Wake Up Call: Hatonn


Illawarra District, Australia, January 20, 2013.
Prince Machiventa.
Subject: “Religion and Spirituality.” – Part Three. (Personality and Mental Illness).

Received by George Barnard.

Machiventa: “Some of you dwell in the cosmos, some of you dwell in the book, and still on your planet, the majority are hardly spiritual, just vaguely religious, and so they dwell in their heads – concerned about daily living with hardly a thought about spirituality or religion. Andres D. lived in his head for most of his life, a day-in-day-out coping with his mental illness. Only as he started thinking about having wasted the greater part of his life, and what his future would bring, did he inquire about his state of mind in the hereafter.

“A short discussion with Winston Churchill became the logical move, because like the Argentinian, the statesman suffered from bi-polar disorder. As well, he knew the Nation-life Midwayers who advised him during his catnaps, and with whom he later stayed in touch. However, what made this communication possible was the great need for the Argentinian to know that even a severe debilitating disorder cannot persist in the hereafter. For you it was simply your friendship with the man, and a wish to solve his dilemma that brought answers.

“As a human it is essential that you live in your head during your formative and early adult years to ‘answer to’ this world’s demands with pride and success. Luck, drive and environment may determine if, and to what extend, you will dwell in, and learn the lessons of the book – the Bible, Koran, or the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, it matters not which of many – whilst intent, service and sincerity will determine to what degree you will dwell in the cosmos and to what extent it will welcome you. Still, be equally at home in all three environments.

In the mind of the Creator Father all seeming chaos that can presently be surveyed is an already-completed, perfect, multi-dimensional puzzle of His making – his production of the timely created ‘pieces’ that bring about what is meant to be in each moment, until the absolute fullness of time. In that moment all will become aware of all others who belong to one’s Celestial Grouping. For now one may only seem to vaguely belong to many groups, but such is ‘Progress’ that one always chooses to find profitable answers to the unknown.

“Be clear in your teaching, and entirely unconcerned about how it is interpreted. Remember you are a child of God, a cosmic citizen, not limited by restrictions, but encouraged by needs, by concerns, and by love, and in your ways you will place many at the starting gates to spiritual living where they shall run their own race. Be a healer. May you reside in your heart, live in the book, and dwell in the cosmos as you learn from your Teachers. I am Machiventa.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.


