U-R Great!

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  SaLuSa: You are great souls who we greatly admire
3.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
4.)  Affirm Your Life: Get into the driver's seat
5.)  The God of Oneness
6.)  Archangel Michael: The ReConnection into Joy
      and the Radiance of the New Earth

Isis' Message of the Day -
If one is to exist in Truth, one must have awareness of that Truth.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Uriel's Message -- Embrace Transformation and Become
Transformation is a new path for humanity and a gift from Source, whose desire is to enable humanity to use this energy for the purpose of becoming. Becoming is a new paradigm for humanity, it is the path of growth, change, of shifting forms and allowing new energies to merge with those of the third dimension. Becoming is the path of unfolding and allowing, of being open to shifting your forms, which is transformation. It adds to the third dimensional experience and is done without loss, but it does require release of the belief in limitation.

Because transformation requires the movement of energy, the changing of your thinking and embracing new ways of seeing yourselves in expanded ways, it is a path that you find difficult and full of challenges. But that is only because you are often so grounded in your limitations and rooted in your beliefs that the process through which they are released can feel like much is being taken away from you. This is the third dimensional experience of becoming, where something must be lost or die so another can replace it. In higher dimensions becoming is expansive and it adds to your path without loss because it is simply a transformation, where one thing becomes another.
Transformation is followed by a new sense of peace, as you move from constriction to limitlessness. Yet it creates fear because that which you have used to ground yourselves is removed. Transformation shifts your energies so much that rather than feeling free, you have the sense of being without a foundation, of being stranded in a sea of the unknown. This is where you have the choice of becoming and allowing your ascension to happen. Ascension is not possible unless you release what has rooted and grounded you in old belief systems so they can become at a higher level.
Every energy exists in multiple dimensions of being. Humanity has embraced the third dimension with limited or no knowledge of the higher dimensions that have always been available to it. Teachers have come to awaken humanity to this knowledge but until it was ready, there was no energy available for becoming. It is human nature to be rooted, it is the nature of Spirit to flow freely. Transformation creates a new level of partnership between human and Spirit which allows you to find new ways to be grounded within Spirit. As you allow this energy to flow through you, you become a higher aspect of yourselves and then you are everything your soul has always known you could be.
Article Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel.  Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of www.urielheals.com, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel.  Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email healing@urielheals.com for information.   *  

