1.) Today's
Angel Message
2.) Preparing For Ascension
(A Study Course)
Part 12,
Our Magnificent Purpose
3.) SaLuSa: You Are Heading Towards A
New Life
4.) Let's Extend Thanksgiving
5.) Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.) What Whispers Are These?
Isis' Message of the Day -
My Christmas Wish
by Lady Isis(c)2010
My Christmas Wish is for Peace on Earth.
Love to reign in every heart.
My Christmas Wish is for everday to be filled
To see a smile on every face and a gleam in every eye.
My Christmas Wish is for every child in the world
to know they are loved.
To never again go to bed cold or hungry, nor know the feeling of fear.
My Christmas Wish is for everyone to have a warm,
safe home.
To live abundantly and truly free.
My Christmas Wish is for everyone on earth to
look beyond the 'outer wrapping'
Into each other eyes and see their own reflection--God within.
For we are truly are
My Christmas Wish is for Peace on Earth.
Love to reign in every heart.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~
Holiday cards: If
you wish to send me Holiday cards (please no E-cards as I don't have time to retrieve them).
Mailing Address: Lady Isis - 80 NE 19th Street Gresham, Oregon
97030 U.S.A.
Each season of the year and every month has its own special
angel. These angels help us learn from nature the particular lessons and insights that every season imparts.
The Angel of December
- is the angel of generosity. The December angel celebrates with us this time of giving gifts to all the wild creatures and
to all of God's children. The angel of December leads us to join hands with people of all races and religions, recognizing
that we are children of the same creator, and we all share the responsibility of bringing joy and health upon the earth. Inspired
by December's angel, we can celebrate this season of brotherhood by doing one act of kindness every day of December ~ going
out of our way to bring warmth and light into another's life.
Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones, You are all beautiful, shining beings.
You radiate your energy to those around you. Some of you shine very brightly as if you have a booster attached to you. You
are staying in appreciation for longer periods of time and we are seeing the difference. Give yourselves credit for the efforts
you are making to shift both yourselves and those around you. Are you noticing in different responses from others to you?
Try looking for the God spark in others and start appreciating their divine connection. It is the same as “calling forth”
their higher aspects. Bless Others Hearts as You Would Like to be Blessed. We Share Blessings with Each and Everyone of You.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist
with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the
best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting
guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one
of a kind!" * www.cynthialeeshelton.com/ *
Preparing For Ascension (A Study Course)
Part 12, Our Magnificent Purpose
by Mary Mageau
December 1, 2010
“We are the bees of the invisible
We madly gather the honey of the visible
To store it in the great golden hive
Of the invisible”
(Rainer Maria Rilke)
An amazing truth occurs to those known as quantum
physicists, in that nature’s invisible energy: photons, electrons and atoms move through space in waves, just the way
that we would visualize a wave in the ocean. They all move that way until someone observes them. But when someone watches,
the wave collapses and a particle, the smallest bit of matter, appears to pop out of nothing. Only when the electron or photon
is observed does this occur. If no one is watching the wave form exists, until someone looks and then the particle exists.
Physicist John Wheeler states that it is only the presence of conscious observers in the form of ourselves that have collapsed
the wave function and made the universe exist. Without the observer there can be nothing. The collapse of the wave function
happens to atoms, electrons and photons, the smallest building blocks of matter. Within us the wave function of atoms, electrons
and photons collapses whenever we watch, observe or meditate. Science says that the electron waves on earth collapse because
the entire universe is looking. Stephen Hawking then makes the startling statement that there must actually be something outside
the universe to look at the universe which collapses its wave functions. You look at yourself, the universe looks at you,
- but who is looking at the universe?
In 1957 at Long Island’s Brookhaven National
Laboratory what could be the most unhearalded event of the previous century occurred. Two Chinese Nobel Prize physicists,
Tsung Dao Lee and Chen Ning Yong together with their nuclear physicist partner, Madame Chien-Shiung Wu, proved that consciousness
exists in matter. This exceptional team proved that radioactive cobalt can distinguish left from right. In the emission of
its electrons the cobalt appears to be able to make a choice between which direction it will take. The conclusion suggests
that there may well be a universal mind pervading all sub-atomic particles from deep within all matter.
