U-R An Angelic Being

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  Solaris Antari Marlarii: You Are an Angelic Being
3.)  The Pleiadian Light: The Financial Ascension
4.)  Do You See the Rainbow?
5.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.)  The Cow Jumps Over the Moon

Isis' Message of the Day -
The Love/light Force from the Supreme Creator and Our Mother/father God Is Refracted into Prisms of Light, Rainbow Colors Containing All the Virtues, Qualities, Aspects and Potential of Creation.   As Co-creators,  it Is Through Our Thoughts/intention/actions That These Are Molded and Manifested into Form.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
My dear friends, we love you so very much.

It is a time of seeking clarity upon your planet earth, and a time of clearing out all that has robbed your spirit of its vitality in human form. You are clearing out old fears, old anxieties, old beliefs, and indeed even old material possessions that no longer serve you. As you go through your homes and closets, look at everything dear ones. What truly serves you now? What do you truly love? Are your possessions serving you or are you serving them? Are your belief structures serving you, or are you serving them? What adds more joy, vitality, love, ease, and grace to your life and what robs you of the very same.
So many of you hang on to old beliefs because you are afraid of the changes that would be required if you let them go. If you suddenly release the belief, for example, that you are "unworthy," then you must stand up tall, hold your head up high, and make adjustments in your life to match the new belief that you are deserving of kindness, acknowledgment, etc. You would be required to move away from those who are not kind to you and seek out better opportunities. You would have to change the way you speak about yourself. You would have to re prioritize the way you handle your money and your time. And so, out of a fear of change, a fear of disappointing others, you hang on to this old belief in "unworthiness." It is, after all, quite comfortable.
Likewise, so many of you hang on to stuff that doesn't serve you because it is a little unnerving to clear out the material clutter. We have no problem with you owning things that you love, enjoy, and use dear friends. But when you are holding on to things because you purchased them, don't use them, and feel guilty letting them go... well dear friends, you are hanging on to guilt. When you hold on to material possessions because they represent a happier time in life that is fine, but consider that what you really want is to create greater joy now. When you hold on to material possessions because you "might use them someday" but really won't, consider the fact that they represent security, and what you really want is the security of knowing that God will always give you what you need when you need it.
We never judge you dear friends, but rather point out ways in which you can lighten your proverbial load upon the planet earth, discover what you are truly seeking in life, and rid yourselves of that which no longer serves you. We honor you for your willingness to take a look around both within and without and to de-clutter your minds and your lives. This is not always easy, comfortable, or quick, and yet a soul unfettered with such burdens is a soul free to create what it truly desires in life. Seek out the true freedom of your souls dear friends, and get rid of all that does not add light to your life.
God bless you! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
With much love,
Ann Albers
Author, lecturer, angel communicator.  Visit her site at:  www.visionsofheaven.com/ *
Books & CDs  You can visit my store for all products here: www.VisionsOfHeaven.com/storedocs/storeIndx.html  *  

Solaris Antari Marlarii: You Are an Angelic Being
Received by Eugene Mueller
Greetings Dear Ones.
Clearing and releasing all that you are Not is gaining momentum as never before within everyone individually and collectively. The Angelic presence of the Soul is quickening into the consciousness of all Beings at this grand time now.
Within the inner-sanctum of the heart burns a flame of unconditional love. The Mother Father God presence, your Soul is  that flame. In the merging of our individual consciousness with the Soul the illusion of separation from Father Mother God and One another is dissolving. 
To cultivate and desire the connection with  Father Mother God consistently throughout your day will expedite anchoring the Angelic Self presence of I Am That I Am.
As aspects of beliefs, convictions, past traumas that were once unconscious arise and unfold in interactions with others, or circumstances of life. You have a choice, will You act or re-act in the old UN-conscious way. You hold the ability to transform these situations, fears into a new reality. You must choose. Will you follow Love or Fear? By choosing  to see a situation or event laden with fear, judgment, resentment as an opportunity. The unconsciousness is being brought into the Light and love of consciousness.
By bringing a situation, fears, worries that transpire in your reality to  the inner-sanctum of the heart, to the flame of unconditional love of the Angelic presence, we are able to sear away these illusions and emotions of fear. By placing these things into the mighty I Am flame of your angelic presence, You're creating Heaven on Earth. Thank the situation or fears as they burn up, for they have led you to become more conscious of Love.
Often your fears, worries and illusions are layered within the mental and emotional bodies so we may have to repeat this process a few times for aspects of any one illusion to get transformed  and completely released. No longer out picturing in your reality. A sure sign of progress is an event unfolding, that at one time was deemed hurtful now does not have an emotional charge to it.
We LEARN not to take things personally. Love sees the bigger picture which is unfolding through events, circumstances in your realities. See the illusion of fear or chaos as opportunity. . . Not as punishment or judgment. Now you can choose to transmute and heal these fears with the flame of your Mighty I Am  Angelic presence.
In this way of dealing with your fears, Love is the tool to which you create Heaven on Earth.
You are Love. You Are an Angelic Being.
Blessings of Light and Love, 
Solaris Antari Marlarii
About the Author
My path of Awakening started with a visitation by  The Mother Virgin Mary at age five. In 1992 I was drawn to the Order of Melchizedek Ordination. Reiki training started in 1993 and was at my place of birth for saturn return learning Reiki 3 in 1996. I am a licensed Massage Therapist specializing in pain Management. I Teach Pendulum Balancening and Clearing methods to accelerate the Awakening process. Reiki Instruction Available and Solar Angel Activation Workshops. E-mail * reikirules@yahoo.com   * 

