1.) Today's
Angel Message
2.) SaLuSa: You Are Ascending With
Mother Earth
3.) Archangel
Michael: Becoming a World Server
and a
Keeper of the Violet Flame
4.) A Message from Jesus/Jeshua: The Three
5.) Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.) Listen As If You Were a Wise Person
7.) After the Eclipse,
Now What?
Disregard new personal email address July 1st. Continue to use ladyisis@verizon.net * until further notice. ****
Isis' Message of the Day -
The Law of Attraction . . .
You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you
will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. You cannot escape the result of your thoughts; but you can endure and learn,
accept and be glad. You will realize the vision of your heart, not the idle wish. You will gravitate toward that which you
secretly most love. Into your hands will be placed the exact result you earn; no more, no less. Whatever your present environment
may be, you will fall, remain, or rise with your thoughts . . . your vision . . . your ideal.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
Dear Ones. Have you heard the song:
"Love is all there is. Love is all there is?" Let go of everything and focus on the phrase "Love is all there is." It is simple.
It is difficult. It is easy. So throughout your day, meditate, cogitate upon this phrase. How does it change the situations
you face? Treat others with love. Notice when you are treated with love back.
Blessings to all! We are here to support you.
We are the cushion on which you can land. We offer solace. We offer love. We offer unconditional acceptance. All is good.
All is well. Believe in yourself. We are a refuge of shelter. Feel yourself engulfed within our wings of love. Bless your
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist
with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this way: "Take the
best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and some pretty interesting
guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems is awesome. She's one
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www.cynthialeeshelton.com/ *
SaLuSa: You Are Ascending With Mother
June 30, 2010
Depending on your understanding of what surrounds
events now taking place you are probably feeling exhilarated, or have a certain foreboding about the future. Man has been
conditioned to accept trouble and strife as a natural part of life’s experience, and has never been given the encouragement
to think otherwise. Yet as sovereign Beings you are entitled to choose happy and fulfilling experiences. So what has resulted
in you losing your way, and what is the answer? Dear Ones, you allowed others to take control, and as the vibrations gradually
dropped even lost your memories of having been greater Beings. The path back has been torturous and painful, but to your credit
you have never given up. With help to awaken you to your true Self and your full potential, you have begun to realize that
you are special. You have lived lives surrounded by so much negativity, that your Light has almost been diminished but you
have risen up again. Your Light however dim can be re-vitalized, because the promise is that every soul has infinite life
and is immortal.
As you go through the last years before Ascension,
your focus on it will be assailed by what appears to be the end of the world. The prophecies of Armageddon will seem to be
coming to fulfillment, and fear will fill many people. However, before events seem unstoppable, amazing developments will
turn the tide to one of reversing the trends. Suddenly the answers will come through revelations that are accompanied by the
truth. That which was hidden from you will be brought out into the open for cleansing, so that where you have been denied
the opportunity to advance yourselves, it will now be placed before you. We refer to many discoveries that would have enhanced
and lifted your lives to a more acceptable level, and we along with many other sources are now empowered to ensure that what
is due to you is received.
Like you the Earth must be cleansed, as
having had the use of it for your experiences you cannot just walk away from the conditions you have left it in. Remember
that you are ascending with Mother Earth, and like you she has to make preparations for it. Nothing would be learnt from your
experiences if you did not understand the consequences of your actions, and did not accept responsibility for them. This is
very much the same for you as an individual, and you too have to learn from your mistakes. That is the whole point of you
passing through the cycle of duality, and as we always remind you, you eagerly put yourself forward for the experience. We
might be prompted to ask that now you are in sight of the finishing line, why some should lose sight of the fact that nothing
can prevent Ascension.
In spite of the doom and doom outlook of certain
people, try to see beyond the immediate happenings and enjoy what you will experience in the immediate period before Ascension.
Even better occupy your mind with what you will become after it, with all its promise of happiness and a blissful existence.
Be patient and if you have the opportunity, help others in despair to overcome it and have faith in the future. Many, many
groups are forming and pressing for immediate changes, and their protests will not go unheeded. You are becoming the voice
of the people, and it carries a potent energy that will attract the means to manifest it. That is how the Law of Attraction
works so we ask you to use it where you can.
