U-R Masters in the Making {Channeled}

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Mayan Messages: Masters in the Making
3.)  Archangel Gabriel Message
4.)  The Five Natural Emotions
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  God Claims You

Isis' Message of the Day -
"The term applies to anyone who lives in what you could call godly ways by demonstrating belief in a higher, loving Creator through interaction in kindness, caring, honesty, compassion, fairness and harmony; sharing whatever meager resources with those still more needy; wanting justness for all without prejudice, discrimination or judgment.  Even without recognizing it, a person who lives like this generates light and thereby is a "light worker," albeit what could be thought of as a passive rather than an active role. 
"Light weaver" is a term I haven't used before, but it is more accurate for you who know that you chose to participate in the ascension of Earth and actively are filling the roles your cumulative experiencing so well qualifies you to do.  You are "weaving" the loose ends of the collective karma that was required so your beloved Earth and her light-receptive peoples can be released from the limitations of third density where darkness thrives."
~ Matthew ~
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones, We wish to talk with the people about preparing in a spiritual way. When one’s life is lived with a connection to all living things and God/Spirit/All That Is, then one’s life is filled with a sense of purpose and meaning. This does not necessarily mean that you go out and lecture to the masses and hold Sunday church. It does mean that each interaction you have with someone becomes more meaningful and is about connecting. You have heard the saying “the eyes are the windows to the soul.” When you start truly looking at people, looking in their eyes, then you are interacting soul to soul. When you notice the light or spark that shoots out of the eye for an instant, then you know you have made/noticed the connection. May your eyes sparkle and those around you also sparkle. Be At Peace. Bless Your Hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *  www.cynthialeeshelton.com/   *   