We have also learned that when scientists perform
experiments at the microcosmic level, their thoughts and presence in the lab influence the experiment. If they intended a
positive result to the experiment and were present during it, this is the result they achieved. When they did the exact experiment
again, and wished for a negative result, the result was negative. Thus it seems that awareness (consciousness) directs thought
and thought directs life-energy. Today our theoretical physicists all believe that the universe is both conscious and supremely
intelligent and that our thoughts and observations can influence its unfolding. We are not all here by chance and there is
a magnificent intelligence overseeing and interpenetrating all of existence.
Theorists and scientists also suggest that the
entire cosmos is an integrated system that is deeply and totally unified in some mysterious way. Immense levels of energy
flow constantly through the universe and continuously regenerate it. As physicist Brian Swimme describes it, “The universe
emerges out of an all-nourishing abyss not only 15 billion years ago, but in every moment.” Thus everything in the universe
is a flowing movement that arises with everything else, moment by moment, in a process of continual regeneration. What’s
more, the cosmos itself may be a hologram, such that each part of the flow as it continually recreates itself, contains in
miniature the whole expanding picture. If the cosmos is a hologram, and most contemporary scientists now think that it is,
all is within all - the totality is present within each part and within each part fully connected to the whole.
Contemporary scientific study and research is
also supporting this concept. Rupert Sheldrake, an English biologist and Matthew Fox, a lecturer in science and spirituality
both agree that in our current millennium we need a fresh vision - that of a new animism. Animism is the belief that the entire
universe itself and all natural objects within it contain some form of a soul, therefore everything manifests some degree
of consciousness. This new idea is sweeping our world, together with its accompanying sense of the holistic unity and grandeur
of all creation. A new theory is also being developed that will unite science and religion with the sacredness of material
creation. It is their present separation that underlies our current crisis of spirituality, of right living and our current
ecological deprivation.
When our cosmos blossomed into existence from
a small pinpoint some 15 billion years ago, it emerged out of an infinitely deep domain of Prime Creator God’s vast
intelligence, creativity and energy. This ultimate, generative ground of our being provides the nutrients and light of the
life force that continually sustains all of us and our cosmos as a unified organism. So self-reflective and co-conscious is
our universe in all of its parts, that at a certain level of evolution, its organisms can achieve awareness of the universe
and even add their productions to the mind of the whole. As we become aware of our participation in the immensity of consciousness,
we begin to realize that each human body-mind is constructed so as to have the capacity to receive from the pulses of the
universe, the knowledge and power to co-partner creation in each moment.
Our individual response to this truth must first
begin with our acknowledgement of the Great Creator (Father/Mother God). Knowing that we are all part of this loving entity
brings the realization that we are also all connected to one another. A different outlook then ensures, one in which we grasp
the understanding of everyone’s place that exists alongside each of us. We are then responsible for one another because
every one of our thoughts and actions will impact upon the whole. Knowing that we are all one and are inter-connected should
elicit a feeling of love and appreciation for all of life. Our guides refer to this form of knowing as ‘oneness of beingness.’
It isn’t a warm, fuzzy feel-good mode of living but an absolute knowing that we are all one light, one race and one
global family. And as there is only one Great Creator source it seems arrogant to presume that God does not speak to every
gathering or unique spiritual path, race, country or language appropriate to their particular understanding. Our differences
are territorial and political rather than spiritual – for we are all made in a similar likeness. Anything that divides
us is someone’s fearful attempt to control the small view they hold of our Great Creator.
The new spirituality believes and teaches that
Prime Creator (God) exists eternally as a singular disembodied entity – all intelligent, all powerful and all loving.
But in order to evolve and experience everything, Prime Creator poured forth individuated sparks or particles of its essence.
Within each of us is one individuated Creator spark, known as our soul. All humans are created in equal magnificence as radiant
Divine expressions of God, the universal creative force. As extensions of our Creator we are born of the light and this supreme
universal light is within us all. Our Creator, the great I AM presence in all of creation, then commanded each of us to go
forth to create and experience all that we could ever envisage. And so it is that each one of us represents a portion of the
Great Creator, an aspect to realize his potential, just as every aspect of life is an aspect of the Great Creator being expressed
and experienced.
