1.) Today's Angel Message
2.) SaLuSa: You Are on the Verge of a Historic Victory Over the Dark Ones
3.) Jeshua - Message of the Day
4.) The Garden of Eden
5.) Saul: Upheavals Are Essential
Isis' Message of the Day -
"A skeptic is a person who, when he sees the handwriting on the wall, claims it's a forgery."
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
When we say, “you must seek to express unconditional love to those around you,” we mean the highest frequencies
of love attainable for that level of Self-expression. The frequencies of love will increase in power and perfection
with each more refined level of Self-consciousness you attain. Remember, we have often told you, “pure perfection
is only possible within the Essence of the Supreme Creator.” Every individual, fragmented Spark of Divinity from
the greatest to the smallest will embody and project vibrational patterns that are less than total purity and perfection.
Your goal is to integrate the highest frequency patterns achievable at each level of consciousness. When you tap into the
wellspring of "Sacred Love" within the Seed Atom of your Sacred Heart Core, you will know without a doubt that the Essence
of your God Parents dwells within.
I AM Archangel Michael
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Star*Quest* 6005 Clear Creek Drive, Reno, NV 89502 USA * Phone/fax: 775-856-3654 *
RonnaStar@earthlink.net * I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of AA Michael * Copy freely and share * For Archangel
Michael’s books, tapes and information on courses given through this Channel please visit:
www.RonnaStar.com *
SaLuSa: You Are on the Verge of a Historic Victory Over the Dark Ones
Through Mike Quinsey
July 4, 2012
Where the understanding of what is happening in the world is concerned there are virtually two camps, those who do not
know or do not care and those who do know but account for them by various explanations. It takes someone with a very open
belief system to accept changes that alter their whole concept of what life is about. The hardest part is acceptance that
many of those you looked up to were puppets of the Illuminati, perpetuating the lies that held you in bondage to them. Fortunately,
the rising vibrations are lifting people up out of the darkness, and as their consciousness levels increase are beginning
to question their beliefs. Much true information now exists and by following your intuition you will surely begin to understand
the truth. Seeking for yourself will prepare you for even a greater understanding, as with our coming along with many other
advanced beings, the truth will be staring you in the face.
Discerning the truth has nothing to do with intelligence and in fact it can often get in the way, and for many people
it is simple a matter of discernment. Neither can you be guaranteed of the truth by turning to religious movements, as what
was started as a truthful attempt to enlighten people has been corrupted. You will find that those who teach the truth do
not impose it upon you, but simply present it as a helpful tool for your own development and seeking. The imposition of control
through the fearful consequences of not following certain beliefs, is nothing more than a terrible distortion of the truth.
Everything you need to know is held deep in your subconsciousness. That is how you can become your own person and you
will intuitively know what is acceptable and has the ring of truth. However, always be open to an expansion of your understanding,
because as you become lifted up it will go forward in leaps and bounds. Take it bit by bit until you feel comfortable with
what you have accepted, and you will find that your level of consciousness will expand quite quickly. Remember that
if what you are given does not resonate with you or carry the higher energies of Love and Light, it is unlikely to be of the
When we can openly meet with you by all means question what we give you, as we are not Gods but may appear so as we are
much further down the road of understanding. We cannot carry out miracles and our advanced technologies are the result of
our greater understanding and use of the natural energies that fill the Universe. Your scientists are often aware of the potential
advancements but lack the know how to put them into being. However, some have been helped by other extraterrestrials for many
years, along with knowledge obtained by back engineering advanced technologies from crashed craft. Instead of sharing such
advancements they have been largely kept secret for reasons of power and control over the world. With our coming all of that
will change and such secrets will be released for the benefit of all, along with free access to our technologies.
You have every right to be excited at the prospect of a wonderful future, free from unnecessary controls or limitations
upon your freedom. With it will come levels of happiness you have not felt for a very long time. To that end the dark Ones
gave been identified and are already being removed to rid you of the cancer that has nearly destroyed your civilization. With
it will follow a cleansing that will remove all vestiges of their negative energies, and their ability to impose themselves
upon you. Peace is near and all of the trouble spots will be attended to and cleared to allow removal of all evidence of the
wars and military forces. Peace is not an option, it is your right to live free from interference to practice your own ways
and live according to your cultures.
When the nature of the dark Cabals crimes is released it is understandable that there will be immense anger, and it will
be a testing time to remain calm and not lose control of yourselves. Bear in mind that our abilities and technologies are
such that not one single criminal will escape from having to answer for their crimes. There is no need for you to try and
take justice into your on hands, but simply allow for matters to take their own course. Your time will be far better spent
helping to bring stability to your locality, and spreading calmness where it is needed. You do not however have to do everything
yourselves, as our allies will take prominent roles and eventually we shall also be with you.
