath of energy, waves of possibility, and with those come the hope of tomorrow, the certainty that things change and that you have the power to create your What Comes Next. Feeling disempowered? Then bring things down to the most basic level – your body. Take one action today that supports feeling your body, feeling that you HAVE a body. Step outside and breathe. Dance. Make love. Take a bath. Feel the changing of the seasons. Notice your heartbeat. Eat something juicy and delicious. And then thank your body for the experience, for supporting you and being with you in your journey. Ask your body what it wants next. Use your one action today as the stepping-stone to a series of conversations with your body.
Affirmation: I AM strong and empowered by my every action.

Remember last month’s challenges? The challenge this month is to remember three things:
Everyone wants to feel loved.

If you feel discomfort in your interaction with someone, it could be that it isn’t about you.
We are all in this together.

The tendency for many is to think we are islands, alone in a vast sea of misunderstanding. Although on one level it’s easy to remember the ultimate and overarching connection among all living things, when interacting with another being who resides inside a skin that’s is separate from yours it is often easier to think we are all separate, autonomous islands. After all, my skin covers me and your skin covers you – you can easily see how separate we are. Taking that a step further, it is easy to become caught in little hurts, differences of desire or opinion, and dynamics that are familiar from old wounds.
This month will see petty quarrels rising to a level you may not have seen before. Minor conflicts become blown out of proportion. People feel angry and powerless, and because of that may utilize bullying practices, the legal system, and other extreme measures to feel safe and protected. You yourself may find that you feel violated and defensive. It is all part of the energy surrounding you, and an invitation to learn to move through challenges differently.
This could be a month to make it all stop. Just as you are moving through a growth process, stepping onto your path of destiny, so too are others claiming their lives, clothing their bones, and forming their own pathways. Be kind; your kindness to others will be returned to you. Be compassionate; your compassion spreads to cover all those who might drink from its brimming golden cup. Be wise; your wisdom sets others free.
Affirmation: I FEEL connected to every breath and heartbeat.

The planet has entered a period of experimentation regarding interacting as community. There will be growing pains. Some groups will meld and form seamlessly, while others seem to be entangled in hopeless conflict. Choose your communities wisely. Use your powers of wisdom, compassion and kindness in remembering that we are all in this together. Evaluate the communities you are a part of and look to expand into groups that feel like home to you. Understand that movement among communities is necessary and will help breathe life into groups of all sizes for many months to come.
Affirmation: I BREATHE together with everyone and hold them in a space of loving kindness.
Global Politics

Expanding the conflictive nature of other relationships this month into the global arena, it is easy to see that the energies of Wisconsin, Egypt and Libya affect everyone and are indicative of a wider movement for change and new ways of resolving old hurts. This won’t be going away any time soon. People feel disempowered and are taking steps to create movement. When feeling stuck, usually movement of any sort feels better than doing nothing at all. Help support this by empowering yourself on a personal basis – add practices to your daily life that help you personally feel in tune with the turning of the Earth, the heartbeat of the planet’s beings, and with the air you are breathing.
Affirmation: I FEEL the waves of change reaching around the globe.
Earth Changes

Mother Gaia is re-awakening and will be more active as time goes on. Earthquakes, volcanoes, heavy winds and storms … these are a part of every cycle but feel especially poignant now. Use your strength of compassion and awareness to hold the planet in a space of empowerment and conscious creation. Gather with groups, others who are similarly awakening, to co-create and intend a transition that best supports soul growth and evolution. Journey in dreamtime to the Earth of your future, and speak to her with wisdom and acceptance.
Affirmation: I AM the power behind the tsunami.
Global Spiritual Changes

If you are reading these words, then you are a part of the great global shifts that are becoming more and more apparent as time goes on. It's not as if change has never happened on such a scale before; indeed, there have been many time in the planet's history where sweeping transformation overtook all life experience, but what makes THIS time different is you. You are here. You breathe. Your heart beats. And because you are here, you take part in this wild, wonderful, glorious transformation that will change life as you know it and create infinite new worlds and possibilities.
You are here -- now -- because you chose to be. You chose to live among change and to make the choices that seem the best in that moment. You chose to love, to hurt, to taste, to drink. You chose to add your experience to the worlds you are co-creating. You chose to be here. Big hug of gratitude for showing up. Now get on with things and step into your What Comes Next.
Affirmation: I AM expanding with each breath.
Polaris is a being of energy  * www.polarisrising.com/  *  

