U-R Always a Beginner: Channeled 4-28-14


When attention is given to the spiritual aspect of one’s life, it brings a sense of belongingness,responsibility, compassion and caring for the whole of humanity.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4903 Roses Blossoming in Fullness, April 28, 2014 

God said: 

No matter how far along in life you may think you are, you are a beginner. You are a beginner in that you are always growing. There is no end to you, beloveds. You are always beginning. You cannot take a breath and relax thinking that you have become all you are to become. You can take a breath and relax knowing that you will continue to learn and grow and continue to express all that is within you to express.
You can lose tenseness. Tenseness is not required. Learning and growing are. Learning and growing are a natural process and progress. You don’t have to always be thinking of what is natural. What is natural is not a process that you must activate. It is inevitable. You do not need to keep a scorecard. You do not need to rate yourself.
A rose does not ask itself: “How am I growing today? What nutrient am I missing? Am I ahead of all the roses, or am I behind?”
Roses know how to blossom. Roses don’t have to think about it. Roses do not ask themselves: “Have I arrived?” They simply arrive, arrive, meaning in full bloom. Every moment leads to their blossoming in fullness.
A rose in bloom fades, you think. The blossom dries up. The blossom fades only to return. What you gain, you have gained. The body may fade to dust, but your soul never. You resurrect. There is an instant when the soul leaves its body, yet your soul is on a continuum and is forever. Only on Earth is there temporary. In the case of Being, nothing is temporary, for Being is Infinite. Infinite are the expressions of Being. Being is more than a one-shot chance. In fact, all things except Being, Soul, and Love are so temporary that they are illusion. Being, Soul, Love are True and Real.. The Oneness of Us, the One of Us is True, and the only True there is. Being never ends. Being is forever. Beloveds, you are Being. You are My Being. You are the Oneness I AM.
All this is a mystery to you, a mystery within a mystery. Your individual personality seems to exist. For a while, you play a role in the Theater of Life. You have your moment on the Stage. And then you exit. You Who Always Exist exit the stage. You are off-stage. You exist off-stage where you are not so visible. Your existence off-stage is greater than any performance of yours, do you understand?
What is it you don’t understand? What is the tie that human life holds you in? It is as if you are a prisoner of life when you are, indeed, the very essence of life. You are Life. The theater you live in is a backdrop. You are the star of the show in far greater terms than you recognize. You are IT. You who are everything give a performance. Your performance may be great, yet your performance does not hold a candle to the Truth of you.
Ah, the Truth of you. The Truth of you is the same as the Truth of Me. There it is in a nutshell, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth. You are far greater than your identity on Earth. You are not a clerk or an accountant. You are not a writer or a deliverer. You are Being, pure simple Being, and you are Greatness Personified. The world doesn’t know this yet. The world may consider you insignificant. You may consider yourself insignificant. Now begin to know better.
You are Significance Itself. You are the Pen I write with. You are the Chalice I hold. You are a Key to life. Behold, you are the Instrument of God. Take your place now. You are on the forefront. You are the meaning of life, this life, that you also happen to hold in your hand.


Illawarra District, Australia, April 11, 2014. 
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22). 
Subject: “Connecting with One’s Spirit Self – 2.” 
              “Leaving Your Left Flank Unguarded.” 

Received by George Barnard. 

Bzutu: “Even though few humans know us really well, we consider ourselves to be part of humanity. We are of your races, of Adamites and Nodites, at least. We observe your ways of interacting and socializing, your ways of dreaming and belonging, and we join you in your meditation and prayer. Indeed, we do so as often as we can. We know you better than you know yourselves, and it is in understanding you so well that you make us proud, for you are vulnerable, yet dapper, daring and courageous. 

“I understand your confusion about the claim in Paper 108 (see note below) that the highest of minds are often aided by the more experienced Thought Adjusters. The claim made by our dear Friend, the Scribe, does not conflict with your text. You are likely to think that the highest of minds are to be found only on advanced worlds. Not so! Paper 108 deals with this planet, not the wider universes. There certainly are higher minds on Urantia, and as well, the planet must still be seen as backward, primitive, even barbaric on occasions. 

“It is important for you to also study the transmissions you receive for a full understanding of what is being conveyed. In this case you did not do so, and in initially barely glossing over what your Teacher had to say, you were leaving your left flank unguarded. When it comes to spirituality, there has to be some doing, lots of being, and mountains of learning, not necessarily in that order, but here it is three out of three, not two out of three that ‘ain’t bad’. Even the Father Himself through His organized Adjusters is focused on helping this world. 

