U-R GOD's Dream Coming True {Channeled}

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Lighting Up Your Life by Solar Logos Helios and Vesta
3.)  Hilarion's Weekly Message: September 18-25, 2011
4.)  Message from The Arcturians
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  You Are God's Dream Coming True

Isis' Message of the Day -
People sometimes spend years waiting for success to miraculously happen to them. They tend to focus outward looking to others for their motivation.
If this is your practice you could wait forever so try some self motivation. Just spend a few moments each day visualizing yourself having attained your goal. Get detailed when you picture how your personal success would look. Let these positive visualizations encourage you as you work towards your goals.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. We greet you. We bless you. The radiance of your sun is all-powerful. It is glorious to behold. It brings life to your planet. It feeds your plants. It energizes your bodily systems. It brings sparkle to your vision of your world.  We fill you with light. We are an instrument of God/Spirit/All That Is. The Spirit of God flows through us and to you. You also connect to the Spirit of God/Creator/All That Is. When you consciously connect with the Divine, a sense of peace prevails throughout your entire being. When you breathe, breathe in the Divine. And when you breathe out, breathe out the Divine. This assists you in connecting and staying connected to All That Is. We bless you and call for the Divine spark within.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one of a kind!"  *  www.cynthialeeshelton.com/   *      

Lighting Up Your Life by Solar Logos Helios and Vesta
Channelled through Natalie Glasson 09-09-11
Luminous light vibrations shower onto your path and into your being, we wish to fill your reality with light so that you may feel the joy of holding light and using it in your daily reality. Light is essential to your entire existence on the Earth, you are composed of light, your body needs light to survive, even your happiness can depend on the volume of light that you hold. Light is actually the result of continuous connection with the Creator. When your life is filled with light it signifies that your life and being is immersed in the energy of the Creator and you are constantly focusing upon your divine and sacred connection with the universe and source of the Creator. Light can bring active energy to your being allowing you to jump with joy achieving more things in your reality. It is essential for your life to be filled with light now because it will allow for all stagnant energies to be dissolved, meaning that old energies are let go of. With the presence of greater light you are naturally protected and any form of darkness that enters into your reality or is created by you is dissolved instantly. With all the transitions that are occurring on the Earth and within your being you are using up much energy and therefore must replace it more often with the presence of light. Some people are feeling sluggish and lethargic at this time of ascension because of the numerous energy shifts but we wish to fill you with light so that you enhance and empower your being, with the ability to achieve and do all that you wish and feel guided to do at this sacred time.
 It is also our mission to dissolve limitations, allowing you to be an expansive being of light; we will achieve this by dissolving many fears that are hindering you from radiating your light brightly and powerfully. We see you as a magnificent light bulb but you are using your dimmer switch when you should be allowing your light to exist at its natural state of radiance. We wish to work with you to allow your light to shine brightly, your energy vibration to increase and your trust in the power of your light to develop.
We are Helios and Vesta, we are the Solar Logos which means we over see the Earth and its evolvement from a solar level while encouraging and tutoring solar masters and those who work within our solar system. The Earth and its humanity are all connected to the solar level of the Creators universe but this doesnt mean that they are fully integrated or have mastered the teachings of the solar level.  In the Earths history we see that many civilisations worshiped the sun, those beings were working to integrate with their solar level energies and manifestation of themselves. Their praise and honour of the sun was simply a result of the transitions that were occurring within. They were worshipping the sun because they knew that the sun held profound wisdom from the solar level and so it was their way of accepting the wisdom and integrating with the solar level light. You can also gain wisdom from the sun in order to aid your spiritual path through a simple intention of connection and acceptance. We use the sun as our symbol because it is so very bright, at the solar level it is our mission to increase your luminosity, assisting you in expressing your light as well as comprehending light.
