Isis' Message of the Day -
You'll notice that a turtle only makes progress when it sticks out its neck.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
As a Spiritual/Human Being you are learning to make responsible choices, for you are now aware that your thoughts,
feelings and words are the building blocks of your future reality. Moment by moment, YOU are creating the personal reality
you will experience in the days and years to come. A responsible person always takes into consideration the consequences of
his/her actions. To create a world of balance, peace and harmony, you must learn to expend your allotment of Cosmic energy
with purposeful intention and focused detail, which is always directed toward the most beneficial outcome.
I AM Archangel Michael
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Star*Quest* 6005 Clear Creek Drive, Reno, NV 89502 USA * Phone/fax: 775-856-3654 *
Email: * I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of AA Michael * Copy freely and share * For Archangel
Michael’s books, tapes and information on courses given through this Channel please visit: *
Heavenletter #4252
God Designated You
July 16, 2012
God said:
Falling in love is rising to love. Why does everyone love rising in love, noticing love, feeling love, being swept up
in love? In a secret place within the hearts of all, there is the knowledge that love is their calling. Love calls to them,
and love answers itself, and says, "Yes, I am here. I am love, and I am what life is about. Life and I are interchangeable.
I, love, am the real thing. Everything else is just the floss of life. Love, although often undercover, is the real gist and
grist of life. If only I could find the love in my heart."
When did love become a secret agent? When will love take off its trench coat and stand in its own glory of love? As it
is, love combs and uncombs its hair, and practices falling in love with itself, as if love required an object to bring itself
Let the love in your heart wheel you around the world where you will find your true heart. Your true heart is not lost.
It just has not been quite listened to. It is like you put your heart somewhere and forgot where you put it. Of course, falling
in love is falling in love with love. There is nothing else to fall into. Your objects of love are just excuses. You always
wanted to pour your love out. You always wanted to wash the windows of the world with your love, that which you call your
love, when it is the love of the Universe, when it is My love, and when it is the simple love of angels discovering themselves.
Love never wanted to be locked in a cupboard, hidden in a drawer, forgotten about until stumbled across, pulled out only on
certain occasions by certain illusions.
Discovering love is discovering who you are. Your true nature is not, I repeat, is not selfishness. Love is not selfish.
Love is not pretense. Love leaves selfishness behind. Selfishness is a fraud.
Love is not unwitting. Love is your True Self. Your True Self must come out of hiding. It must stand up for Itself.
Follow your heart. What else is there possibly to follow? Love is worth its weight in gold, and yet love is weightless.
We could say that love is the main symptom of God on Earth. I could say symbol, yet love is far more than a symbol. Love brightens
and colors the world. Love is a brightener, and, yet, love is never an additive. What craziness is it not to love when you
are love itself and can love well when you come off it, when you come off another course?
Why not put your heart out on the table? What have you been putting on the table? What trick have you played on yourself?
What have you substituted for love, and when were substitutes ever enough? In the name of love is not quite love. It is not
a picture of love you seek. Love is not a picture. Love stays when all else has gone.
Beloveds, if you grieve for love lost, you have possessed love yet known it not. You held something in your hand. You
held it tight, and, yet, when you opened your hand, there was nothing there except for dismay, sense of loss, perhaps sense
of betrayal because you looked into an unclear mirror. You saw a reflection of yourself in another's eyes, and your reflection
in another's eyes faded. You looked for love to come from somewhere else when love has to come from you. Look into your own
soul where love resides.
You are a soul. Souls love. You are, despite all the subterfuge, the real thing. You are a shining knight from Heaven.
You are My designated lover of all.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2012 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times
when the whole world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all
ages all around the world and from all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™
International Society of Heaven Ministries * P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556 * * *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, you have made “evidence” in lifetimes where you have been abandoned by ones you have trusted—friends,
parents, a mate, someone that you thought would always be there for you, and then they decease the body or they thought the
grass was greener somewhere else and left you. You wondered at a very deep level, “What have I done? I must not be good
enough or they wouldn’t have left me. I must have sinned greatly.” That is what separated ego tells you. But the
only…not even sin, but the only temporary mistake is that you have forgotten your divinity.