The whole Universe is proceeding in an
orderly fashion as it prepares to ascend, and yet the attention is being paid to you on Earth as a vital part of it. You must
be ready for when the great day arrives, and your Universe will seemingly disappear, only to re-appear instantly in a higher
vibration. That is the scale of what is happening, and you may ponder what magnificent Being can wield such power, and think
no further than the God of your Universe. Can you imagine for one minute how powerful that makes you, because you all carry
the God Spark? You have of course yet to manifest your full potency, but in time as you ascend to even higher dimensions it
will gradually come about.
We urge you to follow David Wilcock and his revelations,
if you want to keep abreast with what is happening in the world and beyond it. Get as you might say the low down on many happenings,
and the likely outcome. David has assigned himself to bringing you the truth, and is a highly respected soul who has a total
commitment to his work. Many look for guidance and seek a reliable source, and he is one that tops the list. David inspires
such confidence and assurance that his goal is to reveal the truth. At the same time setting out the likely scenario that
will lead you out of the darkness, and into the Light. Our protection goes out to anyone that serves the Light, and there
are many of you that do it. You are all loved and respected for your total commitment to the role you have undertaken for
the benefit of all. Your beautiful world has been blessed with the presence of so many Beings of Light, that they will bring
more Light to it.
The darkness on your Earth that threatened to
destroy it has been stopped from causing such a monumental disaster, that it would have taken eons of time to recover from.
It has happened to other planets in your solar system, and it effects every other planet causing displacement and damage.
It can even cause a planet to become uninhabitable for many thousands of years. God has decreed that your jewel in the sky,
your shimmering Earth shall not be destroyed and the Galactic Federation will ensure that you are safe from danger. You have
on more than one occasion faced total annihilation, and we have stepped in for you.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and trust you are being
uplifted by the good news that we bring. You will one day very soon, learn a lot about your past history and the final chapter
will end with your Ascension. Once out of the cycle of duality your evolution will steadily proceed, as you move into higher,
and higher dimensions. You have everything to look forward to, and nothing you have now will compare with what you will have
once you have ascended. Keep it mind when you are distracted by earthly matters, and know that they can have no effect upon
you unless you allow it to be so. Our love goes with you all forever.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey
Archangel Michael: Becoming a World Server
and a Keeper of the Violet Flame
Transmitted Through Ronna Herman
* Lm-7-2010
Beloved masters, you, the vanguard, the leaders,
are clearing the pathway that leads into the future so that those following behind can move forward more rapidly and gracefully.
Vastly important is every effort you put forth that adds to the Light quotient of the mass consciousness belief structure.
You are the brave ones who are anchoring the refined Light of new Creation. You are the ones who are helping to clear
the restrictive, distorted and detrimental teachings of the past, which were designed to control humanity through fear and
intimidation. You are the ones who are refining and making available the new teachings, techniques and guidelines, which
will assist others to perfect their skills and empower them to begin to use their latent talents of Self-mastery.
Everything in the Omniverse was brought forth
from the Heart Essence of the Supreme Creator where all was perfect; however, this perfection was self-contained within the
Great Void. The Creator desired to expand itself and to manifest some of the never-ending potential within. Each
of you is a Spark of Creator Essence and you were gifted with a God-cell of vast potential.
The universe we all now exist in is in the midst
of a monumental transformation process. Planets are shifting places and moving closer to the sun of the solar system of which
they are a part; galaxies are expanding and moving upward, outward or downward depending on the viewpoint of the observer.
New galaxies are in the formation stages as the impetus for expansion is ignited by a great infusion of Creator Particles
of Light/Life, and the seed thoughts for new Creation are permeating the consciousness of all sentient Beings.
Let us again remind you as you move deeper into
Self-mastery, you are becoming a custodian of cosmic energy /Adamantine Particles, the Essence of pure Creator love.
As you perfect your ability to project unconditional love, you will also become a custodian of Divine Will, which could be
described as Power Units of sacred inspired thoughts conveyed to you from the Cosmic Council of Light of the higher realms.
To become a cocreator in the realm of form, there must be an effort and action put forth; and as you are aware, for every
action there is a reaction. Trial and error lead to awareness of what works and what does not. Making a wrong
choice or action with no intent to do harm is not to be considered a bad thing, for it is part of the learning process.