We, Helios and Vesta exist as the masculine and feminine energy of our soul; you could say that we are twins, two aspects of the same soul. We exist in this way to demonstrate that the two powerful energies of the Creator are equal and can shift from being one to separate at will. Many of the solar level teachings concern exploring the masculine and feminine energies, understanding them and in which energy one should place their focus, we therefore exist as examples of the feminine and masculine vibrations of the Creators soul at a solar level. We wish to share with you that both aspects, feminine and masculine, are love and are loved, that both hold tremendous power and light. We almost hold a mirror up to each aspect of the Creator, the feminine and masculine, to bring unity, seeing each aspect as the same in essence. When one is becoming a solar master they must delve into their feminine and masculine aspects with incredible depth to gain a greater understanding of themselves and their truth. When we, Helios and Vesta, exist at higher vibrations of the Creators universe, studying or developing our own growth we are seen as one soul of magnificence luminosity.
The solar level holds the symbolic light colours of a copper gold colour this is to demonstrate the solar levels integration with the universal levels and beyond as well as the presence of the Christ consciousness. Luminosity is the main purpose of the solar level as well as aiding activations and energising or enhancing growth or experiences. After you have become a planetary master whether on the Earth or the inner planes it is a wonderful process to then connect more fully with the solar light and to allow your energies and light vibration to soar and expand beyond limitations. It gives the soul a great sense of freedom in which to grow naturally. When we teach students of the solar level we speak much about focus rather than practices because we know that when they simply use the power of their focus alone they can achieve much, enabling them to begin a wonderful journey of discovery.
The anchoring of light or acceptance of light is extremely important because it enables a tremendous healing process. If one is in a physical body then they can bring great vitality, activeness, and life to their physical body and its abilities. We so wish for you to understand that even on the Earth the teachings of the solar level are extremely important, if you can fill yourself with light, anchor so much light into your being then you would gradually free yourself from pain or illness, dissolve all negative things in your life, decrease all negative and unneeded habits that you hold and gain a positive, bubbly, focused and aware outlook on your reality and being. Essentially the more light you fill your being and reality with the more aware, connected and at one with the Creator you will become. We do encourage students to connect with the Creator in order to absorb light but we also believe that by absorbing light from guides or the solar level one actually finds the source of the Creator and the truth that the Creator holds naturally as the influence of the light is alignment, balance and awakening. Our teachings are extremely simpleafter the challenges of the Earth and the planetary level but this is natural as the more you integrate with the Creators light the simpler your focus becomes. We also believe that self exploration and Creator exploration can only truly be guided by the individuals soul so too much guidance can restrict the freedom that the soul needs in order to develop and shine as brightly as the sun. This may sound impossible but it can be achieved with ease.
The Solar level light holds an element of fiery determination which can offer courage and confidence as one focuses upon discovering many new truths. The element of fiery determination extends from a source of warming tender love which is held at the very source of the solar level of the Creators universe. You can ask to be connected to the solar core energy to experience this tremendous loving energy.
We are here as bright loving beacons of light to assist you in manifesting into the same, your unique and magnificent perfection.
We encourage you to energise your reality, spiritual path, being and soul by anchoring as much light as feel appropriate into your being throughout the day. Fill your life with light and you will notice the tremendous difference in your feelings, mood, actions, reactions and spiritual practices. Now is a time on the Earth when we must be so aware of our own energies and our spiritual journey. It is important that you maintain a high level of light within your being so that you have enough energy and power to achieve all that you need to, remaining balanced and aligned at all times. By calling upon the solar level light to anchor and flow throughout your being during meditation you will rapidly increase your light quotient and allow yourself to move closer to the soul of the Creator in numerous ways. Holding light will allow for your journey forward to be one of greater ease.
We are here to be of assistance,
Solar Logos Helios and Vesta
May you walk in the love and light always,
Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen by Archangel Michael, she now works as a channel for a vast variety of spiritual beings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her websitewww.wisdomofthelight.com  she shares the channeled messages of the Creator’s helpers to expand the awareness of humanity and assist in the raise in energy vibration of the planet.  She offers a service of channeled readings from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Unicorns and Fairies.