SaLuSa: You are great souls who we greatly admire
May 28, 2010
As the truth gains more ground, so those who reject it work against it and spread disinformation. It therefore begs of you to be discerning in what you accept, and that you find sources that are consistent and trusted. As always your intuition should be your guide, and if necessary you can always put anything aside until such times as you can make a firm decision about it. With time you will see that you become adept at spotting dubious messages or articles. If the ring of truth is not there for you, then clearly it should not be given your acceptance. However, as we like to point out, you also need an open mind so that your understanding of the truth can be expanded where possible. It is ongoing and will go forward with leaps and bounds, once we are able to come out openly to you. Everything possible will be done to present the truth in a gentle way, without any judgement upon those who have allowed themselves to be misled. The truth will always carry the energy of Light and it will sweep away those false teachings and deliberate lies, which have blighted the scriptures and ancient teachings.
The truth commences with the one omnipotent God of your Universe. Many mortals may have been seen as gods, and named as such but there is in reality only the One Supreme God. Different names may have been used, and some souls have deserved to be considered Saint, however, there is still only the One Truth, and The One God. It is a good point to start from which it will bring people together, and put a stop to the claims that one persons God is better than another. The next step is to remove the teachings that have not originated from God or his true servants. The Laws of God are quite clear and based on Unconditional Love, and anything less is not of God’s word. New ones will accompany Man as he ascends, and with his higher consciousness levels they will allow him even greater freedom than before. Life in the Galaxy is so varied and at different stages of evolution, that Man will need to know how to conduct himself.
Life is certainly not dull on Earth, but you are never totally free to do as you wish. Real freedom is when the Galaxy is yours to travel, and that will come to you in good time. With our advanced forms of transportation, distance is no problem and we can make frequent journeys to far off stars whenever we want. It also helps that there is no issue where we are personally concerned, as we are in a perfect state of health, and do not age as you do. Also our Space Craft are totally self-supporting and provide all of our needs. In fact we could easily survive in them for several hundred years, as you understand time. Time is not constant and you would find inter-stellar traveling strange at first, but you are now grasping the idea that the past, present and future are all in the Now.
Coming back to Earth, your time is up and in the future you will put all of your experiences to good use. You have plumbed the depths, and now you are to rise up quite spectacularly with a quantum leap into the higher realms. Your future will bear no resemblance to duality, and instead give you every happiness and opportunities to share your acquired wisdom with others. Remember that you will have become the Masters that you really are, and will be welcomed into other life streams. Life is bountiful, and exists everywhere making its way along an evolutionary path as you have done so. Much of it is invisible to your eyes because it vibrates at a different rate to yours. As an ascended Being and through the power of thought, you will be able adjust to it just as we sometimes do. You will have many attributes that will seem quite remarkable, such as being in two places at once.
Matters on Earth are heading for a showdown, and it is just a matter of months before a major step forward can be taken. There is of course always a degree of uncertainty because of the number of people involved in making sweeping changes. Certainly everything is at the ready and we continually adjust our plans according to the changes on Earth. Our appearance will be orderly and preceded by appropriate announcements, that are near to coming out. These are crucial to our arrival as any other way could be interpreted as a show of force on our part. That is not our way, and even when the ultimate date is reached when we shall lead the way, it will still be done through your officials. It is one thing to show our craft and us in a casual way, but it is now important to gain your agreement to an open landing and official contact with your leaders.
Whatever happens on Earth, never lose sight of the reason you are in the end times. Ascension is the most important aspect of your future experiences. What is taking place now is the chaos being perpetuated by the dark forces; they have lost their way and try to buy time by preventing us from coming. That ploy will not work, and the longer it goes on, the more it rebounds upon them creating more dissent in their own ranks. They are imploding and fighting to keep their heads above water, but it will be to no avail as their capitulation is assured. It is as you might say a messy business, but that is unavoidable when dealing with those who have no conscience where their actions are concerned. They also lack compassion for those whose lives they have destroyed, but one day they will be called to answer for all of their misdeeds.
Carry on as best you can, knowing that your suffering will not last and soon you will see the new direction that Mankind is heading into. Already the foundations are in place for a quick change, where your financial systems are concerned. Our allies in many countries are agreed on a plan for a metals backed currency, and the end of the paper currency that has led you into bankruptcy. These are the essential changes to set up a fair system, that will protect your earnings and property from unconstitutional laws. The changes will affect the whole world and that is indeed the intention, so that you are released from unfair systems that include your tax laws. There is at last a glow on the horizon as the Light permeates into every corner of your world.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and carry greetings from the Galactic Federation to all of you, thanking you for your faith in us and the higher powers of Light. You are great souls who we greatly admire, and send our love for your upliftment.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, when you first and finally come to the realization that there is nothing to fear, there is such a feeling of peace, such a feeling of empowerment, a feeling that, “I can do all things through him who strengtheneth me.” Well, who is this “him” that strengthens you? It is yourSelf, your own—capital “S”—Self, the divinity of you that you are now beginning to take hold of and remember, the divinity of you that allows you to live the drama, the divinity of you that has been from before time began, that gives you the strength and the power to do all things.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org  *  

Affirm Your Life: Get into the driver's seat
by Cheryl Richardson
May 24, 2010
Read the following quote from Louise Hay:
"Every thought you think and every word you say is an affirmation for your future."
Now think about. Really think about it. If each of us spent one entire day noticing our thoughts and words, chances are we'd be a little concerned about the future we're creating. For most people, negative thinking and talking is a way of life. But not anymore, thanks to Louise Hay.
Louise has just published a new book called, Experience Your Good Now: Learning to Use Affirmations. It contains everything you need to know - and I mean everything - about developing an affirmation practice, so I won't go into details here. She's the master of this process and I suggest you buy the book, study it from cover to cover, and listen to the CD (that comes with the book) every night for a minimum of thirty days. When you do, you'll discover the following benefits and so much more...
* Starting and finishing your day with affirmations sets up a tone of self-care that permeates every area of your life.
* You train your mind to look for what's good and you end up drawing more good toward you.
* You feel better emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
* You stay focused on the specific areas of your life that most need your attention and they improve.
* You begin to see evidence that your thoughts really do have power.
* You develop an unbendable faith in the power of your thoughts to direct the course of your life. As a result, you no longer feel like a victim to outside forces. You remember who's in the driver's seat.
* You become much nicer to be around.
Two years ago I stepped up my commitment to use affirmations by spending my mornings writing, reading, and imagining them coming to life. It's made an enormous difference in the quality of each day and I know it will for you, too. So, to help you get started, here are a few of my favorites...
My life is a constant stream of miracles.

Abundance flows into my life in surprising and miraculous ways every day.

