Wanna Lighten Up? |
Isis' Message of the Day -
Love . . . the most powerful force in the Universe.
You were created by it, All of creation was created by it. Not one thing can exist without it. A new born baby will grow ill and possibly return to spirit without it. A marriage will die without it. Nothing can thrive without it. Love . . . the most powerful force in the Universe.
It can wipe away tears, turn a frown into a smile. Give hope where there was none. It can turn enemies into friends. It can turn the darkness into the Light. Love is the Light. Love removes all judgment. It accepts and does not condemn. It has compassion and understanding. With love there is no anger, no fear and no suffering. There is only peace. And most importantly... God is Love and You are God manifested
as a Human Being. I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
Today's Angel Message
==================== Dear Ones. Imagine a golden light in front of
you. See it sparkle. Imagine your self stepping into this light. Feel this light both inside and outside of you. Feel the
warmth and love as you bask in this healing light. Know that as you do this you are opening the pathway to Source. You are
loved. You are blessed. You are a diamond in our eyes. You are precious. You are special. You are worthy of good things
happening to you. We bless you. You are loved. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with
25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist
you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides
- and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"
www.cynthialeeshelton.com/ * Archangel Michael: Wanna lighten up? Get Your Groove On!
Channeled by Meredith Murphy
Telepathic Transmission 12 August 2010
Remaining still is a balancing act for dealing with the ever present emotional surges that are taking place right now. These emotional surges are happening as your inner being realigns with your cellular structure and then the love-vibration flows through your new hardware and all the blocks to love; particularly SELF-LOVE get busted open! {Smile! We like this part!} Okay, my beloved ones, but let’s talk about what it
feels like to you, remembering that it’s all good…
Waves of emotions then flow through you—huge tidal waves,
washing out all in their path, feeling nearly destructive in amplitude, for they are, indeed, intending and focused upon clearing
all away that is of the old world.
For you see, the time is approaching when dwelling in the
new, higher vibration field, will be an option for many of you most of the time. And then the focus will shift to creation.
What and how you’d like to feel and experience, and the collective energetic and telepathic exchanges with others in
the field and with other aspects of you as this cross pollination occurs and massive massive massive new life is created!
Awaken now from your dreams which in any way tie you
to the old paradigms. Cut yourself off from television, from “news” from situations and relationships which
are immersed in the old paradigms as they appear clearly in this mode to you and you will have greater ease.
You are now increasingly sensitive to that which aims to control
your frequency, to control you in general. To get you to take care of it, to pay attention to it, to mute you, to disengage
you at all from your amazingly interesting and expansive and expanding inner world! Increasingly you at last see that
YOUR LIFE IS UNBELIEVABLY FASCINATING!! And anyone who does not share your ideals and your values feels empty and irritating
to you! This much we know: you cannot elevate your vibration and not notice these amazing discrepancies between you
and much of the world which still thinks the way to solve problems is to complain about them or talk about them! Which
still thinks that you should take seriously what is outside of yourself rather than orienting within and continually refining
your manifestation techniques and knowing you create your entire experience! Which actually doesn’t realize that
this amazing collective shift in consciousness is the only game in town that you want to pay attention to, get good at or
talk about!
The collective of the new earth is emerging! There
has been a coalescing lately and an awakening of mirrored structures on the planet, which is the foundations of the
New Earth structures. Although the awareness that these structures—social and ideological—are new and feel
wonderful, the full awareness of what they do indeed mirror and how they fit into the galactic scheme of things, is still
coming into awareness for most and this is perfect! The point now is this: know that all that happens within you is
happening perfectly and for a reason and go very easily on yourselves as these intense intense intense feelings and emotions
surface to be released in this ongoing upgrade of galactic importance takes place within your vessels.
Beyond this time there is no point in asking what else is
there for you to do, for you ARE it; the orientation and focus upon Unity Consciousness and BE-ing Love is activated within
your body and expanding the focus of your cells to the Omni-versal impulses of light that impulse all to create in harmonic
balance and arrangements.
You are now divinely inspired completely and although much
flows through you which is challenging to navigate emotionally, bring yourselves back into balance by knowing that it IS,
simply, energy and as such can be gathered and used as you find your focus returning to a clear and grounded state.
Then choose well and let all that you have received flow into new templates that are aligned with your designs and desires
for experience!
This is the way of the new earth—choose and release.