Mayan Messages: Masters in the Making
As Received by Theresa Crabtree
DAY  52
When a human is fully conscious, following the path of the lightworker and striving for unity through unconditional love, all things are available. There have been many Masters who have walked the Earth in human form. These Be-ings were able to do amazing things: heal the sick, resurrect the dead, teleport, manifest objects from thin air, etc. Within each of you is the ability to be a Master. It is through facing your fears and learning to love all Beings unconditionally that your gifts will be restored to you. True unconditional love comes from understanding that each and every one of you came from the same Source and will eventually return to the same Source. 
There is no one to forgive; there is nothing that is lesser or greater than another. There is no place to go. There is nothing that needs to be done. Each of you is here to experience events and share them with those who are interested. “I know I have a mission. I know I came here for a reason. The Earth is in dire straits and is on the edge of disaster ecologically. People are killing people. Food sources are being tainted. Governmental systems are corrupt. How can you say there is nothing to be done?” This is what may be going through your mind. From the Realms above, from where we sit, all is well. We have the added bonus of knowing that in essence, there is no time, there is no space, there are no things. Eventually, all will return to the higher Dimensions of love and light. 
What you have forgotten when you entered this Realm is that all is well. You chose to come into this Earth to experience its wonders. The tricky part is that your spiritual memory is lost as soon as you enter the density of your planet. Before incarnating, many of you have been certain, over and over, that you will not lose your memory. Yet over and over, you do. We have no control over this, for this was the way the Creators, of which many of you were the original creators, set it up. It was a new experiment and it is now coming to the end of its time. There are many from all ends of the universe who have come to help you get out of this cycle of karmic indebtedness. Through the years, many have gotten caught up in the eddy when they jumped into the pool to save you.
What is happening now is that many children are incarnating with full memory from whence they came. You label many of these children as indigo, crystal or rainbows. There are also many who have never walked the Earth before who are arriving as walk-ins. These souls have contracted to take over the bodies of souls who wish to leave the Earth plane. Some of these souls come in as fully realized Masters with abilities that astound you. They are psychically capable, with abilities of telekinesis, mind reading, prophecy and healing. Please do not deify them or put them on pedestals. They are simply in remembrance of their abilities. Unlike you, they have not had their memories erased. As each of you begins to have more understanding of unconditional love, one by one, your abilities will return to you. 
When you chose to incarnate on Earth, you were given specific DNA codes that allowed you to live as a human. Now that this era is coming to a close, you have the opportunity to re-code your DNA in order to move into higher Realms of light. Each time you have an experience of love and integrate this understanding, your DNA changes. There is much data now available that can explain this to you. Your sciences are on the verge of understanding how the universe works. There will be no time available for those with dark agendas to receive this information and develop it in order to control those of you who wish to move closer to the light. Their dark agendas have been allowed to transpire for eons, but that time has now come to a close. What is most important is that you use your Mastery skills in a loving way. If you choose to do as the dark-siders do and use your skills to gain control over others, you will not be able to ascend with the planet. This time is coming very soon. 
Take time to look at the dark energies within you, those shadows that are less than loving and kind. Clean out the cobwebs by facing your fears, apologizing to others and taking responsibility for your actions. You cannot rise vibrationally as long as you harbor dark feelings towards others and blame them for your station in life. 
Dark thoughtforms glop together. Love flows freely. In order to raise your vibration, you must lighten up and let loose of all dark thoughts, words and actions. Set your intentions to live the life of your dreams and visualize the utopian society you wish to dwell in.
Do you want peace in the world? Then learn to be peaceful in every situation. Do you want there to be less disposable trash in the world? Then recycle and refuse to purchase plastic items or those that are detrimental to the earth. Do you want there to be fresher air? Then figure ways that you can walk or ride a bicycle to get to your places of employment. Are you upset over the food additives and strange things being put into your food sources? Then grow your own food. Are you upset over corruption in your governmental offices? Did you do your homework before you voted someone into office? Do you even vote? 
There is much whining and groaning among you. Yet only a few are demonstrating and choosing to take the steps to reach their desired goals. As a society, you have become lazy. You now feel cornered and hopeless because there is so much imbalance in every sector of your existence. 
As a nation, you have given your power to others. It is now time to reclaim your power. We have sent many Emissaries to help you. However, there are many of you who are still in hopes that a savior will come along and get you out of the mess that you have created. Many would respond by saying, “I didn’t create this mess!” I would challenge you by saying that, “Yes, indeed, you did allow this to happen, for many of you have lived many lifetimes on Earth. Each lifetime, including this one, you have left negative imprints every time you engaged in a negative emotion, conscious thought or spoken word. You are now personally reaping what you have collectively sown.” That is what I mean by accepting responsibility for your actions: in your personal life, in your governmental institutions and in all aspects of human living. You can continue to whine or you can start cleaning up the environment, within your mind and body. 
Again, we say there is no-thing to do. You simply have to be. Take time to ponder on this. Imagine what would happen if in this very moment, each of you on Earth chose to be silent for five minutes. During this silence, you accepted your role in all of the events that are now occurring on Earth. What if each one of you decided that from this moment forward, you would treat all with kindness, respect and unconditional love? Can you imagine what would happen? 
There is enough food on the planet at this moment to feed all. There are enough seeds to plant to continue to feed all. There are enough clothes on the Earth to clothe all. There are enough ways to continue to clothe all that would not create imbalance on Earth. There is enough technology and money available to no longer need to rape the Earth of her precious gems. There are enough houses already in existence to shelter all. There are enough resources to build homes where they are needed. It is your greed and need to control or be “one up” from each other that has created the imbalances on Earth. 
I repeat myself again, there is no-thing that needs to be done, other than to wake up and lighten up. We encourage you to ponder these things and to find ways to create the world you want from the inside out. It is time to stop pointing fingers at each other and to take responsibility for your own actions and inactions. Each of you are Masters. It is how you handle these abilities that will determine the outcome of your experience on Earth. She is shifting. She is ascending. She is moving on, either with you or without you. She welcomes each of you to join her in this ascension process. Which will you choose, the dark or the light Path? We take leave of you and hope that you will ponder these things and join us on the Path to en-light-enment! 
Selamet!  Eb 13
You are encouraged to share these Messages with others. For more information and to read over 50 Mayan Messages, visit http://mayanmessages.wordpress.com  *
Stop by our main website www.t-a-d-a.com for more insight on the Mayan Messages and health related information. Check out the new 2012 page that has information on the Mayan Long Count calendar, how it works and how it became connected with the date December 21, 2012 and what the Maya have to say about this connection.
To purchase all 260 Mayan Messages as an eBook ($10 USD) or in paperback ($25 USD), check out our web store at: www.t-a-d-a.com/TADAStore  *   
Many blessings,
Theresa Crabtree

