Wake Up Call {Channeled}

Wake up Call: Horus, Jan 19, 12
There is coming for the world a huge turnover of incidents that will mean a newfound freedom for all of mankind. With this turnover, will come many uprisings that will tell those in the world who have held themselves captive in the negative energy that there is another way to look at what they have been doing. It will tell them that there is only one way to go if they are to enjoy a freedom that they have never known. If they do not realize that truth, then they will find themselves slipping into an energy that they have created and it will be shared only by others like them.
As this takes place you all will find that your activities and those of the others around you who recognize that the way to total freedom is through your actions and imaginings, will find more and more the power you have to exercise that which is within. You will step forth into that bright new tomorrow and create it in the image that is prevalent on the scale of the highest rewards.
Those rewards will bring you a clean glowing planet. They will show you what it is that you are capable of, and have forgotten is your life force. You will discover how it feels to create in the energy of freedom and love, love for the planet and each other. As this comes about you will see what has taken place and how long it took to get it to the point where it is, as compared to how little time it will take to rebuild.
It is a glorious world that is in your imaginings. It is time for you to unleash the thoughts and visions that you’ve had for a new world. As you do this, you will be creating an energy of movement in that direction. You will find that as you walk forward in that energy it will be more of a dance, and your songs will be reverberated throughout the universe.
Come to me now and listen to what I say. Come to yourselves and listen to what you say, for it is all the same. You are the destiny of this world as you walk forward in what you will be creating. We, from within this planet, bring to you the remembrances of what you were doing before you agreed to this destined turnaround of who you are. As you walk the new walk, and talk the new talk, it will sound familiar to you. You will find that as you go further it will be as if the script is in your heart, not just in your hands. That is because it is, my dear brothers and sisters.
We have been waiting a long time for this to come forth. Now it is time, and you are rising to the call. With your showing to the world what you believe in, you are bringing back your powers and that is a wonderful example of what is to come. As you watch and see what comes about from this latest of stands you are making, you will better understand why some of your leaders have stood in a place that does not seem to be what we tell you is truth. Watch what comes in the times ahead and you will see a gradual revelation of what has been taking place. You will see what had to be done in order to awaken those who needed the little nudges to arouse them from their slumber.
It has been an interesting nighttime of sleep, and now it is time to awaken and welcome the new sun into your days. Your eyes absorb this sun and as it shines forth from the center of this planet it reverberates with the universal sun and intermingles with its intensity, bringing about a harmonic vibratory tune that is soothing and welcoming to all that exists. It is a wake up song that stirs the hearts of all of you. Time to wake up and get on with your new days of your new life.
We will continue to be with you in any way that we can. We walk alongside you, and one day you will turn your head and see us as we walk with you. You will recognize us as we pass by on the street. You will begin a conversation with one of us as you see us in a store. You will know on some level that you know us, and that will cause you to smile and greet us with the knowing that you know us from somewhere. That somewhere is within your inner remembrance of our lives with you. You will begin to stir the juices of family, and it will be the best reunion you have known.
I leave this greeting now with the utmost love, peace and joy, for you have taken another step toward your freedom and you have done it in love with the power that love creates. Keep on with the journey, for it is uppermost in our lives and in your new life of wonder and incredible creation. Love to you all!
Thank you dear Horus,
Love, Nancy Tate

How to Anchor Your Energy System into the New Earth Grid
by Carol Fitzpatrick
January 14, 2012
Be Authentic in relationship. Show up. Your presence is needed here.

Practice transparency. Say it to one you are speaking to all.

Be willing to be vulnerable and know that love is.

Anchor into compassion as you say what you mean.

Live in present moment. When past hurts come up. Reset your awareness back to your heart-center and know that those fear codes no longer have power over you.

