1.) Today's Angel Message
2.) Integrating the Levels of Self and the Love Frequency
3.) Jeshua - Message of the Day
4.) Greetings from the Galactic Federation:
5.) Universal Mind: I And My Father Are One
6.) Ego Leads You down the Garden Path
Isis' Message of the Day -
Albert Einstein said, "You cannot solve a problem from
the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew."
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Today's Angel Message
There have always been magnificent emissaries from the higher
realms scattered throughout this universe, and particularly in your galaxy and on the Earth, for this is where the culmination
of this Divine experiment in Creation is being played out in its final stages. As we have told you before, the Supreme
Creator is now taking an active role in the creative process of all the Omniverse, and the pure, rarified energy from ITS
heart core is now streaming forth and affecting every facet of ITSelf from the greatest to the most minuscule. Creation does
not contract; it is ever-expanding, and you have an integral part to play in that expansion. Each of you is the center of
your own universe. You, as a cocreator, send out energy and intent which creates thought patterns of a certain frequency
which go forth from you as rays of energy in an infinity sign. These pulsations go out in every direction creating
wave forms which are a reflection of your conscious thoughts, intent and actions. As you learn to stay heart-centered
and radiate unconditional love and balanced/harmonious vibrational patterns, your world and reality change dramatically, for
you are functioning as an empowered master of co-creation, a true Divine emissary of our Father/Mother God and
the Supreme Creator. During these times of uncertainty and great change, remember, my beloved warriors of Light, there is
nothing to fear and so very much to be gained. Feel the warmth of our sacred breath as it brushes your cheek, sense the aura
of love in which we surround you. We are near, reach out and touch us. We will respond. You are loved most profoundly.
~ I AM Archangel Michael ~
Integrating the Levels of Self and the Love Frequency
by Joe Weaver
Hello all,
If you have read some of my past posts you might have seen
the repeated statements about being and living the love frequency. There are always more ways to comprehend these words and
understand the meaning of being love in more of an expanded way. It is always the same message but with a different twist.
The more we allow ourselves to look at things in different ways without judgment the easier it is to comprehend it’s
deeper meaning.
The easiest way to go about expanding our knowledge of the
true workings of the Universe if through our own heart. By getting to know more about ourselves we get to know the truth of
what truly is.
There are as many ways to perceive the levels of Self as there
are levels within Creation. The understanding of what the Self is varies for each person because every person has integrated
a different level of understanding of what the “Self” is. When a person hears the word Self, they may only relate
this meaning to the physical Self. While to others the word Self may be viewed as the soul that exists within the vehicle
of the physical body; or even the everlasting Self of the I AM that creates the soul to experience physical reality. You may
even view the Self as being a formless collective consciousness that encompasses many physical embodiments. So there are many
ways to “perceive” the reality of Self. It is the physical knowingness of Self and it’s relation to it’s
reality. With each of the 12 main levels that relate to our physical body and DNA are corresponding chakras and Light bodies
that house our levels of perceptual awareness. Each level of Self has it’s own perceptual view of reality and comprehension
of it’s connection with the reality for which it exists. For each level the Self awareness is expanded the more knowledge
of the Universal Self of All One the person is able to understand. The levels of comprehending the Self continues to expand
if the soul of the person initiates this expansion of knowledge. With each level of the mental states of processing that are
released the expanded knowledge of Self is given the space to be integrated.
When the lower mental perspectives of our consciousness hears
the words “release.” It usually creates fearful emotions and thoughts because it thinks it is going to loose something.
