We Are The First: Channeled 6-3-14

God is so generous, so universal, he belongs to everybody, to the whole creation, all the time. There is no personal connection and love may not happen. In a guru, you can't help but see that love, yet you cannot hold on to it. Through the guru you see the personal. You find the bridge between the personal and the infinite.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 


You Have Become a Literal Light Beacon

Posted: 02 Jun 2014 01:47 PM PDT

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Dear Ones,
Thank you for accepting your delightful new role of sparkle producer for those who wish to follow.

Some of you question that thought for you do not feel as if you sparkle – or even shine. You feel dull and grey. Such is not at all the case, but you do not yet see yourself as we and others do.

Indeed, your sparkles shine through your most difficult days. Some of you feel as if you live in a grey cloud. Even if you feel as if you are not producing or feeling anything, you are shining as brightly as the sun shines through clouds.

Perhaps you wonder why such a topic is important at this time – or if the assertion of your brightness is even believable.

We remind you that children and nonhumans seem attracted to you. You have maybe noted birds, insects or larger essences hovering around you. Or children mesmerized by your presence. You merely need to smile at small children and they notice you – most often, even return your smile.

For children and nonhumans are open to your shining presence.

Perhaps you remember religious art works with halos above the beings portrayed. Such is true for you now – even though you do not see or sense it.

Do you realize that a halo was merely an artistic means of displaying a golden, sunshine aura – such as you now have?

Again, you question the validity of this statement – why does not the person you are uncomfortable with note your sunshine aura? Perhaps they do – and that is why they respond with discomfort or even anger in your presence.

You are beyond dreaming of a new life. You have transitioned into it.

That last statement does not seem possible to most of you. You continue to work, play and seemingly react as you have always. Such is not the case. If you were to question those who have not yet transitioned to their new life, they would relay that you seem more calm and loving than before.

That statement is not a dictate of how you should be, but an indicator of how you are even though you do not yet sense it. This new you is the result of your changed perceptions of your current life and many others.

We promised you would restructure your current 3D life and many others – if not all – once you moved into your new life. So you have. You merely need to acknowledge to yourself that such is true.

Yet another piece of self-love.

You have moved your personal mountains to create a new life and new earth.

Now you need to acknowledge what children and other earth entities already know – you are a bright and shining sun to all who encounter you.

And your bright sparkle encourages others to follow your lead – just as was true for those portrayed in religious paintings.

You are a light bearer, a beacon. Most of you did not understand that the phrase, “beacon of light” was meant literally. It was and is.

Even though you will not be the last to create a golden aura about you, you are the first group in this lifetime.

You are the beacons of light noted by those who allow themselves to return to self-love. Such is the “earth standard” for now and forever.

A standard you dared create. You merely need to believe you have done so.

Young children and nonhumans have not yet created perceptions of what is possible. It is time for you to shift to the same.

All is possible.

You have a golden aura of sunshine and sparkles for all who allow themselves to sense that such is true – including yourself. So be it. Amen.



Subject:  Lightline 2014-04-08

Teacher: Charles

T/R:        Mark Rogers

Prayer: We all have had the thought in our mind and our consciousness to come here tonight and we followed that thought, that projection out to come here. We bring ourselves and position ourselves for that to happen. We carve out within ourselves a space of acceptance, of openness, of peace and we at this time would like to invite spirit to come and join us in this space. Thank you Divine Parents for this gift of grace, this love we feel when we open up ourselves to your divine grace and peace. Thank you for your emissaries of light who so tirelessly work on our behalf and are always there for us when we call. So it is we come to you now to call out in spirit, to reach towards you with that part of us which is spirit and meet you in the place of spirit even now, in this hour, in this moment. Let it be so, thank you.

Charles: Greetings to you all, it is my pleasure to join you tonight, I am Charles. I join you in this place that you have constructed, this cathedral of spirit where we both may come and co-mingle in this space. Make no mistake that this temple that you provide for spirit is of your own construction, that you have by your own efforts created this temple where we meet even now and where you host a variety of spiritual associates. 

It is said on your world that your body is a temple, that within the confines of your construct you house elements of divinity and this is true and in a certain interpretation, your vehicle, your body, then is the temple for your spirit component, your part of yourself which is divine, your component of self which is eternal. And so it is that your vehicle can be considered to be the dwelling place where these things come and combine. But I tell you that the real temple that you have begun construction on in this first life experience is an eternal temple of spirit. It will not be reliant upon your physical vehicle whatsoever which will pass with time and in space. Rather, this temple that you work on constructing will be with you throughout eternity. This will be the sacred place that you offer the temple which you provide, the sacred space. And so what you begin here in these mortal times of your experience you continue on throughout your eternal career, providing more and more space, more and more of an elaborate area for you to engage in spirit, be spirit, enjoy spirit and exchange in the spirit realm. 