Healthy Discernment is where
True Spirituality Lies

Wake up Call: Hatonn, Feb 18, 13

I am here today to tell you all of something that is taking place in the universe. I am Hatonn, and I greet you on the most momentous of days. It is a matter of circumventing the universe and all of its territories and then coming around again. We are in that beginning phase of the return trip around the universe, the one that is beginning to open us all up to who we truly are and what our next steps are.
You may be wondering in this moment what I speak of when I include myself, and all others in my speaking of our opening up. I am referring to the fact that in the past roundabouts through the universe, we all put certain instances of information into storage, most of which is in the Porthalogus Library.
I say most of which because there is another storage vault in which bits and pieces of information have been kept under wrap, so to speak for the grand re-opening that is set into place to be awakened within each and everyone of us. That information has to do with the energetic patterning of each of our beginnings of existence. It has to do with why we are here and what is behind the patterning of our own individual place in the Oneness of the universal language of total and complete placement in our fields within the universe.
As this information is being awakened we are seeing different things come up in our lives. For those of us who did not take the position of being in the duality experience, it is a matter of being able to step into the next level of our ascension process. Yes, we too are ascending from our position of being awake through all of this into the position in which we shall lay the foundation for what you all who have been in the duality will come to share with us. We will all then take the next experience to a level that is all together in harmony and in complete understanding of what it is to all of us to see the whole picture once again.
This is a time for all of us when the blanks are being filled in. We are seeing what it is like to awaken from a deep and long-lasting sleep and to see the world as we once knew it, yet as being different from the last remembrance of it. It is a matter of seeing the future in the past and present, and knowing it is the Now of our existence.
When we get up in the morning and see a different face in the mirror, or a strangely foreign image next to us, or out the window, it is because we have come from a place in our dream state that is in our present reality of awakening. It is preparing the way for us to comfortably recognize who we all are and what it is that we seemed to have left behind. It is like returning to our hometown after being away from it for 20 years or more, even from childhood to senior years. In some ways it will be familiar, and in other ways it will be all new, while at the same time not surprising, because of its growth over the stretch of time that has taken place.
I am telling you all this now because it is a time when the Mayans are opening up a whole new means of communication that is universal. This is a time when there is a grand celebration taking place universally, and we are at the center of it. We all are included in this celebration because it is a milestone in the Oneness of our expression throughout all of existence. As we go forth from this day and radiate out to other universes that have been created in our purpose and expression, we are bringing all of the other expressions of Creation into our field of Oneness and offering our embrace to it all.
My dear ones, we are going on a journey in these two days that are upon us and in those days will be many reconciliations, and many feelings of coming back together. There will be feelings of celebration and feelings of peacefulness and homecoming for many. It will be an individuality that will be expressed in the wonder of the variety that is, as I speak in expression.
I encourage you all to take a breath and enjoy the sunshine, the rain, snow or whatever is in your world these two days and dance with is, walk with it, sing out your joy, love and peace. It is a new door being opened and as it speaks forth of that which you are capable of creating you will see what I say and add to it. You are all Creators of your world and as they say in some circles, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!”
Blessings upon you all! Welcome back to your journey to yourself, for we are all one and in your return to yourselves you return to me and everyone else in existence. The reunion has begun in an elevated way, and we are all at the table to welcome you home. Blessings abound!
Thank you dear Hatonn,
Love, Nancy Tate
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Reaping the Rewards of Ascension by Lady Quan Yin

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 18-02-13-www.omna.org

It is with love that I pass my energies through the veils of illusion to surround and bathe your entire being. As my energies flow to you and with your acceptance, together we assist in dissolving the veils of illusion that you are still energising and holding onto in your physical reality. It is with love that I am here to support your ascension, to guide and assist you in any way that you allow me to, you are after all holding the responsibility of your spiritual ascension on the Earth. It is through your abilities of accepting, allowing, realising, acknowledging and becoming, you assist yourself to furthering your spiritual ascension.

Let the energies of peace, harmony, truth and honesty flow into your energetic systems and body as I open my heart to you in love.

I, Lady Quan Yin wish to share a communication focused upon reaping the rewards of ascension. Through your ascension process there is an understanding that to follow a path to enlightenment brings such profound experiences of joy, happiness and bliss. It is the truth that the more you allow yourself to let go of perspectives and material aspects that no longer serve you, the easier it is to find the energy of bliss within your being. It is the discipline of moving from an attached reality where bliss and happiness if created from the outside to a reality of freedom from attachments where joy comes from within you as an existence rather than a momentary experience. At this present moment you are all experiencing this shift and have been for some time. This process will continue as it is a gradual process of realisations. You begin to realise with more intense confirmation that many of your experiences when connected to the outer world and disconnected from the energy and world within you are false creations. They are creations that serve you at certain stages of your growth but when an experience causes a momentary upliftment then in many ways it is false, it is an outside creation. When joy or bliss emerges from within, filling your entire being and remaining with you as an aspect of your being (even if it is originally activated from something external but is truly felt within,) this is a true experience of bliss, happiness and joy. Another way of explaining is to say, when you have a true expression from within your being, you are focused on experiencing the energy of the expression. When the expression comes from an experience in your physical reality and your focus is the experience then this is not a true realisation or step towards ascension. Every moment that you are uplifted is positive as it increases your vibration but it is essential to bring harmony to the expressions that evolve from within so you will be creating a foundation for greater realisations and enlightenment to develop.

Many may believe that there are no rewards to reap from ascension and that it is simply a process that one feels drawn to experience to evolve and understand the universe and reality more fully. You may wish to ask yourself what is your main goal behind your pursuit of ascension? Is it a desire of wanting? You may also wish to ask yourself are you allowed to expect or accept rewards from ascension? These are powerful questions that when answered truthfully will assist a shift in your ascension process of growth, allowing a strong core within to form. It is often that even those on a pathway of ascension are unclear as to the reasons they have chosen to travel such a pathway. If your reason is a physical experience then there is a need to connect with a deeper understanding or purer reason within you. With realisation of the reason you are following your spiritual path, you strengthen your inner core while even allowing your purpose to become evident to you.