This is because these levels of consciousness cannot comprehend what the knowledge of the expanded Self truly means. These
lower levels of Self will “think” it knows what the expanded levels of thought are and will relate all this to
being some sort of beliefs. It will “think” it has to “believe” in order to understand and the thought
of having to release itself to something viewed outside of itself will create feelings of fear. It may perceive these thoughts
of having to release itself as the end of the world and that it may loose what it has worked so hard to obtain. It will say,
how am I supposed to live and work in a society if I let go of my ways of thinking? By letting go of all this processing I
might just become a vegetable and will not be able to do anything. The truth is with each level of expanded awareness of Self
that is integrated your intelligence grows. Your abilities for multi-tasking, problem solving, intuitive awareness and so
on are expanded. So these notions related to loss are all tied to inner fears. With each level our conscious awareness expands
we begin to see that there is nothing to fear. All is only more expanded awareness and connection with all that is, which
includes the Earth, all the people/souls that exist on the Earth, beings from other planets, and all the elements that make
up the Universes and beyond. The only thing that limits this expansion of knowledge is the holding onto the thoughts, fears,
and beliefs that limit this knowledge from being integrated. So when you hear someone say everything is One, literally they
may have knowledge of their connection with being All One and again I will say no beliefs are needed to understand this. When
someone says they believe something it is like signing a contract. It is a contract that blinds them from experiencing the
truth beyond the belief. I have to thank my friend Hari Baba for passing along this comparison with a belief and a contract.
It is really a good way to put it. Beliefs are Self created illusions, they exist as long as you believe they are true. When
you learn something new, the old belief is no longer the truth. So why not just let go of all the illusions/beliefs and free
yourself! If you want to believe in something believe in your own love and knowingness of your connection with All One.
I want to be clear in saying that not one level of our conscious
being is better than another. Nor is a person that has expanded their awareness to their full everlasting knowledge is any
better than another person. These views of one being better than another come from our ego consciousness. All is part of the
whole and all is a part of the One. In most cases the more someone gets to know more of their expanded Self the more they
want to assist others in awakening to these realizations. It is only the ones that hold onto their egos that say they know
everything and want people to follow them. Wake up and follow your own Self!
Having separation or fear of something else that exists within
the Universe only creates more separation and un-knowingness. In order to expand our consciousness to beyond duality, duality
has to be released. This includes releasing the fears and separation from the dark levels of your own Self. In order to know
yourself in Unity consciousness the levels of conscious perception that views itself as separate from something else has to
be let go of. This process of letting go allows the expanded knowledge to descend within your perceived consciousness. For
example how could you expect a full glass of red juice to be filled up with a different color juice? You could view each level
of our conscious being as different colors of juice. With each one being a higher frequency of love and awareness, which encompasses
all the others. In order for the expanded level of our colored knowledge juice to come into the physical glass. The juice
that exists within the glass has to be emptied. So by keeping your conscious clear of barriers such as fearful patterns and
separation from the All One Self. You allow the expanded Self to be poured into your perceptual living awareness. You might
of heard other statements similar to this before such as become an open vessel and you will be filled with knowledge. When
we allow space to exist it fills up with energy and energy contains information and knowledge. When we hold onto one way of
seeing how reality is, we are holding onto one level of our conscious juice; which does not allow our true Divine levels of
Self from being acknowledged.
No matter what level of awareness a person obtains through
their conscious perception it only encompasses the others. Nothing is lost and nothing really goes away. All is just an expanded
view or reflection of the other levels. So when we focus and live the love of the purple juice for example we begin to vibrate
at the frequency of this level of Self. If we think we can spend a few hours a week being the purple juice and the rest of
the time living the frequency of the red juice. What do you think your glass will be filled up with? It’s not a part
time job. Living the love of Unity consciousness beyond duality means “living” it. This allows this level of frequency
and knowledge to descend and ground within your physical body.
Loving all and serving all is only loving and serving another
level of your own Self. What level of conscious awareness we obtain in this life lies within our willingness to get to know
more of our own Self of All One. If you fill your physical being up with so much love that it is overflowing into your daily
life, what is there to fear about darkness? You will be full of overflowing Light! Fill and overflow your glass with more
and more love without conditions. The expanded knowledge of your existence beyond the illusion will be allowed to integrate.
