Truth In U Wants 2 Come Out {Channeled by Christ Michael}





October 30, 2011


My children, this is your Father Michael.  There is a large TRUTH living inside your beings waiting to express itself.  Sometimes it may seem to you that your heart will burst.  This is TRUTH wanting to LIVE, and only you can make it real by bringing this into the world.  Sometimes it will feel painful if you express it, but that is only a momentary impression as you are birthing a new reality that is original and uniquely yours, and it must pass through a portal of error in order for it to truly radiate to the world.


This is your SOUL, my beloveds, and this is what your world now needs…to see awakened SOULS aligned in the WILL OF GOD alive walking on earth.  This is what I did as your brother Jesus.  I prepared the way for you to express CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS in all you think, feel and do, and it comes from truly living from and in your heart, where the seeds of your true self have been sewn and taken root.


However, you do not become SOUL all at once.  You take steps each day to demonstrate the beauty within.  You radiate your true self moment by moment, learning to subjugate the errors of thinking in states of fear or anger, intolerance and judgment to those of the LIVING TRUTH within you.  Here is where I meet you and help you reach for those spiritual ideals that ennoble human life.  Ask me to help you access CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS, and allow me to provide you those opportunities where you get to practice, practice, practice this each day.  Rejoice in what you experience as the rough edges of your animal nature are honed to reveal the beauty and majesty of YOU!  Be in my peace. 



This is what I want you to bring into awareness… Your perceptions of the world are sourced by you. Through your heart, you are the extension of Love and thus, perceiving only Love and experiencing the miracle of no barriers to the communion of the hologram in which you are fully immersed.

Real time is when you live through the heart and Real Love is what you experience there. Real communion is the miracle of Love finding itself everywhere, in everything, in all dimensions all at once, and experiencing the orgasmic shout of joy: “Yes, it is perfect. It is good. More, more Love…”

From The Messages from God
2011-11-10 | Circle of Light

Urantia, November 8, 2011. 
Teacher: The Beloved One. 
Subject: “The Presence.”

Received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “Enjoy being is the presence of the Eternal One, who can be found within the self in the Stillness of the human heart.

“To be in the presence of Pure Being gives the weary soul a rest and peace beyond human understanding.  This needs to be experienced first hand, and will then never be forgotten.

“Drink of this Peace, and let it saturate your physical, mental and emotional systems, so a healing balm will flow throughout.  Take your time.

“Your whole system now benefits enormously from this rest you are allowing yourself to take in, and your spirit feels nurtured beyond measure.

“It is becoming a more and more wonderful journey, quite as life is meant to be, without much strife and aggravation, which are the tormentors of the human mind and spirit.

“Life is good when lived with God, for God is good all the time.  It is the human who forgets to tune into the Center of Peace within.  Life is precious.  Growth is precious.  Progress in the spirit is precious.  Do not ever be too busy to grow.

“Take time out to reflect and turn within to seek that precious core of peace and stability.  I love you, spread My love around, it is endless.  Thank you for taking the time to turn within.  Be in My peace.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.