God says, “This is the hidden purpose of
my/our will: to create new worlds of experience that stimulate our continuing evolution. Without you I am unable to evolve
– without me you are unable to exist. This is our eternal bond. It was and is my desire to evolve that gave you existence.
We, collectively, are the conjoint vessel of creation and exploration. We are the boldness of the uncharted journey and the
imaginative energy of the out-picturing of new realities. We are the image of an ascending, infinitely expanding spiral that
is created segment by segment by itself. We are inseparable – each the window of the other.”
Quotation attributed to the Prime Creator and
drawn from Chamber twenty three of The Wingmakers.com
Questions For Your Journal
This is the concluding chapter of the Preparing
For Ascension study course, it may be timely to reflect upon and read through your responses to the journal questions. It
is my hope that you have found this course to be an enriching experience – one that has contributed to your spiritual
growth. If you have a friend or family member who could be interested in this material, I have organized the course into a
free e-book.
Preparing For Ascension, an Interactive Study
Course, is listed together with another e-book: Our Chakra System, a Portal to Interdimensional Consciousness. Copyright restrictions
have been removed from both books so this material can be downloaded, printed, and freely shared. All I ask is that authorship
be acknowledged.
Mary Mageau
Mageau * E-book
1, Preparing For Ascension * E-book 2, Preparing the Body for Ascension
* E-book 3, Journey Into Meditation * E-book 4,
Our Chakra System – A Portal to Interdimensional Consciousness * All
of Mary’s free e-books re Ascension are available as follows: www.lisamharrison.com * and at * www.thecominggoldenage.com/Preparing_For_Ascension.htm (click downloads). I have removed all copyright restrictions so the material can be freely
shared. *
SaLuSa: You Are Heading Towards A
New Life
December 1, 2010
For many people the festive season approaches,
so allow yourselves to indulge in the pleasures that take your attention away from the immediate worries. The collective levels
of consciousness that result will help lift you all up and bring about a mood of peace and happiness. Now more than ever we
ask that your focus be upon the future, which will bring the answers to your problems. If you can, look beyond the repercussions
that the changes will bring, and know that all will change for the betterment of humankind. This month will be one of mixed
feelings, but the signs of change will be accompanied with strong indications of the upliftment that will result. Our allies
are finding opportunities to voice their opinions, and direct your attention to what is really required to set you upon the
right path.
As you are now noticing, what has been deliberately
hidden from you in the past is coming into the public domain. Such revelations will reveal who has been behind many of the
actions that have caused confrontations, which have in some cases led to war. Denial will not alter the facts, and the dark
Ones will be caught in a trap of their own making. For the first time you will see your representatives as they really are,
and how you have been fooled and deliberately misled on so many issues. Corruption and criminal actions have been endemic,
and also involved the big corporations. It is why their power must be taken away from them, and smaller and more easily controlled
companies put in their place. It will also make them more accountable to you and prevent a repetition of what has previously
occurred. This is particularly necessary where the banking fraternity are concerned. They are in any event to drop the schemes
that have been found corrupt, and revert to what was originally an honest and open way of dealing. No more will money be printed
which has no real value, but instead only where it is backed by precious metals.
All of the changes that we are involved in will
restore your sovereignty, and return to you the freedom that is your God given right. They will pave the way to Ascension
and beyond, when you shall be lifted up into the higher dimensions. It is a necessary transition, so that you are prepared
for what is to come. Nothing will eventually remain of the old dimension, except that it will still have a place in the higher
dimensions. You are heading towards a new life where peace, harmony and balance are normal, and nothing will disturb that
idyllic state of being. It should not be too difficult for you to project your mind into such a future, and the more you can
capture that feeling the easier you will cope with the coming changes.