Archangel Indriel:You are beautiful
Channeled by Aurora Le
July 10, 2012
Do Not Strive To Be Perfect, You Already Are.
You are as colorful as a rainbow and as sparkling as the stars. Your heart is as pure and unsullied and innocent
as a baby, freshly born. Encircling the myriad colors of your aura is a ring of white-so white as to be blinding; like
the proverbial Angelwing, it is as downy fresh and airy as the driven snow. To all who cast their eyes down upon
the Earth, your bright light is seen as a doorway, leading them straight home to the heart of God. You are this doorway.
To those that seek redemption and solace, you are the portal home. And as you, in earnest, seek this place of wholeness, never
for an instant question that you indeed are already there.
There is not a one of you in all the Cosmos who is not completely and entirely without flaw. Regardless of what
facade you present to the world, you are immaculate. Clean. You are but on a journey, each of you, known to all
as the pioneers and those who dare to challenge the status quo. For many, the road is long and is seemingly without
end. For most the path is fraught with challenge upon challenge, and the trek is rough and treacherous for you.
You feel lost and broken. You imagine that your actions have caused pain to others, and then also to yourself.
But you are never lost, Dear Soul. You are blessed, revered and so passionately loved. You are this and
always have been. The truest essence of yourself remains behind in peace and safety, beyond the stars and kept for you
amongst the comforts you remember as the hearth and Home. And you are bringing that purest truth of yourself into
your Earthly being now, at this time, as you complete your work and bring to life a powerful New Earth.
Please cast aside whatever doubts you may have about your Divinity. Forget the past and start afresh with each
new breath you draw. Know that you are never judged, and know that you must never judge another. Hold yourself
no higher than the one standing beside you and consider yourself none the lower. Step not upon a pedestal, and cast
yourself never into the depths of self-recrimination and despair. For all are One, and every one is an equal portion
of the All. Brilliant and majestic are the sons and daughters of the Holy God.
Do not strive to be perfect. You already are. Do not drive yourself to excel, to become accomplished-there
is nothing that you do not already know, that yopu cannot already do. Each of you are great Masters in your own right,
and you all are acting out the role you chose in this, the grandest production the Universe has yet to behold.
At this late date, your only challenge remaining is to remember, and I agree that this is no small feat at all.
So, there you have it. It is so simple, truly. It is exactly as I have just told you, precious Lightworker.
You are gentle, loving, valiant, exquisite, impeccable, confident and kind. This is a reminder. It is up to you
to not forget.
I am Indriel.
Moreanna: Shattering the Glass Slipper
Through AuroRa Le
July 14, 2012
Fairytales and the Disempowering of the Human Race
This message was a very enlightening one for me, personally. When it first began coming in, I thought Moreanna
meant it for me alone, since this archetype and her corresponding issues are something I’ve been working to break free
of for some time. As a small child, I struggled to make sense of the memories I arrived with, and to incorporate the
little bits and pieces that were resurfacing every day. In my little-girl mind, I felt abandoned. It was as if
my family; my real, mysterious, somewhere-out-there family had just dropped me off here and left. In my deepest heart
I knew that this wasn’t really true, but I found tremendous comfort in Fairytales. I wasted no time in latching onto
the role of the Princess in the Ivory Tower. Rapunzel, Cinderella, Snow White, etc… I decided that I would
be the girl who, at any moment, would be rescued by her Prince Charming as he rode up on his white charger and bestowed upon
her lips a magic kiss-thereby awakening her from her nightmare and whisking her off to his Magic Kingdom. I became enthralled
with Disney movies, and proceeded to live out this archetype in my real life. It didn’t help matters at all that
I actually could remember and see my larger-than-life Twin Flame, and that he was a daily presence in my world.
This ideal became one of my primary survival tools, and the standards by which I measured every human relationship I
ever became involved in. It wasn’t until my son was born that I realized why I even came here in the first place,
and that I’m a powerful force in my own right. I didn’t need to be rescued. I would rescue myself.