Practice self care:
  • Let go of negative self talk and allow yourself to release heavy emotion when it flares up
  • Exercise regularly at whatever activity you most enjoy.
  • Increase water intake.
  • Honor the body. Don't push beyond your normal stress limit.
  • Breath deeply and often taking in fresh air to clear the lungs.
  • Detoxify the body through diet and modalities of choice.
  • Get out in nature and feel the energy of balance and harmony.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Keep your home and work environments open and energetically clutter free.
  • Align all your actions with the heart and take responsibility when you have not honored yourself. Get back up and learn from the experience.
  • Take time each day to drop into the stillness and feel the energy of YOU and your soul group as you connect to Source.
  • Use whatever tool or technique that helps you to find your center.
  • Express gratitude for everything.
  • Allow for synchronicity to guide you into a new flow of creation.
  • Look for the alignments through feeling first, mind second.
  • Drop into your heart center before making any choice.
  • Pay attention to who shows up in your world and know that they are providing you with an opportunity to stay aligned and focused on your purpose.
  • Practice discernment. When you feel truth, rejoice in the knowing. When you feel distortion, don't be afraid to say no, "No thank you. Not mine to engage."
  • No pulling against others or allowing others to pull at you. We are all empowered beings of light here.
  • When your heart says jump, take that joyful leap and never look back.
  • Trust your own knowing. You are fully supported and have all the resources you need to manifest your heart's desire. Go for it!
Carol Fitzpatrick

Today's Angel Message
Uriel's Message -- Celebrate Your Failures

Is it possible that the greatest reasons to celebrate are in the form of what you would call a failure, those things that did not end as you expected or become the fulfillment of a hope or desire? How can you be happy about something that causes you sorrow and whose outcome means that you must re-create a part of your journey or find another path for your life because the one you have been on is finished? That which you call a failure is actually an expression of your soul's healing if you understand its true meaning and value.
The meaning of a failure can be found in alignment because what you cannot create what you are not aligned with. In the past you may have been able to create a version of it but as you increase your vibrations you will notice that your failures come more quickly and with greater intensity. This is because you are being guided to follow the path of alignment, that which is aligned with your energy, your soul's desire for your highest good and greatest energetic expression. When you intend to be powerful, anything that is not an expression of that power is removed from your field of potential.
The value of failure is disconnection from energies that do not serve you, from karmic cycles and the repetition of past behaviors. All that you know emanates from your past, other lifetimes, your karmic history and cellular memory. The highest expressions of your energy represent the path of the unknown and it will unfold with your intention. As you fail at one thing and release it with detachment, joy and forgiveness, you allow a higher expression of your energy to come forward and become part of your reality.
Every failure is confirmation that your energy is no longer at that level and within those possibilities. There are higher potentials and energies available to you and you will invite them to become your reality when you can bless your failures and release them, knowing that this is how your soul advises you that you are no longer able to create at that level. It is also an invitation to expand your awareness of yourself, your dreams, desires and to embrace a higher potential. So celebrate your failures, be grateful for them because they are showing you that all is well, you are on the path of transformation and that another reality is waiting for you to create it.
Copyright © 2012 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *

2012 Time Fields
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
Father Time makes Himself known again, rerouting the very best of intentions, side-stepping the 24 hr day and running us around in circles. Time as we know it cannot be forced into pigeon holes nor trained to do our bidding. Time has grown its own wings and takes flight into previously unknown patterns, reconstructing the highways and by-ways of what was. The sextants of humanity's DNA demand that it fly in a direction that brings a quickening. Do not take for granted what is etched in sand on the hourglass of time. For what once was instructed and carved in stone has shifted in context. The timelines cannot be tamed nor ridden into submission.
What was taken for granted is challenged non-stop, what you know to be truth is challenged, what you believe in your heart is challenged. The body has received so many mixed signals, it feels like a Long Island iced tea. All of humanity is in overload. All circuits are busy. Senses are so overworked, they are taking a leave of absence which creates that fuzzy disconnected feeling. Earth is at an intersection of time with no clear directions. The playing field of earth is being changed forever. It is becoming a clearing house of light and information for all Universes. We are traveling in and out of time sequences, past, present and future; no longer are we anchored and docked in 3-D. The time fluctuations are accelerated when the sun shakes her golden locks and her explosive nature is seen by all who are brave enough to look. We are being escorted into different time portals of experience and this will continue in a dramatic fashion for the next several years.
Earth is experiencing a Timestorm which is one of the side effects of disrupting the flow of time itself, caused by something altering the timestream. When a wormhole travels close enough to a star during a Solar flare, its time path may be altered. A side effect of this is Time Dilation. Time Dilation slows down or advances the speed of time, reversing time in a localized field. Time is only altered within that field and not throughout the entire universe. This can slow down the progression of time to the point that one year would equal a thousand years outside the field. If we all think time has sped up and slowed down simultaneously, this is the reason.
Solar cycles always play an important part in the upgrading of human consciousness. Solar activity is a catalyst for our evolutionary process. Solar light stimulates change in matter, energy, and consciousness. It pushes us into a higher position of knowing and the ability to integrate and use that knowledge for the betterment of all Universes. Evolutionary change is Sun driven. New energy is coming from deep space via this Solar portal.
Our Sun as the pulsing heart of this solar system, sends a twelve-faceted geometric light into every atom of its solar universe. The Sun is a portal which streams information in the form of light from other light/solar systems and worlds beyond ours. It is a storehouse of vital energies and is considered to be the Great Heart. Stars like our sun are the visible raiment of celestial beings. Their inner aspects are invisible, just like ours. The sun is simply the heart and brain of our little Universe. The mighty heart of the solar system beats to a different drum, disrupting and erupting time at any given moment. With each beat, the sun expels its accumulated light and energy through sunspots projecting to the remotest corners of the solar systems. The sun feeds its family, just as the heart feeds the body.
Earth and all her inhabitants are living receivers and transmitters. Solar flares affect the Central Nervous System, all brain activity (including equilibrium) and all human and animal behavior. Solar flares can cause us to be nervous, anxious, worrisome, jittery, irritable and lethargic, have short-term memory loss, lose time, feel nausea, headaches, trouble with all forms of communication--both human and technological. Solar activity illuminates consciousness, causing old patterns to be consumed in Light, just like a phoenix making way for the new prototype.
The very word time is a 911 vibration that leads itself full circle into a multi-layered learning. When face to face with itself, time escorts itself into the sacred portal of 11. Eleven is the number of masters. It is an encoded molecular structure of Remembrance that seeks to be found. It is a doorway into your highest potential as a human who is seeking divine memory, letting go of man-made and coming into Christed Creation. Doorways open and close and you are in-between all. The 'one' seeks itself through mirror-like reflection of the world around it.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

These Are The Times
by Alec Christos Gabbitas
January 17. 2012

Hi, fellow travellers, am taking it upon myself to make contact in this rather opportune year of 2012. You and I have had many journeys and pathways to tread and all that goes with them. There is I feel, deep within, an opportunity in this quite special year, a need to try to heal any old wounds and when possible, for all concerned to step forward with a humility and courage, not only with the energies of 2102, but also within the energies of soul to soul. There is a call for unity consciousness and within this sacred planetary unity consciousness are the possibilities of placing old wounds of yesteryear to one side and maybe enhancing the needed re-connection. We truly fail to see that if light workers themselves cannot master this, then there will also be a similar reflection within the mass consciousness, and that which is unhealed will stay unhealed, reflecting a sorry inability to put ones very own house in order!
We write these words with a deep underlying unconditional love that is peculiar to us all, and this will never wane, only a clutter of the ego's emotional hurts and lower mental dissertations that can at times be the downfall of the truer pathway that our divine essence' seeks to express. These are the times when all things, great and small, need to be jettisoned and that loving memory of divine Oneness coming to the fore as love once again prevails and wins all. Healing all wounds of yesteryear, allowing the light to shine through any dim illusion that disqualifies or discolours the goodness and the lightness, where one simply needs to wash all those soiled garments just 'whiter than white!' These days are an opportune time to hang out all the dirty washing, cleansing anything that does not ring true anymore. These are the times when personal differences perhaps might be better attended to with 'pure soul' and with wide open heart/mind, throwing all away in a violet / silver transformation flame.
These are the times when one moves ever nearer into a grand Oneness and the destinations being aligned by a mutual intent and earnest desire to bring only the very highest and best for all and everyone upon this grand planet. These are the now times as the masses of light workers co-create these once unseen powers of Collective Unified Consciousness, into a planetary heaven that will be built on earth. These are the times when the all has been placed in that giant sieve of discernment allowing and decree-ing that which verily is in it's highest, sublimest, and ultimate blessed good, for so it surely shall be. These are the times when all meanderings of doom and gloom will be subtly yet firmly washed away - by the ultra divine will of the many and magnificent light beings, both on, off and within the planet, ushering in that which is light and right for one and all. Let these be the times when all will be looking back upon, with praise and adulation as the stars danced in the heavens and the sun shone with a radiance never before witnessed. Let these be those days.
Expectancies may also be a focus so let these 'expectations' be high and let all that is aimed for within this mighty universal playing field, be in line and in truth with what The Great Spirit will afford. By decreeing and affirming for that which is of the very highest will only but assist in the realisation and acclaim for the resultant highest good. Re-affirm your loving support for the beloved Earth Mother, honour her, love her, thank her as now she welcomes more than ever before, your wonder filled, incredible powerful support. Blessed Be. There will be interesting developments around the 14th -17th March that will be another stepping stone to have placed your feet upon, and all that it will afford. The 2012 Olympic will surely be an incredible force that will need sure handing and controlling and the way ahead will be full of occurrences that will be further milestones along this exciting ascension journey we tread together, with upliftment and loyal determination, realisation and fulfilment.
Expect a miracle, and realise yet again that you are those miracle workers! There is nought that we cannot aspire to and achieve and the many are going to be incredibly surprised at themselves and at all they will have done! Watching with wonder, viewing all earthly scenarios with amazement and with pride are all we who come from many 'Starry' places to be a mini-part of these amazing achievements that are being readily and radically accomplished by you, the miracle workers on Terra. We abide in the mid heavens in our ships of light and might, and we venture ever nearer as these climes move onward towards a time when we might well be alighting on planet earth, as or when that time is right, for we take not the glory from your mighty hearts and / or aspirations that are moving the world into her penultimate place as a star of might and of sheer delight!