If your reasons are so that you can feel more loved, may heal yourself, change your reality and so forth then these reasons will not serve you for the length of your ascension. There is a need to realise that many of the reasons you will form are actually opportunities and lessons to encourage you to grow. It is important not to discount these reasons because they show to you yourself in the present moment but to allow them to be tools to assist you in realising more of yourself. Maybe there are desires of experiencing more love, more truth, more understanding or acceptance, it is often that we seek these from people, but if we choose to let go of the desires and simply acknowledge that everything we seek is within then we are creating true realisations, connecting deeper into a truth which is beyond illusions. When we share that all you seek is within you, we are sharing with you that you no longer need to seek; it is the act of seeking for something that distracts you from the realisation that you are what you seek. For example, if you seek to be loved more fully or respected more deeply, you may never find a being or experience that allows you to feel or experience what you seek. If you dissolve the process of seeking  but still hold the intention, knowing that you are already what you originally were seeking you will find within you more love and respect for yourself, which then attracts more people and situations that enact and mirror this for you.

Already you will see that there are rewards to be reaped. Many may believe that the greatest reward is the completion of ascension, but it is the many realisations and points of truth that you discover within your being that are your true rewards, these collected together create the most beautiful and constant state of awareness, love and upliftment.

Is it appropriate to acknowledge ascension as a process of rewards?  It is my feeling that it is appropriate if you have an appropriate perspective. There are still those who are holding onto poverty consciousness as light workers on the Earth. Those that hold onto the experience of lack are not truly acknowledging the beautiful insights and awakening that has already been accessed within their beings. There is a need to realise that ascension can be a process of experiencing beauty and plenty, because you are deserving of such plenty. Again there is no need to seek plenty, simply holding the intention that you always have plenty of all you need, with the knowingness that the creation of plenty comes from within your being, then manifesting in your outer world. If you were able to achieve and manifest this realisation of plenty can you see that each step is a reward? Even the experience of lack is a reward because it fuels and encourages you to discover, connect with and manifest an alternative from and perspective within your being.

A reward can often be described as a payment or a prize in which you receive when you have achieved something. Maybe you feel that you shouldn't be rewarded for your ascension path and the growth that you make? In that question you will find many new realisations to discover and old habits of lack and limitations. There is no need for you to be rewarded or to expect to be rewarded by the Creator for a kind deed or a realisation that you achieve. As you peel away illusions especially in your perspective then you begin to become your reward. Your rewards will always be a deeper connection with yourself and the Creator; it is not given by the Creator but manifests not because of your command but simply as a product of your focus upon your spiritual pathway. 

It is also important to realise that you are always achieving on your spiritual path. Do you truly have this belief?

I understand ascension to be extremely challenging at times, even at this time when you are becoming accustomed to the new energies you may be experiencing discomfort in your mind, emotions and even physical body or reality. It is not my intention that you expect a reward after you have experienced a challenging time but I do wish for you to understanding that you are already your reward, you are already your present to yourself, there is just a need to unravel all that you are. Unravelling yourself will take time but you will recognise the rewards from your focus. Remember that these rewards which can be explained as joy, happiness and bliss, they are not as a result of your hard work and focus on your spiritual pathway but they are simply manifestation of you, your truth and all that is within you.

It is now time to let go of the perspective that the Creator rewards you and your expectations of being rewarded. This expectation no longer serves you. The Creator will support and energise you, co creating with you at all times. The rewards, miracles and gifts that you perceive you receive in your reality are simply as a result of you allowing your magnificent essence to unfold more fully with greater self-reassurance. When you are allowing your essence and truth to unfold dissolving any beliefs in illusion you are always reaping rewards. The more you allow yourself to understand the abundant energy you hold, the more you are able to move beyond illusion, where every moment it feels you are rewarding yourself from the purest part of your being.

