U-R The 1st Wave - Channeled


You’re the First Wave – What if No One Follows?

by lifetapestrycreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for www.LifeTapestryCreations.com



Dear Ones,

Many of you are finding that what was interesting is no longer. Those people you found intriguing are now boring. That what you once enjoyed feels lifeless. We predicted such. But it is one thing to read about changes and quite another to experience them. Indeed, many of you find yourself reverting to the fears or patterns of old.

You feel as if you alone have not grasped the Lightworker brass ring. Or that your dream of a loving new age is a myth like King  Arthur and the round table. Such is not true - but you do not necessarily believe that yet.

You and all Lightworkers of whatever degree of activity are creating New Age myths. Even though not all King Arthur stories are based in reality - those myths, stories and dreams have a basis in the reality of the time.

Tales were once relayed by story tellers. Each story-teller - as is true for the party game "Pass the Message" - changed the tale a bit so it was more colorful or appropriate for the listening audience - until the truth was more fiction than reality.

Your tribulations transitioning into the New Age will make a wonderful story for your children and grandchildren as they piece together the courage of those who went before. But as was true in the past, they will color you with more wisdom and courage than what you now feel is reality.

You know you need to wake up when the alarm sounds to prepare for a job you may or may not like so that in your free time - what little there is - you can access the New Age materials that make your heart sing.

Yet, your initial transition history will probably read like: "You knew from the beginning you needed to change the world, so you put aside all that did not help you move in that direction."

Within a few generations your history will change again to: "You knew the company you worked for required a complete restructuring so, as a clerk in the mail room, you managed to change your corporation and all similar corporations."

Perhaps you find our thoughts amusing or even frightening, but certainly not reality. So it is for the tales of courage you share. No one who is in the midst of a shift - certainly not of this magnitude - truly understands how complicated the shift is or will be in their personal life.

Many of you marvel at the courage required to hide Anne Frank and her family during the Holocaust of World War II. You are in the midst of something similar. That is not to frighten you or to compare those who hid Anne Frank and her family with you, but for you to understand the courage you find within yourselves despite so many indicators that your role will not be a success.

There were many signs that Adolf Hitler's vision would overtake Europe and all who helped those Hitler found subhuman would be destroyed. Yet, those who accepted the role of savior in cases similar to those who protected the Anne Frank family had the courage to continue whatever the consequences. So it is for you now.

You really do yet understand how courageous you are. Or that there will be days, perhaps weeks, when you wish this transition would go away. Not because it is not a wonderful dream. But because you do not know if you have the strength to continue; or if continuing will produce anything other than more pain.

The New Age/new earth has arrived.

The outcome of this shift is now predictable. Even though there will be a few skirmishes, perhaps even battles of will, the New Age is not going away.

You are no longer alone as was true for those few voices decades ago predicting the New Age was possible. Perhaps your family or friends have not yet jumped on the New Age/new earth band wagon, but they will eventually. For if you feel a loving need to interact with them, they too are part of the Lightworker movement - just perhaps not at the same pace as you.

Those of you reading this blog and others like it, are most likely advance Lightworkerers. But thousands of other waves will follow. You are the first wave. The feelings of the first wave of any concept - loneliness and questioning the validity of beliefs - seldom deviate. As is true of the fears that you have moved too far beyond society's expectations to return to "normal" if this new earth/New Age is not reality.

Do you suppose the first explorers of earth were so certain of their goal that they had no fears as their food and water dwindled and the expected land mass was not in sight?

The difference is you are exploring inner-worlds, instead of your physical world.

To complete your new earth mission, the outer-world must match your new feelings. You feel more joyful, more love. But is the same true for your brother, mother, friends, neighbors or employer? Where is the love? You may feel it - but few others seem to feel the same. Was your arduous inner journey worth the effort? Will others join you? Or are you now so different you cannot return to Old Age society if others decide not to transition into the New Age?

You are explorers of the inner-world and creators of the new earth/New Age. What if no one follows? What if you are stuck in an environment that feels right only to you?

Rest assured, you are not alone. It is time. You are merely the first, but most certainly not the last. Others will follow more quickly than you now imagine.

Your pining for others to be part of your loving new earth will last for just a bit. Others will sense your light and wish to know more. They will suddenly find new earth materials fascinating and wars unproductive. In truth, they are loading their wagons impatiently waiting for you to give the sign that the new earth is safe.

