Up & Down

Your questions.. Sri Sri answers..
Wed Mar 3, 2010 10:17 pm (PST)

Your questions.. Sri Sri answers..
Q: How do I maintain consistency in life? I find myself going up and then suddenly I find myself going down?
Sri Sri: Your desire for consistency itself will set you on the right path. As long as you keep going up, never mind if you come down once or twice. If you are worried that you should never go down or if you go down and start blaming, then you get angry and stressed. So just take it.
(The person: But what can I do with the insecurity that I will fall down?)
Look back and see. If you have taken 10 steps forward, you can never go back all the 10 steps. Isn't it? If you climb 10 steps, you may come down three, four or five steps but never all the ten steps. When you look at the positive changes in you, do you relate to the person you were before you started doing practices? (Reply: No).
That was a completely different person. So this gives you complete confidence that you have never come down completely all the ten steps. You are somewhere four, five or six steps down the line.
NOTE: Do YOU have any questions? Now you can get your Spiritual Quest quenched from where ever you are by sending the queries to
These questions will be read out in the satsangs wherever Guruji is. You can find the transcription of answers on
Jai Gurudev :)


The Best Form of Worship
The best puja," the best form of worship, is to be happy, to be grateful."
Jai Gurudev!
In a state of ignorance, imperfection is natural and perfection is an effort.
In a state of wisdom or enlightenment, imperfection is an effort; perfection is a compulsion and is unavoidable!
Perfection is taking total responsibility, and total responsibility means knowing that you are the only responsible person in the whole world. When you think that others are responsible, then your degree of responsibility diminishes.
When you are in total Vairagya (dispassion), you can take care of even trivial and insignificant things with such perfection. For example, during the Pooja every morning, Guruji decorates the Pooja table with flowers with such great care, choosing different color combinations and patterns everyday; fully knowing that the decoration is not going to last even 10 minutes. After the Pooja He himself would remove the garlands from the Pooja table or shower people with the flowers on it. Yet even while He is in a deep state of Samadhi, He would effortlessly and lovingly decorate the Pooja table everyday. It is obvious that it does not matter how the flowers are kept, but still attention to even such a trivial thing with such keenness of awareness can only come through utter dispassion.
Perfection is the very nature of the Enlightened one.
|| Jai Guru Dev ||

The entire creation is a huge organization. Everything is made up of atoms.
The whole world is nothing but organization, where the atoms have decided to
organize themselves in a specific pattern to form a particular substance.
And those particular patterns bring them specific qualities.
Death/decay/transformation happens when the atoms get bored of patterns and
decide to recognise themselves.
e.g. : When the atoms of the apple say "Enough of being an apple", that's
when the rotting starts. If there is never boredom of patterns, there can be
no decay.
The movement from one organized state to another is also organized. This is
the transient organization which we call chaos. This transient organization
may need a catalyst. Knowledge is such a catalyst.
So, you have absolutely no escape from organisation.
- Sri Sri