I love my home and my home loves me.

I enjoy a passionate, loving, kind, and co-creative relationship with the people who matter most.

I feel God's presence in my life every moment of every day.
Now it's your turn. Check out Louise's book, here. It's the best ten dollars you'll spend.
Take Action Challenge

Start by creating five specific affirmations that either affirm what you want more of in your life or what you want less of. Then, write, read, and repeat them throughout the day.
Life Makeover for the Year 2009(sm) is written and produced by Cheryl Richardson.© Copyright 1999-2009 Cheryl Richardson, P.O. Box 13, Newburyport, MA 01950, www.cherylrichardson.com. All rights reserved. Used with permission. *  Have a question for Cheryl? Call in during her live Internet radio show -- Coach on Call -- on the Internet at www.hayhouseradio.com. The show airs live on Mondays at 5pm ET (2pm PT) and is replayed throughout the week.  Join Cheryl on:*  twitter.com/coachoncall  * Facebook.com/cherylrichardson   *  

HEAVEN #3472
The God of Oneness
May 28, 2010
God said:
At every moment, you can know that you are in My awareness. There is not a moment in Eternity when you are not in My awareness, for I love and, therefore, you are constantly in my awareness. I know nothing else but to think of you. Certainly, you must know that I do not sit around thinking of Myself. Or, I suppose We can say that thinking of you is the same as thinking of Myself.
In the dream of separation, you and I are two. In the Reality of All That Is, We are One. In that sense, there is nothing I can think about but Myself. And, yet, I know you understand that I am not self-centered. I suppose We could say that I am Self-centered which means I am loving you every moment. You are the love of My life. You are My life. You live My life. I live My life in you. I love Myself.
You twirl the world on the fingers of your thoughts. It has been said in song that love makes the world go round, and that could not be closer to the Truth. Love spins the world. Love spins the world so fast, differences are blurred, and all becomes One, not Oneness itself blurred, but Oneness clear, sparkling, lovely.
In the world, it is as if you chip away at Oneness as you try to absorb it. You really can take Oneness in one gulp.. You don't have to take Oneness apart in order to know it and know it deeply! Just toss love into the ring, and Oneness appears, and Oneness will win as, of course, it must, and as it does. Love always comes out ahead.
Oneness is so simple. It is simpler than anything else. Oneness has no complexity to it. How could it? And yet it is analyzed and chopped into little pieces so it can be put back together again. When Oneness is not taken apart, there will be no need to put it back together. Let Oneness be Oneness. Even though there is only Oneness, paradoxically, Oneness is for All!
Who can analyze love, beloveds? Love is to be given, and love is to be accepted. What more is there to say? What more is there to be done?
In your search for love which you crave to find, you are like fish in the water looking for water. Except you are human beings looking to measure love, to look at love, put it in a jar and cap it, as if love were something you own. Love is something to take to heart, and yet there is no lid on love. The human heart expands to make room for all the love in the world. You are that love. That is who you are. That is your true nature. Have you perhaps been swimming against the current of love? You will never get anywhere.
You who already swim in the Ocean of My Love, now know it. If you don't know it, imagine it. Imagine that the air you breathe is My love, and breathe it. Imagine that every view from your window is My love painted so you will know the depth and extent of My love and My attention on you. Imagine that every bite of food you take is the nourishment of My love. If every bite you take is My love, then you are eating well.
Love, beloveds, love. Intake love, and radiate love. Do it now, for the God of All is loving you this minute in Eternity.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  * 
www.godwriting.org/world-peace/freedom-illegal-aliens.htm  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:  www.heavenletters.org/gods-cosmic-loveletters-universe.html   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *   www.heavenletters.org  *    

Archangel Michael: The ReConnection into Joy
and the Radiance of the New Earth
Channeled by Celia Fenn
May 27, 2010
Beloved Family of Light, what a Joy it has been to serve with you on the Planet in these last two months with this beloved channel. We have enjoyed so much being present with groups of you and sharing our Light and Energy in the Middle East and in Europe. This has been a time of great acceleration and change as the old falls away and the new emerges into manifestation, and as we worked with you we shared in your Joy and Radiance.
We have heard stories, though, that the Archangel Michael energy left the planet in May and was replaced by another energy. We would like to say that rumours of our demise were greatly exaggerated, and that we are with you still and will continue to evolve and grow with you and in harmony with the other Beings of Light that are currently called "Archangels". Yet, our roles as watchers and observers and helpers is changing, and we are indeed moving into our new positions to work with you in ever more powerful and supportive ways as Co-creators in the Light. For, in this New Earth, you are the Masters of Light and Creation, and we serve you by assisting you in your creations and manifestations. We serve to share Light and Information so that you may better carry out your work as Co-Creators of the New Earth in mature and empowered ways.
Beloved Ones, it is not our role to predict the future or tell you what to do or what will be, for that would be to limit the range of possibilities within your creative energies. No, our role is to share our perspectives on the changing energies so that you may be better prepared to make the choices that you need, both as individuals and as a collective, so that you might evolve and grow in the best possible way for you.
So, indeed, we continue to serve you in the Light, with Humility and Grace and Gratitude for the Unfolding of the Divine Will on Planet Earth.
The New "Center of Gravity" and the Light Body Recalibration