Intelligent, unconditional love results when
the Soul becomes the dominating force within, and the ego desire body and personality are brought under control. As you turn
inward, your thoughts become more harmonious and less critical and resonate at a higher frequency, which refines your Energetic
Signature. You must keep the channel of communication open between the Soul and the brain via the mind. This initiates the
slow reactivation process of the Pineal Gland, and the opening of the portal to the Sacred Mind, which is located at that
back portion of the brain, close to the crown of the head. When your frequencies reach a certain level of compatibility,
the membranes of Light that guard entrance to your Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind begin to dissolve, and you gradually gain
access to the treasure chests of love and wisdom stored within.
As an aspirant on the Path, greater and greater
cosmic truths will be revealed to you. However, you should be aware that the lesser principles of ageless wisdom will
constantly be expanded to incorporate the unique rules, laws and truths of the next level of existence, in a never-ending
cycle of ascension in consciousness. Ascension is mind-expanding, the passing from one state of consciousness to a higher
state of Being. We are endeavoring to assist you to gradually expand your awareness to include all humanity, the
Earth, the solar system and its workings, the galaxy and even beyond.
You are slowly withdrawing your attention and
your energy from your old, dysfunctional third- / fourth-dimensional reality; therefore, it will gradually fade away and cease
to exist, for you are no longer feeding it energy. No longer will the focus be upon the little self. The ultimate goal
is to become a galactic Being and to eventually attain a universal consciousness. A Self-master seeks his/her own highest
truth and then lives that truth to the best of his/her ability. A master strives to view the world and its great drama
from a higher vantage point so the bigger picture is available. Gradually, time will become malleable, for you will move beyond
the linear time/space continuum. In the not too distant future, your natural way of seeing will become more panoramic,
and your peripheral vision will expand to a degree. This phenomenon has already happened to some of the leaders of the
There is great concern that the devastation around
the world is accelerating. We acknowledge that this is true and will continue for some time as the Earth releases the negative
patterns and constrictive energies, for your Earth mother is striving to repair the damage that has been done to the planet
over the aeons of time through humanity’s negative thoughts and actions. Humanity is responsible for the present
state of the Earth, and it is up to all of you, along with the assistance of the Beings of the Higher Realms, to strive to
correct as much of the damage as possible. You are being supplied with the tools and the Sacred Fire energy necessary
to accomplish this task; however, you must incorporate and direct the energy appropriately. Your ascension and the Earth’s
ascension are inexorably tied together, and we are committed to assist you in every way possible.
Beloveds, we know it is painful to experience
or observe as vast populated areas are destroyed and many lives are lost. The closer to home an event happens, the more painful
and disconcerting it is; however, if you are to become World Servers and bearers of the Sacred Fire of transformation and
the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light, you must rise above what is occurring in your personal arena, your city, even your
country. Yes, we understand that the devastation which is occurring along the gulf coast of the United States is a travesty,
as are the destructive flooding, tornadoes, droughts, and the pain and suffering caused by the ongoing wars that are taking
place around the world. To become a World Server, you are to continue to strive to make the transformative changes in your
personal life that are necessary to return to a Self-master’s state of balance and harmony within. However, you must
also dedicate some of your time and energy to World Service by joining your Soul Group in the fifth-dimensional World Pyramid
where you will affirm, “I ask for my highest good, the most benevolent outcome for all humanity, the Earth and all Creation.”
By doing so, you align your will with the Divine Will of our Father/Mother God. Then you are to spend however much time seems
appropriate to BREATHING IN LIGHT AND BREATHING OUT LOVE. This is the process that will speed up your ability to access
the full Metatronic Light of this universe which contains the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light now being made available
to those who have stepped onto the path of ascension. (An explanation about the World Pyramid and its benefits, along with
an illustration, also more information on the Violet Flame, as well as many affirmations and exercises can be found in REFERENCE
In 2009, all of the group pyramids that had been
created around the world over the past ten years or so were gradually incorporated into one gigantic World Server Pyramid,
and all of those who faithfully visited the group pyramids were directed into the new World Server Pyramid during their nightly
sojourns in the higher dimension. In January of 2010, this project was completed and was ready to receive the more advanced
Light Bearers who wish to serve. In October, 2009, at Lake Tahoe, a fifth-dimensional Amethyst/Violet Flame Pyramid was completed,
and we began soliciting those who are seriously on the path of ascension and who desire to join the swiftly expanding group
of World Servers to also become Keepers of the Violet Flame. An inspiring and moving ceremony was held, and all who participated
felt an excitement and expansion of consciousness that they had not experienced in a very long time.