And I did! This is not to say that I still don’t adore anything and everything “Princessy,” and will
always be a complete romantic at heart. I am a total girly-girl, and that’s okay. I like the person that
I am. However, I’ve chosen to rewrite the happy ending to all of my favorite stories. In my versions, the
Princess recognizes her own strength and becomes independent and self-sufficient. She takes control of her life, and
when her Prince does catch up with her, he finds a confident and self-assured woman. I’ve applied this same principle
to my own personal Ascension process and also to my views relating to Disclosure. I’m not waiting around to be
rescued. I don’t actually believe the ships are going to swoop down and whisk us all away. We have to rescue
ourselves via the raising of our personal and collective vibrations, and through responsible living and respect for Gaia.
We must be open to hearing The Truth, and be willing to spread that Truth to all who will listen. By doing these
things we will be ready to assume whatever role we have chosen to play on the New Earth. This way, also, when we do
reunite with our Star Families, we will meet them as equals and not as children in need of saving. So, here’s
Moreanna’s take on things. She has embraced the role of a sort of “dispeller of myths,” a system-buster
from the Legendary Realms-although, I have recently learned that she is actually from Sirius! I warn you, this
message is very, very long and I think it would have gone on indefinitely if I hadn’t had to cut her off and go pick
up my son from soccer!
And now, I bring you Moreanna…
Redefine your mindset whilst the days grow short and the waves of change draw closer to your shores. Close
the book on those tired old stories which repeat themselves inside your head. They no longer serve you. In truth,
and in retrospect, they never did. Too many of you tarry, and Gaia shall not wait. Alas, it seems she has been
waiting an eternity. Grasp hold of what is clearly not of truth and shake it loose from the grip it has had upon your
life. Examine everything. Ask yourself, “upon whose authority is this true?” Say, ”It is I who
shall determine what is to be taught to my young.” Do you dare to question those who presume to rule? Do
they serve you up pearls of wisdom or simply rubbish? Dare I say, you’ve ingested falsehoods for so long that
many of you can scarce tell the difference. Dearest Sisters and Brothers, I love you and I do not come to you this night
to chastise or make light of your dilemma. Mine is but the purest of intention and I seek merely to enlighten yours
and the other young hearts that walk behind you. For these are newly wakened and take their first steps along the Golden
Path. They do not know reality from fantasy. And it would serve you well if you might let me refresh your own
remembrances, as you go along your way.
After The Great Fall, much changed. The survivors moved on and new settlements sprung up. Many of those remembered
the follies of the past and what brought them to these new places in which they found themselves. They vowed that they were
never to be repeated. Treasure troves of knowledge and power were hidden well away from the prying eyes of those who
would misuse it. A good deal of this greatness is resurfacing now, as tiny thought forms being released
into the collective consciousness of the people and into the atmosphere of the planet. It is these thought forms
which will take hold within the minds of their original creators. By way of the reincarnational cycle, these fine souls
have come once again to make manifest such ideas, in turn creating a better life for humanity. You shall come to know
them in due time, as they present themselves in the way of costless energy, advanced forms of transport, plentiful food
and overall abundance. These concepts are as crystalline and mutable as the oceans beneath which they so long rested.
Watch for them.
The ones who sought to seize control went to vast lengths to see that you did not remember who you you are. In
the subtlest of manner, they took over your mind. They sought to crush your spirit, and to sever the cords that connect
you to the All That Is. What better way to do this, they realized, than through the manipulation of the children.
You see, control by fear shall only go so far before the masses rise up in protest. Eventually there shall be those
who are wise enough to see the forest for the trees. They then reject such teachings, rebel and cause insurrection.
They are savvy, these would-be controllers, and it became clear that the most effective means of manipulation is best disguised
as something pleasant. At this time you are experiencing this through the foods on your shelves and by way of tempting
alcoholic beverages and pharmaceuticals. Consumerism, and what we here consider somewhat ghastly forms of entertainment,
keep you in states of fear and want. All these things are addictive in nature. Your schooling is designed not
to enlighten the mind but to brainwash and subdue the student.