Twelve Rays of Light Book Available Now * Free Video Meditation Visit: www.wisdomofthelight.com and view my video page where I am beginning to build a collection of guided meditations. *  * The Sacred School of Om Na website * Channelled downloads written and in mp3 to aid the spiritual education of humanity.  Visit  www.omna.org For the latest news visit my website www.natalieglasson.com   If you wish to view any past messages I am placing them in the weekly message gallery, go towww.wisdomofthelight.com and click on weekly messages. *    

Hilarion's Weekly Message: September 18-25, 2011
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
You have all been integrating the incoming energies at an incredible rate. The feeling of unease in your Solar Plexus area requires more relaxation on your part and the practice of deep breathing, preferably when outdoors. There continue to be many changes taking place within you and as this process continues, a greater ease will be felt. Some of you are already feeling the greater ease within your four lower bodies and these Ones will find life becoming more joyful and filled with grace.
The veil between the dimensions is becoming much weaker and there are many instances of interplay between them. These are moments when some of you just shake your heads and think that you are experiencing a momentary aberration in your perceptual field and this is, in fact, what is actually happening. These can be very confusing times that could take you off your Path. Call upon us each morning and ask us to come closer to you for your guidance and protection each day as these aberrations will continue to come through with greater frequency.
Everywhere around you there is a greater awareness taking place and humanity is starting to step up to the plate and is beginning to understand that taking a stand for what they believe is right is having its powerful effect. As people join each other in adding their voices in many different projects and focuses to end the blatant disregard for the citizens of this World and the resources upon this Planet from those who want only to maintain control, the realization is dawning within the Awakened Ones that there is great power in numbers and this realization is having a domino effect. As more people rise up and stand up for their rights and the rights of all upon your World, change will come about in incredibly peaceful ways.
As the Beloved Lightworkers and the Awakening Ones across the Planet take part in joint meditations and other focuses that are held at the most opportune times during each month, the mass consciousness grid is being cleansed more efficiently than ever before. As more space is created for the higher energies of Cosmic Love to permeate everything upon, within and around the Earth, these higher energies are then being assimilated by everyone and everything on and in the Planet. You might have been noticing that for the most part, people are much more willing to be more patient with each other than they used to be, they are more filled with humility and kindness towards each other and are willing to stop and listen to each other. This trend will keep on growing stronger as each day goes by.
All that you have held in your visions for a better World is now beginning to come to fruition and so we beseech you to keep on keeping on, even though it might seem darker than ever before as you view the World events around you. This is but the illusion all have lived under for lifetimes now being brought up for review, attention, realization and learning, and most importantly, for clearing and dissolution. Many new and viable solutions to age old problems will begin to surface within the consciousness of many and new ideas will begin to take root that will revolutionize the World into one that is worthy and able to become a part of the Galactic Family of Light once again.
Stay in the moment, Dear Ones, new history of the New Earth is now being written and you, each of you, are an integral part of it. Live each day as and for the Glory of God and all will continue to be well. Faith and patience can indeed move mountains.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion  *  Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at:  http://www.therainbowscribe.com  *    
Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,


Message from The Arcturians
Channeled by Marilyn Raffaelle
September 18, 2011
Greetings dear ones.  We of the Arcturian group welcome you to a new age, to a new way of seeing, and  new light of understanding that is blanketing the earth at this time.  We see Light moving though many places that heretofore have been in darkness.  Many who were stuck in tradition and old energy are beginning to  open, even if just a little, to new ways of seeing and being.  The Light is surrounding you dear ones, and this is acting to dissolve and break the bonds of those shadows that you have lived under for so long.
There is coming a time very shortly, when you will understand even more.  You are creating an energy in which the new can be born in more powerful ways, a new energy in which those who will be here to help can enter and be listened to.  Much is about to change on earth.  Much that you have believed could never change is indeed changing, for all is energy and you have changed the energy needed in order for these old issues to  function.  We see you embracing the new ideas with love for you are beginning to see that there are indeed better and higher ways of doing things. Ways which include all, and not just a select group deemed worthy by the false standards of old energy beliefs.  Those who still continue to hold  to what is finished, will have a difficult time of it, for they are "beating a dead horse" as you say in your vernacular.