I would like to now talk a little bit about ascension and
how it plays into all these levels of Self. Every physical soul on Earth has already ascended to a certain level or it would
not of been able to descend into it’s existing body. Ascension and descension is a natural process of Creation. So now
as we enter the new age of Aquarius everything within this Universe is ascending into it’s expanded form. It is an opportunity
that many have waited for many lifetimes to ascend into a higher/expanded level of Creation/Self. It is the time of conscious
choice to expand the level of knowledge of Self. There is nothing to wait for, everything is already here and everyone has
all the tools for expanded their knowledge of Self. The willingness and degree of focus is up to each individual. As the Universe
continues to fill up with higher frequency love juice, each person has the choice to clear the space for it to come into.
It is all a very simple process. Open yourself to be One with the changes at hand. Fill yourself up with your own Light by
opening your heart to your own Divine I AM Self. Do what aligns with your heart, not what your mind of fear and separation
tells you. The power of the Universe lies within all people. Follow no one but yourself.
To give you some different ways to perceive the information
I have written in this post. You could change out the word “Self” with God or with any other word you wish. It
doesn’t really matter what word you use as long it is comprehended that you are already it. All is already One
and we are it. We are individual sparks coming off of one flame. Here to experience and learn more about ourselves. If you
wish to learn more about yourself. Then open your heart to your own I AM Self by saying I AM That I AM, and live the love
in the harmony of your own knowingness.
“Through our own expansion of love we assist all. There
is nothing to believe, open your heart and experience the truth for yourself.”
Shamballa ON to all that are open to receive. . . .
Love and peace to all,
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, whenever you give something away, more comes
in its place. So if you have been desiring something and you want to receive something, start giving it. If you have been
desiring health, start giving health, visualizing health for another friend. Put yourself in a place of envisioning them healthy
and whole, the Christ of them manifesting wholly through the body. And any part of you that has been calling out for healing
is going to receive healing ten-fold, because as you give, so it is given unto you ten-fold, and it works immediately. Now,
the catch to that is awareness. In other words, as you will envision for another one the wholeness that you are wanting for
yourself, you then want to be in a place of receiving consciously, acknowledging consciously that you are receiving the healing
that you are giving to another person. After all, there is no separation.
Greetings from the Galactic Federation:
July 6, 2011
The path to Disclosure has been a long and arduous one filled
with set backs and disappointments for everyone concerned. We feel your disappointment because it is our disappointment as
well. Just as desperately as you want Disclosure, we want to connect with you on a personal level so that we can share those
things which we can give to each other in Love and understanding. In this respect, you must stay ever vigilant, as the time
draws so much closer than you can imagine.
The activities of the Illuminati are decreasing as more and
more of their minions move away from that path towards the good. Every day there are more who refuse to do their bidding.
We see the most resistance to this change, however, in those of the Illuminati who control the underground facilities scattered
across your world. They have lived in more or less a sheltered way for many years, becoming ever so more disconnected to you
on the surface and ever more bold in their thinking that they are invincible. It is with this group that we find the most
difficulty. Those that control your money on the surface have more capability to reason and have shown this in the recent
past as more and more concessions are made towards the plans for Disclosure.
A new wave of energy has recently been “downloaded”
into your world causing minor instances of anxiousness and restlessness among you. This is yet another in the steps towards
Ascension that are part of a Divine plan.
Your media continues to divert your attention away from the
very wonderful and sometimes troubling news around your globe that interconnects with our messages of Disclosure and Ascension.
It becomes more apparent to those who are beginning to awaken. It will not last forever, and you will find as time draws close
to Disclosure that more attention will be focused on pertinent issues, much to everyone’s surprise. That will be one
among many signposts that Disclosure is occurring. It will happen and we will rejoice with you when it does.
For now, continue to focus your Love and Intention on those
that have the power to make it so and this will help hasten the process that will insure maximum safety for all when Disclosure
occurs. When we can be assured that we have reached such a level, the trigger will be pulled. It is our fervent hope that
your leaders do it first to signify your willingness as a people to become Cosmic Citizens.
Be at peace.
