Water: Channeled

Channelled through Natalie Glasson
Energising the Water forAscension by Archangel Metatron
Channelled through NatalieGlasson 13-08-12
It is with love and joy thatI step forward to communicate with you today. It is with great delight Ireassure you that the vibration of love upon the Earth is increasing andunfolding with each new day. Your efforts to embody light and love are greatlyappreciated and honoured; you are assisting in the creation of the Era of Loveupon the Earth.
Upon the inner planes we areachieving and putting into place many sacred plans that have been long awaitedby many. In truth it is as if we are organising a most beautiful festival,there is so much to focus upon in order to enact the will of the Creator. Thisbeautiful festival or celebration I speak of is the ascension process that isoccurring and will continue to occur upon the Earth. For a festival orcelebration you would probably decorate the area and maybe even ensure you arewearing your most glorious clothes. We are achieving this energetically for theEarth at this moment, we are preparing Mother Earth and humanity so they shinebrightly come the time of the magnification in December 2012. We wish for youto visualise and acknowledge from this moment forth you are experiencing andpreparing for a wonderful celebration, it is a celebration of yourself, yourtruth and the Creator. So many beautiful opportunities are manifesting for youat this most sacred time, it is important you do not worry about what youhaven't or need to achieve but celebrate what you have achieved and who youare; a beautiful aspect of the Creator upon the Earth. By celebrating yourtruth with each day you will build an energy of excitement, appreciation andacknowledgment of yourself and those around you, creating a wonderfulfoundation and boost to your spiritual growth.
Before a ceremony orcelebration, it is often that we cleanse ourselves as purification for alllevels our beings. The Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels are now achievinga most beautiful cleansing process on the Earth which I desired to make youaware of. A deep cleansing vibration from the Pleiades and Venus is now beinganchored into the water upon the Earth; this is to purify the water in order toenhance the vibration of the Earth. So much of the Earth is composed of water,water has the ability to magnify any intentions, prayers, thoughts or spiritualexperiences, it is a divine light to the source of the Creator. Water is a physicalrepresentative of the continuous flowing light of the Creator that nurtures andfeeds your soul and entire being, it is essential to physical life in the sameway light is essential to spiritual life. You may have noticed when you areclose to water or bathe within water you feel rejuvenated, it has a cleansing proprietybut also has the ability to hold the light of the Creator therefore refreshingyour alignment with the Creator and enhancing your energy vibration.
As with much physicalenergy, water can become stagnant in its energy and can be influenced by negativeenergy, the vibration at which physical manifestation exists can allow forinfiltration of negative energies. In some areas of the Earth the water haswashed away the pain of Mother Earth but has yet to disperse these energies.The energies being anchored from the Pleiades and Venus are assisting in thepurification of all water upon the Earth; their mission is to raise thevibration of water to a balanced frequency which will then melt and seep intothe Earth and bodies of humanity.
We have seen that water hasbeen a prominent focus for many countries as it disrupts everyday life both inthe present and past; through lack of water or too much water. This is becausethe water is cleansing the land but also due to the energies being anchoredwhich offer more vitality and vigour to the flow of the water. With theintentions which can be anchored into water it makes it an effective and quickway of cleansing areas of Mother Earth in order to create a balanced enhancedvibration of light upon the Earth. The water is an element force that holdsgreat power and resemblance to the constantly awakening life force energy ofthe Creator. Depending upon the way in which water is portrayed to you in yourreality, it may act as a representative of the light that flows through yourbeing or the peace needed to surrender to the Creator.
It is important to note atthis stage that your physical body holds a great percentage of water which yourecycle through your physical body. The water you take into your physical bodycan have an influence upon the vibration of light you exists as, it is the samewith the food you feed your physical body. It is also interesting that when youare able to focus for a good portion of your day upon your truth and the loveof your being the water, blood and entire manifestation of your physical bodybegins to maintain a heightened vibration of light. This means that when youconsume water the water is transformed as it moves through your body into thevibration your body exists as. In this way it is impossible for water to loweryour vibration it only magnifies the vibration of light and love you hold.Water can also have a high influence upon your consciousness and mind,cleansing your mind while bringing a greater source of clarity and alignmentwith the Creator. It is often why water is poured over a person's head; it isto cleanse their thoughts, consciousness and mind.
When you begin to observewater as a tool for ascension then you begin to access its power. Water can becharged with intentions and energy; the water will hold, maintain and magnifyall you express to it. If you imagine you have a glass of water before you,normally you may just drink the water and it will transform into the vibrationof your being. If you were to first open your heart to the glass of water,bathe it in your love and place into the glass of water all your divineintentions for your accelerated ascension, then consuming the water, you wouldembody all that you wish and intend. I am aware my ideas may not be new but Iwish to stress to you that you can manifest your ascension through the water youdrink and bathe in by simply placing your intention and the energy of what youdesire into the water and then embodying it or surrounding to the water and allthat it represents.
Let us now take this to alarger scale, maybe there is water near to you, a pool, lake, river or sea. Ifyou were to sit by or within the water even if your feet or hands are in thewater you are acting as a tool of anchoring into the water and transformation.If you then focus upon the love that you wish to share with humanity, the peaceyou wish to experience and the truth you wish to unfold, imagining this energybeaming from you into the water you will create a large source of highly energisedwater. Your intentions will naturally be magnified by the water and will seepinto Mother Earth, the atmosphere and to anyone who connects with or passes thewater source. If the water source is flowing across land then your intentionswill be magnified across the land and maybe even across the world. It isimportant to remember that water is above, below, all around and within you, itholds great presence and power in your reality. Even if you send your love andintentions for the Earth's ascension and humanities awakening into water duringmeditation the chances are that you or another person will drink or bathewithin the same water that you have enthused with love, allowing the energy vibration of all to enhance and be supported bywater.
You may ask withinmeditation for the Pleiades and the Venusians who are energising and cleansingthe water of the Earthto send the same energy into your being to cleanse andenergise the blood and water within your physical body. Just allow yourself tobe open to their light as it cascades with liquid flow over and through yourbeing. You may wish to ask them to anchor the same energy through you when youare near water or to anchor their energy into the water of your surroundingarea. Let your intentions and love come from the truth within your heartchakra, if all achieve this then we will see the true manifestation of yourintention.
You may also wish to assistyour manifestation ability by anchoring what you wish to manifest into thewater you drink before consuming it, therefore allowing yourself to physicallyembody your manifestation.
I give thanks to theenergies of Venus and the Pleiades that are anchoring into the water of theEarth at this time.
I am Archangel Metatron