This you will do with the joy you display when you remember to live through your heart, instead of your mind. When you allow yourself to know you are courageous beyond words. And allow yourself to be in all your glory.

Others will follow. Maybe not today, but certainly tomorrow. For they too are programmed to awaken to the new earth/New Age. Programs just not activated as soon as was true for you.

You are not alone - merely the first wave of courageous and loving human spirits exploring your inner-worlds to create new life and joy throughout the Universes. So be it. Amen.

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Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. www.LifeTapestryCreations.com. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc.  But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: www.LifeTapestryCreations.com


Illawarra District, Australia, March 12, 2013.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “Time Prompts.”

Received by George Barnard.

Bzutu: “Let us converse about time prompts and the way your digital clocks can become more useful. We have now spent decades trying to awaken you from your mundane ‘whatever you think is important’ boring daily task to make you think about the spiritual. We, the 1,111 are spiritual, hardly spirits, but spiritual in our way. We are morontia beings, sandwiched in time between you mortals and – with a huge array of other morontia species and angelic beings – those who are pure spirits. Here in our morontia realm we work, patiently.

“We need to be patient, and we are, because you mortals – plural, not just you – can be slow on the uptake of new ideas, forgetful in your dreamy ways of operation, and lazy about the implementation of the latest. Consider now, as our dear Andrea puts it, consider now that whilst you are universally troubled about understanding us, it is we who communicate with you, almost exclusively. Consider now, as well, that whilst we read you to perfection, yes, even your body language, it is you who remain silent in suggesting your ideas.

“Long ago you and I agreed that 22 would be my call sign, 08 that of Dr. Mendoza, 06 that of Simone and 33, or 3:33 that of our dear ‘imported into the realm’ brother Mathew. We settled on the different meanings of 11:10, of 11:11, and of 11:12, respectively, as meaning that there was a message, as denoting a plain hello, and as indicating that your subconscious already contained what you needed to grasp and react to in the future. I hasten to add that we let you be the instigator, if scarcely the inventor of this welcome and useful idea.

“We would like you all to contribute more to this wordless, though hardly worthless method of communication by letting us know which time prompts would suit you as a reminder, or as a warning, or as an indication there is something to be downloaded into your budding mid-mind. And it does not need to become a knock four times and whistle twice type of effort. A simple suggestion of your need and the time prompt you would prefer for us to confirm, would be all we need to bring us closer to priceless inter-species cooperation.

“Consider that we are here to assist you, and you are here to assist your human brothers and sisters of all races, nationalities, shades and beliefs, enhanced with our help of ideas and prompts. Request your personal prompt to perhaps be your birthday, or wedding day. Let it be our code, just so you know who is visiting you. We can advise you. What great way to awaken yourself from the mundane, the drudgery of everyday living, to become a more spiritual being! Consider. We will be there for you, and we now leave it here.”

“Have a ‘construct-ive’ day! This is ABC-22.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.

http://www.1111angels.net  Financial Support




Cedomil Vugrincic, M.D, Ph.D.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: 11:11 Progress Group 
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 8:27 AM

Illawarra District, Australia, February 22, 2013.
Aaron of Urantia
“Collective Karma”
 (abbreviated transmission).

Received by 
George Barnard

: “I shall happily follow on from what my friend and colleague, Samuel, said about karma; ‘your personal report card to be handed in upon arrival at the weigh station on Mansonia One’, and that it includes both the positive and the negative – that which stands you in good stead, and that which still needs correction. I jest about the weigh station, of course. Indeed. It is however a suitable comparison in how well you did your sums in class, whilst collective karma deals with the behavior of the entire class and your position within it.

“Collective karma is a much more complex matter, subject to the mores and customs of a certain group at a particular time, and it is more easily understood when examples are given. Positive collective karma was given birth to, when the first two individuals shared in a project for the benefit of others. Negative collective karma arrived on the scene when the first two robbers beat up a third individual to deprive him of his food or possessions. Collective karma can be either good or bad, and apply to greater or lesser degrees.