Now the time has come to put out the call and
an invitation to all of you who feel you are ready and willing to serve ascending humanity, the Earth and our Father/Mother
God as World Servers and Keepers of the Violet Flame. Space does not permit us to go through the complete process; however,
we will give you a condensed meditation and will take you through the initiation if it is your desire to join in this Clarion
Call to become a World Server and a Keeper of the Violet Flame. While in meditation, go into the Amethyst/Violet Flame Pyramid
in the Fifth Dimension in preparation for making your request.
Violet Flame Initiation * request to
become a keeper of the violet flame:
Visualization, focused attention and an emotional,
earnest sense of gratitude are the keys to activating and effectively using the Violet Flame. Focus on your inner vision,
the third eye, and if you do not already have the ability to see colors or visualize, it will develop over time, if you faithfully
keep up the practice of decreeing and repeating affirmations while meditating on the Violet flame. Twice every day would
be ideal; however, any time you devote to this practice will be beneficial.
Envisioning with your Sacred Mind, centering
within the Sacred Heart and feeling God’s Presence within, as you make the following statement, will initiate the activation
of the dormant Seed Atoms within your four lower bodies. They will begin to vibrate, move and change within and around
you. As you grow more proficient, your ability to radiate the transforming Violet Flame will increase, and it will flow
forth from you in greater and greater concentric circles.
Take several deep breaths or, if you are familiar
with the Infinity Breath, do a series of twelve Sacred breaths before beginning your request.
“I ask that the Violet Flame of forgiveness
blaze through and around me now and henceforth, expanding moment to moment to the maximum that cosmic law will allow,
until I am free from every belief which is less than the reality of my perfect God nature. I am the presence of God
made manifest in the physical world of form, and I accept my Divine birthright and my mission now!
“Surrounded in the radiance of our Father/Mother
God, I call forth the energies of the Sacred Fire of transformation from within my Diamond Core God Cell, which dwells within
the nucleus of my Sacred Heart. In the name of the I AM that I AM, I invoke the Violet Fire to blaze forth from
the Seed Atom within the center of my Sacred Heart. From the White-Fire core of my I AM Presence, multiplied by the
Seventh Ray qualities and virtues of Archangels Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and the Divine power granted to the blessed Ascended
Masters, St. Germain and Lady Portia, I hereby decree:
“I, hereby, agree to become a Keeper of
the Violet Flame. I call forth the Divine Sacred Fire to permeate my physical vessel to its very core, and to activate my
soul memory of full God consciousness and the original blueprint of my universal destiny. I call forth the Violet Transmuting
Flame to permeate my mental, emotional, physical and etheric bodies, my Soul, my DNA and RNA, in order to transmute cause,
core, record and memory of any past, present or future lifetimes, in this or any other reality that is less than perfection,
any and all that is not in alignment with the will of our Father/Mother God, for my greatest good and the greatest good of
“I also petition the Cosmic Council of
Light to consider my request to join the Group of World Servers. I will faithfully integrate and radiate out into the world
the maximum amount of Adamantine Particles of Light and the transforming Violet Flame my physical vessel can contain. I will
always strive for my greatest good, the highest good for humanity, the Earth and all Creation. I will do everything
in my power to serve faithfully and to be worthy of this great honor.”
By becoming a World Server, you will join other
aspirants who are striving to achieve group consciousness and who have a burning desire to assist humanity. Intuitive
thought and guidance from members of the Cosmic Council will become the norm, and your knowledge of the higher cosmic truths
will be greatly accelerated as will the process of ascension. The masters of the Cosmic Council of Light do not openly
teach in public. They convey inspired concepts through their disciples and initiates to those who are ready to receive
the higher wisdom teachings. The more advanced Initiates work mostly behind the scenes; however, a select group is actively
teaching out in the world, for inspiring World Servers is their most important task.
Beloveds, there are World Server Pyramids being
formed in each of the sub-planes of the fifth dimension and also in the lower sub-planes of the sixth dimension. As
your Energetic Signature resonates to a higher frequency, you will gain access into the next higher-dimensional World Server
Pyramid. As you are lifted up, so will be those following behind you.
