U Can Change Anything ... {Channeled}


Isis' Message of the Day -
"The law says that what I accept, I will experience. I have accepted with all my heart and mind, and I know that by Law, all that is good,  true, and beautiful in life is rushing to me now. The Law is fulfilled, and so am I."

~ John Price ~
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Team Beloved: You Can Change Anything!
Received by Kenton David Bell
There is nothing in all of Gods' Creation that can keep you from you.  Nothing in all of Creation that you have done that can keep you from experiencing Heaven now.
You are The Judge. The Jury. The Executioner. The Redeemer and The Redeemed. You have created it all.
Many of you are beginning to have these experiences where you cannot hold onto judgment any longer because, really, there's nothing to judge, it's all "You!"  They're all reflections, you see, and you are the Creator of it all. And as you begin to allow these judgments, these differences, to begin to melt away, something beautiful begins to happen. You then begin to have the "choice" to choose something different.  When you choose Love, Source, God, you begin to see Love, Source, God in everything and everyone.
As you begin to really see this in the Great Remembrance, you begin to awaken to your nature. You begin to awaken to who you truly are. And as you do this you begin to access more of your Divine potential, more of your power, more of your resources.

When we say resources, we mean you begin to realize who you truly are. You begin to realize the power that is at your fingertips. The energy that flows through you that sustains you from moment to moment. It is quite an exceptional thing here - God Source Energy in human form - quite a miraculous experiment; quite a miraculous creation; quite a miraculous experience.
When you experience something that you no longer want to experience and you become aware of this, meaning you bring a new awareness to this moment and you begin to see that you are the creator of this experience, then and only then you begin to take responsibility and own the power to change it. In this moment begin to Love this experience. Love the charge out of it. See it for what it is. This will begin to change everything.
You cannot say "Oh I create this or that in my life, but I don't create these other things that I don't like." You cannot have it both ways. Claim responsibility for it all and you'll have power over it all.
 Divine Power, So Be It!
There you have it. We are the Beloved and, dear ones, so are you. And it is with great joy that we share this with you today and welcome you into this sharing, this exchanging of energies and ideas. You are loved. You are love.

Team Beloved & Kenton