So that being the case, it is everlastingly joyous to witness the foundation that you build at this time in your career when you are so very illiterate of your true standing in your eternal aspect, still you work on construction of a place for you to go to meet spirit. Even when it can be said that you are farthest away from it, still you envision it, still it calls you. It beckons you to put the effort in to build the space, to create the environment. And all this effort which you begin now, these foundations which are so hand hewn and of your experience are so foundational and basic to who you are. These foundations are hewn by virtue of your efforts, your experiences. That's why they are so honored and treasured a possession for you to build upon. They are the results of your having earned them, having fashioned each part of your foundation to fit together. Indeed these foundations that you build are sacred throughout all the universes. They are comprised of your elements of being and are completely unique in all time and space.

Thank you for allowing me to express my sentiments about what it is to observe you in the very act of cementing together your foundation and building these places where you will entertain your spiritual aspect.  I understand that there are questions on the floor and I will certainly endeavor to shine a little more light, perhaps from another angle of perception. One question refers to what it is to be mindful or have mindfulness in the process. To this I would say that to be mindful as a mortal of the realm, is to choose among the myriad of options which you could entertain with your valuable computer you call your mind. 

It is up to you, the user, perhaps even the observer, to pick and choose among the many many options before you to let play, much as the program and the computer may be turned on or off, the function. When it is turned on it will routinely play  through its standard processes, over and over again, faithfully repeating its cycle. Likewise, your mind has become programmed and there are programs in place within your mind which, if activated, will proceed apace and will repeat themselves faithfully over and over again. What has been inserted into the computer, now plays back to you.

Being mindful refers to the awareness of this underlying process and the overriding of any random triggering of programs in favor of selective choosing of patterns you wish to play. Rather than letting your mind choose where it goes and the direction in which it runs off, the tangent in which it proceeds down, mindfulness refers to the state of awareness of how the mind functions in this way and the overriding of random signals in favor of a chosen pattern. Mindfulness is using the computer for an intended purpose, seizing control, becoming the driver, not simply the observer.

Mindfulness refers to all these components taking charge, controlling the direction of the energy and the flow, inserting into the equation the pattern you wish to play and replay. Mindfulness is using the mind rather than letting the mind use you. Who is in charge? Is it the thoughts that you think or are you behind the curtain somewhere in charge of the thoughts that you think? I invite you all to consider that you are not your mind. Your mind is a circuit established for your benefit. You are attached to the circuit, you have a powerful computer onboard which helps you access the circuit. That is your mind, and it craves activity. If you don't give it activity, it will find its own and run its own program.

You have been counseled in your process that stillness is a desirable state of being. This refers to mindfulness of the activity of the mind and how to guide it, slow it, pause it or override it. So that says you are not the mind, you are the observer behind the mind, you are the ones in charge of the application of mind, the ones at the control panel. This is good for you all to consider, this state of mindfulness and who is in charge, the random thoughts generated and the patterns explored by the mind or your overall intention projected onto the mind and in control of the mind. There perhaps are some new dimensions to consider about mindfulness. 

I would address another question and for the record, that question being, what can be done to be prepared for any upcoming events in time and space? The answer to this one is remarkably simple. The very same thing that you would do to ready yourselves for spiritual ascension are the very same things needed by all manner of heavenly hosts who may guide you through certain aspects of your ascension career and the ascension career of your planet and your world. You see, you are most valuable when you have worked on yourself and become the best player a team could ever desire.

The good players are the ones who make sure that their part, their piece of the puzzle, is ready, that they are as in shape and in tune as they can be. You see, this no else can do. This only you can offer. Have you built your temple of spirit with plenty of space to accommodate your spiritual dimension? Have you provided the groundwork necessary, built the foundation? Are you working on your own spiritual relationship to the whole? Because this is what is needed, this is what only you can do. So when you ask, what can be done to facilitate, to help, to be useful in whatever upcoming process may be before you, I say go work on yourself, make sure you are ready. Make sure your piece of the puzzle is secure, is sound, is whole, is strong. 