Universal Mind: I And My Father Are One
Channeled by Alec Christos Gabbitas
July 7. 2011
Blessings beloved friends, yet another opportunity for us
to communicate with you all once again, in these most energetic and ever changing times, where you are walking on ground that
you have not trodden before. You are in fact in an absolute virginal territory or zone within the higher echelons. There are
many variables and many possibilities as the pathways unfold before you and the 'right way' or road to follow, is to be found
only in the making and realizing, as there are no previous 'like situations' to compare notes with. It may well be said that
you are indeed the trail blazers and those whose greater attributes have warranted your coveted place here on beloved Mother
Earth at this time.
Greater climes are there none for these testing moments of
Terra's journeying through the universe, are paramount and second to none. For as she moves on into her pending and imminent
ascension, then does the whole universe take it's accommodating place in ever greater expansion, as transforming changes perfectly
replace and relocate all other associated stars and planets. These are monumental shifts and changes that will flow in perfect
and synchronized order as all bodies will remove to places which are wholly, energetically right. Metatron’s magic
will again be measured and associated with an exactness that is both awesome and authentic for this infinitesimal, immaculate
These current climes are imperative for all the Christed beings whom engrace this sweet earth,
for there is a destiny to be delivered in the nearness of time that can only, and will only, be harnessed by the light brigade
that is upon her fair soil at this now time. Many eons ago were these forthcoming events duly perceived by those whom had
eyes to see and it is now coming together in an immaculate concept, for all parties and relevant energies to be mathematically
aligning in these now times. Known perhaps as the end times, but more aptly surely are they the alpha or 'begin times' perchance!
Monumental occasions for one and all, extravaganza sure in an optimum manner of a heavenly eventuality. A universal celebration
of ultra finesse and commendable as the in-breathe of the Creator instils these energies of change, and of returning to sender!
Having imbibed within these recent mighty influx of energies
and the shifting’s thereof, can HU-man-kind now resonate upon re-balancing of said inputs, into a place of ever greater
alignment and ever finer spiritual prowess, for the door will be open for one and all who are ready, and up and running! There
are a multitude of wonder filled energies to gradually align to and imbibe, and then shall you truly recognize the power of
the infinite spirit that is surely within as furthering balancing continues. You may be, possibly, in a state of duress and
of unrest, feeling somewhat spaced out and then seemingly barren or maybe unloved. These feelings shall quickly pass you by
as you finally emerge into a place of 'quiet serenity,' not spaced out or 'wishy washy,' yet more self assured and quietly
refined. You may feel the strength, the power, and the love that has silently entered your very being, blessing you with an
ever grander inner soul resolve, and an introduction to the real you that is there to be recognized and revered!
Welcome all such opportunities as a veritable gift from God
and align yourself with the God energy that you are, yet have in past times distanced yourselves from unwittingly, and all
those loving energies were accredited, perhaps, only to outside of your wonder-filled self! These recent inputs will be indicating
now to you whom you truly are, and it is for you to accept and believe in whom you truly are! Stop hiding your light under
that proverbial bushel and allow the light, this very same God light, to shine forth in all it's majesty one with and not
separate from, Mother Father God itself! Be still and know that I Am God, be God and know that I Am still!
Each and every 'input' is a gift from the Ultimate, and it
is surely designed to reboot you all into the space / time continuum of ever greater revelations of whom you truly are. Many
memories are blanked off to some and they will be proffered various alternative opportunities to redefine and regroup in suitable
areas of learning, where the greatest or most appropriate situations will be abundant. You Are the Christed Beings that have
been selected and elected to be here incarnate at this God given time of greater universal movement. You are they who were
especially invited here to be, to proffer to mankind, to give to your fellow-being, a guideline or rule of thumb that will
assist and uplift each and every being here incarnate, the zest and somewhat of a direction to follow in their individual
searches for their own coveted Holy Grail.