First, we would speak to you of the deep changes and transformations in your Light Body Geometries and in your DNA patterns, that have accelerated your transformation in the last few months.
These changes began in May of 2009, when you made the Light Body Collective Reconnection with the Elemental Realms. Then, in November of 2009, you reconnected with the Cosmic Heart Energy through the activation of the Sacred Rose Grids on the Earth and in your Light Bodies. These activations led to rapid evolution within the multi-dimensional energy fields, and your Light Body has formed a new energy center or chakra between the Heart Chakra and the Throat Chakra to be the "Connection Chakra" or Connection Center of Balance for life in the Fifth Dimensional New Earth.
This new chakra vortex lies above the Thymus Glad and links the High Heart, as the center of Unconditional Love and Compassion and Oneness, with the Throat Center, as the Center of Creation and Manifestation of the Will in alignment with Divine Will. It will be the point of Balance of the Light Body/Physical Body in the New Earth and will assist in raising the Frequency of all bodies into Joy and Ecstasy.
Beloved Ones, activating this new energy vortex will enable you to feel more balanced and at ease in the influx of new energies. Your "center" will be held between Compassion and Creation, and you will feel the frequency of Joy in this new configuration.
As you transition to this new alignment, you may experience some physical symptoms of deep clearing in this area that will be similar to flu and bronchitis. Painful throat, loss of voice, coughing and congestion and difficulty in breathing clearly. There may also be symptoms in the sinus and nose area as the meridians between the brow chakra area are aligned and connected.
At the completion of the process, Beloved Ones, you should feel clearer and lighter, and your hearing and vision may be enhanced significantly.
But, Beloved Ones, the purpose of this new center is to Transmit and Receive information on the Multi-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth. You will be receiving more information on more frequencies and you will be transmitting more information to others. The result of this recalibration will be that huge amounts of information will be coming in and going out, and you may initially feel overloaded and unable to cope with the intensity and the speed. But, soon the Light Body/Physical Body complex will adjust and you will become accustomed to these new aspects of your self.
We will explain just briefly, what you may expect with these new alignments. Firstly, you will find that not only are you receiving more information, but you are hearing and understanding more and on deeper levels. You are able to "read" more of any given situation or communication. That is because you are now also receiving the Heart and Throat energies transmissions of these new frequencies very clearly, and can determine the love and will to create that motivates the communication. Of course, where a Being has not yet activated this center in their Light Body, you will immediately "feel" that this person is still operating from the old centers of ego power and manipulation, and you can formulate your responses accordingly. These "feelings" will be transmitted and received in this new center and will be energies or frequencies received with the words and images.
Beloveds, you will find too that your own communication will become deeper and more heart felt. You will feel the need to express deeply and from the heart. Your feelings and desires will be transmitted quite clearly along with your words and images to those who are aligned to receive such transmissions with Joy. Of course, those not yet aligned may not receive these transmissions and may still receive your words on the old levels of ego power, and so there may be misunderstandings and a failure of communication in such cases.
But, Beloved Ones, above all, being situated at this new center will allow you to access the frequency of Joy more clearly. You will feel increasing waves of contentment, love, ecstasy and bliss as your Love and Will to Create is given and received in Beautiful Harmony in these new frequencies.
The Role of the Dolphin Matrix