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, when change is upon you, breathe until you feel the peace that passes the understanding of the world. Then you will know that you are in direct communication with the Higher Self of you. Then you will go forth in confidence and you will be able to speak from your heart no matter what is going on, and you will sometimes be amazed at what comes forth out of your mouth and the changes that come because of what you have said. Because truly, when you abide in love and you allow the heart to be open and you are sincere in coming from the place of love, I speak through you.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org  *    

HEAVEN #3757
Surrender to Your Heart
March 9, 2011
God said:
Pure is the heart that loves. Love takes care of all the obstacles. When there is love, obstacles to love have no choice but to fade. Love wins. Obstacles don’t. Love and obstacles do not coexist. What was an obstacle is no longer an obstacle.
Even if for a moment, obstacles lag. When love surmounts obstacles, obstacles by the very nature of love come down to size. Obstacles, like ego, are not as big or high-faluting as they seem. Obstacles, like ego, are frail.
Obstacles to love are evidence of ego.
You were taught and learned a standard that said: ”Of course, you don’t love here or like that.” Obstacles to love are a matter of pride. In truth, there is not anyone who does not merit your love. My love is full and avoids no corners. If you are to give My love, then you are to love as I do love. You give love like Mine. My love is unrestricted love, for My love within you comes from the heart, not the mind. Sometimes the mind is just too clever to love. The mind is too smart for its own good. The mind plants its feet and dares not depart.
Love is not something that is weighed.
Because you love everyone does not mean that you are obliged to everyone. Love is not – I repeat – love is not obligation. Obligation is love enchained. Love enchained is not love. I adjure you to love and to love all. Because you love and someone loves you does not obligate you to subjugate your will. You are not going to marry everyone you love. Love means going by the heart and not mind. Obligation is of the mind.
When it comes to love, when it comes to the state of loving, love is not denied. Love the reprobate. Love the judger. Love all those who do not know about love and the range of love. The ball is in your court. You love. You just love.
The naughty boy is just as worthy of love as the obedient boy.
The man with a closed heart is just as worthy of love as the man with an open loving heart. This is what it means that you love all. Your love is not respective of status, performance, or judgment.
If love is too big a word for you, then choose the word appreciate, or choose the word blessing. Appreciate and bless. Someone with a closed heart exists in the world. Is he not brave? Bless him for his courage then.
Maybe you were that restricted heart once. And look how much your heart has opened. Look at you now. Someone, or many, appreciated and blessed you. They saw that you were a leaf from God’s tree. For a moment, or for a day, or always, they saw Whose child you are. They saw beyond your daily manifestation. They were not trying to improve or change you. They simply saw what I do see.
What I am capable of, you are capable of. The question is: Are you willing?
Are you willing to defray your willful mind and surrender to your heart? No longer deny the wealth of your heart.
What you surrender to is Truth.
Be brother or sister to all. No longer separate yourself.
Love the lost lambs as well as the found ones.
Love for a change. Love first. Love without revision. Love because everyone in the world can use your love. Love because you need your love. Love for no other reason than that the sun shines. Unrestrict your love so that the sun shines for all.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  * 
www.godwriting.org/world-peace/freedom-illegal-aliens.htm  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:  www.heavenletters.org/gods-cosmic-loveletters-universe.html   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *   www.heavenletters.org  * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *   