“See it now clearly. Someone might well question the Scribe’s lesson, and without your having given it further thought, you might well see part of it as in error. 

“Call on me any time you are unclear about your text or your transmission. This is ABC-22, happy to be of help. Later my friend.” 

Note: Urantia Papers page 1185d (link): ‘We do observe that the more experienced Adjuster is often the indweller of the higher type of human mind; human inheritance must therefore be a considerable factor in determining selection and assignment.’

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“Open your eyes, my friends, and get to know your environment. 
Now close them, and comprehend the universe.” 
– Athena, Celestial Artisan.


Welcome Newly Awakened

by lifetapestrycreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

Dear Ones,

This week's channel is for the newly awakened who have not yet established who you are or what is happening to you and those around you. Perhaps you are feeling frightened, tired or are reviewing issues you have never reviewed before. All part of your new earth transition.

There are those among you who passed this place months or years ago. Such a statement is not for you to believe they are wiser than you - they are merely different with different roles. The role of these scout masters was to create the path you are now discovering. At some future time, you will deviate from that path, just as those ahead of you are now deviating from the path they created for you.

You are not alone in your fears or your awakening. Those who have gone before can attest that you will find your path to joy and love. But for now -  just as would be true if you were attending a special event - you will wish to cleanse yourself of those pieces that encourage or force you to remain in 3D thought and action, that do not allow you to sparkle.

Eventually, your perceptions will shift. Your inner circle of friends and family will likely change. And your being will experience less pain and much more joy. But that is yet in your future. We are merely holding the carrot out to you much as we did those who already traveled this path.

Many of the scout masters, who discovered and cleared the general path so your experience would be easier and more rapid, are concerned because you do not yet have their wisdom. What they have not thought about is that those of other dimensions will provide those of you newly awakened with information and support, just as was true for them months or years ago.

No one is ever alone.

You who are newly awakened also have easy access to the wealth of information created by scout masters via the Internet, books and other materials.

It is not appropriate for you to expect a teacher from the scout master level. For your first inclination will be to turn to those in your circle who have gone before. And while and though scout masters are familiar with the feelings and experiences you are now having, most likely their path does not include slowing down or stopping to help you.

Perhaps that thought seems a bit cold - and very much unlike your 3D world. For in your 3D world, all SHOULD be willing to help. Shoulds no longer apply. If you encourage those at the forefront to slow down or stop to help you, pieces of this amazing new earth tapestry will not be completed.

You are fully capable of moving through all you wish to move through, as those who went before can attest. They have left vital information not only for you to survive, but to thrive - as they are now starting to do.

Demanding they abandon their new unique path to help you is to move both of you off your paths. For you are starting yours - the general cleansing path all travel before discovering their unique path. They cannot cleanse for you. In truth, they cannot do much for you other than commiserate how uncomfortable you might be. And that memory is fading as they move further into their unique joy path.

You are an important part of new earth, of the Universal tapestry. But before you become a full-fledged Universal being, you must cleanse yourself of your 3D beliefs and pain - just as those who went before you did. They are not your keepers - they are merely path creators. They have completed the role they accepted before birth on earth at this time. Now they are creating the new world that you will inhabit and refine once you complete your cleansing.

Cleansing is not something many enjoy. Think of how uncomfortable your loved dog feels as you attempt to bathe him. 3D cleansing is no more life threatening to you than is true for your dog.

You cannot move into new earth with 3D thoughts and beliefs. So it is that it is time to cleanse yourself - even if you do not want to, even if you are frightened.

You will survive and sparkle more with each personal cleansing knowing - as those who went before knew - you can stop or slow the process at any time.

Perhaps you do not wish to inhabit new earth - then stop the process. Or you feel overwhelmed - slow it down. As was true for those who went before, the process adapts to your being.

This is not a Universal shift you must participate in. But instead a Universal shift that you are welcome to participate in.

Your end-product is a sparkling being of love and joy with fear greatly diminished. And because of the scout masters' diligence, you will complete your cleansing more quickly and easily than was true for those who went before.

You and those who went before created this New Age. Now you have the same choices they did. For you all completed your major role in this lifetime by creating the New Age.

If you wish to live in that New Age in your current physical body, you will complete your 3D cleansing. If not, we thank you for your participation in the creation of this glorious Age and encourage you not to request assistance from those who have new roles to play. So be it. Amen.

