Various Sayings

Your questions.. Sri Sri answers..
Q: In Art of Living we promote vegetarianism. Even plants & vegetables have life. Are we not killing them while eating?
Sri Sri: Dont find excuses. Your white blood corpuscles are killing bacteria in your body everyday. Does it mean you can also start killing people and justify saying I am not responsible. Logic is not the answer for everything. Your body is suitable for only vegetarian food. Non vegetarian takes food takes 8-20 hrs to digest while vegetarian food takes 3-4 hrs to digest.
NOTE: Do YOU have any questions? Now you can get your Spiritual Quest quenched from where ever you are by sending the queries to
These questions will be read out in the satsangs wherever Guruji is. You can find the transcription of answers on
Simply we are Blessed.
 *Q: In our childhood we heard that there is someone named 'Chitragupt' who
 is talking note of all our actions and is responsible for counting our karma
 balances. Is that true? Is there really someone who is watching us every
 *Sri Sri(GURUJI):* *'Chitra' means photo, picture and 'Gupt' means secret,
 hidden. The self who is witnessing the actions, the conscious mind is
 referred here to as Chitragupta. You know there is this saying which says,
 'Under the foot-print of an elephant, all other marks dissolve'. Therefore
 under the Guru when are doing your Sadhana Seva and Satsang then everything
 else dissolves. Similarly Chitragupt is not the (Malik) God, he is the
 (Sevak) servant. But I tell you without self knowledge everything is false!!
Guruji's Knowledge Sheet: Is War Violence Or Non-violence
Violence and non-violence do not depend on the act but on the intention behind it. The basis of violence is anger, lust, hatred, jealousy, greed, frustration or aggression.
A surgeon cuts open a person's belly; so does a criminal. The action is similar. But the surgeon's intention is to save and the criminal's is to destroy.
Violence or non-violence is determined by the attitude and not the act.
Even a war can be non-violent if it is devoid of anger, hatred, jealousy or greed and it is for educating someone who cannot be educated in any other way.
Even charity can be an act of violence if it takes away self-esteem and inflicts slavery, and a war can be an act of compassion if it helps to put things in the right perspective.
Strange but True!
- Sri Sri
 Five Factors That Influence The Mind
Place, Time, Food, Past Impressions, and Associations and Actions
The space -the place you are in.
Every place you are in, has a different impact on the mind. Even in your house, you can see that you feel different in different rooms. A place where there there has been singing, chanting and meditation has a different influence on the mind. Suppose you like a particular place; you may find that a little later it will not be the same.
Time is also a factor.
Different times of the day and year have different influences on the mind.
Different types of food that you take influence you for some days.
The past impressions-the Karmas- have a different impact on the mind. Awareness, alertness, knowledge and meditation all help erase the past impressions.
Associations and actions
The people and events you are associated with do influence your mind. Your actions and associations effect your mind. In certain company your mind behaves in one way and with others in a different way.
Question: Should we worry about them?
Answer: No need to be paranoid about it. Just know them!
Though these five factors influence the life and the mind, know that the Self is much more powerful. As you grow in knowledge, you will influence them all.
- Sri Sri