The Pleiadian Light: The Financial Ascension
through Hannah Beaconsfield
September 24, 2010
When we tell you about ascension and we say that it is the transmutation of everything on your world, you say, “Great! Then my dog, Birch, will be ascending, too.” When we say everything, we mean everything. 
There are aspects of your total reality that you might not take into consideration as you project ascension changes, such as beliefs, concepts, perceptions of reality, and so on. These and other intangible aspects cannot be readily measured in the way genetic patterns or the expanded abilities to affect the material world can and will be measured. The changes we speak of are subtler, but they will alter your reality by creating new perspectives. And there are other patterns in your ascended future that will be almost as alien to your present circumstances as moving to a distant planet. 
One of the most important concepts that will be changing, along with you and your dog, is the symbolic form of worth exchange you call “money.” In the world of those who are “seekers,” it is often said that money is just another form of energy. It is. What is not truly understood is that it is life force energy. It is the same energy that supports your life, your health, and the entire spectrum of energies of the God-Source alive on Earth. The energy of money, however, has been disengaged from its source and given a special status. 
When you separate money, as a concept, from its natural source and view it as an external entity, you project on it all sorts of distortions. The word “money” (and comparable terms in other languages) is one of the most powerful words on Earth and this power only intensifies your faulty beliefs and illusions about it. As an isolated abstraction money loses its true nature, which is to be an agent of exchange and to provide support and nourishment for life. It is simply a form of convenience. 
One of the biggest distortions is your belief that money is not yours by right, but by circumstance only. Whether you earn it, inherit it, receive it as a gift or even steal it, it comes from outside you. And for many who struggle at subsistence levels, acquiring money seems to be beyond them. You define yourself and your worth by how much money you accumulate. This is a gross distortion of your true nature. You believe that money is power, but money only represents power. There is one power and that power is already yours by Divine Right. 
How do you reintegrate this disenfranchised part of your life force energy? How do you return it to its place as an element of the God Force that creates, animates, and supports all life, all realities, and the infinity that contains them? You can take a major step toward this reintegration by simply accepting the concept of money as an integral component of the energy that supports your existence. Sensing that this is a rightful part of your personal energy will open the door for its natural flow to be a part of you - always. 
We will give you a meditation to help you: 
Quietly go into a meditative state, using whatever imagery or practice is the most effective for you. Create a mental image that represents the energy of money for you. See it detached from you, floating in space. Choose an image that has an emotional charge. The emotional aspect of this visualization is the power that will activate your intent. 
Charge this image with light of a particular color that pleases you. Now, see that there is a fine gold thread linking you and the object; it is almost invisible, but it has been there all the time because this energy rightly belongs to you. Pick up the thread very carefully and draw the image to you. As it nears your body you become aware that your energy field is brilliant white light. Create an opening at your heart level and allow the image to float in. 
The image, in whatever color you have chosen begins to dissolve and blend with the white light. The particles of color spread throughout your energy sphere, blending until it is entirely absorbed. Carefully close the opening at your heart level and remain in a meditative state for a while, sensing the expanded dimension of your total self. 
Some people may need to do this meditation only once for a real shift to occur in their relationship to money; others may have to repeat it regularly to create a flow of change. 
The concept of money as it functions in world commerce will also be transformed, like everything else. There is a great flow of financial energy that is a disenfranchised portion of Earth’s life force energy. This energy has become greatly distorted by separation from its rightful function to nurture and support the wellbeing of the planet. The isolation and control of this energy by a limited number of human groups has fostered the present exhaustion of Earth’s natural resources and natural wealth. This separation must undergo a process of reintegration similar to the personal one we described. 
Global financial values will be altered, and the imbalance of wealth held by a limited few will be changed to a more equitable balance. The energy that money represents will be made more readily available to all people. This process will take time, and the probabilities as to how it will play out have not yet been chosen. It could happen through some disruptive financial circumstances or it could shift with a level of ease and grace. 
Changes are also influenced by the intent “invitation” you send out. If you are fearful, you will attract cause for fear. As more people integrate their own disparate elements and hold an inner sense of trust and peace, the greater is the likelihood that you will choose benign probabilities for change. One aspect of the change in world concepts that could hasten this rebalancing would be the acceptance of the spiritual equality of all humans. The hub of the wheel of ascension is integration, and ascension in action will hasten the recognition of the equality of all. 
Whatever means you choose for the reintegration of the flow of wealth, at both an individual level and on a global level, will create a better balance of plenty for all and support for the Earth’s natural abundance. 
©2010 Hannah Beaconsfield - Material may be reprinted with appropriate credit. hbeaconsfield@yahoo.com  *
Hannah Beaconsfield has been channeling for many years, beginning with automatic writing, which she still uses most of the time. In 1989 she began voice channeling with the help of Lyssa Royal and her channeling course. Hannah is a metaphysician, Choreographer, and Artist.
Books by Hannah Beaconsfield:  Welcome to Planet Earth * A Guide for Walk-ins, Starseeds, and Lightworkers * Light Technology Publishing *  ISBN 0-929385-98-5 *  Order: 800-450-0985  *
Riding the Phoenix: Surviving the Global Resurrection (Revised Edition) * ISBN 1-4208-1806-6  * Order: 888-280-7715  *  Also available as an Ebook from: www.authorhouse.com - $2.95 *
Humor Book: The Swan Who Wanted to Be a Ballet Dancer *  ISBN 987-1-4259-8659-9  *  Order: 888-280-7715  * All Books Are Available from Amazon.com  *    