What must have at times seemed merely like a
dream will become your reality, and all that has been promised you will be fulfilled. You are returning to those realms that
you left eons of time ago that are your real home in the stars. It is why much of which we have referred to is quite familiar
to you, as you experience an awakening to who you really are. Although you have spent many lives on Earth you are not truly
Earth people, but you have come from elsewhere in the Cosmos. Many people are experiencing a stirring that tells them they
are going home, and that is where their future lies. Once we are openly with you so much more can be revealed and you will
learn of your connection with us of the Galactic Federation.
Because your deep memories have been veiled from
you, you have yet to realize the full extent of your connection with the Star Nations. Most of you are related to those civilizations
that have been most prominent in following your evolution. They figure often in your history, and it is only now that they
are being recognized for who they are. Our long past visits to Earth have often been recorded, and although of a primitive
nature you even have drawings that are clearly Space Beings. We are not therefore strangers where you are concerned, but friends
who have the advantage of knowing all about you. The plan for your release from the dark Ones, has been in place ever since
the inception of the original one that saw you drop down into duality. Therefore what is happening now has been expected and
We have been your mentors for a long time, and
some of us have at times incarnated upon Earth to help raise you up. You are about to take a quantum leap forward and it is
what you are now being prepared for. Duality has all but run its course, which is why we repeatedly ask the dark Ones to step
back and allow the end times to play out as intended. Their time as the rulers of the Earth is over, and the Lightworkers
are ready to take their place. All they do is to delay the inevitable, and it cannot be stopped as it has been divinely decreed.
If they do not withdraw very soon, they will find themselves removed with the authority that we have been given. They can
no longer keep their positions of control over you, and must make way for the ones who are of the Light.
As time proceeds to speed up even more than previously,
you will find that in next to no time events will suddenly come upon you that will open the way for disclosure. You will be
surprised to find that we have often approached the major powers with a view to working with you to broker peace, and will
be appalled that our offers were rejected. Like attracts like, and that is why the dark Ones were approached by the Greys,
and allowed them bases on Earth in exchange for advanced technologies to enhance their military capabilities. It is amusing
in some ways that you search deep space for other signs of life, yet it is already here on Earth. We also have bases on Earth,
and millions of craft around your Earth and in your solar system. The whole scenario upon Earth has been falsely arranged
to give a totally different view to what it truthfully is. You will learn so much after we are able to come out into the open,
and it will be surprise after surprise with also many shocks.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased that
many of you have grasped the truth of what is to take place. We are here to guide you and make your journey as comfortable
as possible. We desire that you are well informed and are aware of what you need to do to help yourselves, but know that we
are always with you.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey
Let's Extend Thanksgiving
by Jean Warner
In the United States our annual Thanksgiving
holiday has come and gone. Did you notice anything different about it this year? How did you feel deep within
your heart? Were you thankful?
This year as millions gave thanks, the Earth’s
aura was full of light. People seemed more aware of the blessings they have received. They were more cheerful,
more hopeful, more accepting; yes, more thankful! And the light around Mother Earth was beautiful to see. The
Light emanated from the United States, as this is her holiday, and her people responded. It was a day that uplifted
mankind, as the effects acquired by those participating were world-wide.
But what about today? Are you still feeling
blessed? Are you still glowing from the experience of family and friends assembling from near and far? Or are
you feeling let down because they are gone and you are tired from all the preparation and cleanup? We ask you to maintain
that warm, cozy feeling you had during the holiday get-together and to rejoice in the memories. Why not make everyday
a day of thanks giving? If you count your blessings each day and think on them, your light will continue to build and
will spread farther than you ever imagined.
Happiness and cheer can be uplifting any time,
and for each person who feels uplifted, those around him or her will be more cheerful as well. It will have a snowball
effect, and the joy will spread across the planet. Nothing produces more light than joy, for joy is equivalent
to love, and love is symbiotic with light. One feeds the other. Do you see how much power your emotions can produce?
Do you realize that light emanating around one’s environment has a strong effect on all living things? If one
accepts the light he is uplifted. If he rejects it, he is weakened.
Take time to ponder over those two statements
and the consequences involved. Now look on it as a world-wide effect. What can you deduce? Expand that thought
and see where it takes you. Now can you see the need for a cheerful countenance? Are you aware now of what you
can do for the world and mankind? Each individual can be a dynamo in the building of a new world. A simple smile
can do wonders. A pleasant word, thought, or attitude will make a difference. You can play an important part in
the miracles to come. Think what effect a million smiles will have in bringing forth an era of love, peace, and harmony.