You are on the verge of a historic victory over the dark Ones, and very soon we shall bring their actions to a halt.
They had every intention of leaving in a blaze of glory, but we will curtail their activities as far as possible. Some circumstances
are allowed to develop, and in so doing we hope to catch the dark Ones in their acts. They know their time is limited and
that they have little left before they are removed from circulation and put away. Life will become hectic for a time for most
people and some inconvenience is inevitable due to the extent of the changes. Do not worry about it as in a relatively short
time you will be more than compensated. Those of you that are less affected should seek to help anyone who requires it, sharing
whatever you can.
What a great adventure lays ahead of you, and you already know that your Ascension is assured. To think that after millennia
of time you have come to the end of duality, having gone through one of the darkest periods you have ever experienced. At
the same time it has also been one that has been very important to your level of evolution. It has given you the opportunity
to evolve at a rate that has previously been unprecedented during your time in the lower vibrations. Fortunately you can if
so desired set aside memories of it, rather than recall many lives that may not be of the highest order.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and greet you on behalf of the Galactic Federation of Light. We are just one group of many that
are assembled around your Earth, to witness an event that will be unique where Ascension is concerned, and for your future
delight and interest the whole event is being recorded. Representatives of civilizations from even other Universes are present,
as they have an interest in what happens to your Universe. You are stars of a great Universal show that will literally light
up your world.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
I receive my messages from SaLuSa telepathically, he is speaking for the Galactic Federation. I have never had the
advantage of being able to have a relationship where I can ask questions. I sit down at a specific time to make contact and
then I get images or what I call 'packages" of images or words which I translate straight away onto the computer. Since March,
2004 I have been in contact with beings from the Galactic Federation. *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, when you finish this cycle you will be looking around to, “Now what can I play with, where can I go,
what can I create,” because the creative One—capital “O”—expresses itself in myriad forms and
places and realities, and the creative One is forever creating and expanding and will forever, beyond time itself, experience
and express itself in new ways, because that is what creation is all about. It is coming up with new ideas. It is coming up
with new creation and sometimes getting sucked into those creations to the place where there is the cycle again of the density
and the awakening.
Heavenletter #4240
The Garden of Eden
July 4, 2012
God said:
Superlatives are not actually so. When you say something is the best or the most wonderful, you are expressing your joy
in whatever it may be and, yet, what you express is not a fact. Not a fact even for you.
Today you may have a fabulous meal, and you say: "This is the best food I've ever had." You are expressing the truth
of your emotion at the moment. Another time, you probably will say that again. Probably you already have - several times!
If you travel around this beautiful world, you may have said more than once: "This is the most beautiful place in the
world." And then there is another most beautiful place, and another, and another.
I am talking about Infinity, beloveds. There is always more and more.
The Garden of Eden had beautiful flowers and trees, one after the other. There was no end to the beauty. Imagine the
birds who sang in the Garden of Eden and the songs they sang. There was a whole range of sweetness and song. Imagine all the
beautiful animals who played together. Imagine the sky! The sky in the Garden of Eden was high above, and it was beautiful
and blue, and it revealed Vastness.
You know what I am getting to. You live in the Garden of Eden. You have the same sky. You have the same growing things.
You have the same animals to adore. You have everything to adore.
Adam and Eve left the garden when ego appeared, when the idea of sin cropped up, when innocence was lost, and seeming
sophistication took over. That was the leaving of the Garden of Eden. Their consciousness left the Garden of Eden. No one
was evicted from the Garden of Eden. If We can say they were evicted, they evicted themselves. No longer did My children think
they were good enough.
Today, it seems like, My children continue to think they are not good enough, and, subsequently, they think they no longer
live in the Garden of Eden, and they think the world, as it occurs to them, cannot possibly be the Garden of Eden.
In one sense, the world has become a Garden of Ego, and you tend to overlook the fruit of the vine that filled the Original
Your perception comes from your consciousness. It is not really for Me to return the Garden of Eden to you. It is for
you to return it to yourself, and in so doing, find Me waiting for you. In the sense of your perception and consciousness,
you also bring My Presence back to the Garden of Eden.
The Garden of Eden is a certain consciousness. I created the Garden, and I created you of the same consciousness.
The world you live in is the Garden of Eden. It is the Garden of Eden misperceived.
The snake is ego, and the snake hissed at My Beautiful Garden.
When you go out in nature, in nature untrammeled, you do see the beautiful Garden of Eden. You have a glimpse, and you
say as Eve said when Adam named every tree and flower. Eve said, "Ah." Say, "Ah."
And say, as I say, "It is good."