Do You See the Rainbow?
by Jean Warner
September 24, 2010
Great changes are taking place on Earth: in the structures of societies, the belief systems, financial situations, and environmental issues, to note just a few.
Note, for instance, the cries for reformation of our governments, our wealth distribution, our health practices, our environmental values, our attitudes toward war, and on and on.  We are awakening to a new realization of what is important in our lives and in our world and to the foolishness of the direction taken in the past.  We are beginning to pull together and help each other climb out of the quagmire.
For example, there are those in America who are greatly concerned about the deemed failure of our school systems to properly educate our children.  This perception is actually a reflection of society as a whole.  The solution must come in the general attitudes of the population, as our schools simply mirror society’s emphasis or lack thereof.  We must quit pointing fingers and take individual responsibility for what our values reflect.  And that is what we see happening.
After eons of allowing ourselves to be manipulated by a small minority of self-serving controllers whose lack of conscience permits them to divide and conquer with no limitations by way of ethical standards, this situation is disintegrating.  More and more of our population are waking up and turning toward the prodding from their heart instead of the mind.  It is a beautiful and exciting time to be living through if one just notes the awakening of humankind in this great cycle of enlightenment. Open your eyes; open your mind; open your heart, and truly see the changes that are taking place. 
However, there is much reactionary chaos in the process.  People do not know what is prompting these new resolutions, this change in focus. They ask: Why are these things happening at this time?  Is God angry with us?  Are demons playing games with us?  Not at all.  We are entering the end times, which simply means the end of a natural cycle of universal rotations, not the end of our world or our lives. It is a period in which we leave the karmic lessons behind and begin to realize who we really are and what this seemingly strange pattern of events means.
So there is confusion and frustration as we adjust to the new outlooks.  The energies of our thoughts, actions, and fears, produce corresponding manifestations of unusual environmental anomalies.  Of course, some of the so-called events of nature are actually contrived and carried out by the dark controllers of our world who are fighting their last futile battle to maintain their power. 
On the other hand, many concerned beings of other realms and other planets are sending us light, love, and uplifting energies, and their support is having a most beneficial effect in ways that most of us are unaware of.
The writings and hieroglyphics of many ancient races have recorded their experiences in this cycle of events and tried to prepare us for what could happen in our future.    Many of these prophecies have come to light in the last few decades, and many more will no doubt emerge.  Soon people will realize that the mysteries taking place in our now are not so mysterious as they might think. 
Yet this is a brand new experience.   For in past eras those who ascended to a higher realm have left Earth behind.  Now, if we so choose, we can just ride with her into a new dimension!  For Mother Earth has been granted her request to leave the tragedies of the past and to ascend into a higher realm of vibrational frequency, and she will soon be at the gateway of the fifth dimension.   So, you see, you are living in a most spectacular time of changes never before encountered.
The amazing difference, too, from the so-called prophecy of doom predictions, is that we will be able to take our bodies with us.  Most will not reincarnate into a higher realm but will arrive in regenerated bodies.  Of course there will be some who having chosen to ascend but will prefer to go through the death experience rather than live through the adjustment period, due partly, perhaps, to old age or extreme physical disabilities.  After a temporary period of healing and readjustment in the fourth dimension, they too will go into a higher realm.  Some who have come from other planets may choose to return home to them. 
Those who have chosen to remain on a planet of duality will also have that choice.  But Earth will remain in the Light.  The dark ones who want to continue their dark ways will not be able to remain on Earth much longer, as they cannot withstand the increasing level of light.  They will gradually die off and the level that awaits them will depend upon their vibratory frequencies.   Eventually they will have another opportunity to choose the Light or continue in darkness.  They will learn and grow in the interim.
Meanwhile, those who have chosen to ascend are going through a regeneration process in which their very cells are changing from carbon based to crystalline.  Their bodies will become less dense and more youthful.  There will be no aging, no death, no illness.  However, for a while the bodily changes will effect some discomfort:  fatigue, aches and pains, and various disturbances.  Just flow with these and know that they are temporary.  You are adjusting to new frequencies.  You are also releasing old garbage, such as:  hurtful memories, programing, and belief systems that no longer serve you.  Much of this baggage has been passed on from lifetime to lifetime.  They will not be carried into your new world.  You may be unaware of their disturbing influence, but as they rise to the surface for examination, let them go. 
We are well on our way.  A cosmic celebration awaits us.  Relax, be joyful, and enjoy the ride!
Thoughts to Ponder * www.jeanwarner.com  * © Copyright 2009 Jean Warner  *  Jean's greatest joy is in writing, singing, intermingling with, and learning from, many inspiring lightworkers.  Contact Jean at  *  mary.jean.77@hotmail.com*  1177 Agnes Lane  *  Gilbert AZ  85296  *    