Let these days be times of self appraisal and not self deformation, allow the radiance that you now are to caress and bless all those who walk beside you and be assured that though you might be feeling tired and alone, that there is multi-dimensional support for each and every one of you, simply ask and we will be there, post haste. This is a true 'pick up the phone and call us.' You'll like what you get, we assure you of this, for you are so loved and you are so held in such high esteem and highest regard. Call us, reverse the call for we are here free of charge and all that we ask is that you accept 'you,' We do!

Blessed we are,
Selemat Jahin

Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and an ever United Kingdom.

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, there is drama, wars and rumors of war always in the world, but that is not the truth of your being. If you want to heal something, any situation, it is to see first the appearance. You do not deny that that is happening in the world, but then you pray and you fast. Everything that happens in the world can be healed by prayer and fasting.

Bless the Babies
by Jennifer Hoffman
I was at an event this weekend and someone brought in a little baby, who was about 6 months old. She was very cute and very small-I have forgotten how small babies are because my own children are grown and I'm not around little babies very often. Of course everyone in the room was drawn to her, she had very sweet and gentle energy and calmly looked at everyone as they talked to her. When she looked at me I silently thanked her for being here and that I was here to support her work. She rewarded me with a big, toothless smile, she heard me and knew exactly what I was telling her.
The new generations of children are here to continue the work that we are doing and as we go through our energetic work, we are laying a foundation for them and creating the energetic paradigms that they will have to change or can expand. In everything we do, we are creating energetic vibrations that may start in the present but they resonate in the future. Energy doesn't go away, it hangs around forever (remember all of the energy that we had to shift) which is why we benefit ourselves and all future generations by becoming more conscious of ourselves as energetic beings.
Today's children are very energetically sensitive, which can show up as food allergies, illness, disease, irritability and behavioral issues, including autism. When they can't connect with energy or find energy they can align with, they close themselves off, reject it or become a reflection of the energy so others can know that it needs to be transformed. When we bless these children, show them that we recognize who they are, support them energetically and send them a little love, they are reminded that they are part of the continuum of transformation and ascension, and are not here alone.
Bless a baby, any baby, all babies, it doesn't matter if it is yours, a friend's, a stranger's or a baby around the world you will never meet. I pray for the world's children every day, grateful for the work they are doing to open humanity's eyes to the need for energetic transformation through their often short lives in which they experience much suffering. But as we bless these children, sending them our love and support, we remind them that we are working together, they are part of our path as much as we are part of theirs and we are aware of their energetic needs and are conscious of our role in helping them with their work, and doing our best to help make their work easier by creating energy they can expand and multiply for the greatest good of humanity and the earth.
Copyright © 2012 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