The lesson for you now dear ones, is that you hold to the truth of your being.  Let the truth of oneness with Source, and therefore all that is, be more manifest in your thinking.  Let Truth be your first thought before  any human thoughts or taking steps for action.  You see that way, you begin to change your way of thinking and soon your state of consciousness.  You must practice knowing the truth.  Truth is, but it  must be recognized and then become an attained state of consciousness before it can manifest.  In your daily lives then, first realize the truth of all things and the non-reality of anything that would seem to be a power. There is only One Power and that is  Divine Power which is everpresent within you.  There is only one presence and that Presence  is where you are, always.  There is only one knowledge and that Knowledge is where you are at all times for it not only is within you, but is you. 
This is the goal, the realization that you are that which you seek.  It has seemed fine in the past to study these things and to discuss them with like minded people -- groups and  friends where you feel a comradery and the sense that you are doing something very spiritual.  However, you are ready to move beyond this now for those were  baby steps.  You must now begin to live these truths and not only when things are going according to what you think is the right way for them to go.  It is time to  begin to live, move, and have your being in truth; to let it be your first thought, your first realization, your first response. Then if there are human footsteps to be taken, you take them, but always with the realization that there is a Divine Law of love and wholeness in place that nothing can over ride or change. Divine Law is infinite but mankind living in the shadows of the third dimension, has not known this.  If there was disease within the Consciousness of the Divine which is governed by Divine Law, there could be no cure  for disease "Ever." You see all that is real is governed by  unchanging Divine Law which is Love. 
All that appears so frightening and so negative at this time, simply manifests old energy moving up and away.  These experiences offer opportunities  to acknowledge the non-power of anything other than Source.  You say, "Oh now, how can you say that for  these things are terrible and kill people and harm the earth."  Yes indeed, that is the appearance.  That is what you see with your third dimensional vision, but we tell you that you are now ready and beginning to see beyond these appearances.  You are beginning to know and understand that the Divine is the substance and creator of all things and therefore all true  creations are of love and harmony.  Appearances of discord and evil are  creations of the un-illumined mind  imbued with  beliefs of good and evil.  Mind simply forms the outer, from the state of consciousness of the individual.
You see for a long long time, lifetime after lifetime, mankind has been creating manifestations of good and evil through their ignorance of truth and beliefs in duality and separation, but you are graduating now.  You have evolved enough  to be finished with the harsh lessons of the third dimension. Congratulate yourselves,  because  it is very difficult to find the truth of who you really are in a world that is heavy with the energy of duality and separation.  Earth is a hard school dear ones, and you have done it.  You have found truth even with the veil down and in the presence of duality and separation.  You are awakening and discovering  that your real nature is Divine, in spite of any appearances that may seem to contradict that. 
Be happy and express gratitude dear ones, for you are moving very quickly into a energy where the old issues will no longer be. They simply cannot have form in the new energy because you will not be creating them.   Your illumined states of consciousness will now manifest as higher, and truer appearances.
We must remind you however,  not to be fooled into looking for third dimensional "good" for good appearances are just the other end of the duality stick from bad appearances. The spiritual lesson is to move beyond concepts of either good or evil, and into the spiritual.   Divine Being is complete and whole, your attained consciousness of this  then translates  as what is needed.  You do not need to tell it what you need, It is Omniscient, and as your consciousness of this deepens, your experience will reflect it. This is why meditation is key.  In meditation you are resting in your realization of oneness with the Divine, whereas in the common idea of prayer, you are telling an Omniscience Divinity what you need which is separation and duality.  This does not mean that you cannot state your choice and your intentions, but you do it from the consciousness of free will choice, not from a sense of your good being outside of yourself.
Be patient dear ones, much is ready to change.  Do not fear, but hold to your center and always make Truth your focus in spite of  the hundreds of untruths  bombarding you at this time.  We say be informed but do not mire yourselves in the news and words of doom and gloom for this will  pull you down into the heavy frequencies present within them.  Keep yourselves separate by keeping your energy fields filled with Light, clearing yourselves with Light often during the day.
Cease from the struggle and rest in what is.
We are the Arcturian Group
Marilyn Raffaelle
I live in  beautiful  northern Michigan close to  Sleeping Bear National Park and have been on a spiritual journey my entire life.
