Your Heart Is In Service
You Are the Bridge of Love
first Message after her illness)
August 8, 2012
Beloved ones, each of you is here to create a bridge
to the realms of Love. Your hearts are an intersection of the expansiveness of your beings and the expression of creativity
that is the world, the imagination that swirls all around you as the experience of Earth.
Each of your hearts is a clear roadmap to the limitless
Love that you are, attuned to the vibration of your heart, your being, to create for others of a similar vibration -- a way
to find the path they are looking for.
Each one of you is invaluable. Each of you is a teacher,
a Master, a being that cannot be replaced, a doorway to the wonders of Love. So, as well as looking for guidance, for the
blessings that come to you through another --look, dearest ones, at yourselves and find what it is that you bring to the world.
Each of you is a path of Love that makes of this awakening a beautiful mantra of beauty and grace that embraces and encompasses
It is easy to believe that another has so much to give,
has clarity and Light. Yet, I promise you that you would not be here touched by the truth of Love if you were not the same,
a guide to the deliverance of the heart.
So, dearest ones, come and attune yourselves to Me.
Attune yourselves to the discovery of who you are and what you bring. Reach deep into your heart and listen, and you will
hear the song that you sing through the universe. You will find the beauty of the pathway Home that you bring to the world.
When you see with the eyes of Love, you will see every
pathway linked to create the most exquisite mandala of beauty, awakening, ascension, grace
all that you bring shared
by every aspect of Love that is humanity. When you hear the song that is your own heart singing, you can feel the bridge that
you are building to Love. You can feel how firmly your feet are planted on this pathway of Love that you are here to share.
And you begin to sense the reception of your gift across theairwaves of the human heart, across the attunement of lives to
these gifts. You will realize that all of you together are creating something of such beauty that when you can stand back
enough, what you will see is a glorious and shared bridge of Love, created from the perfect energies to reach out and to support
the awakening of every human being.
You are the song of the stars, the beacons shining on
this bridge Homeward, and you are the miracle of life awakening these pulsations of Love that they can easily encompass everyone.
Beloved ones, the bridge of Love that you are is extraordinary, and it is carefully built, impeccably planned before you appeared
in the dream carefully attuned to the hearts you are serving.
So wherever your mind may perceive yourself on this
journey, the truth is, your heart is perfectly attuned to serve those who are waiting for you to be the anchor up to the realms
of Love. Each element of this bridge that you are is built, breath by breath, prayer by prayer, all of which are felt and
heard, all of which are signals calling those whom you are to serve. Often this service is invisible to the little mind which
cannot perceive the subtle communications of the heart andthe intuition. Yet, the communication is always delivered. The bridge
is recognized and freedom is instilled in the hearts that are waiting for what you bring.
I Am asking you to honor your service in the subtle
realms as the very bridge of Love and Light that is being built for humanity so perfectly. Does it not make sense that absolutely
everyone would participate in the construction of the pathway to freedom? Because you understand the unity of Love, you also
understand that no one would be left out of service. No one would be without a part to play. No one would come to Earth with
a heart and not be given the way to use it.
So it is time to celebrate the unity of service, regardless
of the inability of the little mind to see sometimes exactly what you bring. The heart will deeply acknowledge it and if you
ask, will show you your part and your perfection in the astounding beauty that is the interwoven service of humanity, all
hearts working together. Certainly you understand this, you acknowledge it, you sense it
that absolutely everyone has
a part to play. Yet, the ego mind often places your focusoutside of you and tells you that others are here to bring these
gifts and you are only here to learn.
I promise you, it isnt true. Each and every one
of you is not only part of this bridge but the very materials of Love of which it is made that are strung together choice
by choice and moment by moment, until something so magnificent is created that all of humankind is engaged in its delivery.
So, know yourself and feel what you are, the part you
play, and know, too, that absolutely every heart is engaged in this great plan, the building of this magnificent bridge that
will shift what has been perceived as reality into the experience of only Love.
Moment by moment you are perfectly engaged in becoming
the tool in the builders hands. I Am the builder. The tool is your heart. And the work of Love that you create is this
map for the journey Home, this bridge of awakening that as everyone becomes aware of the part he or she plays, will be acknowledged
as a unity of service, all of you together.
So when your eyes behold another person who might seem
to be turning away from Me, go to your heart and feel the truth of them, that they have chosen to resonate in exactly that
way so that they can place that part on the bridge, strong in its alignment with those who vibrate exactly as they do and
who can recognize what they bring.
As you feel your hearts acknowledgement of the
truth in honoring each and every person as a gift of service to Love, you will find that even the judgments of the egoic mind
will fade. They will bend their knee to the truth that only Love is Real. Whatever the disguise, whatever the story the mind
creates, the truth of the heart plays the part it is meant to play impeccably, that the bridge of Love may serve absolutely
As each contribution to the bridge of Love is put in
place, the reality of life on Earth shifts and new possibilities open to everyone, new perceptions of life, new experiences
of freedom and new confidence and trust in the Spirit. I Am a unity of Love and so are all of you together. Each part of a
wholeness is taking you Home, bringing you back to the truth of your being, and each is absolutely invaluable.
I Am with you as I Am in you, reflecting to you the
truth of your being, bringing you the experience of your perfection, that in its acknowledgement you may fulfill your part
in this awakening.
Beloved ones, acknowledge your heart and listen to what
it is showing you about the part of My heart that you are and the part you are to play in service to the awakening of humankind.
Each moment that might seem to be a mystery to the mind is absolutely clear to the heart and shows you a package of Love that
you are and the part of the bridge that you are holding.