Alpha Centaurus Spaceship: 
Channeled by Kris-Won
March 6, 2011
Greetings from Alpha Starship!
I am Sohin, chief Commander of the Stellar Spaceship, "Alpha Centaurus," I have under my command a crew of 348 people, including my officials, those who come for a visit (temporary visitors), and the crew members who have as their regular mission to travel on a regular basis to the surface of your planet in order to carry out tasks that include sample-taking and decontamination of your ocean water and other points on Earth where some of your governments have buried, with no iota of conscience, highly-polluting radioactive materials in the subsoil of Gaia.
Gaia is your loving Mother, and must accepts all those ignorant and immoral behaviours from some leaders of your race who, in their unconsciousness have not reflected on the terrible and searing effects on Gaia . . . that the dumping of that radioactive materials deposited in the subsoil in some countries governed by corrupt personages who sell themselves in exchange for favours, usually monetary ones, have.
But tell me, what is the purpose of those economic profits or political favours to those cunning leaders who are moved only by selfish motives if that means the destruction of your forests due to the uncontrolled logging of trees, some of them millenarian, the pollution of your oceans and seas, or the explosion of nuclear arms detonated under the excuse of conducting "tests" to secure national safety? Economic or political rewards at the expense of your natural environment's destruction? Is it really worth it to pollute your soil and oceans in exchange for some favours granted by some countries governed by unscrupulous leaders?
No, I think not, and I know that none of you believes it is worth it to cause unnecessary damage to the planet that gives you shelter.
When our First Contact takes place we will train you to use alternative sources of energy, free from any polluting elements that are produced in your factories and power stations for example, and in that way you will not have to search for places to bury those highly-polluting waste materials in the subsoil or under the water.
I want to clarify to you that the unconsciousness of those leaders gives us a lot of work, but even then we do it from the heart in order to alleviate Gaia from her suffering, seeing how man pollutes Her physical body.
Those radioactive materials would remain for millenia under the subsoil of the planet if we didn't remove those residues and transferred them to our Mother Spaceship where we use our technology to neutralize and transmute them into non-polluting elements as it is impossible to destroy them completely; they can only be transmuted but not destroyed, as your Earth scientists know well.
Well, that one is one of the most relevant jobs our Stellar Spaceship carries out.
In the years to come we will also require many of you to work also on-board this Spaceship or on-board other Spaceships, tasks for which you will be well instructed and trained for, I know that.
For that reason, our crew, as well as that from other Mother Spaceships and other smaller ones, is composed of persons from different planets and solar systems, but who are members of the Galactic Federation. The personnel on-board a Spaceship belongs in its majority or in a great part to the same planet of origin, but it will always entail a crew with mixed members who come from other places in the Galaxy. In this way, a brotherhood is created among the different races strengthening the bonds among us.
Besides, given the fact fact that each civilization specializes in an area, such as medicine, biological agriculture, care and restoration of the environment, scientific contributions, etc., the fact that representatives from each specific field work in the area they master, is beneficial for the optimal functioning of the Spaceship in general, guaranteeing good results and the success of the mission carried out by that Spaceship.
As I said, some of you will be required to work with us on-board our Spaceship "Alpha Centaurus," so we will have to choose meticulously from those among you.
The capabilities of some of you are being analyzed, so that our encounter can in fact offer some of you this possibility, with the trust that those people will agree to become members of our crew.
I say that to you in advance, so that all of you know that this is going to happen in the near future, and so that our proposal doesn't surprise the people in question, to be elected by us as partners on-board Alpha Centaurus and also on-board other alternative Spaceships.
There is not much time left for your civilization to become a member of the Galactic Federation and that thought fills us with great joy.
It is a great honour for us to assist you in this way, in any way we can. That is what we are doing, and that is the reason we have come.
Peace and Love,
Commander Sohin
Kris-Won was born in the Island of Mallorca (Spain) in the Mediterranean Sea in 1961, where he currently resides. He got the gift of channeling when he was 21 years old, while he belonged to a spiritual group in Palma de Mallorca. He has traveled to countries with ancient cultures of undeniable spiritual influence such as India, Mexico and Egypt. In 1985 he personally met the Indian Master Sathya Sai Baba. His teachings and guidance influenced his life profoundly, so he dedicated himself to translating a great deal of Sathya Sai Baba's teachings to Spanish during the last 10 years. By late 2009, he joined our group of translators and began to translate other channelers' messages. Shortly after that, Alpha Starship began to dictate him their first messages.   *    

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