The Cetacean Family of Light has agreed to be of assistance to Humanity in this Collective Change. The Whales are supporting the changes in the Global DNA matrix, and the Dolphins are spinning out a "Dolphin Matrix" of energy that specifically supports and activates these new changes in the Light Body Field and the DNA.
The Dolphin Matrix Codes were received from the Cosmic Heart by the Dolphin Pod Family at Eilat in the Red Sea area of Israel. These Dolphins hold the energy of Love and Joy for the Middle East and work to transmit these frequencies into the area to create the template of Peace and Joy that will replace the old energies of duality and conflict.
The Eilat Dolphins transmitted these Light Codes to the Planetary Dolphin Family who immediately created the new Global Dolphin Matrix which is supporting these new activations and recordings of the DNA.
The Energy Codes of the Dolphin Matrix may be received as Energy Transmissions and activations from the Dolphin family or by those who are able to channel these frequencies as activations from the Dolphins and the Dolphin Matrix.
The Dolphin Family of Light are assisting with this phase of the work because of their role as Keepers of the Human DNA and its template of Holographic Possibility Equations. They are the Masters of DNA recalibration and are able to shift old energies very quickly with their healing frequencies. Also, they work in a frequency of Joy and Playfulness that is perfectly suited to the energy of the New Earth.
Beloved Ones, as the energies accelerate to 2012 and beyond, the Dolphin Energy Transmissions will be a valuable assistance in helping you to align with the Dolphin Matrix and to activate the new "center" for the New Earth.
Releasing "Catastrophobia" and Moving Beyond Atlantis Fear to the New Age of Love

Beloved Family of Light, as you move into the new space of Joy and Love and Radiance, you will increasingly move away from the old ego energies of guilt and low self-esteem. With this, you will heal at last a long standing "wound" in the Collective Psyche, the wound that produces ongoing fear of catastrophe and destruction by an angry and avenging Earth Mother.
Beloved Ones, the Earth is not angry, the Divine Light unfolds in perfection as she renews herself. It is time to release the Atlantis drama of Global destruction and catastrophe and to replace it with the path of Higher Love and Graceful Evolution. All is in Divine Order.
Those films and prophecies of disaster that portray catastrophe around 2012 are designed to finally release all the negative patterns from your collective consciousness and to heal them to make way for new patterns of Creative Love and Joy. When these dire prophecies are not fulfilled, you will be able to let go and fully enter into the Joy of Life as a Master of Light on Planet Earth, beyond fear and catastrophobia, and able to Enjoy all that is given with Gratitude.
So, Beloved Family of Light, we ask that you hold the intention for a graceful transition into the New Earth without catastrophe or suffering. We ask you to expect the absolute Joy of the New Earth Rising, and nothing less! Release the Past, Live in the Present Moment and embrace what will come, for it will be an expression of Divine Grace and Love and will be Perfect in itself, as is all Life.
The Solar System Energies in May/June 2010

The Full Moon in Sagittarius falls on the 27th of May. The Sun will be in Gemini and the Moon in Sagittarius. This Fire Moon provides the stimulus for an advance in Spiritual Wisdom and a Unification of Spirit and Matter at Higher Frequencies of Light. It provides the energy for a "leap" forward, that together with the other new energies makes this a very powerful time of expansion and growth. Quiet meditation and focus on the energies of Peace and Love and Joy would be advised at this time. Of course, dancing and celebration would also be a good idea!
On the 6th of June, the Planet Jupiter moves into the first house of Aries to begin a new cycle of expansion and blessing. This will also support the energies of transformation and growth on a personal level as well as the Collective level. On the 12th of June, the New Moon falls in Gemini, the sign of the Twins. In the New Energy this sign signifies the balance of Masculine and Feminine energies in the ascended Fifth Dimensional Being, and it is a good time to focus on this balance and to work with the Sacred Heart Meditation to seed Balance into your life in this next phase of the Year.
On the 21st of June, will be the Earth Solstice celebration, when you experience that moment when the Planet shifts its movement to allow for the change of the seasons. In the North it will mark the longest day and the shortest night, and in the South it will be the shortest day and the longest night. This Solstice will be a gateway that will prepare for the flood of high frequency light energy that will enter the Planet on the 26th of July at the opening of the Lion's Gate and the beginning of the Planetary New Year.
The Full Moon in Capricorn falls on the 26th of June, along with a Partial Lunar Eclipse. This Lunar Alignment will also prepare the Earth to receive the New Light Codes for 2011 that will be initiated into the Earth Grids in late July and early August of 2010. These will be "tuned" into Harmonic Expression and Manifestation at the three stellar "stargates" on the 10/10/10 and the 11/11 and the 12/12. Of these, the 10/10/10 on the 10th of October will be the most powerful, and we will speak more of this at a later time.
We wish you Joy, Love and Bliss in Life's ongoing Adventure!
©2010 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global * www.StarchildGlobal.com * This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. *  http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/  * You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by author. Please include this information in its entirety, including these footnotes. Thank You!  *   

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