Universe Rules |
Illawarra District, Australia, October 13, 2011. Received by George Barnard. Christ Michael: “I
greet you my dear children. This is your Father-Brother Michael. It pleases me to be invited into your home and
to regularly witness the 11:11 projects being attended to. We in our realm understand your occasional frustration with
the slowness of the work at hand. However, patience is a gift that can be encouraged in any individual. “I promise you that on High, not just on the Mansion Worlds, yes,
even on Paradise, there is an awareness of what the 11:11 Progress Group is doing, is achieving, and is aiming for.
Many eyes are upon you. Many of your relatives going back countless generations are aware of what the 11:11 group is
doing, is experiencing, and is achieving. “Rest assured that whenever we can help you, we will assist.
And so will many others that have the opportunity to in some small way work with you. This will be done. You are
a brilliantly-colored tile in the mosaic of Urantia progress, and both I and Nebadonia appreciate you more than you can imagine. “Once more the question regarding receivership of celestial lessons
and messages has come up in a number of discussions and appears to need clarification. Initially it is advisable that
lessons are brought to you word for word. Often receivers, having become used to the routine, resent being given the
concepts to put into their own words. “Receiving such concepts to elucidate rather than repeating what
is received in an entirely rote fashion, may well seem to the receiver that perhaps contact is lessening or fading.
That is not so. The method by which information is shared by the higher spheres with your species is an ever-evolving
method, progressing from your being no more than the scribe or loud-speaker of your Teacher – little more than a puppet
on a string, I do say – to a valued and active co-worker with your Teacher. “This is not something new. This is not something personal.
This is not something typical to this world. This, instead, is a universal rule, a tried, tested, and proven method
of age-long standing that will allow you to accumulate greater credits for the task performed, and make you more of a partner
in this mission of revelation, and going forward, any such mission in all eternity. “Above all, it prepares you very credibly for the most valuable
advance you can make – that of expressing yourself clearly on behalf of the Fragment of our Father Creator which indwells
you. This slow and deliberate shift from word for word rote behaviour, to receiving concepts you yourself must express
or vocalise, is here to stay for our humble co-workers-receivers. The precious gains of psychic excellence more than
outweigh the occasional erroneous utterances of those who do not yet have the ego refined and suitably under control to not
allow personal beliefs to interfere with what they receive. “As our dear Machiventa made clear, methods once proven to be successful
become universe routine, universal rule, and here, too, success by far outweighs the occasional failure. I leave you
now my children. Be well. Be patient. Stay with the program. I am Michael, and all is well.” George: “Thank
you Michael.” © The 11:11 Progress Group. |