Wake Up Call Update - Channeled

[wakeupcall@treeofthegoldenlight.com] Update on Mushaba Movement 12 sets of 12

Nancy Tate treet07@yahoo.com via srs.kundenserver.de 
5:28 PM (6 hours ago)
to Member
Hi Dear Ones,
I have been given an update by Anakhanda about the Mushaba Movement 12 sets of 12. We both thank you for your interest in this, and realize that you may have more questions. Hopefully this new information will answer them. If not, Anakhanda has given you his contact email address. Now, you may read what he shares with you below.
Greetings to everyone that has been inquiring about the special Mushaba Movement called 12 sets of 12 that is in the process of forming; the date is yet to be announced. There have been some questions that were forwarded to me from Nancy Tate due to the mention of this movement in her wonderful Wake Up Call Message today March 12, 2011 from Horus of the Inner Earth. I have also received some direct questions sent to my e-mail. In an effort to satisfy all the questions, I am sending out a general update which will address every question received thus far. In the future, if there are any further questions, please contact me directly atMushabacenter@yahoo.com.
I am not charging for participation in this event. However, there is a cost for the symbol and I would like to share the reason below in an answer to an inquiry concerning it.
“The answer to this is that my family and I am doing this event as a gift of love and not putting any charges on the event in any way. I could have asked for an offering to participate for this is how I make my living. I have been doing free tele-conferencing for the last 3 months at no charge to all participants where I usually charge $20.00. When I ask those beings involved in this project about participation fees, it was suggested that I simply ask for a fee for the symbol which would allow me to recoup my cost for packaging and shipping and the printing of the symbol as well as my time and travel to and from the post Office. Also too, of great importance, “a special ceremony is performed on each symbol ordered to add an additional energetic imprint that is not a normal part of the symbol. This imprint will include energies from the Inner and Hollow earth as well as the Beings within the Sun of our world.”  So there is a great deal of time and effort being put into this for everyone's benefits. I am not even breaking even on the cost that is being asked for the symbol. I hope this helps you understand a little better why there is a fee. Remember in my original message it was said:
“The sun of our earth will be interfaced with the Mushaba symbol as it shines and rains down its rays upon the earth.”
As to which symbol to purchase, It is the one that says Mushaba Force Symbol that has ellipticals and is blue, purple, platinum and black. Until my webmaster fixes the problem, it may say “out of stock” however, this symbol is always in stock and available. So please ignore that message until we get it fixed soon.
Each person that is participating should have their own symbol to work with. These symbols are laminated, printed symbols and are they are 8x10 in size. They are not pendants, pins or buttons. However, that will be coming in the future.
As to who is Hebechaia? He is a Mushaba Master that is working not only in the Hollow earth but also throughout the Universe. He also represents the 80,000 Mushaba People living in the Hollow Earth.
Taken from Nancy Tate’s Family Gathering on 03/08/2012
“Hebechaia is working between the planet and out there as you say. He is an ambassador from the Galactic Federation who has been for some time working between not just the Inner Earth, but also frequently into the Hollow Earth, and bringing that resonance of complete communication between all. He is working with various star-beings and other planetary beings that are out there in residence waiting to see how this all goes. It's something they can learn from, and for many of them and for many others it is something they can be in reverence of, they can hold an energy for. There is so much going on out there and in here that in many instances has not been seen before or experienced and it is a glorious source of learning for many of the beautiful family out there in the universe. Hebechia has played many roles in doing this. He has been a traveler of the whole universe and he has even been out into various other layers of universes, of other universes that have sprung forth from this one. He right now is in residence, I speak of today, residence on a ship with the Galactic Federation and, as soon as this coming solar flare does what it is destined to do, he will return into the Inner Earth. He will assess what has taken place. He will go into the Hollow Earth and he will also assess any affect it may have had there. Then he will report back out to all those that he is part of.”
I include the explanation of the Mushaba Symbol/Logo. In additional to what is here, the special ceremony that will be performed for the coming movement, will add another depth and several additional layers of energetic imprints to the symbol.
“It is difficult to break it down in your terms. But knowing the desire and intent of your question I will say the Symbol shows those who observe it  that, that which they need is contained within themselves, does it not? That is the key to the Symbol. That is the alchemy of the Symbol, the combination of All That Is. It sums up the many things such as the one that you really are here to satisfy is within the Self and realizing that you are the All That Is.
The Mushaba Symbol shows, teaches and embodies the awareness that all that anyone needs is already contained within them so therefore does not need to look outside for it or to other sources outside of self. The symbol unlocks the key to this knowledge for it is the key to total mastery of self. The alchemy of the symbol just by holding it, just by looking at it, begins to open you up to this knowing. Within the symbol is the knowledge of the All That Is. This makes the symbol very unique and very amazingly powerful in its potential to transform. We are not here to satisfy God or Goddess or anyone. We are here to truly satisfy ourselves which is the All That Is.
The explosion within the symbol represents the tremendous Energy inside of everyone. It is the awareness of everything that is contained within you. At the moment of that realization, that you indeed are the All That Is you explode into Enlightenment. This is a powerful opening and an enlightenment of this manner is something that if experienced would allow you to be the All That Is in flesh expressing it in full force according to what the physical body can allow through with ease and grace. The circles within the Symbol represent everything coming back into itself. This is the same as everything coming full circle. You go out and experience and return back to the source from whence you come.
The ellipticals or atoms within the circle are showing that when you go around the circle faster it takes that shape, the Energy in other words. The higher energies and vibrations start to morph which is the ultimate material of transformation. This is what allows you to transform into who you are.
So basically the Mushaba Symbol represents the different Energies that are in the Mushaba Force. What’s in the rings is what represents the Energies. There are 3 rings that represent the 3 major components of the Mushaba Force which are freedom, empowerment and vitality. The explosion means power and the ring around it contain the power and it is directed power. The elliptical represents the fundamental nature of this force which as stated is the freedom, empowerment and the vitality.” 
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Grandmother Ellie's Attic, New Book
Hatonn: No matter what happens in the outside world, peace will see you through it with a gladdened heart and a sureness of being.