In older times, the Patriarchy had none such means available to them, as they do now. Instead, they spun tales.
These lovely myths, legends and “fairy” stories captivated the human hearts, both young and old alike. It
was in their design to implant ideas and to suppress your natural awareness of your true sovereignity and power. The
female was made to be weak and shown to be unable to survive by her own devices, thus eradicating the Divine Feminine Power
which is still such a threat to them to this day. They sought, and for a time succeeded, in crushing her power-but they
could never kill it at it’s roots. Still, they created tales of damsels-in -distress, whose only hopes lie in
being rescued by the superior male. She was portrayed as helpless, defenseless and nothing in her own right. Only
through deference might she and her loved ones survive. These archetypal charactarizations were, and still are used
to reinforce illusions of limitation and lack. It pains us, your Brethren of The Water Realms, to see how we ourselves
have been portrayed to you. We have been shown, also, to be weak and prisoners of our own form. Then, alternately,
as cunning, with the females of us seeking to entrance the human male to his death with song. Such are the legends of
The Mer. In truth, we do not die outside the sea. We do not barter for legs-if we should wish to ever have them.
We do not suffer in exchange for transmutation. It is our right. As it is yours.
You have been conditioned to accept the idea of disease that you cannot control. You think you cannot heal yourself.
You are out of touch with your innate skills to manifest what you need. You think that you must rely on others to solve
these problems for you. This conditioning, too, began within the pages of the story books. Without the help of
a magic lamp, a flying carpet or a fairy’s wand, you were told that you dreams never could come true. Woe to the
old Patriarchy should you ever come to remember that you are all Master Alchemists-each and every one!
Within us all exists the natural ability to shapeshift. It is in our design to have the freedom to transform themselves
at will. Or to choose not to take a form at all. Consider the suppression of these abilities as proof positive
of the incredible power of belief. The belief that you cannot do these things has been ingrained in you for thousands
of your years. These erroneous teachings embedded themselves deep within your cellular memory and have atrophied portions
of your DNA. Now, this day, you are being called by way of your ascension preparation to undo this damage, unlearn what
you were taught, and to begin from scratch. Remember that is through the power of belief that the damage was done, and
it through belief that you shall rectify it.
You must truly accept the truth that your planet is shifting. Know with a certainty that you are participating
in this shift, affecting it with your strength and determination to see it done. It is not just happening to you, but
with you and by your own hand. The Old Ones are a dying breed, and they had the foresight to know that this day was
coming. They saw to it that you who dwell on the planet’s surface were programmed very well, indeed. Should
you need further proof of this, please notice how their foolish tales never penetrated to the Inner Earth societies.
You are Earth dwellers all, yet in their chosen isolation they have retained their high vibration and brilliant health, and
have remained entirely unscathed.
So, envision for yourselves a life without poverty and sadness, pain and loneliness. Discard what in your heart
you know to be untrue. Storm the castle walls and dare to take back what is yours. And never, ever forget that
we are here to offer counsel and bolster you when you feel you cannot go on. We are your families of The Water Realms.
I am Moreanna
About Me
I am an Angelic/Pleiadian, and one of the ten Pleiadian, Sirian and Angelic women who make up The Council Of The
Venus Ray. I’m also a Mom, a lightworker and a business owner. This wonderful lifetime is my one and only
incarnation on the Planet Earth. I’m known, as we all are, by many names… as Bella Capozzi, on my Earth
journey, and (in “reality”) as Archeia AuroRa or LoRa Le.
There are many of us here on Earth at this time, living ordinary lives. Some, like me, have known who or what they
are all along and safely held that knowledge in a private, sacred space. This, until the moment we can’t play
the game anymore and burst full-force out of the Spiritual Closet, kicking the door shut behind us. Then there are our
other blessed brothers and sisters who are just now having their aha-moment, and are stepping forward to share their amazing
Timothy Geithner ‘Arrested’
Anthony: Since this message came through, I have searched and searched to see if anyone else has reported it. But
have found nothing.