Have the idea that your consciousness, your perception and your thoughts viewed through the eyes of new perception will
restore the Garden of Eden to everyone everywhere and thus make the world an oasis of good will and beauty in all aspects.
You may think I am trying to psych you out. Beloveds, what do you think you have been doing to yourselves? You have psyched
yourself out to the degree that you are convinced that you cannot possibly be living in the Garden of Eden and that the world
cannot possibly ever be The Garden of Eden. I say that you can live on Earth in the Garden of Eden, and I say the world is
the Garden of Eden, and I say that you can restore it to its natural state. I say that you are restoring it now.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2012 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times
when the whole world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all
ages all around the world and from all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™
International Society of Heaven Ministries * P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556 *
www.heavenletters.org *
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Saul: Upheavals Are Essential
Received by John Smallman
July 1, 2012
Many of you are feeling quite depressed as time passes and you get no personal sense of progress on your individual paths
to awakening. In fact, everything seems to have come to a grinding halt. It has not; it just seems like that.
Very many of you are on Earth to be energy conduits to assist humanity and the planet in the awakening process. Being
an energy conduit is very hard on your human bodies and some of you are experiencing this as extreme tiredness. You
are not alone in this, but it may well be that you have no one with whom you can talk about it, and maybe you wonder if you
are not, perhaps, going a little crazy as the world around you seems to be going on as normal – crises everywhere! And
everyone is operating as though nothing untoward is happening!
Behind the scenes an enormous amount of progress has been made, while the western mainstream media continue to focus
on the economic troubles, the political shenanigans, and the unusual weather that many areas are experiencing. So you are
getting a sense that something is up, but you want more — preferably dramatic evidence that the necessary and essential
changes for your awakening are happening. Rest assured, they most certainly are, and the physical evidence is beginning
to show.
Your expectations have been raised; the Golden Age is supposedly almost upon you, and yet. . . . It is difficult for
you to maintain a positive attitude as you experience this sense of uncertainty, but if you will turn inwards and ask for
help, you will find some peace and a reduction in your stress levels. The big push is on, and as a result the divine
energy flow enveloping the planet is very intense, and all you energy conduits are in flood, hence your tiredness. You
are doing great work for which you are highly honored. So hang in there — all is divinely taken care of.
A flood of divine energy is of course totally cleansing, and the cleansing that is going on is the cleansing of all the
negative attitudes and behaviors with which humanity has been engaging so enthusiastically for so many eons. Those of
you who can sense or see energy can indeed become aware of the cleansing. Focus on it, and observe how effective it
is. You will be able to see the shining auras of those who have released all or most of their unloving baggage as they
move forwards towards their awakening, demonstrating to all around them the immense power of that divine energy flow, and
encouraging all to engage with it.
This is indeed a time of great change, great upheaval. Changes that humanity has needed to make, has been implored
to make, and has avoided making are now occurring anyway, because they can no longer be delayed. These upheavals are
essential, and are an extremely positive sign that you are moving forwards towards your divine and heavenly destiny.
Your human condition is quite strange, in that you often know that something needs to be addressed, taken care of, resolved,
and you spend much time discussing possible ways to deal with the situation, and then another situation occurs. You
then move on to discuss the new one, leaving the previous one forgotten, or at least put on the back burner. And so
issues mount with no sign of resolution. Tempers become frayed, and the blame game starts. Strange indeed!
But now, with all the spiritual assistance flooding the planet, that is changing.
It is amazing how quickly ingrained and unloving attitudes are being released all across the world. Humanity has
been gripped by a sense of urgency, an increasing awareness that attitudes and behaviors must alter drastically or human existence
will become unsupportable on Planet Earth. This awareness is growing rapidly, and quite soon even your politicians will
start to become aware, as their constituents demand change more and more vociferously. All is moving forward very satisfactorily
as this awareness of the oneness of humanity – for one to live well, all must live well – spreads and spreads.
The divine outcome, which was assured at the moment of separation, is coming to fruition beautifully and perfectly, just as
divinely intended.
With so very much love,
About Me
I have been taking dictation from my friend Saul since 1995. He is a spiritual entity whose messages over the years
have been inspiring and uplifting for me. In them he refers frequently to “Full Consciousness.” Now seems to be
a very good time to start sharing these messages via a blog. I hope you find them of value. *
http://johnsmallman.wordpress.com/ *
You may pass these on or post them to your group as long as all information is included.
~ From The Light Circle Ezine™
Copyright 2012 ~ Consciousness Raising Articles and Monthly Message from Matthew *
Published Worldwide 365 days
a year since 2-22-02 * by Isis "Lady Of the Light" * *** And will be coming to an end before December 21, 2012.
* Subscribe:TheLightCircleEzine-subscribe@yahoogroups.com * Please create harmony by giving others
credit for their work.