As you strive to perfect your skills as a World
Server, we have been given a Divine Dispensation to assist each of you to the limit that universal law allows. Know
that we will magnify every benevolent effort you make. As you advance on the path, your radiance will make a profound difference
as we all gather to Lighten the world and ease the way for humanity. I AM with you now and forever more. You are
loved most profoundly.
I AM Archangel Michael
6005 CLEAR CREEK DRIVE, RENO, NV 89502 USA * Phone/fax: 775-856-3654 * Email: RonnaStar@earthlink.net * I claim the universal copyright for this article
in the name of AA Michael * Copy freely and share * For Archangel Michael’s books, tapes and information on courses
given through this Channel please visit: www.RonnaStar.com *
A Message from Jesus/Jeshua: The Three Concepts
Channeled by Aluna Joy Yaxk'in
June 25, 2010
Among many of my teachings, three concepts have
more importance today than ever before. The first concept is "As above, so below." The second is "What I have done, you can
do also …. and greater things." And the third and most important concept is "The Kingdom of Heaven is within."
When each human being fully grasps these three
concepts, without fail, you will heal your world, and manifest Heaven on Earth. This is a very holy time that is upon you
now. I say to you now, a new and harmonious world has already been created in Spirit. Currently your world is now morphing.
It is mirroring in the "below" of your world that which is already manifested "as above" in Spirit.
This is why many seekers of the truth are becoming
increasingly more dissatisfied with your old world paradigm. Frustration is growing, because you are now beginning to feel
the comparative energy of the new world manifesting, while still having a foot in old world. Old structures appear to be crumbling
around you. You are feeling an intense need for freedom . . . to cut yourself free, physically, spiritually etc…. You
may have a great need to be mobile and fluid in your life. You are preparing to let go of a dualistic world, so you can begin
living Heaven on Earth.
When I taught "What I have done you can do also,
and greater things", this new world, that humanity is creating, is part of these greater things. I, and many other Ascended
Masters of the Great White Brother/Sisterhood, see that you are capable of many miraculous things you have yet to manifest.
This brings me to the third concept . . . "The
kingdom of Heaven is within". What each of you have within you is simply heaven itself. This paradise that you hold in your
heart center is a seed that will begin to manifest in the world now. You will find that you are working to make your world
perfect, so it will reflect what you have inside of yourselves. This is holistic spirituality and a total awakening; not only
for humanity, but for all life in your dimension.
This is the challenge that is upon you now. The
frequency of your Earth, solar system and galaxy is ripe for you to seed the new Garden of Eden. This garden includes the
light of knowledge and the wisdom that you ALL contain inside you. The time has arrived for you to help bring about a new
world. The struggle to maintain light will soon be over. This transition will be effortless, like your heart beating, because
the new frequencies will support this materialization.
This materialization of the new world cannot
be stopped. Anything that is out of alignment with the light of higher truth will not sprout in this new garden. The momentum
of the light of the new world is far too immense for anything to hamper its arrival. It is time for "that which is above .
. . to BE as below."
Sending love, courage and unity in the light
Aluna Joy Yaxk'in is an internationally known author, spiritual
life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic who inspires and encourages others
to recognize and accept their own authentic divinity and connection to God. Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988, Sedona AZ 86339
Ph: 928-282-6292 Webpage: www.AlunaJoy.com E-mail: alunajoy@alunajoy.com
Copyright © 2009 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute
this article on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed
freely. Center of the SUN - Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA Ph:928-282-6292 Ph/Fax:928-282-4622 Email:
aluna@alunajoy.com website: www.AlunaJoy.com *
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
The little child imagines, lives in that expansive
excited state. Beloved one, become again as the little child and come unto me. In other words, come unto the Christ of you,
and know that all things are possible to him who believes. All things. Nothing can be denied you. When you get to that place
where there is the excitement and you say, “Ahhh; oh, yessss,” then you are truly alive. So be it.
HEAVEN #3505
Listen As If You Were a Wise Person
June 30, 2010
God said:
Learning patience doesn't have to mean what you
think it means. It does not mean tolerating. It does not mean overlooking. It does not mean learning not to bite your tongue,
gnash your teeth, tap your foot.
When the world revolves around you, it is hard
to be patient. When the world does not revolve around you, you don't have to be patient because you do not focus on that which
you perceive as needing to be patient about.
Impatience is too often based on presumption
and assumption.