With peace and love,

Lady Quan Yin

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4469 The Honky-tonk Song , February 18, 2013 

God said: 

How lovely it is to awaken to Me. However and whenever it comes, when you wake up to Me, you are delighted, for you have rejoined Paradise. This is the light that awakening to Me shines. Bright Light in Paradise could be the title of a book I write.

Now, I must qualify a little. Awakening to Me in the Bright Light of Paradise does not mean that everything stays still. You are on Earth where everything is still moving, seeming to move, pretending to move, moving off-center. Because you have seen the Light does not mean that everything in the world is stable. Life in the world still plays its tricks. The carpet may be pulled out from under you. The Earth can quake. Timbers can shake.

What is stable then, you might ask. Well, beloveds, you are stable. You are not rocked by the inconsistencies of life in the world. At least, you are not so rocked. You are not rocked so much. You may not be rocked at all, or, it may be that being rocked doesn’t turn your life up-side-down. Even if your life is turned up-side-down, you stay right-side-up. In any case, any shaking up doesn’t seem to be as momentous as it used to.

The key words here are seem to be. What seemed to be never was! It only seemed to be. You thought so. Life in the world and your transit out of it called death are apparitions. They are mirages. Goodness knows, it seems you are on Earth. It seems that your feet are on Earth. Oh, yes, it seems. Yet life in the world is a movie you are seeing, and you really really get into it.

For a while, you forget your Self, so caught up in the movie are you.

As your eyes awaken to the Light of God, you become accustomed to the rhythm of the honky-tonk song playing in the movie, and you begin to see that you and the rhythm are not one and the same.

Even so, you have an inkling of where you are and you know Whom you are with. You are One with Me and not one with the movie on the screen. The movie is a little detour, some recreation, shall We say, some spiraling activity, something like riding on the roller coaster.

Now, whatever movie you see, whatever amusement car you ride on at the Amusement Park, you keep your equilibrium.

You know where you really are. You know what is real and what is not. You know the Essence of Yourself and Myself. You know that We hold hands and that Our Hearts are not two but One. Furthermore, you know that all the characters in the movie you are presently in are also holding hands. You know that We, the so-called We, also hold hands with everyone else. All of life is as paradoxical as one hand clapping, as it is said.

Now, awakened to Me, you are you as you always were except now your eyes are open, and you have a better view of the movie. You have a higher seat and, thus, a vaster view, a more objective view, yet your whole heart is still in it, only you stand on sturdier legs.

We can say that nothing is different yet everything is different because your blindfold has been removed.

Actually, you were never really wearing a blindfold. Actually, your eyes were never closed, yet your eyes were unseeing. You see with your minds, beloveds. You see what you interpret you are seeing.

It is like, in life, that you are looking for your car keys. You simply can’t find them. You were looking everywhere and didn’t see them. Then you happened to look up, and there they were. Your keys were on top of the refrigerator or on their hook where you always put them. In effect, they were in your hand all the time, and, so, have you Paradise right before you now.


February 10, 2013 
Dearest children, this is your Mother Spirit.  The universe is a living library of what you need to learn to develop your creative potential.  While you have access to many creative outlets to express yourself here on this planet, you cannot possibly fathom the variety of ways and means to use to show the universe who you are as a unique and beautiful child of God.
Here and now in this earth life is where you become familiar with developing your creative potential.  Try new things, explore new vistas—play, dance, write, draw, sing, read—these are some of the means you have, but truly it is unlimited what you can bring into fruition with your imagination and desire.  When this is combined with the sincere desire to lovingly help your brothers and sisters open to their own creative potential, you come into that higher realm of spiritual possibility where you can then exponentially accomplish even more to your soul’s delight and satisfaction. This is the way of life in the universe...allow yourselves start that journey now!
My children, life is to be LIVED…fully and freely!  So come along this adventure with the spirits of creation and discovery and use what was seeded inside you by the love from your Creator.  Show the world the beauty of who you are, and enjoy how the stream of life moves you into JOY! 