Archangel Gabriel
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
March 10, 2011
Beloved Ones, 
Let us have discourse on the quality of Love known as honor. What does this quality encompass? It entails an inherent respect for the ‘other’ as a Divine spark of the Creator and the giving of this respect in all interactions with them. It is a two way exchange Dear Ones, for in order for Love to continue to be and to grow and expand between two people or in a group situation, there must be an acknowledgement that the ‘others’ point of view is always taken into careful consideration so that their sense of well being, security and happiness is always foremost in their intentions. 
The giving of Love one to another is usually a happy exchange in the beginnings of relationship and each person endeavors to ensure that joy, laughter, interest and caring is that which is given in tribute to the feelings and emotions that are felt within each heart, for to be freely given Love is the most wonderful gift of all. There is no price that one could put on the giving or receiving of Love, for along with constant change, Love is the constant in a World that is forever growing, expanding and evolving. 
Many times, a person will love another so greatly and give of themselves in every way to be of help to the ‘other,’ to give their support, encouragement, inspiration, upliftment when needed, and a sense of constancy based on a solid foundation of this feeling and emotion called Love. If this giving is taken for granted and not reciprocated in kind, then one could say that their Love is not honored. For in Love, there must be honor to the vitality and life of the relationship or else the balance between giving and receiving goes awry and problems could and most likely will, arise. 
It requires maturity to stay committed to the intentions set at the beginning of relationship in order that the relationship continues to grow and expand into ever greater opportunity for each person to express the higher aspects of themselves in order to grow into their fullest Divine potential. When the relationship is honored by both people because it is important to them to continue to stay in the relationship and it is meaningful to them, then Love fulfills all and just IS. Joy and happiness flourish and everything else in their life flows with ease and grace.
When one person does not honor the relationship by breaching the unspoken boundaries of acceptable behavior that is a part of every relationship, it creates a sense of hurt, betrayal and the feeling of pain in the other person because their trust in the strength and the goodness of the relationship has been dishonored. The one who hurts feels a sense of violation in the sanctity of their relationship and their sense of the rightness of things has been disturbed. If people desire to live happily and harmoniously with each other or to relate to each other in a group situation, honor of the relationship must be shown at all times. 
In a relationship between two people, it must be remembered that there is a creation of a third entity and that entity is the energy of the Creator and so there must be complete honesty, transparency and accountability in order that the relationship stays vital, alive and thriving. If these are not honored, then the relationship becomes dysfunctional and unless there is honest communication between the two people, schisms in the smooth and joyful relating of one to the other will be present in the relationship. 
Within each person, it is also important to know themselves and their values and to honor themselves in these values, for these are an innate part of their essence and the violation of this essence will lead to unhappiness because the basic foundation of all they believe in has not been acknowledged or understood. In all things it is important to stay completely open and honest in all relationships and to honor the ‘other’, to treat them as you yourself would wish to be treated, for in this way, happiness and joy can be perpetuated and life will be a wonderful, sharing and caring adventure. 
I leave you now to ponder these thoughts. Know that you are ever loved and adored by your Family of Light.
I AM Archangel Gabriel
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion  *  Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at:  http://www.therainbowscribe.com  *    
Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,