Does it not make you want to be a part of that? You can begin with a cheerful thought. What a simple gesture.
One cheerful thought or word births another, and another, and another. When that builds up to a million cheery faces,
the whole planet will light up!
Don’t ever think that you are impotent
when it comes to saving the world. Know that you are needed and that you can be an impetus depended upon to help build
a world of love and light. You are a seed in the new Garden of Eden which all humanity is striving for. Your every
word, your every thought, can make a difference. Each time you dance or sing or laugh you contribute to the new Eden.
If you do nothing but evoke pleasant feelings, the effects will be far-reaching. Feel good about yourself and know how
significant your life can be to the evolution of your world! You are needed. You could be the one to tip the scale.
Thoughts to Ponder * www.jeanwarner.com * © Copyright 2009 Jean Warner * Jean's
greatest joy is in writing, singing, intermingling with, and learning from, many inspiring lightworkers.
Contact Jean at * mary.jean.77@hotmail.com* 1177 Agnes Lane * Gilbert AZ
85296 *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, do not take upon yourself false
responsibility for other ones. If they choose not to hear you, that is their choice. It is not that you have failed. You have
given to them love. You have given to them the best that you can give to them, but it may not be the right timing, and you
cannot know another one’s timing.
HEAVEN #3659
What Whispers Are These?
December 1, 2010
God said:
Is it so hard to believe that you are loved beyond
measure? Is it so hard to believe that I love you, and love you fully, love you without doubt, without judgment, without question?
Is it so hard to believe that I conceived you and chose you? Of all the possibilities, I chose you. I placed My image within
you. I placed you on Earth and never let go of you. Gave you freedom, of course, yet never let you out of My sight and My
hearing and never ran out of My all-consuming love.
Believe in My love. Believe in My love and your
right to it. To know that you are loved makes all the difference in the world. Feeling that love of Mine puts you on solid
ground. Yes, I love Mine. And every one on Earth is Mine. No exception. Every living breathing thing is Mine. All the growing
things are Mine. Even the stones are Mine. Most certainly, you are Mine.
You are My creation, My unique creation. There
is no other one like you, even though all are One. You alone are you. Nobody else is. One night, I sat and thought of you.
I thought: “How about a beautiful light on Earth?” And, so, I sent you, a spark of My light, to Earth as a signal
of love. You are My light on Earth. What else could you be? My beloved is My beloved, and you are intractably My beloved.
Created from above, established in Heaven, I
placed you on Earth. I whispered in your ear: “You are loved beyond measure. My love is firm in your heart. You are
the light of My light, and I ask you to brighten Earth with the light of Myself that I have given you.” I further said:
“I have also placed My confidence in you. All the confidence I have in you is yours to have. Have My great confidence.
On Earth, give My light and establish Great Light on Earth so that all shall see what I have made when I made each and every
one of you. You are My beautiful Beings of Light.”
And so I whispered My messages to you, and My
messages are established in the DNA of your heart. Some of My messages you have kept secret even from yourself. You and I
have no secrets, beloveds. An opportunity will come when you will begin to know all that I have foretold. You will hear the
echoes of the whispers I gave you. You will wonder: “What whispers are these that I hear?”
You will hear My whispers louder and louder until
you will burst forth in light and light the whole world.
I speak to every one of you. No one came to Earth
without My blessing and the blessing of the light and the words I gave to them and that I gave to you.
I tell you now that this is the time for you
to remember the glory that is yours. Now is the time that you step out of old thoughts and embrace the new. Now is the time
for you to know that you are a star on Earth, and this is your time to shine.
It is time for you and your life to take an upturn.
It is time for My prophecies to come true. Consider yourself an encoded prophecy, and now you come to light, and now My prophecy
comes true. Behold how My prophecy unfolds. Behold how My prophecy blossoms in the light of My love. You are My love. Blossom
now. Unfold My prophecy. Turn up the volume of the messages I whispered to you. I whisper them again to you. Come closer so
you can hear.
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