6:21 AM (8 hours ago)
to LighttoParadis.
Gavalia Evening Star Chief - We Observe with Sadness - Jul 03, 2012 - Everett, WA
Everett, Washington
We Observe Urantia with Sadness
July 03, 2012
I, Gavalia, the first born Evening Star of Nebadon salutes you tonight. Many things that will defy your imagination
are about to transpire in this spiritually deficient world, where the value of the material possessions, personal contemplation
and egotism have left virtually no space for the Universal Father in the minds and hearts of men.
We observe with sadness how this world advances, one step at a time, to oblivion. The evil on your world has been very
hard to eradicate, but eradication will be done as that is Father’s will. We are perplexed to see that there are instances
were even animals are more capable to treat others of their kind with kindness, even when this is a purely instinctual reaction
proper of their nature. How is it possible that mortals in this sphere live to aggrandize themselves or enrich themselves
by trampling the rights and lives of their brethren?
They seek the meaning of life outside of themselves, but that is perishable and has no spiritual value, instead of seeking
that meaning inside of them, which is where the kingdom of heaven indeed resides in the form of the divine Thought Adjuster.
For millennia we have labored in this world, under the mandate of our sovereign of Nebadon and with the Universal Fathers’
consent, to improve the mortal comprehension of matters of the Spirit, but progress has been hampered by the resilience of
the negative energies present here since the times of the beginning of the Lucifer rebellion.
However, the Universal Father has finally assumed direct control of this world and provided the extraordinary solution
to the evil existing here, and the solution is the extermination of evil and spiritual transgressors by all means necessary.
Those that accept Father’s mercy will be brought to His fold and evil will be eradicated from them with ministry, love
and mercy. Those that continue to reject Father’s mercy will be warned no more and will literally made to “disappear”
from Urantia, be those rebellious celestials or even mortals, with the assistance of the unrevealed Sentinels and other agents
of the Ancients of Days. The judgment passed on the guilty of so much suffering and negativity on Urantia will be swift indeed;
its consequence being extinction.
Do not “sleep on your laurels” thinking that these words of warning, repeated many times and in many messages
in the past, are pointing to events that will transpire beyond your lifetime because that is indeed not the case. Events on
this planet, by other men who have the goal to cause maximum destruction and harm to the world, are being planned by those
who do not have God in their hearts and minds, and so prompt divine intervention has been approved and will very soon now
take place.
Humanity will have front row seats to the most incredible spiritual events in its entire history. After these events
have transpired and this world has been “cleansed”, a new man, the “homo spiritus”, a man that by
default loves the Universal Father and respects His will, will repopulate it. Today’s human being belongs to a kind
that in several centuries from now will be extinct. Those that serve the Universal Father selflessly and with dedication will
indeed be recognized and remembered as the “lost Agondonters”, the very last of their kind, which will finally
leave this planet once those who have lived their very long existence assisting the Magisterial Mission, leave for Mansonia.
May you have a long life in the service of the Universal Father on Urantia, and may it be eternal in His service in the Orvonton,
Havona and finally in Paradise."