We have been down this path of Timothy Geithner’s ‘arrest’ before, once with a Ben Fullford post, which
ended up being about Mr Geithner, the U.S Secretary of the Treasury, being “questioned.”
We know he is embroiled in the current Libor saga, so this may be true. I post for your information and suggest
your discernment.
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light – July 15, 2012
‘Timothy Geithner Arrested’
You are hearing this; Timothy Geithner, Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, has been taken into custody,
has been tried by our High Courts, and has been convicted and has been sentenced for his crimes against the people of the
United States who he was sworn to serve, but instead chose to victimize, steal from and manipulate, and push to the brink
of financial destitution.
This individual, after careful contemplation of his crimes against you, the people, has been sentenced to a maximum life
of 63 years, of which time he is to spend in a mortal physical vessel where he will be re-educated and rehabilitated before
he is once again permitted to walk freely amongst the people of a free society.
This is his punishment; this is the retribution for his crimes. There is no other penalty imposed upon this individual,
and there will not be any further punishment imposed upon this soul, as he will receive just what it is he needs to further
develop, grow and mature as a being on a journey through physicality, and soon the spiritual realms of this multidimensional
Do you see dear ones, what we mean when we say that there will be those of the cabal arrested and there will be those
of the cabal sentenced for their crimes against you? No member of the cabal will walk free without first receiving rehabilitation
services in the form of programs offered to them by we of the higher dimensions.
Not all, if even many, of the arrestees of the cabal and their minions will be tried and, if convicted, sentenced within
courts of law of the different jurisdictions of your world. A large number of those being taken into custody will stand before
a High Court manned by ascended beings whose task it is is to review the life record of the accused and determine a suitable
means for their successful rehabilitation.
Punishment is not the order of the day, though this word can be used loosely, it can be used poetically, metaphorically,
and it can be used by those of you who feel better feeling someone has been punished for their crimes against you.
We say to you though, no one at all will be ‘punished,’ in this sense of the word, for their crimes against
you or any of their crimes. Instead, we wish to focus only on effective measures of rehabilitation, as rehabilitation for
a soul is what will give them another chance and an opportunity to develop into a worthy member of a societal structure, either
here on Earth or another planet in this solar system, galaxy or universe.
There are many worlds who can and will benefit from the existence and the citizenship of many of these members of the
cabal who have already been or will be arrested for crimes against humanity. These souls are not lost souls as no one is truly
lost, as we are all finding our way someway, somehow, someday.
In this light, is a soul really ever lost if a soul will always find their way home? A soul is never truly lost. A soul,
no matter which dark or negative detour they may take for a while to experience certain aspects of themselves, of life and
of existence, to wander and explore through lower depths of themselves, is still walking back towards the light and their
Creator, even when they are walking downhill and in the opposite direction, for this multidimensional universe is a one-way
street. This is the greatest secret that we will share with you today. There is only one way, and that way is back into the
light, back into your Godliness, your holiness, your greatness, your life in eternal light.
This man who you know as the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury is and has always been heading in the same direction as those
of you who may today see him as the enemy, as an opposing force, as a criminal, as darkness. He is not though, anything different
than you.
You are all the same; you are all of the light. You are all a part of your and our Creator and so is he, and he will
continue his journey now, though he will receive further assistance that will help him develop at a little faster pace than
he has experienced through recent incarnations. This is where we, your ascended family of the Galactic Federation of Light,
step in and use our levels of expertise, our wisdom and our systems and structures to assist a soul on their journey.
Our job is not and has never been, to come to a world and take people into custody and throw them into dungeons or prison
cells. This is ungodly and unholy treatment of another soul, and we do not participate in such cruelty to others and we never
will. Timothy Geithner will be treated with love, with kindness, with caring, with patience.
He, the soul that he is, will be blessed with the loving, nurturing wisdom and guidance of a higher dimensional being
who has amassed superior wisdom and skills through his or her many experiences that yes, have also taken them through dark
corridors just as their student may have wandered, just like Mr. Geithner.