Expect and be as you intend. THIS is how to create worlds! With ease and grace! Deftly knowing your own
capabilities! Wow! Do you feel the amazing joy of all this? Then the question of HOW shifts to “How
might I make this more interesting? More beautiful? More expansive? How might I harmonize and bring my voice into
this composition in a way that adds beautifully to the mix?”
My beloved ones, I invited you before but for those who are
still on the fence, I remind you again: relief will come in letting go of anything not aligned with your ideals.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to live in the way of
straddling both worlds—the old and the new. Why are you trying so hard to keep those in the old world happy?
Not all of you, but some of you? Do you not see that you are so much more in service to all when you just live your
own dreams and impulses and know that they benefit All-That-Is innately?
There is NO service to anyone in trying to bring them along
before their time, or in any way sacrificing your own good feelings to try and make someone else happy and you will increasingly
not be able to do this—it is simply not loving to your own self and your energy will no longer tolerate choices like
this which demean your very soul—without you noticing a backlash or sorts! The inaccurate notion that “helping”
someone else is more important than doing what is FUN FOR YOU NOW is also an old paradigm and anytime you put it in play in
the new earth energies and within your continually elevating frequency, all kinds of explosive things will happen as a result
of the energy being focused this way.
You having fun, and playing more is the thing that will make
these ridiculously strong incoming energies much more bearable. So whatever silly things make you happy—give them
more credit than ever and soak them up.
Hedonism is truly a pathway you can trust and ironically,
filled with love. For you need to become deeply satisfied. You need to satisfy yourself. You need to know
that you can and will and how and what gives you the most joy and this seeking is what drives the creation in your life which
will inspire and uplift many and pave the way for happiness for others. It is this divine allegiance to your own hearts
joy that makes for the true opening to healthy collaboration and cooperation. Each of you must find the way to raise
your standards and make yourselves profoundly happy! What is it that will give you this experience? What kinds
of feelings and situations create a thriving YOU! These are your initial guideposts—follow along the path they
create and discover the new, radiant, totally abundant, deeply loved and allowing YOU!
Do not be impatient or doubt that they will manifest!
The Earth is at a pitch and your energy is connected to the unified field and all kinds of alignments are occurring moment
to moment as energies enter, are allowed, are resisted, as intentions are made, focus is given. Trust the Universe to
deliver and rest easy.
It is time to remove your focus from anything not aligned
with your highest ideals for your experience. You have realized that much within the old paradigm was created from a
different set of ideals and an understanding of the Universe and the Omni-verse and the nature of reality Et cetera, Et cetera
that was limited and limiting. Okay. Done.
You see? That’s how easy it is to shift you into
happiness. Look toward and choose what is next. We love how Abraham-Hicks says, “What feels good next?”
It’s the perfect question all the time. Learn to give your allegiance to YOUR OWN ANSWERS to this question and
let everything else go, and certainly anyone who doesn’t like you following your own answers to this question is living
from the old paradigm and you can likewise ignore them. They can figure that out for themselves, and if they do indeed
see a benefit in doing so, you can be confident that they will make whatever adjustments they need to meet their own inner
needs and urges.
Lightworkers. Remember it is not your thing to change
others. Just to live as light, play with light, create with light. The transmuting of energy is a thing of the
distant past and the leading edge is a creative one, and it is where you are. So now, here and now, stretch yourselves
up and feel the expansiveness of your being.
Feel the righteous strength of your own desire in guiding
you to peace, ease and joy. When the incoming energy and the clearing nearly knocks out your vessel, then
take it to the shop—get a massage, take a bath, drink lots of clean clear water and sleep sleep sleep and then nap some
more. And once again, when you’re feeling more grounded, embrace your new, multidimensional nature and create.
This is the rhythm of the times. Find your groove!
I AM the Archangel Michael, and I’ve got my groove on.
I know my favorite songs. Find the song which makes you dance and play it over and over and never mind if other people
get sick of it or don’t even like it. Put your headphones on and dance to your own song. Find YOUR groove.
