Understanding Infinity
Neale Donald Walsch
Hello my wonderful
that ever was, is now, and ever will be, is now. And so, in the language of the Realm of the Absolute, there is nothing that
has not been created.
Only in the
language of the Realm of the Relative could the statement be made that the Totality of You cannot be known because it has
not yet been created. In truth, all of You has been created. Yet all of You has not yet been experienced by the individuated
part of You that is the localized expression of the Universal Self. It has not been experienced by your present consciousness.
The only way
for the individuated part of You that is the localized expression of the Universal Self to experience all of You is to recreate
parts of You until all of You has been Known. Yet the All of You is infinite and eternal. Therefore, it cannot be known or
experienced in any relative sense, but only in an Absolute Way.
Since the Local
You does not know that it is the Universal You, it imagines that it is creating, rather than recreating, itself in each moment.
This is its conceit. The Holy Experience is the dropping of this conceit. It is the shedding of this illusion. It is the lowering
of this veil. This is an act of great humility and an act of great self-glorification, both. It happens when we come to know
that we are not who we thought we were.
It occurs when
we understand that we are nothing at all, except exactly what we are right here, right now. And that we can change that at
our absolute discretion. Is this not what it means to be Divine? And is there any more glory than that?
Look to see,
then...who are you right now? What are you? Are you confused? Are you frustrated, finding all this difficult to follow? Are
you annoyed that you are not "getting it"... or overjoyed that you are?
You are none
of these things unless you say that you are. And you cease to be these things the moment that you say you are not. That moment
is the Holy Moment. That experience is the Holy Experience.
When you understand
the truth of Who You Are, you understand infinity. You can actually experience this understanding. That is, you can embrace
it not only intellectually, but experientially. There are at least five areas in which you can do so. Many more, I am sure,
but five that I can immediately think of. You can experience infinity in:
1. Love
3. Abundance
4. Energy
5. Divinity
These five
areas of life expression have, in my mind as I think of them, several sub-areas. And so the complete listing looks to me like
1. Love/Relationship/Sexuality
3. Abundance/Wealth/Health
4. Energy/Creativity/Aliveness
These are the
areas of life expression in which it is possible to encounter or create the Holy Experience. Next week here in the Bulletin
let me see if I can even more closely describe the Holy Experience, by more broadly defining it.
Hugs and