Do you understand now that we all take these detours through the darkness, through tests and trials of our spirit, our
soul, for if we did not, how would we ever know that we are of the light if we did not defend ourselves from being submerged
by the darkness? The dark is a task, a challenge, an ocean we must learn to cross by building a ship made of light. The dark
is a sharpened sword that we must forge a shield of light to defend ourselves against.
The dark is a foe when it needs to be a foe, and the dark is a friend when it needs to be a friend, but the dark is never
truly your enemy. He is your friend because he does help you find your way back into the light, back to where it is you always
are, as in the light is where you always belong, where you were born, where you may seemingly die, where you will reemerge
and where you will eternally exist on your never ending journey back to source.
We hope today’s message reaches many of you who may now see through the darkness and see the darkness in a little
brighter way, a little brighter sense today. We are your family of light, existing within the darkness of this universe that
contrasts the light and lets us see how it shines so bright.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
Received by Greg Giles
I am a Starseed, incarnate of the Indigo Ray and channel for the Galactic Federation and my Star Family from the Ashtar
Command, an 11th dimensional Osequeq collective from the Star System Tauri C; Amanda, Arisa, Rona, Jella, Morgana, Sophia,
Germana, Capella, Jackie, Romana, Angela, Patricia, Anthony, Gifta, Maria, Mercula, Pierca, Ramulete, Augusta, Chevron, Thomas.
I have incarnated at this time on assignment to advance my education and assist this planet and its people in their time of
ascension to a higher dimensional existence. *
If It Is Your Truth, Own It
by Alec Christos Gabbitas
July 16. 2012
Changing weather patterns, changing temperatures, changing moods of each and every one on planet, and within the universe
at times. No one is exempt the sometimes grueling swings or currents of instability and challenge, for there is only ever
to be change in greater or lesser degree as you move towards the infamous dates within your earthly calendar in December of
this current year. Many suggestions have been offered to you and for you, to digest that which feels right for you in these
days of eventualities and incoming surprises as the wind of change is ever there to present and pre-empt the landscape to
your own liking. One's reality is again not going to be the same as another’s for an actual event that will with out
doubt be obvious will /may possibly be viewed with far different eyes, one from another.
One's own interpretation of a very same or similar occurrence, may well be viewed with far different understanding and
acceptance as one's 'own truth' is realized and taken on board. There is again the old adage that 'if its your truth then
own it,' and allow another to hold his truth in his heart until maybe the realization of another interpretation has been convincingly
shared or given to him from another equally accepting light being, en route on planet earth. Greater truths will be weaned
from they whose mind is free from preferences and free from personal likes or dislikes, for these too can discolor the real
pure truth of a matter. Hence can we see the many pitfalls which channeling can be beset by and all have need to work through
that jewel in the crown of clarity or interpretation. Wonderful are these times for the many most clear messenger is on the
up and up, and many beautiful souls are awakening to their own innate gifts and innermost sacred possibilities. That which
we are reading and hearing has opened our eyes much and the greater good is seen to being done, generally. Allow and accept
are the great keywords to one's awakening, yet greater still discernment!
Multitudes, star-ships, universal members, solar systems and galactic communities; all have one obvious and important
truth that is undeniable and only varies in strength and potency. And that truth is simply the power of love and resulting
light, as the power of the family unit and the unification or all beings in which ever or whatever cloak or garment that they
wear. Within each heart and each soul is there that dynamic spark or speck of purest light that glows and grows out of all
limiting dualities, expanding and expressing and re-birthing itself into being at One with all and everything that truly is!
Ages of transformation, aeons of total transmutation and of leaving to one side all the obsolete debris and dross of yesteryear,
as it dissipates into oblivion and as it dissolves into absolute insignificance. Whence female and male re-unite and re-emerge
back into their true marital status, when his and hers once more work in closer and closer harmonics as the maelstrom of separation
slowly and surely entwines into or towards the immaculate concept of 'being' in all its sacred majesty.