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Re-joice. Once again—re—live in joy. Re-joice. Remember. Put back together that which has been seemingly separated, that has been dismembered and put apart. Re-member and re-joice. Bring it all back together one more time, as it was in the beginning and even before time began.
Lo, I am with you always.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org  *  

HEAVEN #3593
The Cow Jumps Over the Moon
September 26, 2010
God said:
Change is the name of the game.
The sun, which is always, nevertheless, seems to move in place, and the light it shines seems to move with it. The leaf you look at now is inundated with the sun’s light! In a minute, the sunlight might be shining on the next leaf, or the leaf may seemingly become brighter or more shaded.
What is there in the relative world that is glued in place and not infernally moving? It is even said that a stone is whirling in atoms of space. We see for ourselves that immutable stone gets smoothed and eventually may be known as sand.
You do not stay in one place. Even when you are confined, you are not exactly now who you were a moment ago. Light moves and changes. Awareness moves and changes. You are a being that is ever-blossoming.
The blue of the sky is not the same blue it was a minute ago. The blue of the Nile may match particles of the sky, or it may not. In another language blue is called something else. The white of your eyes is not exactly white.
Your eyes that look now are not identical to your eyes that looked a few moments ago. Your thoughts are not the same ones. You may not remember what your thoughts were last, for now they are new. Sometimes your thoughts jump from one place to another and back again. Your thoughts are in love with themselves and turn every which way in the mirror of thought they inhabit.
Nothing is what it seems, unless you see love. Love is irrevocable even when it seems not. Neither time nor space truly exist so how could anything be marked in stone or a clock strike?
You are agile in life. For a moment shadows seem to run across the moon, and distance pursues you closely. There is nothing without your presence, that is, your interpretation of it. The same non-existent time moves faster than the speed of light and slower than a snail. What seems is not. And what doesn’t seem, is. How do you like that?
As for miracles, what is not a miracle? If what is, is not and what does not seem is, what is not a miracle? Is it not miracle-seeming that you read My thoughts here after they were written down and not before? And yet My thoughts are streaming always like a beautiful mist in a glade. My thoughts are streaming even in a desert. There is nothing that cannot be called a mirage. Only I Whom am not seen cannot be called a mirage.
I am an eternal glimpse of yourself, and yet I am not seen. I am more like osmosis, or I am an intimate part of yourself that never wavers and yet is solid in its ephemeralness. Long live the ephemeral which lasts longer than a stone that becomes sand.
A game is played and is yet unseen. There are no markers of it. Ships pass in the night and know it not. The cow jumps over the moon, and the fork runs away with the spoon, and so a tale is spun, and so it is unwoven.
Welcome to upside down and rightside-up as yet undetermined. Welcome to Topsyturvyville, and welcome to you, Peter, Mopsy and Cottontail.
What does not live forever in the annals of God? And who are you not when you are all that I AM? What fraction of infinity can you be when you are All?
Heigh ho, I hear the rumble of far-off hoofbeats, and away We go.
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  * 
www.godwriting.org/world-peace/freedom-illegal-aliens.htm  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:  www.heavenletters.org/gods-cosmic-loveletters-universe.html   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *   www.heavenletters.org  * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *   

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