“Of course, we advise you to accumulate as much of the good karma as you can afford, from physical assistance when needed, monetary assistance when it can be afforded. At times it might merely be a needed smile or a well wish at the right time. Almost twenty years ago ABC-22 went on the record talking about Genghis Khan. Right now I elaborate about those going on the rampage with him. All shared a collective karma with their chief marauder, and to a greater degree if they more strongly thought to be doing the wrong thing.

“For them to claim they were doing the right thing they would either have been living a lie, and know this to be so, or be utterly insane in which case there would be no soul growth for their abnormal minds, and an unlikely eternal life, in fact. All enablers shared in the collective karma, be it to a greater or lesser degree, depending on their insight. As the Midwayer Chief indicated when talking of the Cambodian, Pol Pot, and his murderous underlings; all shared the blame, and all shared to various degrees in their collective karma.

“Little has changed since the Khan conquered his world, and today some go about taking what is not theirs on a grander scale, killing those who have done no wrong, restricting those who want to provide for their families. Because they can? Yes! Because they are in charge. Because they have control. Because they were voted into power. And those who signed their crosses below those rulers’ names have now become the shareholders in this collective karma of the dead, and even of those who are lost – never conceived to be born.

“Awaken from your mental near-comas, see how the Creator’s overall plan is thwarted, and refuse to give your tacit approval to the wrongful actions of those placed in charge by the uninformed, and those cleverly conditioned to hate. This is Aaron. We say au revoir for now, as we will return with further instructions.”

George: “Thank you both. Pfe-e-ew!”

Note: I cannot find a transmission with Genghis Khan or Pol Pot in it, but they are mentioned in one of my 11:11 manuscripts which was co-authored by ABC-22.

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source
 – ABC-22
, January 1972. 

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4504 Begin Happiness, March 25, 2013 

God said: 

It has been said that most of what annoys you comes from ego. Another way of saying this is to say that irritation and its big brother, anger, come from a need you have to control.

By no means do I take away from you how it seems that your negative feelings are based on something outside you. It well may be. Certainly, you don’t ask for any semblance of negativity. It certainly seems to come uninvited. So, yes, I will give you that you would much rather have equanimity even in a world of irritating people and situations. I know you are a good guy. I know without doubt that you are on the side of good. Of course, I know, and you know, and everyone who knows you knows.

And yet, every now and then, something upsets you.

Now, this issue of wanting to control, or needing control, where does that come from? Where would it come from? Where would it come from through you when, in life, you very well have had to take your fingers, one by one, off control? That’s the point.

Because control seems to have been wrested from you, about the only control you feel you have is to be annoyed. Lots of things don’t go on in life as you desire.

So now you consider your ability to control as non-existent. You are obliged to follow this rule or that rule, this law or that law. You have to earn a living, and you may have a partner who rules you. No wonder you long for control of something, even when it is a question of something not important at all.

If you felt that you have more say in your life, you wouldn’t yearn to have control so much. You really want self-direction and the freedom it offers.

Begin self-directedness with your thoughts, beloved. This is a good place to begin. Someone can take away your freedom of action, even your freedom of speech, yet you are King over your thoughts.

Whatsoever words or expressions of manners or actions disturb you, your thoughts are yours and no one can rule your thoughts and, thus, your emotions. Not only are your thoughts where you can begin, this is the only place where you can begin.

You protest that others, the world etc., rule the roost, while you let others' manner of speech and their ways of thinking make you lose your inner cool, even when you don't let it show. Oh, yes, others are ruling over you all right. You line yourself right up to dance to their tune all in the name of control.

Whether We call it ego or control, it is short-sighted of you.

You say that something or another bothers you, and you continue to let it bother you, as if you had no choice but to keep its bother. What would happen if you let go of your irritation? What would happen if you got beyond it?

Why would you rage about nose-rings or tattoos or whatever it is that sets you on a tirade?

I begin to think that you like to get steamed up about something, even when it has nothing to do with you! Nobody is making you do anything. The girl with purple hair or whatever it may be that gets your back up, the last I knew no one was making you dye your hair purple or shave it

Let go of trying to control other people. Let go of forced control. You don’t like it. Oh, My, judgment is one fierce control. It is the mother of all controls. Judgment sure is controlling you.

You can stop judging. You really can do it. Sense of annoyance can leave you. You will be fine without it. Free yourself. Let go of the ego and control and judgment right now. Begin happiness.