That is what you can do so that when the time is right, when the energy is flowing, you will be strong and able to work it, to be part of it. This will remain the universally most significant thing that you as an individual are capable of offering, not only to yourself but to the whole. You see all these pieces of the puzzle are necessary, all parts of the whole must be brought together and in this process, it is very helpful if these pieces of the whole are active and engaged and trying to become that part of the whole.

So, surprisingly enough, as you help yourself you help your Divine Parents, you help the overall eternal plan, you help the  First Source and Center, you help the entire project move forward and I know it may not seem that working on your piece may be that significant at times, after all, you are but one and separate in the process. But I tell you, it won't be long in your ascension career before you realize the folly of that idea. You are anything but alone, you are anything but fragmented. You are part of the whole, it is only your experience to feel fragmented and separate. This is by design so that you can feel what it is to be the self, the individual.

This is what your Indwelling Spirit craves about you, this experience of isolation, fragmentation and separation. It is only had through this remote material mortal experience. Otherwise, all of your other spirit incarnations will preclude you from feeling so isolated but in this one it is possible for you to sense a distinction as if you are all alone. So even this is a sacred experience, one for you to have and hold and treasure throughout as you realize in each of your future incarnations, how much a part of the whole you really are. 

I hope this has given you thoughts for consideration. Overall, I wish you all a sense of peace, a sense of well being. You are all undergoing these efforts of constructing this place within and that is all that is significant. You have chosen a direction to grow in spirit and now it is just for your paths to unfold, for your destinies to be manifested. I join with you all in prayer that these journeys be full and rich and joyous and contain a vast array of experience to delight us. I sense that the dialog has gone on for a while and the transcribing can loom large. So, I would make a motion to conclude tonights meeting unless there would be any interjection from the other participants.

Question: Are feelings ever wrong?

Charles: Thank you for your question. That question is difficult of a short answer. The feelings that an individual has are indeed valid feelings to that individual. I think what you might be asking is: Just because there are valid feelings, are they true or good or right or wrong? That implies an assessment, a judgement, a point of reference, a vantage point of view and there are no two individuals which can possibly view the same phenomenon from the exact same vantage point. Therefore, there are no absolute ground zero truths about what is right, wrong, good or bad and to what degree.

I will say that one of your greatest mortal gifts are your feelings. They are the reaction of your being manifesting through your emotional capacities. They are the true indicator of your position and your relationship to the issue under consideration. I invite you all to consider that when you take into consideration any particular issue, there immediately wells up in you a feeling. This feeling is your relationship to this issue, your position in relationship to this issue. If it makes you uncomfortable or feel bad, then I would to the best of my degree, follow these intuitions, these feelings. They are your mortal and material reflection of your emotional connection to the issue at hand and they are without deliberation. They are instantaneous. That's how you know that they come directly from your innermost being, your feeling towards things are immediately portrayed by your emotional context.

This then transfers to your physical state, the pit in your stomach, the tension that you may feel grip you, the sense of peace which may overcome you, the sense of joy and love when in consideration of a loved one. These senses are instantaneous and undeniable. They are your barometer of whether something is good for you or perhaps not so much. Does this make them right or wrong? They are as signposts, indicators, turn signals which may pop on for you without your consideration, just arrive. This lets you know that they are straight from the heart, that they are not filtered by components of the mind but rather emanate directly from your inner being and trigger a response, a literal physical response, a sensation which washes over you.

This is a gift of mortal life, this is one of the components of who you are. You have this emotional tie to this material component of self. So I would avail myself of this sense and to the degree that is possible, I would want to follow the direction this sense would lead me into, towards those things which brought me peace, contentment, love, joy. All of those go with your heart and you can seldom do wrong. Is it a strict right or wrong? The choice is yours and any choice you make could be used to the good. [Thank you so very much] Thank you for your question.

Very well then, I think there will be quite a bit to type up tonight. So, if there are no further contributions or questions, then I would make a motion to call this meeting to a conclusion. Thank you all for joining tonight.



Michigan, US of A. 
Teacher Ophelius. 
Subject: “The Quiescence of the Soul.” 

Received by Chris. 

Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today is about the quiescence of the soul. What do I mean by this? So much of who and what you are becoming develops in the quiet moments of living – those times when you stop and reflect on the lessons of life: the love that was shared between friends, the forgiveness and mercy shown to those who are less developed in their thinking, and ultimately the time you spend in quiet contemplation and meditation in communion with the Creator and the Indwelling Spirit. These my friends are the growth moments of the soul – a time to slow down and feed the soul child by allowing the quiescence to bring together all of the survival value experiences of life to settle into the emergence of transcendent personality. 