Meredith Murphy
*The Terra Nova Transmissions: a specific focus within
Expect Wonderful providing messages, emergent themes, updates and communication from the Archangel Michael and the Terra Nova
(new land) Council. Telepathic transmission through Meredith Murphy. * © 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect
Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications http://www.expectwonderful.com – You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions:
You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon
this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these
conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted
permission by the author. email: meredith@expectwonderful.com *
Words from Simeon
Channeled by Barbara Dutcher
After dire events are discussed, it is natural to want to
speak of happier times and events. Let us instead speak of the eternal Joy that pervades all events. With limited human understanding,
chaos indeed is very evident. As I have mentioned before, it you yourselves who will invent the events to come. Therefore,
why do you not share of your knowledge, share you feelings, share - yes even your opinions - as it were, that may not align
with those of the people around you. If it is not to uplift, to enrich, to care for and join with, why are you drawn to certain
places and people? There are no accidents. You are drawn to those with whom you can grow. All encounters are for the mutual
growth of the beings involved. Those who invent difficult work situations, difficult home and relationship situations, those
who invent difficult health situations, have their unknown but higher reasons for doing so.
You can remember and identify instances in your life when
you have been led, for better or worse, into some action or another. You can reliably trace your actions back to a source
thought, a prompting, which led to an easy or challenging outcome. Identifying the source of these actions will assist you
in aligning more fully with those actions and events which will propel you more quickly to the life you dream of.
However, even those events you term challenging have served
their purpose. Indeed, just noticing how many challenging situations you create for yourself will provide you with a barometer
of sorts as to your progress. But, you ask, what about those stricken with horrible diseases, what about little children who
are sick, and so on and on. Beloveds, all are watched over so dearly and closely. No harm is coming to them, not truly. If
you accept that life as it is enacted here is but a tiny part of your total consciousness, your total existence in and as
God, then you can understand the wisdom of the Soul and the need for calm surrender by the personality for purification.
Perhaps the most practical advice to be given in this moment
is to practice trust. Simple trust in the process of life. If you feel that life has betrayed you in the past and cannot be
trusted, I ask you to trust again. To trust more fully. To drive with your eyes closed. To leap off the mountain with arms
wide spread to life, trusting that all that is needed will be provided, all that needs to be known will be revealed, and that
all is well. Always.
I am the one called Simeon, who sat in the temple courtyard
awaiting the arrival of the Christ Child, with his Mother and Father. Think about this. This is an allegory. Think about it
deeply until you feel the meaning of these words. I took the Christ Child in my arms, in fulfillment of a promise made to
me by an angel years before, and then announced I was ready to depart in peace. [Luke 2.25]
Therefore, Simeon is the name of one who has waited for and
recognized the Christ Child within, has embraced it, has acknowledged both the fatherly qualities and the motherly qualities,
and has integrated them. Simeon means that you are safe, you are whole; you are in total oneness forever. Simeon indicates
pure joy and playfulness because the name means one who has no more worries, no more cares, no more concerns. All is well;
all is perfect now and forever.
Barbara Dutcher, M.A., is a teacher
and certified spiritual counselor. She teaches a method for connection with what she calls the Guide Within. She also connects
with Spirit on behalf of her clients and brings forth kind, loving, wise messages of encouragement and guidance. She
has recently begun receiving messages from one who calls himself Simeon, as mentioned in the Biblical story. Her website is
www.theguidewithin.org *
Brilliant flashes of insight and now we're ready for change!
by Jennifer Hoffman August 10, 2010
Hi everyone, I am sending another mid-week update because this yet another week that much is happening and so many people are affected by the roller coaster energy and by the actions of others (it feels like the world is out of control). Have you felt the roller coaster energy lately? You feel great one day and then terrible the next? One moment you are completely aware of the vast potential you can connect to and the next you wonder how you are going to get through the next 5 minutes, much less the rest of your life. This is part of ascension, and we're going through it right now. We don't have to wait until 2012, it is happening at this moment. There have been some crazy things going on in the past few days. A flight attendant leaves a flight (on the safety chute) after arguing with a passenger, a corporate CEO appears to sabotages his $70 million job and people everywhere are doing strange things. Has the world gone crazy? In a way, it has. What is wrong with these people and do you think they are way off their spiritual path? They're on their path, they are just experiencing the energy shifts in ways that respond to their need for change. And because they have put off the change for so long, they jump into it head first, unaware of the fallout they are creating for themselves and others. This is yet another aspect of ascension and we can expect more of this kind of behavior from everyone. The ascension process has become a collective experience. We had a wonderful new moon on Monday, August 9, which normally signals new beginnings and fresh perspectives. But this one was stressed by last week's planetary aspects and along with some bright new beginnings we will experience blinding flashes of insight that could