Physically, you do not push someone into a corner
because you have decided that they are taking up your space. The sidewalk doesn't belongs to you. Pretty much you allow people
their physical space. And yet you see time, which is the other side of the coin of space, as belonging to you as if it is
yours to own. Within the circumference of time, you begin to see someone's words or acts as impinging on your time.
Time is irrelevant of you. You do not own time.
This is not meant to mean that others' time is
more important than the time you are spending. Your time does matter. You do matter.
Bear in mind that you can focus on only one thing
at a time. When you are focusing on time, you are not focusing on what the other person is saying or trying to say or doing
or trying to do.
If you have only five minutes to give, give it.
Do not skip over the five minutes.
When you have felt downplayed by someone else,
you are impatient with their attitude toward you as you perceive it. Consider, if you will, that you may have been looking
at the wrong end of the horse.
Allow others to express themselves as best they
can. May you listen and partake objectively. Everything someone says doesn't necessarily reflect on you or is about you. Perhaps
they do talk so they can hear what they are thinking. Listen as if you were a wise person who carries a balance in life. Give
the gift of time as you can allot it. When you are wise, you have no need for impatience.
You are My beloved. The other is also My beloved.
Give your attention to My beloveds. Have your attention on them more than you have your attention on time.
I understand that you have to take time into
consideration. Listening is a better use of your time than impatience.
Let another have his rhythm. It may not be yours,
and yet it has a place in the scheme of things. If you give him five minutes, give him title to the five minutes.
If you offer someone a cookie, you give him the
cookie. You release the cookie from your ownership. Now the cookie is his to eat. Let time be the cookie that you give to
Someone has an appointment with you. It may not
be a formal meeting, but you are meeting with him. Do not hustle him or yourself.
Concede that impatience is a poor way to use
up time. What are you actually in a hurry for? Do you really want the day to be done? Do you really want to make your bed
before you sleep in it so you don't have to make it in the morning when you wake up?
I have to ask you: What is your insistence on
time and that you be done with it as soon as possible? Take your time before you answer. I will wait.
Dear Lady of the Light,
beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty * www.godwriting.org/world-peace/freedom-illegal-aliens.htm * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human
Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole world needs nourishing, Heavenletters
is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from all walks of
life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries
* 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556 * www.heavenletters.org *
After the Eclipse, Now What?
by Jennifer Hoffman
Like many of you, I have felt the energies of Saturday's eclipse
building for several weeks. And they have been challenging at best, including physical and emotional symptoms that have left
me exhausted, drained and confused. At times I feel like I am exploring a cave deep underground, wondering what treasures
I'm going to find and at each turn, finding yet another tunnel that leads me in a new direction that is farther, it feels,
from where I want to be. And my only light is a strobe light, which reveals only part of what I need to see. With this eclipse
a lot of energies were released but now what? I don't feel we are at the end yet and the treasure is waiting to be found.
The energy shifts we experience take us inward, deep within
ourselves, so we can uncover all of the baggage that we have accumulated over lifetimes of trauma, fear, disconnection from
Source and our own power. We see this as a downward spiral because it can be so frustrating, take so long and while it is
happening, nothing appears to progress in our lives. But it is really an upward journey because we have already gone down
as far as we can and we are coming back to the surface, taking care of these energies as we ascend into our higher vibrations.
Over the course of our many lifetimes we have strayed far
from our spiritual center. With our awakening comes a realization of just how far we are from where we need to be. And so
we begin the journey back up towards our light. And as we move forward on this upward journey, we have to do the work of release,
disconnection and healing that is nothing more than shedding light on the darkness around us. Instead of going into darkness,
the light is showing us how far in the darkness we are so we know what we need to do next.
Through events like the recent eclipse we receive a burst
of energy whose purpose is to give us clarity about what we need to do next. Are we complete with one phase of our healing?
We will know with each energy shift. Are we ready to move forward? Whatever needs to be done is revealed to us. Are we impatient
because we are tired and angry, or because we are afraid that we will never be finished with this journey? Patience is nothing
more than the ego's will being brought into alignment with divine timing. When we can see our journey as an upward spiral
of shedding what we no longer need so we can ascend unencumbered, we will find the treasure we seek. It is right in front
of us.
Article Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor,
teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel. Jennifer has helped many people through the
Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of www.urielheals.com, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated
to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel. Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services
is available at her websites, or email healing@urielheals.com for information. *
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