Every day is now of relevance as ever more and more Christed light, adamantine particles, manna from heaven or stardust
if you will, cascades earthwards, caressing and blessing each and everyone and thing without prejudice with these frequencies
or cocktail of magical energetic’s that will be utilized by each and everyone as they so choose. Far easier to allow
the flow of events than to hinder it with reluctance or rebuff. Go with that proverbial flow, the direction that will ever
be the easier and smarter to take! This beautiful planet, Mother Earth seeks always to enjoin with you when these shifts come
to fruition, to work, walk hand in hand, and in the very same direction with which you spirited light-workers 'feel' it right
to go. Remember that you are rapidly becoming the new masters who are taking the helm of this ship in your capable hands and
in the nearness of time will you embrace all facets of your worthy self and will be amazed at the reflection that peers back
at you in the mirror of life!
Patience is once more being asked of you beloved way-showers as your eagerness to see an early termination of the said
cabalistic wrongdoers or dark hats, who have for ages upon ages controlled, looted, pillaged and imprisoned the masses into
such dismal lifestyles and early demise, to feather their own dark nests with the golden spoils extracted from those masses
of used and abused souls. Those days are nigh here, rest assured, there will begin a trickle of information that is to be
shared, and again likened to that deck of cards will all soon come tumbling down. Rest assured that this is to be so, this
is the only truth that will be ensuing, and as afore stated it will gather momentum and the magnitude of the disclosures will
be for all to see across the width and breadth of this beautiful planet. Allow with an inner discernment these flow of revelations
are close at hand, and all is ready to be revealed. Much is seen from the lighter side of the veils that will soon be legible
on the physical also.
Time is ever always an unharnessed commodity and the illusion of time is if course fast becoming null and void. It is
near obsolete in these now climes and it will only be a 'blinking of an eye' away when it will cease to exist as we now know
it in a natural flow of events that are underpinning today’s unreality and as the falling veils finally fall away..For
those that are experiencing the many and varied symptoms of the ongoing 'ascension processing,' we ask you to persevere with
not only the mental and emotional distresses, but also the physical pains of quite uncomfortable nature. These things will
surely pass, and your own continuing patience and self-loving, embrace you all with accolades of recognition and such endearing
support from your many off planet friends and fellow travelers of all walks of life who draw ever close, as you call them
to you. Do ask and it will be their honor to walk close beside you.
Be in Love...with self!
(c) Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and ever United Kingdom. Copy and share giving due credit to the source. *
See UTube Video Here:
Video Evidence of Troops Moving in for Arrests
Under cover of ‘training exercises’, U.S. Military troops have been witnessed and videotaped moving into
many U.S. cities including St. Louis, Missouri, Miami, Florida, Denver Colorado, Crookstan, Minnesota, and Bangor, Maine,
often conducting ‘residential’ training exercises in preparation for the mass arrests of the members of the criminal
cabal. (It is interesting to note that Maine possesses no military bases whatsoever, but what Maine does boast is the palatial
family compound of the Bush family.)
Interestingly, at 5:30 of our video, a very intriguing scene is caught on tape. Local news teams, residents and tourists
of Coconut Grove, Florida, just miles from downtown Miami, were notified training exercises would be conducted throughout
the area. Late that evening, helicopters, planes, troops, and very real explosions followed by raids highlighted by soldier’s
rappelling down ropes from a helicopter were videotaped by local news teams, authentic looking enough to fool local residents
who, after witnessing helicopter mounted Gatling guns being fired, lit up the phone lines at Miami Dade Police Headquarters.
Could this wild scene only be a training exercise, conducted in the middle of the night instead of sometime earlier in the
day, in the middle of a heavily populated major U.S. city when thousands of other locations are available? Are these really
blanks echoing through the night sky of the city, or were these exercises actual raids and arrests of cabal members, a scenario
which may certainly better fit this evidence. No matter if we are witnessing training exercises or actual raids, there can
be little doubt what these military buildups are all about, and that is the apprehension of the members of the criminal cabal.