You are here to hold fast the energies upon beloved Mother
Earth, being not only the kingpins, so to speak, but also the purist of channels who necessitate and make assistance for the
furthering inputs of love/light; or yet also for the releasing of discordant energies exiting the planet. Dual roles for they
who have chosen so to do, ever in demand and ever in highest good and service for the light and to All That Is. Life is an
abundance of 'all good things,' it is also an abundance of all relative things that are also assistive in multi-realizing
of these wonderful abundances that are there for every soul. HU-mankind will progress along all heavenly thrones to places
yet unseen or unheard and it is indeed a reality, yet unrealized, that abundances are paramount in all life, in all love,
in all that is a derivation of the light, for the Christ Light is the All in Life...
Go forth and multiply,
go forth and co-create, go forth and lighten this world in all it's majesty and mystical manifestation. Remember to keep on
remembering, as you reach the higher echelons, keep on accepting the abundances of life as you fly though the heavens with
your sword excalibur, astride the high flying steed, Pegasus, white and mighty in the constant memories and undulations of
life itself. Ride you well over the seeming unsurmountable trials and tribulations that are obviously the falling away of
the old and obsolete paradigms that have no longer rightful purpose in life as we now know it to be. Go forth and multiply,
be still and know that I Am God. Be God and know that I Am still...
(c)2011by Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind and
an ever United Kingdom. Please copy and share, giving full credit to the source of these messages * Email: gabbitas1@aol.com * Also to Lady Isis and The Light Circle Ezine) *
HEAVEN #3879
Ego Leads You down the Garden Path
July 9, 2011
God said:
“Come into my parlor,” said the spider to the
Ego operates like the spider to the fly. So tempting. So coaxing.
So promising.
Ego will make you important. Ego will make you the King of
the World. It will dress you and flaunt you.
Ego will make you the Queen who looks in the mirror and is
the fairest of all, is the fairest of all until ego drops you in favor of another.
Even if ego would deliver all the promises it makes, it gives
you little. Ego needs are hard to appease. Ego leaves you wanting. Even if you win star billing, a fortune, adoration everywhere,
it is little. It is not enough. Ego persuades you that happiness is yours when you are the fairest of all, or the mightiest
of all, or when you gain a contract or a beautiful home or a beautiful wife or whatever ego seduces you into believing will
bring you happiness.
Ego taunts you, teases you, leads you to believe that happiness
is around the corner, that all you need is one more thing that only ego can provide, and then there is another thing and another
that you require before happiness can be yours. And so you spend a lifetime with ego leading you down the garden path. Ego
lies to you, and ego leads you by the nose. Ego is so convincing. Ego holds out its hand, and you follow ego the way a dog
would follow a piece of meat.
You fall for ego time and time again. It is your ego that
tells you that you have not been fully appreciated. It is your ego that tells you that you must have the latest shade of lipstick
or first prize or the handsomest or richest of husbands. Ego will lead you astray at every turn, and it would seem that you
never learn. Ego sets its traps, and you fall into them as if you were a novice.
It is good to be innocent with life but not with ego. Be sophisticated
with ego. Be aware. Be wary. Ego does not give you a foundation.
You don’t have to be the belle of the ball. You do not
have to be famous. Everyone does not have to love your dress or fulfill your fictitious needs. You do not have to be the first
in line. You just have to be love. And, just as you were told as a young child, you have to share. What you really have to
have is the desire to share. Sharing without your heart behind it is just a motion. Life as it has been lived has had very
many motions without your full heart behind them. Otherwise, why would manners have to be taught? Who would have to be trained
to give his seat on the bus to someone who needs it more? Who would have to be told to share?
It is natural to share. It is unnatural to not share. Ego
would whisper in your ear that there is an advantage in selfishness, yet selfishness had to be taught. Giving love does not
have to be taught. What young child does not pluck a dandelion to give to his mother? No one told him: “Pick a dandelion
to give to your mother to show your love for her.”
It is natural to serve. Serving does not mean erasing yourself.
Serving means knowing yourself and knowing that all service is to Me. When you serve another, you are in service to Me. When
you are in service to one of Mine, you serve Me. You are also one of Mine. When you are in service to Me, you have a vaster
picture of yourself in the world. You have no desire to inflate yourself. And so you zap ego’s presumed power, and you
come into your own.
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* Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries *
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