lead to explosive endings (before the new beginnings can begin). So for the next two weeks, expect to have insights or flashes of understanding that could explain issues you have wondered about for a long time. It may feel like all of the reasons for your life experiences suddenly become clear. But with that information may come the need to do something-you're feeling free of the past and you want to rush forward into your new and wonderful future. Slow down, a little, or you may get ahead of yourself (literally). What are these flashes of understanding about and what is this need to suddenly be free of everything? As we move between dimensions we feel the vast differences in the energies. Moving from the restrictive, heavy energy of 3D into the higher, brighter energies of other dimensions gives us new perspectives on ourselves and our life. It also gives us insight into where we are going with this ascension process and it feels great, so great that we want to stay there. But we're not finished here and, our job is to bring those energies to earth-we don't get to leave. So the glimpses into higher dimensions are intended to give us enough of a perspective to raise our own vibrations here, not make us sad and long to go somewhere else. If you get brilliant flashes of insight and have the burning desire to change every aspect of your life - proceed with caution. Make decisions carefully and then take considered action-in your desire to be free of something you could decide to make a change that may not, in the long run, give you what you want. Accept all gifts of understanding with gratitude and use them to apply forgiveness, release and healing to every situation. Ask for guidance and confirmation and then wait for it to come to you. Above all, be grateful for this opportunity to be part of humanity's amazing shift in consciousness. Many blessings in these miraculous and amazing times, Jennifer Hoffman Article Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor,
teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel. Jennifer has helped many people through the
Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of www.urielheals.com, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated
to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel. Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services
is available at her websites, or email healing@urielheals.com for information. *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, as you start giving—and this can be the
smile, the words of encouragement, the hug, the networking, or it can be the physical tangible things that you give to another
person—as you start giving, you realize how much you have, how much is flowing through you to benefit the world, and
the world shifts and changes because of your willingness to be the giver.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org *
HEAVEN #3549
Reveal the Glory of God
August 13, 2010
God said:
I sanctioned you, and I sanctioned your entrance into the
world. I okayed you. I made you holy, for I made you of Myself. And, so, you are My holy child, but holy unbeknownst to yourself.
You may even think you are unholy. In that case, you have veered off from the truth of you. You have adapted a false identity,
and you have come to believe your own misguidance. Unless you accept Our connection, unless you value yourself highly, unless
you love yourself and the humanity on Earth, you are a fraud.
It is not your intention to perpetrate a fraud, and yet your
self-appraisal falls far from the mark.
Here you are a child of God, and you have strayed from awareness
of yourself. You entered a forest, and you can’t see yourself in the dark, and so you conclude that you are not lighted.
You tell yourself that if you were lighted, you would be able to see beyond your nose. And so you rationalize that you are
less than I made you. At every little scrimmage, you think you lose another yard, until you conclude that you are nothing.
You may conclude that everything is nothing.
In one sense, you are correct. All the relative world is a
simulation, a decoy, as it were. Life in the world seems to be a campaign to detract you from all that is true. There are
layers of deceivership. And yet no longer are you to accept false images of yourself. I am not false, and you were made in
My image. Image means likeness.
You may try to escape all the good that you are, yet, try
as you may, you cannot. You can never escape from your merit, your value to the world, yourself and Me. Oh, yes, you can waste
time, yet time is a non-reality, an accepted non-reality. The real reality is you and how you serve My vision of you, and,
therefore, yourself.
The closer you are to My vision of you, the closer you are
to your Self. The closer you are to your Self, the closer you are to My version of you, for you are My vision, not your flailing
discounting of your True Self.
You can’t believe you are holy. You are certain that
I make mistakes and perhaps My eyesight is failing. But, no, it is you with the eyes that cannot see, and the ears that cannot
hear. My vision is true.
You will know this again. When you depart Earth, you will
become familiar once again with your blessed lighted Self, yet you can do it now. You can go down the straight road without
detours. Why delay what you are going to come to anyway? Why defray your Self-recognition? You are a beauty, and you hang
back, and you say, “No, I am not beautiful at all.”
Of course, you are what I say you are. You are not what you
say you are.
You are a mighty Being swimming in an ocean of life, and you
believe you are mired on shore.
If one of Us, of one of this seeming two, is mistaken, who
is it? Is it you or I? I bet you anything that it is you. But, of course, I do not bet. I know. Cast your bets on the water,
and dive deep into My heart. Dive deep into your own heart. Give up your fallacies.
What I say is so, and now I ask you to cast off your disguises,
and reveal to yourself who you are and what you are here for and reveal the glory of God to all on Earth.
Dear Lady of the Light, Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty * www.godwriting.org/world-peace/freedom-illegal-aliens.htm * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria * Heavenletters *
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