“Self-mastery can only be achieved in the quiet reflection of past mistakes and lessons learned, while at the same time, your mind and your thoughts shift in contemplation of new ways to approach old problems. There is no better way that one can accelerate soul growth and progress forward than to set aside time to go into this quiescence of mind and sort out the meanings of life. It should be as natural and needful as going to the well to hydrate the body, for it truly does feed the soul. 

“Have you become to busy in life? Do you feel that you have lost that special connection you once had with God because you let the world and life circumstances control you instead of you controlling the circumstances? The Universal Father has not gone anywhere and His love for you is constant and affectionate. He is waiting for you to open the door to your heart by making space for Him in your mind through the quiescence of being present in the moment and turning off all the distractions of material living. 

“Go there right now, my friends, to this quiescent zone where only you and the Creator are. No words need be spoken – just ‘be’ in the moment with God and let His parental love for you wash over you to nourish your soul and give rest to your mind. Drink it all in and give to God all your worries and anxieties; your hopes and dreams; your thanks and gratitude for the life He has given you to experience love and to share that love with others. Retreat my friends, into this quiet place and into this space where the soul lives and breathes, for to live life without it is to really have no life at all. 

“Wherever you find yourself, you can go into this quiescence and be one in the moment with God and reconnect yourself to the source of all life. There you will find the strength and the courage to complete your life mission and to discover the astonishment, the truth, the beauty, and the goodness of all the things God has created for you to experience as you make your way home to your final embrace. 

“Love is all, 
“The Circle of Seven.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering 
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4939 Your Heart Is a Beautiful Thrush with Beating Wings , June 3, 2014 

God said: 

Unleash your heart, beloveds. You have reined in your heart for too long. Your heart is not disobedient. You have been disobedient to your heart.
You have a heart of fullness, and you have kept it hemmed in. You have renounced your heart, even denounced it as if your heart were meant to be downtrodden. Your heart is meant to be lifted and revealed. The truth is you have a heart of shining gold, and you have painted it over so no one will know, least of all you. You have hidden your heart away as if your heart were inferior. Beloveds, your heart is not meant to be lackluster.
You have frozen your heart, putting it away for later, preserving it, so you thought, not for a rainy day but for a sunny day, or, likely, postponing it, well, until tomorrow -- or forever.
Your heart is like a sun and is meant to shine as boldly as the sun. Your heart is not meant to be under a parasol as though it were to be protected from itself. The day of your heart’s sunshine is at hand. Release your heart from all you have shrouded it under and from. Nurture your heart. Let it be seen.
Your heart is strong. Don’t keep your heart in cold storage. Your heart is not meant to be a shrinking violet. Your heart is not meant to be preserved. Your heart is meant to get right out there. Nor is your heart meant to battle the elements. Rain or snow, your heart is to vibrate, to pulse, to beat, to take over, to have its day.
Its day is now. The life of your heart is now. Your heart is a beautiful thrush with beating wings, not a hot-house rose grown under precise circumstances.
Your heart is meant for wonderful things, like going out on the town, like being there to suffuse and infuse other hearts with all the love in the world. Your heart is made for love. Your heart is not meant to harbor doubts and fear. Your heart is meant to be a tiger, not some old horse stuck in a barn. It isn’t that your heart is to be wild. It is that your heart is to be what a heart is. Your heart is fine. It is not to be confined to a corral somewhere. Your heart has to be free. Have a heart, beloved. Take your heart and free it.
You have hassled your heart. You have restricted it. Your heart does not need training. Your heart is meant to be a heart. If your heart were a horse, it is to be shining white horse without a saddle. The white horse of your heart is meant to fly. Oh, yes, your heart is a flying heart. It can go anywhere. Your heart can lead a herd of hearts and keep each heart free to be all it is meant to be. Your heart is meant to be a lot. Your heart is not meant to give you a pony ride in a small circle round and round. Let go of the reins of your heart.
Let your heart have its debut. Introduce your heart to the world. Let your heart take its hat off and throw it to the winds. Your heart is not meant, not meant at all, to perform as though it were a showpiece. Your heart is meant to ride as a white charger. Your heart isn’t meant to knuckle under fear or rejection. Your heart is to ride, and you are to ride on it, following its lead. You are not qualified to lead your heart. Your heart is ahead of you.
Have you not denied your heart its longings? What would you do that for? For safety? Safety is prevention of life and prevention of love. Let your heart take you where it takes you. This is not foolhardy. This is wisdom. To get on your horse and ride it is wisdom. This is not losing your head. This is finding your heart.