The Five Natural Emotions
by Neale Donald Walsch
March 4, 2011
Hello, Everyone...
I was taught by Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross that there are Five Natural Emotions, and that these emotions are our tools --- important and vital tools --- to be used in the creation of our lives and the experiencing of who we really are at the highest level.
These tools a re: Grief, Anger, Envy, Fear, and Love. Over the next five weeks I would like to explore these tools, one at a time. We’ll begin today with Grief…but first, may I offer you a little report on my recent “adventures?"
Our Hawaiian Spiritual Renewal Retreat, Being with God, concluded last Saturday, and it was a remarkable experience for the 17 people who joined us on the Island of Molokai. I find that I am preferring now to work with smaller groups over longer periods, so that the interactions may be more intimate, and the impact more profound.
The second reason I wish now to work only with smaller groups is that I am now searching in earnest for those who wish to be Spiritual Messengers, livers and senders of the life-changing concepts in Conversations with God. In small groups, it is much easier to delve deeply into the idea of CwG and discuss them thoroughly, then apply them directly in people’s “real life” situations.
This is exactly what happened in Molokai, and the effect was tremendous. Our wonderful participants were able to deal transparently with what many others have found to be paralyzing issues. Issues of betrayal and abuse, issues of loss, issues of control, issues of confusion over decisions and choices, issues of how to move forward in life, and how to raise oneself to the next level of spiritual evolution.
It was a joyful, happy time, but also a time when people who attended worked hard of their individual challenges, so that when they left, they felt that they had accomplished something.
I am so happy to have had this opportunity to work with a handful of my fellow travelers on this journey in such a sacred way --- and now I am looking for more people who wish to work this way with others, using the CwG material as a basis.
Many of those who have read Conversations with God have said to me, “Well, this message has certainly changed my life! Now, if only there was a way to pass this on to others. You know, when you get a million-dollar gift, you want to share it. But I don’t feel I know how to best teach this material.”
Preparing to Teach CwG?

Because I have heard this so often, I created the CwG Deep Study Program. It’s like a “mini-college” in which I sit down with a very small group (usually 12 to 15) in a room for three full days and do nothing but answer questions on how to teach this material, how to explain the most profound messages (“Hitler went to heaven,” “There’s no such thing as Right and Wrong,” “There are no ‘victims’ and no ‘villains’ in the world,” etc.) in ways that allow people to embrace the wisdom, and how to even identify the 24 most important concepts in CwG.
A growing number of people around the world are now holding CwG Discussion Groups of your own, with some even beginning to present half-day seminars and all-day or weekend workshops on this life-altering, world-changing material. Of course, there are no “credentials” required to do this, and no one has to get permission from me. If you want to share the material, by all means share it. Right away. Immediately! All over the place! ;o)
But, if there’s a part of you that feels you’d like to work directly with me in picking up more skills in how to share it most effectively, and in learning the deeper meanings and the most intricate interpretations of the material, the Deep Study Program is perfect for you. It’s only offered once or twice a year, and there’s a session coming up in May. If you’d like more information about it, just click here:
And today I would like to briefly explore the first of the Five Natural Emotions.

Grief is a natural emotion

It’s that part of you which allows you to say goodbye when you don’t want to say goodbye; to express—push out, propel—the sadness within you at the experience of any kind of loss. It could be the loss of a loved one, or the loss of a contact lens.
When you are allowed to express your grief, you get rid of it. Children who are allowed to be sad when they are feeling sad (it would surprise you to know that many children are not given this permission) feel very healthy around sadness when they are adults, and therefore usually move through their adult sadness very quickly.
Children who are told, “There, there, don’t cry,” ( or, worse yet, are asked, “What are you crying about?”, or told, “Don’t be a ‘cry baby’!”) may quite understandably have a hard time crying as adults. After all, they’ve been told all their life not to do that. So they repress their grief. And this is not a good thing to do.
Grief that is continually repressed can become chronic depression, a very unnatural emotion. This is not the same thing has grief. This is grief that has not been expressed, that is being held in. The thing about grief is that we all want to let it go. Yet the irony is that the best way to let go of grief is to express it. That is, to fully have it. And so, you let go of it by having it --- which may seem counter-intuitive. Yet it is the best way to bring grief to an end.
If someone close to you is experiencing grief right now, the best gift you can give them is to let them have it. Do not try to “comfort” it away. Allow it to flow. Encourage it. Talk people into it, don’t try to talk them out of it. Speak into their grief (“This must feel awful to you right now.” “I can imagine that you must be devasted by this,” etc.), don’t try to talk all around it (“There, there…it’s going to be all right,” “He wouldn’t want you to feel this sad,” etc.)
I never did understand people who say, “Your husband, if he were here, wouldn’t want you to cry so.” Nonsense. If I die before my wife, I want her to cry. If I’m not worth a couple of good cries, what have we had here? I mean, really…
So don’t try to talk others, or yourself, out of your grief over anything. Have it. Express it fully. And that’s the way to get past it. The only way around is through, as Elisabeth used to say.
Grief, used as a tool, produces growth. We grow through grief. By watching carefully what we most deeply grieve, we come to know ourselves and what our deepest values are, as well as what we want them to be. Grief teaches us to be human, to be compassionate, to be deeply caring. It is a wonderful tool of release as well, allowing us to release negative emotions.
Feel your grief fully when you have it. Don’t try to hide it and don’t seek to sublimate it. And whatever you do, don’t try to shorten its time with you. People who tell you that “you’ve grieved long enough” are trying to make themselves more comfortable, not you. You’ve grieved “long enough” when you stop grieving. And you’ll stop grieving faster the more fully you grieve.
Okay? Got it?
Love and Hugs,
Next week: Anger as a Natural Emotion.
Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God. His With God series of books has been translated into 34 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives. * (http://www.cwg.org) * Blog: * www.TheAlternativeVoice.org  *
ReCreation Foundation | PMB #1150 | 1257 Siskiyou Blvd. | Ashland | OR | 97520 *      