I began  meditating and searching more deeply in the late 60s. and after many side journeys was led to and  began working with the mystical principles presented in Joel S. Goldsmith's "Infinite Way"  material.  These deeply mystical teachings moved  me into  an increasingly intense desire to more deeply understand and bring together in practice the many  world teachings, modalities of healing, and myths.  This in turn led to a series of intense inner shifts (not all so pleasant) and an  ability to  communicate with my guides and other Teachers  of Light.
I have studied many healing modalities and work as a channel for personal readings but my main interest and focus is to help others awaken into a deeper realization of their innate perfection and reasons for being here.
I was asked by the Arcturians who are my guides, to start a web site which would allow them get their messages of Love and Light out  to the world at this very important time. 
** www.onenessofall.com/ *  Marilyn@onenessofall.com *        

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
“I love you so much that I can love myself for loving you.” Try that one on for size. The world does not teach you that. The world teaches you separation. The world teaches you give and take; that you must give, others must take. Others often will take, even if you don’t want to give, but the truth of it is, no one can ever keep you from loving. That is your choice, and you can love them so much that you can love yourself because you are loving them, and that feels so good and so freeing.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org  *    

HEAVEN #3950
You Are God's Dream Coming True
September 18, 2011
God said:
One angel on Earth is worth thousands. There are many many angels on Earth. You may be one. Who on Earth has enough of an idea of Who He really is? You would roll over in joy if you had but an inkling. You are a twinkle in My eye, and you are more.
You are what I am for. I am for you. I, who made you, made you for My delight. Will you also delight in what I have wrought? It is simple really, and, yet, I ask you to delight in the greatness I have wrought. We can say I put you on the anvil, and I made you as I willed. You became true before My very eyes. You were ambrosia to My eyes. Through you, My dreams are fulfilled. You are My dream come true. I dreamed you, and you woke up. You are in the process of waking.
Wake up, children. Wake up. Wake up, slug-a-beds, and rise from bed and leap into the world and make it happy.
I made you of clay, and the world is the clay you mold. I gave you the world. I set it before you. The world is a gift I gave to you. Accept what I have given you and make it your own. Make it a New World. Make it a New World free of all that which has held it back.
You set sail today on the world. The world is your ship, and you sail it. You sail on the High Seas. Avast. Avast. Look through your binoculars, and you will see the shores of Heaven not far from Earth at all. From ship to shore go you. You sail on Earth, and, yet, the Ocean you sail on is I. I am at your service. Come ride on My back. Consider Me a pony you ride on or a turtle or that I carry you on My shoulders piggy-back.
You are at My behest. I called you forth in order to serve Me. And you serve Me through the world. You are My eyes to the world. And you are My hands. You are My hands of love. And you are My eyes of love. Cast not down your eyes. Keep looking up. You will see Me in your heart, for I dwell here. I dwell in your heart. I dwell happily in your heart. Claim Me now. In love We travel, and We travel nowhere, for it is as if We are cemented in love, yet cement that has not yet set. And, so, We swim through an Ocean of Love. We swim together, and Our hearts leap like fishes. Our hearts leap and leap. We leap out of Our skins and become pure spirit which We have always been.
We have skinned your soul. You almost reveal it. Of course, reveal your soul to yourself first, and then all will you see.
What a power you are in the world. What a power you are in Heaven. The twain shall meet. The twain are meeting in you. Soon the twain will be One. What shall We call the mythical place We live in then? I think We will call it Paradise. Welcome to Paradise. Welcome to My Home. I invite you. I invite you to make yourself at home in the abode of My heart. Here is when you come to your senses, so to speak. Here is where you are at home with yourself. Within yourself, you have landed and put up a flag and announced that My land is yours.
You may sleep in a tent now. Soon you lay your head down in the Palace. From ship to shore to Palace. This takes only an instant. It does not even take an instant. What is shorter than an instant? Timelessness, beloveds, timelessness. Welcome.
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:  www.heavenletters.org/gods-cosmic-loveletters-universe.html   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries *  P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556  *  www.heavenletters.org *   http://twitter.com/heavenletters  *          

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