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, I as the Christ of you desire to speak through you to effect healing upon this plane. So in the changes that are coming and the challenges that you are going to be looking at, do not approach them in a place that says, "I'd better protect myself; I'd better store up the canned goods; I'd better lay in a supply of water; I'd better get my golden coins in order; I'd better see that I have enough blankets." Do not look at things from a place of fear, because you do not have to. Always--I guarantee unto you--you will be taken care of.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org  *    

HEAVEN #3758
God Claims You
March 10, 2011
God said:
I speak from My heart. There is nowhere else to speak from. My heart speaks. My heart speaks to you. My heart is Truth, so Truth speaks to you from the beat of My heart.
Truth thunders through you. Truth is inescapable, and yet you escape it time and time again. Nevertheless, Truth is right before you. It is not an inch away.
Truth would assail you. Truth wants to be known. Truth is so wonderful, and yet you try to run away from it or evade it or cover it up. There has been a huge cover-up in the world, and yet Truth remains. Truth keeps coming up even as you avoid Truth’s splendor. Truth is inescapable, and yet you escape from it time and time again.
What would happen to you if you accepted the Truth about yourself? What would happen to you if you accepted yourself in all your glory? What do you think would happen if you accepted your splendor? What if you accepted yourself as you are? You would thread through the wheat seamlessly. You would love the world, and you would love yourself. You would not be a bundle of nerves. You would relax into the Universe. You would ride the waves of love. You would be elevated, and you would elevate all that surrounds you. You would ride the whale of life. You would know that life was yours to spend in melody.
And, so, I activate your heart to embrace. The mind does not embrace. The heart embraces. Your mind sorts and organizes, but what does it sort and organize? Life is not made of the crusading mind. Life is made of your vibrant heart reflecting from Heaven.
I hold you in a firm embrace of My heart. My heart would run off with you. My heart claims you. You are claimed by My heart. You are infinitely Mine. If you run away, you don’t know what you are running from. Better than running away, run to Me. Run into My arms of love. It is inevitable anyway. You are as good as caught. You are caught in love. You might as well stay. There is no better place. There is no place nearly so good. There is no place anywhere near it.
Why do you seemingly have sorrows to drown? Have an ocean of love to swim in instead. Ride the waves. Enjoy. Leap into the waters again and again. Swim like a fish and never want to get out, never want to go to shore. Capture the ocean in your heart. Let the ocean flow through your veins. Let your heart leap in the ocean like a fish. How do you separate a fish from the ocean, and why would you?
Fish and ocean go in tandem. They splash. They love one another. They are made for each other.
I made you and made you for Me as an extension of Me. I made you so that you would extend Me to everyone. I made you to acquaint everyone with Me. I made you to be a shining example of Me. I made you to portray Me as I would be as a human being on Earth. I made you to be a glimpse of Me. I made you to embody Me in world life. I made you to edify Me. I made you to be Me.
I made you to walk the Earth as an angel made in Heaven would walk the Earth and radiate the peace of love.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *   www.heavenletters.org  * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *   

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